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Old thread: >>101311641

What are you working on, /g/?
Releasing a payload in the region inbetween Satania's mounds
Staring at satania
Making a Satania AI
i have a really retarded idea i think i might try for practice
NES emulator on the GPU where each vector thread is its own NES
Plotting electricity price with esp32.
Still need to install it to a wall.
That time of the day, huh?
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I have never written any code and I don't own a computer. I just came here to maidpost.
i am in pain.
What, from stroking too hard?
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OCaml my Camel
original character camel
satania milk
There have only been 2 serious programming posts out of 14 in this thread so far.
the latest version of FidelityFX is out including FSR 3.1 and brixelizer (actually really useful for retooling for voxel games)

so why not make one you'reself
>No sane person should ever use C in 2024. Even the congress said to avoid using it.
Congress, like most of these """""sane persons""""", is completely incompetent and wouldn't recognize good code if it slept with their wives. If you adhere to their opinion you'll never ever escape mediocrity
how can i detect libc++ automatically using cmake? currently doing it just manually.

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -stdlib=libc++ -fexperimental-library")
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi")
endif ()
Lawmakers and politicians in general are incompetent shitheads and if anything, their endorsement of Rust makes me *not* want to use rust.
I'm sticking to C++98 and you will *like* it, Uncle Sam.
Of all the C language versions, what is your preferred one? Mine is C11 because it introduces so many nice little things that make using C even more fun, such as variable arrays and anonymous structures and unions.
latest standard+compile compiler from git master
don't touch libc since i am afraid to mess things up
C language versions aren't something I'd get too passionate about, because they're good at not fucking up the core of the language between versions.
I don't care about microslop, so I just use $latest version. C23 has some neat things, but yeah, it's still earlier adopter pains at this point.
C++, the latest one (because i use arch by the way)
Next question.
I only use pre-standard C and pre-standard C++.
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<your favorite programming language> before:<year it was standardized, minus 1> file:pdb
Share with the class what you find in them pdfs.
*fuck, filetype:pdf, not file:pdb
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I want to work on a project so I can get good at SQL
Anyone have any ideas that might be fun?
interesting idea anon. lots of stuff to read into here.
I chose 1994 because that's when the final ANSI standard came out I think.
Local webserver, Perl, MySQL.
whatever you want and just use sqlite for config, settings, and data
ChatGPT terminal user interface
More like ChatGPT terminal brain cancer
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>just use sqlite for config, settings
this is reminding me how much I miss classic (seasons 3-7 in particular) simpsons.
God. Fuck.
which RFC/docs should I follow for making an IRC server from scratch? Looking at RFC1459 is quite obtuse to follow and there are 5 other RFCs that update it
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It's my day off.
How do I start graphics programming? I want to make a demo of some sort
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>What are you working on, /g/?
I'm thinking about learning GTK to make my own MS paint clone
You could contribute to Pinta
I was not aware about this, thank you anon
This is one of those things that unfortunately isn't completely adopted, but at least it links to a bunch of relevant specs.
vkguide.dev after that for vulkan
this is a great place to learn some of the math behind graphics programming
and this is a site for writing shaders in the browser by the dev of the previous site

this is AMD's open source graphics programming site and there's a ton of useful stuff all over it
Sorry, but I love my eyes too much to read such miserably small fonts.
>Back in the good old days-- the "Golden Era" of computers-- it was easy to separate the men from the boys (sometimes called "Real Men" and "Quiche Eaters" in the literature). During this period, the Real Men were the ones who understood computer programming, and the Quiche Eaters were the ones who didn't. A real computer programmer said things like "DO 10 I=1,10" and "ABEND" (they actually talked in capital letters, you understand), and the rest of the world said things like "computers are too complicated for me" and "I can't relate to computers-- they're so impersonal". (A previous work [1] points out that Real Men don't "relate" to anything, and aren't afraid of being impersonal.)

this whole thing is gold
Adding a contact form for people who visit my site, and learning node.js to get an old project up and running.
Oh man, this article sounds like garbage. The first paragraph is already enough for me to never look back.
actually read it, it's a shitpost from 1983

