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Demonic Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting
https://omnios.org (not strictly BSD)
>Live USB with persistent storage
>Live CD
>Old school MacOS
>Containers/VM and Jail management

>Updates and advisories
OpenBSD: https://www.undeadly.org
NetBSD https://www.netbsd.org/changes/
DragonflyBSD: https://www.dragonflydigest.com
FreeBSD: https://www.freebsd.org/security/notices/

>Ports and packages
FreeBSD: https://www.freshports.org
OpenBSD: https://www.openports.pl | https://openbsd.app/
NetBSD: https://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/

>Tips and tricks
Use tcsh: https://www.tcsh.org
Fix FreeBSD defaults: https://vez.mrsk.me/freebsd-defaults.html

FreeBSD: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/
OpenBSD: https://www.openbsdhandbook.com/

>Free (but limited) BSD/unix shell
https://www.sdf.org | https://sdfeu.org

>Web development

>OP template
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Hey anon who's using OpenBSD on risc-v, if you're lurking could you tell me a bit about your setup?
Is the OS actually stable or do you get crashes?
Are the packages from pkg_add usable or is the base software from the install the only software that works on risc-v?
Are binary blobs from firmware update required for the system to actually function?
Did you try or think about using coreboot?
The setup you have is probably the one I'm gonna move towards eventually but I want to know how usable it is before committing to it. Thank you for your time.
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what a retarded shitpost.
did whoever make this think 3 letters don't have unlimited budgets and some of the best developers around the world at their disposal?
The open source code probably saved them like 3 days of work at most.
This is also assuming they couldn't just snatch gpl shit, which they absolutely could, good luck proving they did and beating 3 letters in court (if you could even gather enough money to take them there).
>intelaviv would not have put a hardware backdoor in their CPUs if XYZ happened
actually delusional LMAO go back to sucking off DeVault on Mastodon you Gnu Poon License shill
>I used the heckin' GPL spell to protect my code!
When will you retards learn to stop replying to license bait?
This is really puzzling me because I can't imagine why someone would be sad over that.
Like even if you're a diehard Linus fan, he himself agreed with Andrew in their argument.
At the end of the day we have a claim that microkernel systems are better, and then a few years later Intel proves he was right. Where's the sad part? Monolithic devs are upset? I don't get it.
>who released MINIX, an operating system, under a BSD license
>At the time of MINIX's original development, its license was relatively liberal. Its licensing fee was very small ($69) relative to those of other operating systems. Tanenbaum wished for MINIX to be as accessible as possible to students, but his publisher was unwilling to offer material (such as the source code) that could be copied freely, so a restrictive license requiring a nominal fee (included in the price of Tanenbaum's book) was applied as a compromise. This prevented the use of MINIX as the basis for a freely distributed software system.
>cuck licenser cope
GPL gives you an avenue of protecting your code. While yes it's only as good as your ability to protect your code, it's better than to be cucked using a cuck license. Faggot NIGGER
>GPL gives you an avenue of protecting your code.
Do you have a team of lawyers working for you?
I think I've reached my tolerance point on seeing this cop out (more like cope out).
As if it's so unbelievable that someone holds a sincere opinion that's different from yours, so they must actually be pretending to hold that opinion so they can get interaction from anonymous strangers.
It's nothing short of cope in the form of denial, and it's borderline schizophrenic.

For transparency I don't actually believe this, I'm just trolling for replies so I can exchange them for valuable goods.
given your posts it seems that the BSD license protects one's project from spamming infantile retard like (You)
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>it's hard therefore you should give up and work for free
applel and google avoid GPLv3 code whenever possible and that's good enough for me, BSD harms other free and open source projects
>BSD harms other free and open source projects
Liberals think that things merely existing hurts them. Don't look for logic there, it's all based on feelings.
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you're helping improve the quality of proprietary solutions, more people start using those over your own code so contributions decrease and as a result freedom dies to irrelevancy
I've yet to see a wholesome image involving Tux and the demon.
Why are BSD shills so spiteful?
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They have a demon as their mascot. What else can you expect out of those with a corrupted soul? This is the most wholesome image I could find and it involves spying. Probably to get "inspired" by GPL driver code or something
>They have a demon as their mascot.
Does it make you nervous?
never relax
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why didn't you post the original?
wouldn't it be better to make a thread about an open source OS that isn't linux?
wrong thread

