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old >>101318337
Im a brainlet here. I have 22gb left on my laptop hard drive of 250. When i do anything, photoshop, maya3d, etc, it drops. Last night, it dropped to 13gb. I ised ccleaner, disk cleaner, checked my downloads folder, everything, and got it back to 22gb, but what the hell is taking up so much space? I check my programs i have installed but they shouldnt be taking up so much damn space. is it all bloatware?
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Hi guys. I have a plaintext filled with thousands of numbers on each line. I want to simply get the sum addition of them together. Can you recommend a tool for this?
>but what the hell is taking up so much space?
Probably caching.
>is it all bloatware?
Yes, all modern software is. It expects you to have 16GB RAM and 1TB storage space it can freely use without you ever paying attention to how much space it is using. The concept of lean and clean code died a long time ago.
i wanna learn about the process of tls connections more in depth, but i dont really give a shit about math or advanced cryptography. any book or tutorial recommendations?
This future suck major dick. My God.
i tried reducing ram usage in photoshop and maya, but it makes them run like shit.
ill have to look into pirating older copies so it wont rape my fucking hard drive. Maybe drop maya entirely and use blender.
>This future suck major dick. My God.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
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Is it possible to submit multiple links to be archived on archive.is?

I have a list of 300 links, I would prefer not to manually submit them. If there is a batch submitter, it can be delayed action, one per day or whatever.
Look around with windirstat. Usually it's system restores and windows update installation files.
on linux:
awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' file

otherwise use excel lol

(ambiguous if you mean a sum per line or a sum for all lines)
I know python, what simple projects can I start with to learn and practice basic networking principles? I am self taught so I didn't learn this stuff at school.
Is CDisplayEx Light the best reader for Android? Or is there a better ad free version outside of the play store?
I'm trying to add a github zip to my local website for some functionality I want to test, and I know it's actually very simple to install, but I'm caught up at the part that says "Copy package contents to your webserver".
I'm on Ubuntu and running an Apache (LAMP) server locally, what exactly would I do to get the .zip contents onto the server? Should I use FileZilla, or is there something else?

Mihon (prev Tachiyomi)? CDisplayEx's UI always looked too ugly for me.
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SSH to the server and curl/wget the zip.
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Where is my phone? Battery's dead.
I stole it
I actually found it under some paper I checked like 3 times.
Yeah, I felt guilty after reading your post and put it back there.
no, it sucks doe
Why do some places tell you to turn off vsync while using a fps cap and others tell you to use vsync with a fps cap? What's the strategy for 2024? Because most guides I see are based on outdated Windows WDDM from like 2015.
What is a tiff header, and what could cause it to be invalid? I'm trying to convert a webp into gif or jpg, and the output is.. undesirable. PNG works fine for whatever reason.
tiff is an image format. are you sure you're using a webp converter? it sounds like the converter might expect a tiff file.
this is tagging metadata so it should not prevent you from getting a usable image
try looking at the other errors instead. I would bet that this error has what you want
>use a pattern such as %03d for an image sequence or use the -update option (with -frames:v 1 i fneeded) to write a single image

exif data is not move to next image format, if errors are not allowed remove exit before converting
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I've been googling and I still don't get it. Can I somehow connect a PC to one of those old mac with thunderbolt port and use that as a monitor?

So basically PC -> image from PC shows up on mac monitor
NOT image from mac OS being displayed on another monitor

>inb4 just get normal monitor
my workplace is throwing away a mac and I really like the display
Thanks, this helped but I also realized since it's on my PC I could have just copied the files over myself lol.
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Anons who have an UPS for their PCs or whatever. I've been really needing to get one. What brand do you guys recommend and also what VA/W? I have a 1300w PSU and my normal usage is probably around 100w. I'm just wanting something that will keep my PC on for like 10min
Isn't that what map_metadata -1 is for? Metadata is different than exif?
Didn't work
What do I do so this faggot site stops rejecting my webms with false positives of "your image contains an embedded file"?
It works fine with the old encoding, but if I select VP9/Opus it's giving me 60-80% false positives and I have to re-encode the webm several times with small changes until it finally accepts it.
This store is in my town
Can anyone tell me the name of the wire that has a 3.5mm jack on one end and then the red/white/yellow AV connections on the other?
I used to have one and have no idea where it is. Now all I can find online are the audio ones without the yellow video connector.
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Add "TRRS", "composite" or "RCA" to your search terms, might help you find what you need.
There are a few different pinouts on the 3.5mm side so try to make sure it matches the device you want to plug it into.
3.5mm to RCA
Based. Thanks bros.
whats the name of that 4chan app with the cards on the logo

why dont you work on small cute laptop like many else
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To the anons who is bulk download media from twitter through gallery-dl and NOT geting suspended because of it.
Tell me how THE FUCK you do it???