>Real Programmers do List Processing in Fortran.
>Real Programmers do String Manipulation in Fortran.
>Real Programmers do Accounting (if they do it at all) in
>Real Programmers do Artificial Intelligence programs in Fortran.
>Real Programmers aren't afraid to use GOTOs.
>Real Programmers can write five page long DO loops without getting confused.
>Real Programmers like Arithmetic IF statements-- they make the code more interesting.
>Real Programmers write self-modifying code, especially if they can save 20 nanoseconds in the middle of a tight loop.
>Real Programmers don't need comments-- the code is obvious.
>Since Fortran doesn't have a structured IF, REPEAT ... UNTIL, or CASE statement, Real Programmers don't have to worry about not using them. Besides, they can be simulated when necessary using assigned GOTOs.
>Some of the concepts in these Xerox editors have been incorporated into editors running on more reasonably named operating systems-- EMACS and VI being two. The problem with these editors is that Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in Women. No, the Real Programmer wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor-- complicated, cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous. TECO, to be precise.
>It has been observed that a TECO command sequence more closely resembles transmission line noise than readable text[4]. One of the more entertaining games to play with TECO is to type your name in as a command line and try to guess what it does. Just about any possible typing error while talking with TECO will probably destroy your program, or even worse-- introduce subtle and mysterious bugs in a once working subroutine.
>For this reason, Real Programmers are reluctant to actually edit a program that is close to working. They find it much easier to just patch the binary object code directly, using a wonderful program called SUPERZAP (or its equivalent on non-IBM machines). This works so well that many working programs on IBM systems bear no relation to the original Fortran code. In many cases, the original source code is no longer available. When it comes time to fix a program like this, no manager would even think of sending anything less than a Real Programmer to do the job-- no Quiche Eating structured programmer would even know where to start. This is called "job security".
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In xlib, is there any way to move a window across multiple xinerama monitors?
I tried using xdotool and xlib calls to move windows around but I couldn't move them past the boundaries of the window they're currently on, and it only moves to where I want it if I drag that window to the monitor I want first.
*past the boundaries of the monitor they're on
Did you just wake up from 2005? Anyway, I'm pretty sure Xinerama monitors are separate and can't do that.
You use the modern way (by X standards), Xrandr, where you have all of your monitors treated as one big monitor.
drag and drop without the dropping?
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I use python because I enjoy it.
Brave for you to admit. I'd have too much shame.
Yeah actually enjoying yourself is so shameful.
The problem isn't the enjoyment so much as it's its underlying action.
let us get to the actual issue:
Do you know anything about computers?
ok keep doing what you are doing
think about computers, read the atmega328p manual
What should I name this function?
static int
f(x, match, follow, v)
long x;
unsigned match, follow;
if (x%2 == 0 && has_branch(x/2, match, follow, v))
return 1;

return has_branch(x, match, follow, v)
|| has_branch(x*2, match, follow, v);
anyone done ebpf programming here? looks interesting, might have to take a look. already have the oreilly downloaded, any other good sources for learning it?
f is the perfect name already
I didn't even know that was valid syntax
not valid in c23 anymore
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I started defining a simple status change protocol and ended up on several weeks of polishing an interface around it
>K&R style function declaration
He doesn't know...
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Added array serialization to my DBus client library.
struct thing {
uint32_t array1[10];
uint16_t *array2;
uint8_t array2_len;

static const struct cdbus_serialization_info info[] = {
.type.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
.type.struct_offset = offsetof(struct thing, array1),

.length.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_SIZE_T,
.length.flags = CDBUS_FLAG_DIRECT,
.length.direct.usize = 10,

.array_stride = sizeof(uint32_t),
.array_type = &(static const struct cdbus_serialization_info) {
.type.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_UINT32,
.type.struct_offset = 0,
.type.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_BYTE,
.type.struct_offset = offsetof(struct thing, array2_len),
.type.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
.type.struct_offset = offsetof(struct thing, array2),

.length.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_BYTE,
.length.struct_offset = offsetof(struct thing, array2_len),

// Read every other element
.array_stride = sizeof(uint16_t) * 2,
.array_type = &(static const struct cdbus_serialization_info) {
.type.sig = CDBUS_TYPE_UINT16,
.type.struct_offset = sizeof(uint16_t),
struct thing t = {
.array1 = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 },
.array2 = (uint16_t[]){ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 },
.array2_len = 6,

cdbus_serialize(info, &t);

array of 'u': length 10 {
uint32_t: 0
uint32_t: 1
uint32_t: 1
uint32_t: 2
uint32_t: 3
uint32_t: 5
uint32_t: 8
uint32_t: 13
uint32_t: 21
uint32_t: 34
uint8_t: 6
array of 'q': length 6 {
uint16_t: 2
uint16_t: 4
uint16_t: 6
uint16_t: 8
uint16_t: 10
uint16_t: 12
Any powershell niggas that can check if this will nuke my house or something https://gist.github.com/ericchansen/68485e96f8c17abf388cb4a58ebe5ef3
looks fine it just calls Get-PnpDevice every 5 seconds until you close it
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Is it just me, or is the whole MLKit docs 404'ing?

why would I need appimage if I want to deploy a application? Can't I just copy the libraries and then adjusted the LD_LIBRARY_PATH/rpath zip the dir and ship that?
Aight, thanks
In theory yes, but it's pretty hard to stay entirely self-contained like that.
You're almost going to want to link against libc, and bundling that really isn't the greatest idea. It could also be something large like GPU drivers, which itself is going to link to libc.

So you decide, "fine, I'll just let it resolve the system's libc", but then you've got the whole glibc vs musl vs whatever other alternative which probably aren't going to be binary compatible.
If you have some kind of container, you push the maintenance of that problem onto someone else who's probably already provided a "clean" environment for you.