BSD = Black Satanic Devotion
>Demonic Edition
Was this really necessary?
kek @ at the schizophrenic christlarpers
How? I'm not against BSD but that doesn't mean it's the only Linux alternative
there was HaikuOS, OpenSolaris, Plan9, and something similar but the thread about it just disappeared, like a few months ago
those are experimental research operating systems
openbsd and freebsd are not memes
>that doesn't mean it's the only Linux alternative
Only viable one that can be used as a daily driver.
>Haiku, Plan9
Hobbyist, research.
Server OS, OmniOS is listed in the OP (but don't tell anyone)
their website doesn't even work. why this over openindiana?
what are the benefits of using either as a server OS?
>their website doesn't even work.
works on my machine.
>why this over openindiana?
more active, bigger community, more frequent updates, ease of installation, userland
>what are the benefits of using either as a server OS?
native ZFS and virtualisation options (bhyve and KVM)
>works on my machine.
i see it now, looks like they rangeban proxies
>native ZFS and virtualisation options (bhyve and KVM)
i guess the advantage is KVM support then
how does the performance compare to freebsd or linux?
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why is their unstable branch called? "bloody" fuck you bastard bitch. every unix seems to be infested with daemonic practices
I won't fall for the bait again, I promise.
It keeps the trannies away. "Bloody" is a triggering word for those who need to dilate. Looks like it's working as intended.
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you do realize a lot of trannies cut themselves right? blood is the one thing they don't mind. remove the satanism from your OS and they will go away
>more active, bigger community, more frequent updates, ease of installation, userland
seems promising
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>remove the satanism from your OS
Hi, it's me!
I'll probably disappoint you but I don't use that SBC as a daily driver. I'm currently using my Milk-V Mars as a server and as a machine to learn Unix programming on. I connect to it through the serial port or SSH and use it through tmux. I didn't test connecting it to the monitor so I can't really tell you whether HDMI output and the GPU work or not.

The system itself is very stable, it never crashed on me. Packages from pkg_add generally work without any issues, at least those that I downloaded (Beware! There is no Valgrind for RISC-V and Asan doesn't work on OpenBSD). I didn't do any firmware updates and I didn't install any binary blobs aside from the u-boot VisionFive 2 device tree (the Milk-V Mars and VF2 have the same device trees). The board itself is quite hot - 60 degrees on idle, but I didn't attach any radiators or fans to it.