I got all my 4 twitter acc suspended trying to figure out how to get around this new bullshit twitter update.
There doesn't seem to be. You do seem to be allowed to do:
 https://archive.is/submit/?url=<URL encoded URL of what you're submitting> 

I guess you could make a script to URL encode all of your links and then open your browser with each submit link. You would have to do any of the captchas when they came up
You're not using ffmpeg, the file you're uploading has .01 second delay before it starts because your encoder is shit. Seen it before many times.
I'm using webm for retards which is really just a frontend for ffmpeg
looks like it's an ancient version of ffmpeg, maybe i'll try manual prompting with an up to date one, thanks
Why do C substrings use (start, length) instead of (start, end)?
Fair enough.
ffmpeg - "Input Media.mp4" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -row-mt -map_metadata -1 "Output Media.webm" should work for whatever you're doing also.
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If I make a WireGuard VPN connection to my house, how can I access local resources? I have services running that I access via IP:port but this doesn't work when I'm on VPN
Bro you need at least 1 TB laptop or use a linux
Whatever the other anon said. Just make a crawler to submit your limks for you from a list. Shouldn't be hard.
Probably to do less math in its built in functions. Just set start number and add memory skips to it to return the sub.
leaf here
can someone explain roaming to me?

I've been under the impression for well over a decade that if you enable roaming then your phone may connect to other networks that are not your carrier and you will get billed exorbitant fees if you use it when that happens. However, my carrier notified me that they expanded my plan to their partner network and now I can use it in locations I otherwise would not be able to free of charge, and in the instructions I saw, I have to enable it from their website and then turn roaming on on my phone and when connected to these partner networks I will see the roaming icon but can use my phone like normal

This leads me to believe that I could have had roaming turned on before and I wouldn't have been randomly connected to some other network, because if not then turning this feature on now would lead to scenarios where I roam to a non-partner network / out of country and get hit with charges for it because I can't tell what I'm connected to
Soon it won't even matter because satellites.
So my 2021 Samsung 870 EVO 2TB SSD drives just failed, both of them, following an unsafe Windows shutdown due to a hardware quirk.
I'd known they were faulty recently with bad blocks identified, and that these both came from a bad batch so I was preparing to replace them anyway.

PC wouldn't boot up until I removed them, all other drives are fine but thankfully I'd literally backed up everything of importance to an external drive recently.

The failed drives aren't recognised when I plug them into a Windows machine using a USB-SATA cable.
I need to pursue an RMA to get them replaced, but are there any tools that can help me make sure the drives are totally wiped of data?
They won't show up in Windows Disk Management, and Explorer will try but fail to list the drive.
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I want to buy a laptop for gaming on the go and daily driver stuff because mobility is important to me and I don't stay at one place but my budget is only $1k

Any good suggestions for what would be a good laptop to buy? And is the difference between mobile 4050 and 4060 massive or can I cope with the lower budget stuff? Think the most important things for me would be durability and cooling because my current laptop reaches 80C+ really easily which is whats driving me to upgrade because I can't run anything without cooking it
What do you play? What's your current laptop?
> Think the most important things for me would be durability and cooling because my current laptop reaches 80C+ really easily which is whats driving me to upgrade because I can't run anything without cooking it
I think even with modern laptops this will happen, but the components are made to get hotter these days too.
You can try a Linux distro. You might look around for a copy of Parted Magic to put on a USB drive.
PhotoRec might be able to find it too, but I don't remember if it can delete files as well.
Yeah, trying a Linux distro is probably what I should be doing.
I've worked with Parted Magic on USB drive in the past, I'll have to get that ready using Rufus, thanks.