But I still think containers are a meme most of the time. The real 999 IQ play is to not distribute your software at all, and trick other people into doing it for you, by making it as easy as possible to build.
How do I force myself to code before they fire me? It's COBOL btw.
published the linux framebuffer backend for my window creation library which allows my gui programs to run as an overlay on fbcon
currently terminal input only, no "real" keyboard or mouse support yet
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I miss winter.
it makes mustard gas
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It doesn't.
Picrel makes mustard gas.
I'm trying to learn C. I'm wondering whether there is a better way to concatenate a string and int before assigning the value to the member of a struct.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NAME_MAX_LEN 64

struct cat {
char name[NAME_MAX_LEN];

int main(void)
const int count = 10;

struct cat *cats = calloc(count, sizeof(struct cat));

for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
char cat_name[NAME_MAX_LEN];
snprintf(cat_name, NAME_MAX_LEN - 1, "Cat %d", (i + 1));
strncpy(cats[i].name, cat_name, NAME_MAX_LEN - 1);

for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
printf("%s\n", cats[i].name);


No need to call calloc unless you actively rely on values being zero (which you don't).
No need to call malloc either; the struct array easily fits on the stack (640 bytes ought to be enough for everybody).
And you can snprintf directly into cats[i].name without the temporary store into cat_name.
Thanks, Bill. I've fixed my code as you suggested. Would it be a retarded idea to dynamically allocate the space needed for the names instead of #defining it to be 64 bytes long?
>a better way to concatenate a string and int
Admittedly, I'm not too familiar with C to definitely say: I would've rolled my own implementation instead of using the standard library.
But for what you're trying to do, it looks good.
Depends on your requirements and competency. With a static size you're not only potentially wasting space if the strings are smaller than expected, but you're also limiting yourself to exactly that amount of bytes. On the other hand it never hurts to have a couple extra bytes on standby, and if 64 is the absolute max you will ever need ... why not?

Also, if the strings all have more or less the same lifetime, then you can use an arena rather than mallocing/callocing memory for every single string you store: https://www.rfleury.com/p/untangling-lifetimes-the-arena-allocator
You should avoid malloc/calloc in general: >>101343060
is there a reason I shouldn't just use huge static buffers for everything and let demand paging take care of memory management for me
-using much more memory that you need, or using not enough.
-no control over the allocation in the first place (different page sizes).
-multithreading can drill you a new one because you might not know how many threads you end up with.
>I would've rolled my own implementation
What I meant by this is the following:

#include <stdio.h>

#define COUNT 20

// Int size checking from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2584937
#if INT_MAX == _I64_MAX
// "Cat " (4 chars) + maximum digit count for int64 (19 digits) + string terminator
#define NAME_MAX_LEN 24
#elif INT_MAX == _I32_MAX
// "Cat " (4 chars) + maximum digit count for int32 (13 digits) + string terminator
#define NAME_MAX_LEN 18
#elif INT_MAX == _I16_MAX
// "Cat " (4 chars) + maximum digit count for int16 (5 digits) + string terminator
#define NAME_MAX_LEN 10
// Assuning int8
// "Cat " (4 chars) + maximum digit count for int8 (3 digits) + string terminator
#define NAME_MAX_LEN 8

struct cat {
char name[NAME_MAX_LEN];

void initNameOf(char name[NAME_MAX_LEN], int i) {
name[0] = 'C';
name[1] = 'a';
name[2] = 't';
name[3] = ' ';

if(i < 0) {
// Nope, we're not handling negative numbers
name[3] = '\0';


if(i < 10) {
// Special case: Single-digit number (including zero)
name[4] = '0' + i;
name[5] = '\0';


int numberOfDigits = 0;
for(int iCopy = i; iCopy > 0; iCopy /= 10, numberOfDigits++);

name[4 + numberOfDigits] = '\0';

for(; numberOfDigits > 0; numberOfDigits--, i /= 10)
name[3 + numberOfDigits] = '0' + (i%10);

void main() {
struct cat cats[COUNT] = { 0 };

for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
initNameOf(cats[i].name, (i + 1));

for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
printf("%s\n", cats[i].name);
name[0] = 'C';
name[1] = 'a';
name[2] = 't';
name[3] = ' ';


*(uint32_t*)name = *(uint32_t*)"Cat ";
how can I make a thin tmux client? I just want to be able to run commands through the tmux unix socket
*(uint32_t*)name = *(uint32_t*)"Cat ";

Interesting. I would've thought strcpy-ing from a static template would've been the better way to go.
I would've thought, that that'd be equivalent to
name = &"Cat ";
; but testing both out, yours works and mine doesn't.
I (partially) understand, why mine doesn't work; but why is your casting of pointers any different to assigning it an address directly?
It suck just use nim
Nim is too hard for most Pythonbabs
actually read the manual and finished paging
for the third time now
Yours isn't dereferencing either pointer so you are assigning a "derived declarator type" object whose value is an address, rather than the object being pointed to.
*(uint32_t*)name = *(uint32_t*)"Cat ";

evaluates to an object of type pointer to char whose value is an address that the compiler understands to be the location of a char-sized object. Note that the actual type of the string literal is actually char (*)[5] not char*, so this isn't actually correct but I'm simplifying.
(uint32_t*)"Cat "
tells the compiler to ignore what it thinks the type of this value is, and instead to treat it as the location of an object of type uint32_t.
*(uint32_t*)"Cat "
dereferences that pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer and the expression evaluates to the object it points to.
does the same thing to the lvalue pointer. "Treat this pointer to char as a pointer to an object of type uint32_t."
the complete evaluation of the lvalue tells the compiler that the evaluated rvalue expression, which is a uint32_t, should replace the current uint32_t value stored at (uint32_t*)name.
Also remember that arrays decay to pointers in (almost) every expression, so "name" could be a proper array, but its place in an expression is represented by a pointer to its first element. The array is decaying to a pointer as of being passed as an argument to the function anyway.
name = &"Cat"
would be changing the value of "name", an address, not the value of the object it points to.
Attempting to modify a string literal is undefined behavior in any case. It may work but every time the string literal "Cat " is evaluated it's probably the same address each time to the literal data in .rodata
The autist you're responding to has been going on about compiler string read/write code generation optimizations for weeks now.
>refreshing myself on Java
>have a class with a field/method I want subclasses to access but no one else
>no access modifiers achieve this
What do?
Also, why? That sounds really common.
Stop using pOOP
But doesn't Java have protected?
You can do that or assume you're on a little endian machine and assign the actual uint32_t for the string.
Protected in java is internal in C#, it's public to all within the package.
Recommend me some old programming books
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Programming the Z80 by Rodnay Zaks
Or, if you prefer, Programming the 6502 by the same author
Or be more specific as to what you're looking for
>Books published around the same time as retro games
the only use case I can think is that you want people to edit your package's source but somehow not access parts of it