I can't wait for when the SG2380 hardware comes out - it should actually have enough processing power to daily drive it for lightweight tasks. The problem is that while the hardware is supposed to come out in a month or two, the actual software support will probably come a year or two later.
Is installing OpenBSD on one of those things like installing Linux, where you have to use some ancient forked version of the kernel?
Rather not
OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD or even fucking 9front has better support in base instalation for those shit than linux
Uh, based? The only thing that was stopping me from buying these RISC-V meme things was the insane Linux setup that reminded me of cell phones. If I don't have to deal with that garbage on BSD I'm buying one.
Indeed based. Shame they only have drivers for one of the devices, but oh well. Where'd you buy yours from?
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It's different and it depends on your system and how new the board is. The outdated kernel stems from the fact that it's supplied by the board manufacturer. They almost never even bother with BSD. I think both Linux and BSD get mainline support in a similar time. This anon lied >>101353658, as there are boards which aren't supported by BSD at all (e.g. the Lichee Pi 4A).
The safest way is to buy one when your favorite Linux distro or BSD gets mainline support. But the thing is that the mainlining process takes years (even in the case of Raspberry Pi) and by that time a new and better SBC will come out.
I bought mine from the Sipeed AliExpress page and the Milk-V Arace Tech page. But I really advise you to wait, since SG2380 hardware is right around the corner. Do not buy anything which isn't RVA22 compliant and doesn't have the ratified Vector 1.0 extension.
>don't see friendly
>demonic thread
cuck license
doesn't support modern hardware
get bent devils
Go back to /faglet/, you're not welcome or wanted here.
man I love demons
bumping in the name of satan
Beastie is a daemon, DAEMON! Please stop slandering him, he a good boy.
mental illness.
You do this every general thread. Nobody cares. Most of us think the bsd license is better than gpl. If I didn't want people to use my code then I wouldn't share it.
I'm playing with old BSD on SIMH. 4.3 feels totally alien, man. Not really sure what I'm even supposed to do with it. Also makes my shitty laptop chug hard.
how can you justify using bsd when it's community openly celebrates satanic imagery like demons and animal (esp. penguin) sacrifice?
it simply makes me sick.
I really can't. OpenBSD is my choice, never using "Free"BSD.
Based pufferfish enjoyer
>>Security-focused, pentesting
SecBSD site is wild.
So HardenedBSD is pulling things from OpenBSD and merging in FreeBSD together with some FreeBSD exclusive stuff, right?
Does anyone has experience with it? Looks fancy as FreeBSD has a much wider hardware support than openBSD.
>I can't wait for when the SG2380 hardware comes out - it should actually have enough processing power to daily drive it for lightweight tasks. The problem is that while the hardware is supposed to come out in a month or two, the actual software support will probably come a year or two later.
Whelp, I was just about to buy a RICV board, may as well wait for it.
>SecBSD site is wild.
Yeah, it has that early 00s hacker energy/aesthetic.
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Thoughts on this image?
>Linux playing around like a retarded toddler
>Glenda angry because she's ignored
>OpenBSD gets the girl
>FreeBSD doing actual work
checks out
As a mac user I feel I belong ITT
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Same here anon, same here... MacOS and OpenBSD user.
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>CyberPunk Girl 50% Human,
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Yo nigga can't we just get along?
>Diversity is a huge strength and is critical to the long term success of SecBSD.
What is the justification for "diversity" as a good? When has a "diversity"-focused project delivered something of high quality over a long period of time?

>These rules are intended to ensure a safe, harassment-free environment for all and to ensure that everyone feels welcome both working within, and interacting with, the project.
These rules make me feel unsafe and unwelcome because they can and will be used to silence people with views contrary to those of the enforcers of this document.

>This document is not an exhaustive list of things that you should not do.
Thus any measures taken against those violating the rules are ad-hoc, unverifiable and decided by a select few in the upper hierarchy of the project.

>Respect the opinion, attitude, background, preferences, traits
What is the justification for blindly respecting opinions and attitudes of people?
>human aspects
Does this include calling a man a man and a woman a woman?

>Try to substantiate shared information and opinions rather than stating your opinion as-if it were a fact.
Would be great if this document at least tried to do this.
Anon realizes blue haired trannies are not quite alright in the head.
Do I have it right that OpenBSD is the only unpozzed contemporary OS?
Free as in freemason
>no bluetooth support
why switch?
>xhe uses blueteeth
Do you actually use bluetooth or do you just want to maintain legacy attack vectors for NSA glowies?
I just want to use my bluetooth headphones with my laptop
Why would you do that, the ones with the cord are better. The one time I used bluetooth audio with Linux the experience on a whole provided similar pleasure as a root canal. It not like a phone or ipod ot whatever where the cord gets in the way.
>Why would you do that
>linuxfags circa 2002
jesus christ, see you in 20years
If you could send me back to 2002 that'd be pretty cool, thanks.
But seriously, what’s the use case? Even MacBooks still have a 3.5mm jack. I only use bluecuck on my phone.
The use case is that I fucking want to use them. Your system doens't support it? good, I'll use something else
That's based but you're still a retard for using bluetooth.
lmao, funny thing is linux went through that. can't really tell how cucked it is. Windows is really good if you don't mind a camera up your ass. macos is good if you don't upgrade the OS you machine came with. The BSD, they're are more or less exactly where they were 20years ago. I'd switch to a BSD if they actually didn't issues like this (desktop is more severe as there are no nvidia drivers), concerns over if the software I need will run on BSD.
Maybe one day they'll gain enough developers to develope a bluetooth framework that doesn't suck.
don't you need pulseaudio to get bluetooth audio on linux?
You can link pipewire to alsa and avoid the whole pulseaudio thing
pipewire isn't ideal either, but how does one do that?
Why are these guys creating so many unideal slop solutions? Why can’t we have nice things.
yes but it requires your system to have dbus
I mean no, you don't need it. You can use alsa but you have to have a compatibility shim thingy and it uses dbus.
Yes, if only intel used a GPL License for its firmware that would stop the NSA
They are known for following the law and respecting peoples' privacy
that's kind of what i'm getting at