Also never accidentally plug a USB-C cable into a USB-A port. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I just shorted the PC and I'm lucky it didn't cause more damage.
Want to play stuff like Baldur's Gate 3 or Monster hunter or Elden ring but i can't run any of that
Current laptop is some Acer Nitro 5 with a 1650 mobile
Sometimes when I press the "a" button, it writes it twice. Mechanical keyboaarad. Staarted doing it only recently. Well I guess the sometimes is intensifying (I kept the two occurrences in this post as is).
Booted into Parted Magic and it looks like all the data is actually still on there.
It seems that just a msftres partition on there is fucked. I'll figure out repairing the drives into accessible states tomorrow, I still need to RMA the things anyway and I can live without them for a couple days.
Is there anything I can do to make Windows 10 use less of it's page file?

I have 64gb of RAM, and i'm only using around 38gb right now, but the page file is at 25gb, instead of like actively using 55gb of the RAM and only 9gb for the page file

To be clear I do not want to place a cap on the page file size, I just don't want windows to devote as much proportional memory to the page file at any given RAM usage
>Also never accidentally plug a USB-C cable into a USB-A port. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I just shorted the PC and I'm lucky it didn't cause more damage.
I don't think I could. Maybe.

Should probably backup the data while you can. Other than that it sounds like you can easily delete the data off of there. I probably wouldn't repair anything so you can maybe get a new drive or something.
Look into Lenovo's Legion series, they're usually pretty good. Not sure about the current prices. For those games you should be able to get away with the 3000 series cards if laptops with those in them are cheaper. I wouldn't go with any gpu with less than 8gb of vram in it either.
Legions are always over 1k
Cheapest I've seen is the LOQ 4050 model at $750~ and rarely the 4060 model that drops under 1k which is why i was wondering if the difference between 4050 and 4060 is so big
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How "serious" should you make your CV? Like completely formal or do you inject a little personality and mention how much of a fun guy you are? (not in tech field)

I thought the latter was more for cover letters, but I applied to Sony once and the feedback I got back was to make my CV personal by adding emojis and graphics (it was not a creative role but was within Playstation). I'm not even lying. Am I out of touch?
Probably because they only show the newest models. Check eBay for older models, which will probably have 3000s series cards.
I know the 4050 has less RAM at least but not sure by how much. Usually the cards have a significant improve until you get to the xx90s where that's almost more of a production card than gaming card.
You could probably look into Acer again since they're usually the cheaper of the big brands. They might have something decent.
weird, my SteelSeries keyboard did this. I have a keychron now
>And is the difference between mobile 4050 and 4060 massive
I remember the difference between the 3050 and 3060 was pretty big, The 3050 was barely a 30 series card.
Idk about 4060, but your best bet is looking up performance videos on youtube. The thing about the graphics cards in laptops is they can be different wattages. two laptops might both have a 4060 but one might be capped at 95W and the other at 135W. The latter will outperform the former by a significant enough margin. The lenovo legion line is generally decent but look at stands or laptop elevators to help with cooling
It seems to be easy to do by accident if you're feeling around blindly for an open USB port at the back of a PC behind a desk.

Virtually all data has been backed up already, but right now my plan is to buy a new 4TB SATA drive (maybe two) when Prime Day sales start on Tuesday.
I'll then use Parted Magic to copy all the data across to the new drive(s).

For some reason it seems like most storage drive manufacturers prefer to make 4TB m2 NVME drives over SATA SSDs these days. I specifically want to replace the two SATA drives in my current setup.
I think any half decent UPS can hold for 10 minutes unless you have a highend, you can get aomething to check your system's power draw
My fairly old computer draws like 160w at max performance
Is there a way to transfer session cookies or whatever to another browser? Kinda like how that hack that got a few youtubers where it bypassed everything.
I wanna switch from brave to firefox but I'm logged into tons of sites I've lost the password + email to so I'm just hanging on by a thread
Under Firefox Settings, the general section has an "Import Browser Data" button, it's hard to miss and will probably detect Brave if you have it installed.

You should also consider setting up a password manager separate to your browser, so you don't have to rely on a single browser to remember all your logins.
Sounds like you've lost both the password and email though, so you're still at the mercy of those sites revoking your session at any time.
Yeah I tried that and it just copied the incorrect autofill options without actually logging me into stuff.
Nowadays I do keep all of my logins in a neat and tidy place but it's mostly the older stuff from lots of years ago that I've lost
>too lazy to remember how to get past the panda
Fair enough. I guess Firefox's import option really shouldn't be copying sessions across for security, makes it too easy to duplicate sessions for stealing data.
You might be able to do some direct cookie management via Firefox extensions and Brave devtools.
I would also look into making a backup of the Brave profile in the event that you were to accidentally wipe any critical data from that browser.