if you're gonna distribute a library for people to import, it makes no difference if your methods are visible within the package
Waste of time, it's like asking to read an old construction book that still tells you to use asbestos for insulation, we know better now. If you want to learn old techniques you should go look at things that were actually built in the time period you're interested in to see what people were actually doing, not what peoples opinions were.
I want subclasses to access it, I don't want the whole package to (really just for cleanliness at that point desu).
e.g. I have a class, it's important to set some specific variables if you extend it, those variables aren't known at the start of the constructor so I can't just slap a super(args) and deal with it in the base class constructor, this means either I need an init(args) that's visible to subclasses or I need the variables themselves to be accessible. Obviously I don't want either to be accessible to other classes.
From what I can gather my assumption of packages is wrong, they must expect you to create a package for fucking everything.
you are the only person editing inside the package, just don't access the things you don't want accessed. I know proper encapsulation feels cleaner and better, but... your package is yours man, you don't need to protect you from yourself
not that anon but thanks i needed a z80 book i want to do dumb shit with my ti-84 calculator
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What's the most pleasant to use language you've tried?
Why don't you write all your projects in it?
rust. I do.
>wanna make c++
>think of project
>it's more efficient to do it in python
>it's more educational to do it in assembly
okay what now
>wanna make
wanna learn
ruby is nice if you dont care about how it runs
If you want to learn something then how can it be more educational to do it another way? If it has elements that probably should be assembly, then just do those bits in assembly.
prototype it in python, i usually write stuff in Blender so I don't have to mess with rendering libraries
then port it to C++, this step is nice because you can refactor at the same time
learning assembly is just a matter of looking at compiler outputs, you don't want to be writing that stuff from scratch unless you plan on never finishing anything
>language is either really enjoyable to write but performance is fucking dogshit
>or the performance is good but writing the language is about as pleasant as passing a kidney stone
I want to be free of the C++/Python hell
>What's the most pleasant to use language you've tried?
>Why don't you write all your projects in it?
It's C#.
>why dont you write all your projects in it
because oop is too good to pass up.
I'm programming in C++98 and earlier (pre-standard) versions of C++ using old compilers running in VMs and targeting the OSes on those VMs and NO ONE CAN STOP ME
>because oop is too good to pass up.
Good morning, saar
that's so dumb
like i downloaded VS97 disc 3 to take a look at the pipes screensaver source code and even just looking at c++ from that era is gross
Good morning, babyduck
>Good morning, babyduck
Excuse me, saar. It's not the 90s. Only we know OOP is perfect for good looks
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>assign the actual uint32_t for the string
Oh, I see it now.
I've just tried using different casts (uint8_t, uint16_t and uint64_t), confused why I sometimes get "C" or "Ca", and I just needed to reread the explanations for it to click.

"Cat ", assuming char is 8 bits, can also be represented as a 32-bit integer (without the null-terminator).
What's being done is, that 32-bit integer's being copied over into the memory space of name.

>Attempting to modify a string literal is undefined behavior in any case. It may work but every time the string literal "Cat " is evaluated it's probably the same address each time to the literal data in .rodata
That was exactly my concern with
*(uint32_t*)name = *(uint32_t*)"Cat ";
, but I see now that, with all that casting and dereferencing, that's avoided.
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datatype exp
= True
| False
| Int of int
| Not of exp
| Add of exp * exp
| If of exp * exp * exp

fun eval True = True
| eval False = False
| eval (Int n) = Int n
| eval (Not e) = if eval e = True then False else True
| eval (Add (a, b)) = (case (eval a, eval b) of (Int x, Int y) => Int (x + y))
| eval (If (e, t, f)) = eval (if eval e = True then t else f)

for me it's SML
Based, if only there were implementations that people actually used. OCaml and F# both fall short of SML
Can get slow, and not easy to package into a standalone binary
>not a GADT
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>The autist you're responding to has been going on about compiler string read/write code generation optimizations for weeks now.
I mean, if it works ...
Nim kings wwa?
Anything like godbolt but for old compilers?
Not denying that. I just wish compilers were not such black boxes so things like this would not even be noteworthy. C has so many idioms for manual optimizations that are all considered bad practice because "the compiler can do it for you"
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Anyone have any tips for reverse engineering? I'm trying to build some development tools for a proprietary dbms (similar to Access) but keep getting tripped up by new discoveries. I change one thing and suddenly a rule my code is based on changes, tables are saved in mixed up order for every schema write to the file, etc.