if there was a correct and secure way to implement bluetooth, openbsd would do it
the openbsd audio and networking/wifi stack is universally admired, while the pulseaudio/pipewire mess and wpasupplicant is looked at with horror

what they don't understand is that openbsd doesn't care about "being behind". we just don't pander to users at the cost of correctness and security

how's bluetooth on freebsd anyway?
thanks for clarifying. i'm not too upset at the dbus requirement, as like herpes, it's almost unavoidable now
but this solution requires tinkering, correct? can you link me to the right direction? genuinely curious. i have an alpine linux laptop where bluetooth audio could be of use
I don't know how to do it because I don't use bluetooth. A good start would probably be googling bluez alsa or bluealsa, then reading the Gentoo or Arch wiki.
I haven't specified that this does not apply to all boards
but in most cases you will sooner get OpenBSD support than *mainline* Linux support
most manufacturers don't even bother with mainlining effort, other people also don't give a fuck, just use some 3.7 kernel forked before you were born and fuck off
but BSD or 9front people actually give a fuck, and if they want to use some board, they will port it themselves

for example
dude wants to use 9front on some mips shit, so he just sits down and write support for it, when it was stable,
it was mainlined into 9front
I forgot to mention,
in linux, exception is, in most cases, Allwinner based boards, due to these guys
If you could press a button to nuke all Linux from this world immediately, would you?
>if there was a correct and secure way to implement bluetooth, openbsd would do it
Theo actually said they have no one with the time and expertise to build one.
1. modify the compiler to detect if its compiling loonix
2. instruct it to break loonix by inserting the needed malicious code
3. modify the compiler to also detect if its compiling the compiler and insert the malicious code to persist into the binary
5. compromise gcc’s git repo and slowly release these patches over many years
6. ???
7. profit