Practice doing it with a non-essential site login between browsers first.

You know it's actually pretty fucked that a browser session is a copyable thing and that servers don't throw a fit when a completely different browser and device is using a session from a completely different geolocation/IP.
They has to be some flexibility due to roaming networks on mobile devices, but there's gotta be a better way to prevent session stealing.
For the people who remember this Mario 7-4 puzzle, does anyone know if it's possible to do that kind of thing for a website with only JavaScript?
I'd like to have something similar, but instead of choosing a certain path you'd have to scroll back up at a certain point, and then scroll back down (e.g. someone would be scrolling through the page as normal, but then when they get to an image or div, it would "continue endlessly" (it just repeats itself) until the user scrolls up to before the image/div, at which point they can scroll back down and see the rest of the page continues as normal.

It sounds like it'd be cool but I'm not sure if or how that would actually work, or if it would just cause a ton of server strain at scale. I know JS can take control of scroll wheels, but I'd like something a bit more confusing for the user.
im trying to use twitter, but the trannies i follow keep reposting the same images over and over. whats the deal with this?
I would honestly just disable it, it wear and tears your disk drive, only useful if you plan on using rest/suspend mode
Im trying to use Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower
but it asks me for mscorlib.dll that I dont have
I only have the previously dumped one but the program rejects it
Is it possible to have my computer output sound to two different speakers? I want to be able to say watch a movie through my tv+soundbar setup while I have a game running on my secondary monitor speakers

Or say I use bluetooth earbuds and have the movie audio playing in the right ear and the game audio playing in the left ear
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I bought it in 2020.
Its ridiculous how its hardrive is full but I have no files on it. Its just fucking programs and they don't even add up.
Here's the first 24 heavy hitters, the rest of my programs don't even break 100mb, and there aren't that many to add up to even 20GB.
I have no idea where the space I have is going. At most, I have 5GB of personal files.
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What is this little motherfucker? Is it a roach? It doesn't look fat or repulsive enough to be a roach. I found it above my kitchen doorframe.
I guess I ask again, since firefox latest update the quick reply box of this site has become smaller, any ideas on why?
Obviously I could've said it's just a download, I was stoned and your post made it look complicated.
Did someone or something cheat you into thinking your server is a virtual machine or container or something?
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what is this fucking bloat and how do i keep that top 'bar' from taking up half my screen?
the area above the redline is useless and i am trying to extract information from the bottom half and would really like to utilize most of my screen instead of 1/3 of its height.
is there a name for those bars that dont go away as you scroll down?
Searched "swappiness* Windows" and got into a page suggesting one should enable compressed RAM.
* it's Linux jargon on keen the Linux kernel is to cram stuff into the swap file (don't know any other word for it)
Doesn't a typical Windows installation start from 100GB?
>inb4 "muh games takes at least 9001 gigabytes"
That's nice dear.
go to about:profiles
-Find your active profile (should be the one that says "yes" for default profile)
-Click "Open folder"
-Back up the entire folder
-On your new computer or whatever, copy paste your backup wherever you want (I do it in the default firefox profiles folder but sometimes I just put it onto Desktop or Documents)
-Go to about:profiles again and click "Create new profile" and select your copy pasted backed up profile folder

This has worked for me on windows, even for literally years old profiles, but for some reason it failed going from windows to linux. It said "you are attempting to use an older version of firefox" or something. Not sure how to get around this. But if you have the profile folder backed up you'll always have the login sessions, but I can't guarantee it'll work forever so do at your own discretion.

I'm not sure where firefox stores all the session cookies, I think it may be in the storage folder. You could look through all of those and update the passwords. If you don't delete cookies automatically though you might have a lot to go through though. Also no guarantee this will cover all your saved stuff, so proceed with caution.

One time I got locked out of my discord account ("new login location please verify by email") and the email, but I found some old firefox profile from like 4 years ago on some usb laying around where I was still logged in. I loaded it into firefox and it actually opened up discord. I eventually got into my email again but for a while I wasn't sure if my only access to that account would be some ancient backed up profile with no means of changing my email.