Is there a better way to uncover all these besides stumbling over them?
scriptlet here, i need a bit of help structuring a loop (?)

i have a vertex, it has neighbours. i loop over the array of neighbours, get their positions, average it and that becomes my new position.
i would like to add a depth parameter. if set to 1 it does what i just described. if set to 2 includes the positions of the neighbours for each of the vertices in the neighbour array. if set to 3 it dives another level further.

how do i set it this up?
>I just wish compilers were not such black boxes
Is this even possible when chips have 3 layers of backwards compatibility and your asm ops get shredded into micro ops.
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th...thanks.. i think...
i'm not sure this is what i need, since i already have the neighbour arrays. if you tell me this is what i need tho then i'll think harder about it
you want the average of nodes at level <=n (i.e. within n edges) maybe excluding 0
honestly its really simple, just keep a set of visited nodes, recursively go out up to N putting everything you touch in the set to prevent issues with cycles and accumulating total position for things newly added
then divide total position by no. elements in the set
I can't remember a time when relying on memory fetches was faster than using immediate operands, even if the references happened to be satisfied by L1: https://uops.info/table.html?search=add&cb_lat=on&cb_tp=on&cb_ADLP=on&cb_ADLE=on&cb_ZEN2=on&cb_ZEN4=on&cb_measurements=on&cb_base=on
>look at code I've done a long time ago
>looks better than anything I've done in recent years
Am I getting worse?
No you always sucked
Probably easier to not try to use a loop and just do nine lines of (x-1, y+1), (x, y+1), ...
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>C++ Code Like you are in MATRIX : Mastering C++ in 12 Hours

12h C++ course free for next 24h
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>Mastering in 12H
Good morning saar
Not durgasoft not interested
skill issue
Should take you about an hour unless you're brown (which you are)
Does it teach me how to use std::pmr::memory_resource without it ending up being a thinly-veiled layer around much more intuitive C interfaces?

You know what, scratch that, I'm not interested either way.
Yes, saar, please teach us about the pointer smarts
instructor sounds russian\slavic
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>Haha guise I made another saar joke am I in the cool kids club now?
i.. i think you guys might be overestimating what i am capable of... i think i just needed the structure of a recursive function for diving into those arrays. i can throw out duplicates pretty easily since verts have identifiers. thanks tho.

tb h i'll probably never dive more than 2 levels deep so i could just do the retard thing.
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... joke?
Cniles are beyond saving
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"Microcode" is not a programming interface, nor an abstraction of one, so I don't see why this is ever relevant
>tb h i'll probably never dive more than 2 levels deep so i could just do the retard thing.
I think you want something like this to start
total = verts[y-1][x-1] + verts[y-1][x] + verts[y-1][x+1] +
verts[y ][x-1] + verts[y ][x+1] +
verts[y+1][x-1] + verts[y+1][x] + verts[y+1][x+1]

and then add the extras like average/depth/etc
I would rather eat a bullet than be """""saved""""" by C++'s atrocious memory management.
function dive(me, level) {
if (level is 0) return me;
next_me = average_pos(me.neighbors);
return dive(next_me, level - 1);

function rec_dive(nodes, me, level) {
if (level is 0) return;
for each n of me.neighbors {
if (n not in nodes) nodes.add(n);
rec_dive(nodes, n, level - 1);
function all_dive(me, level) {
return average_pos(rec_dive([], me, level));
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huge oppai
When will you get tired of posting the same debunked meme over and over again?
bless u lads
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Why don't you already prove me wrong with your own custom-made registry dumper in Rust?

><insert excuse for not doing it>
Yeah, thought so.
Is there a version of the "roll for a programming project" image that replaces every project idea by a Windows registry dumper?
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No, but I could use more memes made about me. They feed my ego.
here is a registry dumper in haskell
main = pure ()

it doesn't work on winblows
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Doesn't even produce an approximation of the actual data. Discarded.
winblows isn't supported botanon
>winblows isn't supported
Another reason for rejection.
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I have this class that would like to inherit from two classes but i need it to fit into an array of members of one of the classes (yet another layer of dereferences is out of the question), is this doable in sepple? I am obviously not using all members of each class
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std::variant? Seems silly to use multi inheritance but then bitch about pointer dereferences, you're already being stupid might as well go full retard
i just dont want to use templates and bloat up my binary and also dont want to rewrite the same function for this thing man
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>mfw I shave better than people who experience a complete breakdown if you tell them they don't pass
>A variant is not permitted to hold references, arrays, or the type void.
sadly useless.
vtable dereferences is not a template what are you on about
>A variant is not permitted to hold references
neither can an array?
use std::array
>or the type void.
void is not a useful type
the more you talk the more retarded you sound
If the classes are not the same the offsets are different, no matter what trickery you use if they are not the same class the compiler will write another function
oh so it's an imaginary problem that doesn't exist and you're just insane, sorry for enabling you.
get your head out of your ass you fucking faggot, i have already said that i cannot use ANOTHER fucking layer of dereferences, what kind of shitlang would force me to waste megabytes this way? If you are going to be a faggot then fuck off.
you are a complete fucking retard
Daily larpers thread, stupid of me to even bother asking
>proceeds to not fuck off right whence he came
You're the one trying to find a way to store an array of references to type void in another array without using pointers, functions or templates, have fun, don't forget to take your meds!
LOL, this would be doable in assembly, fuck you and your shitlang.
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for me it's 36
>web frontend
Most people here wouldn't even know how to get a basic HTTP server running.
>i am le proud of using le frameworks
kek, you are literally flaunting about beating your meat in a cuck chair
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>he thinks basic HTTP server includes frameworks
oh please i've made utility web servers in c++ for talking to my phone
i had to set up a reverse proxy to bypass restrictions on mobile data
it was trivial
if you're a webdev, you aren't smart, your nonsense is just needlessly complex
>unironically implementing a parser for http
you are insane.
>reverse proxy
Pathetic. I said "basic webserver". No proxy or upstream server, no Unix sockets, no IPC.
Rust cultists/shills aren't bringing their best today I see
>thinks this is hard
jesus christ brother this is getting embarrassing, you read the manual for accept() and now you think you are some kind of God programmer kek
Go, I do (except when I want to use C instead).