Will this idea work? Why can’t NSA bros do it?
>thinking they don't do it already
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Considering how “pro-diversity” GPL projects are we can’t know if gcc hasn’t already been compromised.
Makes sense, a c compiler is probably such a valuable target to them it’s even hard to imagine just how much they must want it.
i.e there is no one who can do a correct and secure implementation, not really a contradiction. remember, they ripped the old one out because it didn't meet standards
link to mailing list?
What insecurities in Bluetooth do people usually speak about? Like what can they pwn and under what circumstances?
>i.e there is no one who can do a correct and secure implementation
>there is no one who can do a correct and secure implementation for BSD != there is no one who can do a correct and secure implementation at all
Some say the bluetooth spec is utter shit, but I haven't read it myself.
Have the commit https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=140511572108715&w=2
Well, who wants to fork it? Time to get BasedBSD distro going on? I can make the logo.
Linux bluetooth support got much better, I had 4 headsets and they all worked very well. But what you said is not a real argument, if someone needs or wants a hardware support, ofc not having it is a blocker.
>the openbsd audio and networking/wifi stack is universally admired, while the pulseaudio/pipewire mess and wpasupplicant is looked at with horror
Bluetooth is fucked up. There are so many audio protocols and many are proprietary to the point that up until pipewire came it was pretty much impossible to use it in Linux as someone said.
Even to this day it sometimes bugs out and change codecs.
I'm forking BasedBSD, calling it BaSeD and I'm making a new logo.
pure sovl
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the building does look normal to me
it seems that the dream of installing freebsd on my laptop is over, bros. Tried nomadbsd to test for hardware, and some shit i need doesn't work properly. Also it shat and bricked itself when i asked it to install a small package. I'm sure freebsd wouldn't do that, it's just that i have a small-capacity flashdrive. But still.
Maybe I'll install freebsd when I get a desktop later this year or beginning 2025.
I want to see a version where tux is pregnant with daemon's rapebaby
For regular use? I think so.
How is saying that I don't understand something and representing myself as a low intelligence animal rude in any way anon
Did you try any other BSDs? Unless I wanted to gayme (then I would just use Linux probably) I wouldn't touch FreeBSD with a 10 foot pole.
Are there liveusb versions of the other BSDs?
The reason I wanted FreeBSD was the linuxulator because there's some software I want to run. I don't think the others can provide that for me
Fuguita is in the sticky, but I haven't tried it. If you want the Linuxulator though, yeah you're kinda screwed. Sorry anon.
Any other OSes in the unpozzed category but for more niche uses? plan9?
I wanted to make FreeBSD (more specifically GhostBSD, can't use the demon logo) work for me but ended up just splitting into Linux/OpenBSD.
GhostBSD has a live environment.
Can you use plan9 as your router?
I think so, check other videos of that dude
>you're helping improve the quality of proprietary solutions
So... its bad we're making hardware better for the majority of people...
Draw it yourself (or generate it, I don't give a fuck anymore)
>because there's some software I want to run
what softwar?
Why do I need
dsb nsh

after every syscall on OpenBSD?
meant for >>101347492
What does unpozzed even mean anymore? It gets thrown around here like a corporate buzzword. If you're using software written by anyone who isn't a hyperautistic computer hermit there's a pretty good chance it's 'pozzed'
Tf with that picture???? LMAO?
he then had them all killed
Wanted to buy exactly the VisionFive 2 and put OBSD on it, but maybe after all it's better if I wait.
I wish I knew. I bet there's a good reason, though.
It’s essentially a more non-zoomer equivalent of “based”, it denotes the kind of software someone in the “based” community would approve of.
I think "pozzed" and "unpozzed" refers to how much influence CoC-loving LGBTQ-virtue signaling people have in the design and decision-making of an OS.
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pozzed is polturd lingo
Pretty much, but I’d call Microsoft or big tech pozzed too even though their use of “LGBT” is mostly posturing.
Pozzed is slang for HIV positive I think, and the influence of certain people in pozzed software is compared to its immune system being shut down against various diseases. The analogy also fits because most pozzed software loves promoting immoral lifestyles that lead to the acquisition of HIV.
>immoral lifestyles that lead to the acquisition of HIV
Medical personnel can be exposed to HIV without leading an immoral lifestyle.
>implying curing the immoral is not immoral persay
>X is highly correlated with Y
>buutt.... but....... Z got Y without doing X
This is a logical fallacy.
How can they know?
No, it would be an exception that proves the rule... if that were a thing.
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I was going to cleverly post "what's the use case?", but really though, what brings people to BSD and not the more common Linux?
It's actually cohesive and not a garbage pile
For me? I just want to experience the ultimate niche of operating system that is still usable. I don't think BSD is inherently better than Linux, and I'm still thinking Linux still leads in most areas.
>leads in most areas
uh huh, and what would that most be?
support for LGBTQIA+ rights, NSA backdoors, CoC enforcement, Microsoft influence
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Opinions on the new FreeBSD Core Team?
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Linux is a glorified gaming toy at this point.
>OpenBSD is better at being a secure daily driver/server/router
>MacOS is better for consumption
>Plan9 is better for fun/minimal daily driver
OpenBSD is a just a poor man's version of Alpine Linux
MacOS is just an inferior Windows.
Plan9 is a toy
>OpenBSD is a just a poor man's version of Alpine Linux
Despite OpenBSD predating Alpine Linux by a couple of decades? You linux trannies are hilarious!
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1. top kek
2. Saaaaaar
3. It's fun to play around with, it's a fun toy, while Loonix is an unfun toy.
What if I want those companies to use my code, not only the chuds living on the basement creating weird projects nobody will ever use?
this destroys the GPLfag
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Daily reminder.
Reminder that post-Netflix Linux comes with a backdoor.
>implying the GPL has anything to do with that
If corpos wanted to takeover BSD it would be even easier, just nobody cares about BSD.
Where is the back door schizo-kun? Give us the filename and line of code please.
OpenBSD is standing strong.
You know and I know that you already know a few arguments for why people prefer the BSDs. Why pretend like this, Francine?
Not really desu
I'm sure they'll be fine, many veterans who know the ropes.
>Where is the back door schizo-kun?
>kernel module
I know what every single kernel module does because I compile my kernel with minimal modules.
>shell access
If they got root shell access in other ways you're already fucked with either BSD or Linux.
What’s the line count of your kernel?
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>I compile
gcc is compromised by three letter agencies.
>source: my ass
Is it a high value target? Yes.
Do they have the resources and personnel? Yes.
Think, anon, think…
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B - boring
S - stupid
D - dumb