Now I try to clear any old logged in sessions which most sites give you the option to do, because yeah, that's kind of a huge security risk.
Read it all carefully. If they indeed tell you to use roaming no matter what and no explanations given and this leads to a million dollar bill, you'd be strong in the court of law.
If you don't like it, unfollow them. You have to be proactive with who you follow or your timeline becomes spam (well, maybe not spam, but uninteresting posts definitely)
Wouldn't that be a completely client-side thing? Why the server strain? Is it multiplayer or something? You could probably do it with an IntersectionObserver observing some "progress check" divs on the page, and code to scroll back up when they scroll too far without passing whatever test you want beforehand.
You can do VPN so many ways.
>If I make a WireGuard VPN connection to my house, how can I access local resources?
>how can I access local resources?
That's whole another question.
You can think of WireGuard/OpenVPN/whatever tunnel as having another network card that was plugged into the other end.
>I have services running that I access via IP:port but this doesn't work when I'm on VPN
Who "does the WireGuard"? The local machine you have services on? Or do you have a router that *bridges* your local Ethernet to the other end? Or does the router *route* the extra net?
If you do bridging, please pay a lot of attention to IP addressing on both ends. You are making yourself a network admin now that you are interconnecting networks. (still assuming you don't route)

I have a point-to-point style of setup between my router and my VPS, this is from the router:
# 01-hetzner-wireguard.netdev

# 01-hetzner-wireguard.network

Yes, systemd/Linux files. And ones for the VPS that looks mostly the same but IPs other way around and a different key.
This particular setup ROUTES (doesn't bridge) between my local so I effectively have an intranet here. I could've bridged it too but the peer on the other end has no reason to receive all my Ethernet packets, IP is enough.
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>3.5mm to RCA
As in what? Audio?
"Y cable" if audio.
Is there a programming language that differentiates between a branch that might not be taken and a branch that will always be taken?
That's like every language, CPU speculative execution will always favor the first branch.
No you misunderstand, I just want a language that makes it obvious when you have a useless use of if
... /* var not touched */
if ( var )
And yes, I know gcc will optimize this away, is there a way to do this while editing?
it's a beetle
why did you put it in a plastic bag lmao
They're called sticky headers. Btw, I checked indeed from my pc and that header is nowhere as big, are you using a 1366p screen?
I guess you could make a ublock Origin style filter to make it not sticky:
indeed.com##.jobsearch-InfoHeaderContainer.jobsearch-DesktopStickyContainer:style(position: unset !important)
Are there devices that will transmit my TV's optical audio out through Bluetooth without introducing a lot of lag, or is that the price I pay for running audio through a device like that?
I ask because it seems like half the reviews for them complain about that regardless of which one I look at, but I don't know if the issue is the average person or the devices themselves.
What you want is an LSP then, I think golang's does it out of the box but I'm sure most languages have this already.
Should I get an used 80plus bronze PSU?
My current one is a no-brand generic PSU from 2007, and i have seen some used ones for really cheap (like 30$ for a evga 500w)
Also just a disclaimer firefox may keep important data in other folders, I'm not sure. So don't assume everything is safe cause you have one folder backed up.
My motherboard has some oculink connections that go through the chipset. Is using an HBA preferable or does it not really matter these days? I have four nvme u.2 I was going to setup in zfs.
My dad recently passed away and I'd like to access his devices.. He left behind a Lenovo laptop running W11 and a Samsung Galaxy A01. Both are password protected and I'd like to access them to reach out to his friends and sort out all of his accounts.

What's the easiest way for me to access them? Ideally I'd like to unlock both of them, not just see the filesystem since I'm sure he had a bunch of stuff in his browser.

I tried guessing his laptop's pw a bunch of times, the last time it seemed like it was about to log me in but it said the account was locked. It was just a local account from what I can see though, he was not logged in with a MS account.

As for his phone he just had a pattern lock, no PIN.

I tried googling but most guides recommended downloading some sketchy bloatware and I'm sure y'all have better methods.