Really enjoyed M too, but it’s not practical for much and practically has RCE for poorly sanitized inputs as a language feature.
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I love how you just attempt projection after projection after projection, and they all fall flat because you don't know what you're talking about.
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Gentlemen, the adult has entered the building.
You may now bow down.
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>no AVX support
Nice try, grandpa.
Who needs AVX? You shouldn't have to rely on SIMD for your code to run well.
Why not, grandpa? Would that make you feel old and useless?
turbo retard
Hmm, interesting. Though that site is run by the creator of Go, so I'd say he's a hypocrite. Go is poop.
For the record, I'm 24. How old are you? 5?
>answering a question no one asked
honestly, you are completely retarded
Go back to writing fizzbuzz or whatever flavor of the week text parser in whatever flavor of the week instruction set, maybe you will get a raise at the NSA job your granny got you if you parse jewish text faster this time.
>no one asked
You called me grandpa, so it was only fair I shattered your weak attempt at an insult.
I've spent the last couple days confusing myself from spurts of "cool idea" moments and ended up in a nostdlib debugging hell. It's almost over.
cant relate, it has never been more begun
standing paizuri
Looks like I broke the bot.
All they can do is repeat the same pattern over and over again.

>it was only fair I shattered your weak attempt at an insult
Oh yeah, you totally showed me by never explaining why AVX shouldn't be more readily deployed.

oh the joys of near and far pointers
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I accept your concession.
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>I accept your conces--AIIIEEEEEEEEEE MY PC IS ON FIRE
>retards cant into segmentation
kek, as expected of a textparser nigger
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Wrong: https://gist.github.com/rygorous/32bc3ea8301dba09358fd2c64e02d774
>"Regular" lets you use any 128-bit wide instructions and "light" 256-bit instructions (shuffles and integer adds/logic/shifts OK, no FP, nothing that powers on the 256-bit multiplier whether int or FP)
>"AVX2 heavy" lets you use all 256-bit wide instructions and "light" 512-bit wide ones. Base and turbo frequencies are about 15% lower than baseline.
>"AVX512 heavy" lets you use anything. Forces the frequencies to be about 25-30% lower than regular.

>inb4 what good are shuffles and shifts
More than the likes of you can imagine.
No no no, I accept yours.
>literal no u out of thin air
Looks like the bot caught AI dementia.
>still schizoing out because he can use some instructions on an fpga someone else made
kek, you are not smart for figuring out pshufb, (You) are pathetic.
How am I a bot?
Look buddy, I think you confused me for someone else.
>everyone who replies to my bait out of boredom is a bot
Drink a beer.
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>look buddy
go back
To be honest, I'm not really that bored. Pissing this "AVX is good, I'm smart you're not" retard off is pretty entertaining.
It's hardly bait when he's the one who's going for the hook.
What do you think about Data Centric Introduction to Programming


It's from the same authors of How to Design Programs.
>>look buddy
>go back
You first, buddy!
Thank you!
>the sky is blue, source?
>reverts to Turing-test levels
Truth be told, I'd deny being a bot too, if that's the best I could do.
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Fucking lmao this schizo's gone off the deep end
Further proof that C++98 is king and anyone who seethes at it is a mentally deranged lunatic.
you are like a bird looking at my posts bro, you dont get my text parsers and shifting operations bro
>not a single mentioning of FPGA
>l-look, m-mate, I was j-just pret-tending to be r-retarded
I smell your cold sweat.
>intel distributes microcode updates
>noooo bro it is not fpga
whatever nigger
>I smell your cold sweat
Whatever, you weirdo, that's kinda gay.
>reverts into complete schizo-talk
the wiki article on that is fucking nonsense by the way
What microcode is about is RAM driving, the mmu, shit like that
Instruction decoding is all hardware
nta but you should look in the mirror before calling someone a schizo thoughbeit
I don't care for your leaps in logic, sorry.