BSD roadblocked actual contributions to a greater idea of an "open-source general purpose operating system" by being created in the first place. Companies when faced with a choice will take the zero cost route over a symbiotic relationship that involves even the tiniest amount of effort. BSD is cancer.
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Pic related is pretty nice.
>cuckware in the background

As intended.
Bump (also if you hate the BSDs so much then your time is better spent elsewhere)
Nice to see an actual technical thread here. Upvoted.
Bratty performant RISC-V! OpenBSD correction is needed...
such a shame. if he used freebsd he wouldn't have missed
Is this the friendly BSD thread?
What about GNU Hurd?
Do drones in warfare use Linux or BSD?
I am friendly here at least
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page 10 party in 1 hour
kys troon
It seems to mostly be the passive aggressive or even outright hostile BSD thread.
Probably VxWorks.
NVIDIA make FreeBSD drivers. It's one of their supported platforms.
bump! I just wake up and the thread's nearly gone!
bump for bsd fish.
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How come that most security innovations in the Unix world come from OpenBSD, despite them being such a small group? Do Linux devs just not care about security?
>Do Linux devs just not care about security?
Nope. They care about
>muh loicense
>muh LGBTQ rights
>muh CoC
i dont like penguins.
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this just exists so these guys can larp right?
blue haired people are not right in the head and diversity in and of itself is not a strength or even a virtue.

however, i'm old enough to remember when the only thing that mattered were your contributions and merit. it didnt matter who you were or where it came from.

these rules are probably trying to propagate that culture int he sense as their equivalent of the phone poster/contributor needs laws when culture breaks down.

if you have good culture you dont need laws, but now its not a small enough culture ot focus simply on merit.
I feel at some point it gets impossible to have security when the codebase is constantly increasing with the need of having muh features, especially when it's all done by a large amount of "interests" >>101405097
>if you have good culture you dont need laws
This. Loonix and the GPL ideologues fail to realize that we sadly don't live in a high trust society.
That's fucking embarrassing, how could you put that on the internet without feeling ashamed of yourself?
lack of any self awareness probably.