Not my fault you don't shower out of conviction.
never said he liked it you closeted peadophile
>N-not my fault I'm smelling y-your c-cold sweat! It's not like I enjoy it or anything.
Sorry Anon, but unlike you I'm not gay. You'll have to bring your fetishes elsewhere.
... just out of curiosity: what mental illness causes you to think I give a shit about your assessments?
>Didnt deny enjoying anons cold sweat
topkek you are a faggot
>It's not like I enjoy it or anything.
... it really does sound like dementia, doesn't it? Where they just make up a complete alternative reality? Scary.
>.... just out of curiousity

Xir is a woman isnt zhe?
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>... it really does sound like dementia, doesn't it? Where they just make up a complete alternative reality? Scary.
>this degree of projection
sir the flight is about th fall of sir the boaing isnt holding sir
I want a plankalkül-like
You remind me of Trump. You both refuse to acknowledge reality, no matter how many times you're being corrected.
>Pissing this "AVX is good, I'm smart you're not" retard off is pretty entertaining.
is textbook "I was just pretending to be retarded".
>You remind me of Trump. You both refuse to acknowledge reality, no matter how many times you're being corrected.
Didn't ask but okay. I hate the guy too but you sound like him more lmao
You hate yourself? Makes sense.
>brings up Trump out of nowhere and compares me to him
This fella might as well be a /pol/tard or a rusttard
>brings up Trump out of nowhere and compares me to him
Yeah, I've been fascinated by his total disregard for reality ever since his conviction.
C++98 wins again.
>seething so hard about the trump comment he started samefagging
We had the greatest economy in history.
Gitlab or github?
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Whatever you like more.
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for me it's
git is retarded, private repository over the internet (aka own servers, own esstablishment) and doing manual backups
self-hosted gitea instance
if you really want to rely on something non-hosted by you, then gitlab
if you want to join the popularity contest or want to have the small chance to be besieged by some minority then github
Does gitlab require fucking money?
No service should require you to have sex with money.
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not really, it's free but unless you require the epic devops features or some limit enhancement it's really not worth it for the average programmer
you can also selfhost gitlab as well for free with the community edition
I had VB6 when I was a teen. My first real language to toy with
is this even possible?
Possibly: https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2017/07/30/ubershaders/
I have a physical boxed copy, it's cool
comes with a couple reference textbooks in the box.
removed a layer of abstraction, feeling happy.
Tomorrow reading about pci host bus programming in an old intel manual and writing a driver for it, which is probably pointless (mps only mentions apics being standardized in *that* way) but whatever
yes, from what i can tell it shouldn't be that hard overall
especially if you're doing it in a compute language with actual access to the hardware (i.e. CUDA, SYCL, or HIP)
i haven't been feeling well enough to really start start (COVID, everything fucking hurts) but i've been reading NES emulator info for a little bit in prep

that's something else, a monolithic shader that handles a lot of decisions dynamically, that's actually useful and is actually modern best practices as recommended by id
what i want to do is just fucking retarded but there are things i want to test that make it useful for practicing
actually scratch that is is a little bit like what i want to do in that it's handling emulation of the rendering pipeline with that style of shader
i must have skimmed over that bit when i first read that article a while back
Looking to build my own CMS. I don't want to use Wordpress. Would Node.js be perfect?
Rolling for groceries
import Control.Monad.Loops; import System.IO
import qualified Data Map as M; import Text.Printf
main = pp . grp =<< untilM getLine isEOF
grp = unionsWith (+) . map (\k -> M.singleton (map toUpper k) 1)
pp = mapM_ (\(k,v) -> printf "%d %s" v k) . M.toList
>Though that site is run by the creator of Go
no, it isn't
>trying to necro an argument that already died out
anon no
this isn't reddit
i am once again reminded that unfamiliar is not the same as unreadable
Have you once again forgotten to drain off the methanol of your moonshine?
Meds time.
I don't think meds will restore your optic nerve.
I think he means that ken thompson is a creator of go
though its pretty gay to fallback to such a cope after asking for a source as if you disbelieved it.
import flask

wow that was hard
rolling for fizzbuzz
>requires WSGI
So the best description I could find on how that works is https://ivory.idyll.org/articles/wsgi-intro/what-is-wsgi.html:
>it's similar to the CGI environment
That couldn't possible be true, right? There's no way that they launch a fucking process every single time a request comes in, right?!
of course not. It's more similar to fast cgi really.
And even if that's truth: that's still garbage because it requires communication with a backend server.
>two TDS retards arguing over nothing and accusing each other of being orange hitler
When are you guys going to admit you're over-integrating politics into your daily lives? You have a poor grasp of rhetoric and can't convince anyone of anything without trying to shame them. It's cope for having technical beliefs you don't know how to substantiate and, thus, a tenuous grasp on reality itself.
>two TDS retards
Why are you counting yourself into this?
I'm not. You're intentionally misreading what I said so you can continue deluding yourself into thinking your position is the normative one so you can try to shame me. You have to assume samefagging because the perception of ideological popularity is central to why you believe what you believe, and why you think other people should agree with you.
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Aye. You are intentionally illiterate.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Is there no way to explicitly access or use xmm/ymm registers on bare metal c/c++ without intrinsics and the STL?
I guess.
I'm primarily nocturnal just like a bat or your mother's employment.
You're both bloodsuckers?
>Bare metal
>without intrinsics
You can do inline assembly but that's probably harder.
You could also link assembly objects you write separately.
There's also Vector extensions in GCC which you might be most interested in.
No, your mother's a whore. I called your mother a whore.
See, this is why you should learn how to read, you'll pick up on more.
So you're both whores?
No, because nocturnal employment specifically is what makes your mother a whore, not merely being nocturnal.
You realize you have the reading comprehension of like a 3rd grader, right?
Sounds like you're a whore too ngl.
You have 80IQ, don't you?
I'm not the one who needs to whore himself out, unlike you.
Thanks for answering my question.
>she doesn't deny being a whore
i cant only code on 1 thing. i have ADD and have to smoke weed and multi task on 10 projects