i'm sure the software these guys are coming out with is A+.
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Do OpenBSD bros like plan9? Recently tried 9front and noticed myself trying to use its quirks in other OSes. I am enjoying it.
Should put friendly in the OP next time that will surely make people less hostile.
Linux has interesting sandboxing tech to be fair like AppArmor, but it's stuff on top of Linux and cannot be as integrated as in OBSD also as >>101416148
it's a losing battle because it's too bloated.
>surely make people less hostile.
I remember trolling the friendly general by saying I don't use GNU coreutils, kek. They were so friendly to me then.
wtf can you even use it for?
Programming, writing, playing around, reading no-js websites.
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why is everyone killing tux?? also you'd think the OS that took most inspiration from plan9 would be safe, imagine what would happen to the daemon
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Because Tux became trans and Glenda is a bigot.
>imagine what would happen to the daemon
He would be in hell, I imagine.
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Are Linux haters the new UNIX haters?
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I hate all OS's equally, well, maybe some more than others.
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>Alpine Linux
Okay tranny.
>Glenda is a bigot.
no he isn't https://9front.org/movies/Dead_Kennedys_-Nazi_Punks_Fuck_Off_lyrics.mp4 the rustranny loonix infection is temporary anyway
9front comes with the Communist Manifesto. That's based.
And Mein Kampf too.
Sounds jewish to me.
That's cringe.
Go back, non-technical /pol/ subhuman.
How is free software a bad thing? Let me guess, you hate free speech too because it lets people say things you don't like?
it's been a week and I still couldn't disable ipv6 on netbsd
something fishy is going on
>BSD thread
>nobody talks about BSD
>they talk about linux and trannies instead
God I hate nu-/g/ so much
It's just Linux folx that try to shove their CoC up everyone's ass
OpenBSD prioritizes simplicity over features and broad appeal, Linux does the opposite. Smaller code bases are way easier to secure. Simple as.
Honestly, this person looks pretty cool. Would go out for coffee.
Opinions on the HAMMER2 filesystem? It looks super advanced, but apparently few people use it, what gives?
Whoops. Meant to actually bump.
I think it's choice paralysis in a way. There's so many filesystems out there, and HAMMER2 is a DragonflyBSD thing. I don't think it was ported anywhere. I want to try DragonflyBSD just so I can see HAMMER2 at work. It's also not finished and it's still being developed, so any use of it is beta testing it. I don't know if I'd store any important files on it.
Is OpenBSD good for visually-impaired users? Given all of its built-in documentation and relative minimalism I presume you could get far with just a CLI and a screen reader or some other assistive device.
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what's the migration from linux to bsd like? looking at moving all my devices to openbsd
>what's the migration from linux to bsd like?
a thing of beauty
We need a BSD with pf, HAMMER2 and jails.
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Depends on the amount of linux brain damage acquired so far.
>things actually work
>unix voodoo rituals start making sense because they're followed consistently
>manpages tell the truth
>manpages exist at all
>the install process doesn't try to trip you up
>built in daemons for all internet facing services and anything else you might want
The last part is the biggest difference, no more looking for the least shitty implementation of a given thing out of several competing turds. The built in httpd is absolutely blessed.
I'll make the logo.
>built in httpd
is there any reason to not immediately replace it with nginx?
Built-in httpd is more secure.
They made it to replace nginx
ugh.pdf should unironically be required reading in operating systems courses.
I started reading, I liked the anti-forward where Dennis calls everyone seething contrarians.
On continued reading, this seems like an iToddler manifesto. I've already read plenty of rants about why things aren't user friendly here on my very own /g/. I sympathize to some extent about stuff like poor documentation, commands not being consistent, dumb redundancies and bloat, etc. I use BSD because is fixes a lot of that though. IMO a OS should be designed for the admin first, letting him configure it for the users to their specific needs. Asking your OS to cater to users first is peak midwittery thought up by drooling ivory tower retards. Most users are so blindingly stupid they should only be allowed near the computer with strict supervision of a capable admin.
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>How come that most security innovations in the Unix world come from OpenBSD
edge-cases and hardening, sure. WINE is still our terf so have fun with your CLI games you gay nerds LMFAO
cope and seethe
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>having to save the thread from page 10 daily
You seem to be lost. Do you not like BSD?
Did he commit suicide when Apple adopted BSD?
CLI games can be great. I suggest giving them a chance.
Please point out some CLI games, I want to play them.
He transitioned. Her name is Donna.

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