trying to finish these next
1. wayland extension for adding
Infra for Training / Fine-Tuning, Benchmarks / Metrics, Hardware / Devices, Function Calling¸ Long-term Memory¸ Agentic Workflows and RAG
2. emacs mode
3. firefox extension
4. teleop for multi-robot control
5. continuous-eval for Vision transformers on custom tasks
6. simulation-pixel-streaming
7. auto-labeling
8. goroutine = agent managed by llm - table + logging
9. bumble-automater
10. robotic nurse for mom and dad when they get old
It's funnier to watch your parents break every single bone in their bodies. It's their just punishment for being unable to not procreate.
Stop projecting your homosexual fantasy onto me.
You need to go back >>>/lgbt/
hey guys i have a desktop at my mom and dad's house with a 3090

i want to run my machine learning homework for a class im taking on it, but i dont have space in my apartment here and i dont want to fly there yet to set it up.

is there something i can install on the computer so that i can run software on it and use it like a raspberry pi or homelab self hosted server?? tyvm

my mom can probably operate virtual box + a nixos VM
Stop projecting your homosexual projections onto me.
How many tricks could you have turned by now?
And this has to do with programming ... what?
i will be programming jupyter notebooks using julia, openAI triton, and pytorch
this computer back at my parents house has a better gpu than i have in arizona :(
Have you FUCKING read your SICP today?
Biden moment lmao you have actual dementia
Then come back once you actually do the programming. Or don't come back at all.
>she cannot follow the simplest instructions
>yet calls others demented
Aren't you supposed to hit the meth AFTER your work shift is over?
i think everyone's busy hashing out their discord drama or something
You might be able to just port-forward your PC and ssh into it but you'd need a constant way to update the IP address without bothering your mom every time it updates. Maybe a script that messages you on discord or something every day with what your external address is.
I wish, but I'm too scared for pedophilia.
in GCC/clang (which is enough, clang can larp as MSVC on windows) inline assembly, you can specify which registers you want to use and also make variables that map to specific registers through a compiler extension using the register keyword and ASM labels
otherwise no, the "standard" way of doing things is supposed to be the intel intrinsics which in all compilers' headers are actually just compiler specific code, sometimes builtins, sometimes things known to compile to a specific instruction
sometimes the types are things like the clang __ext_vector_type__ attribute or the GCC __vector_size__ attribte, sometimes they're just unions of all the various data types SIMD registers use like in MSVC
If I accepted orders from gay retards like you, which I don't, I couldn't cease doing something I haven't done and am not doing. That's logically impossible.
You're the one that so desperately wants me to be a whore - frankly I'd appreciate it if you weren't such a faggot but you keep disappointing, both me and your parents.
>words words words
Also, you should probably encrypt the external address when you send it.
It's not my fault you're gay and retarded and cannot read. In fact, yapping seems like it makes you less able to form a coherent response and I'm good enough at it that responding this verbosely isn't a problem.
>It's not my fault
Now it is. Deal with it.
Contrarily, it isn't a fault and your assertion otherwise is mere cope. The inability you exhibit to both read and write with sufficient competence to rival a goldfish creates your misconception that verbosity, and not density of meaning or flair in phrase, accurately describes my responses. To the willing moron, intelligence seems useless and vain.
>it isn't a fault
Aye it is no fault and no measure of sissy hypo "you are this" bullshit will change that. That it seems to have worked on you is not evidence of its potency.
>it is no fault
i think this thread confirms that generation z was a mistake
And you ain't gonna do shit about it, kvetcher.
Do you realize that catatonic repetition indicates you've resigned the point and are, in fact, wrong but won't admit it?
Heh, as long as you keep replying.
Yeah, like that.
EXACTLY like that.
Like THAT.
And like that.
And even like that.
This is extremely homoerotic. Are you this desperate for male attention? What's going on in your life that this is so fun to you?
I don't get it.
>male attention
Manwhore confirmed.
Yes you seem to be one. Why are you so desperate for male attention that you'd say something like >>101362193
- and then overact reply like its a porn scene.

It's very gay of you.
Meant this quote >>101362200
>Yes you seem to be one
Not my problem.
see >>101362038
You seem to be disagreeing with yourself.
ok i have the code done. what do i do now
Denial is easy.
Post it.
Sure denial is easy if you hate yourself and reality - which is the state you seem to live in. Many such cases amongst you faggots.
There's also indifference.
Indifference is to not post at all.
Unless it makes you mad.

You specifically.
ok so i can port-forward SSH so i can ssh in.

i can install tailscale on it and then use that to ssh from userland.

I was thinking of either using proxmox or WSL to use the box as a runner for scripts that i can run locally on my laptop or to a cloud GPU for like $1 an hour

still should save like 700 a month

thank you
Bro I just like to style on a nigga rhetorically.
You have any idea how hard it is to find someone that will keep replying like you do, giving me perfect prompts to practice calling people retarded over? It's people like you that allow me to crush the souls of those that aren't already dead inside. For that alone, you get one last (You).

From the bottom of my heart: thank you.
Yeah I didn't even know about tailscale but it looks like that would work.
Anyway, glad to help.

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