Thanks for your help. Go tell your parents you love them.
Yeah, I don't know what to do, I always clean cookies every single day and (you)s or other settings never change, but after the latest firefox update all my (you)s disappear and even worse than that, the settings of all the streaming services I use go back to default, any ideas please?
give them back jamal
you should be ashamed of yourself for robbing an old man
At least it seems is not just a personal problem. This is an actual deal breaker for me, chances of firefox changing this shit back?
My phone has a 1920x1080 resolution cap on videos, so I tried converting some on VLC and transfering them. I made a custom config so it only touches the resolution and fps (if it's above 30 it stutters heavily). So they play fine but they start like 3 or 5 seconds in, which is a problem because they're short and supposed to loop. Maybe the problem is the bitrate? I add a 8mbps cap, nothing. Change the audio to play 128kbps, nothing. I use the pre-config VLC offers for both SD and HD phones and in some cases it skips even more. Any help?
Worst thing is when I try to google this youtube bullshit clogs the results, they're downloaded videos ffs.
What is the equivalent of sudo zypper inr for arch?
where would i type that into? some sort of firefox setting?
right click page info?
Those file sizes are just for the programs' installations themselves, not the data they generate behind the scenes (in other words, this is the size the programs take before you start using them). Check out C:\ProgramData\ and C:\Users\username\AppData\ for the rest of the data the programs make.

Also, many of those programs in your screenshot demand way more than a 250GB drive. You may have bought it in 2020, but you went cheap.

And if you're serious about where your drive space is going, try TreeSize Free. Also post a pic of Disk Management. It's possible you have a factory restore partition or something that you might be able to remove and get more use of your internal storage. Did you use Window's own cleanup process in Settings > System > Storage?

>Doesn't a typical Windows installation start from 100GB?
A fresh installation without drivers or updates is ~30GB. After that, it really depends on how bloated the drivers are and how many restore points Windows makes during the installation of all that crap.
How do I choose my gpu with bbswitch? It keeps saying prime-select command not found
When power supplies die of old age they can damage parts of your computer, so used isn't a good deal unless you know the conditions it was used in. They've been making EVGA 500W Bronze PSUs for probably 15 years now, so you could be getting literally anything.
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>Also post a pic of Disk Management. It's possible you have a factory restore partition or something that you might be able to remove
Well, shit.
Look at that.
This is what you're talking about right?
I was expecting one, why do I have 3?
Is there any website that lets me watch age-restricted videos on Youtube without an account?
Yes, this is some of what I'm talking about.

The 850MB or 1GB partition is probably the Windows Recovery Environment, for when Windows can't boot regularly. If you're going to toss it, look online for how to disable the Windows Recovery Environment before you delete the partition.

The other one of those partitions could be manufacturer diagnostics, the bootable environment to use the factory restore data, or anything else really.

The 14.81GB partition is probably the manufacturer's factory restore data. This is probably a prebuilt PC?

If you manage to delete those last 3 partitions (look online for that, I'm tired), you can then extend your C: partition to use all that freed up space (right-click it in Disk Management and choose Extend Volume).

Don't touch the 260MB EFI System Partition or you won't be able to boot Windows.
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I am trying to force an old ass game to run on just one core by using a shortcut to launch and set affinity automatically everytime. Rockstar are such hacks that if you dont do this the mouse wont work at all. I have it set to core 4. Is all this code right? It doesnt want to run. I am so incompetent
I'm getting a weird issue with bash_completion when trying to change directories, seems to mostly be when a terminal session is fairly new, but it happens in older terminals too.
When I try to cd into my Videos directory with tab completion:
cd virealpath: '': No such file or directory

It will autofill to the directory I want, but not before printing an error from realpath, which I wasn't even aware bash-completion used. What causes this?
This never happened until I just updated my system and rebooted earlier, so I'm wondering if one of the new versions of those packages causes this bug. bash-completion itself was updated last month, so it's not that.
I think I have fixed it by changing a line in /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
REPLY=$(realpath "$file")
REPLY=$(realpath "$file" 2>/dev/null)
How feasible is it to add a second power button to my pc that when pressed would boot a different OS?
I tried online AI chats and while they benefit from being able to look up stuff online, they're not as smart and as chatgpt
is there any free AI as good as chat gpt and capable of looking up info online?
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How do I git gud at embedded programming using the TIs msp430?
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I want to upgrade from my existing 128 GB flash drive all the way to 1 TB. I want to be able to move large amounts of files in between my phone, tablet, and make computer and this seems like the most convenient and fastest option. I mostly store manga scans and torrents of movies and tcv shows on it. I'll be going on a camping trip for two weeks in a few days so I want to be able to store as much content as I can since I'll be without any wifi. Is there anything I should be wary of regarding flash drives in general before I do this?

Link to the one I'm eyeing:

SanDisk 1TB Ultra Dual Drive Luxe USB Type-C - SDDDC4-1T00-G46, https://a.co/d/0iSjrC4x
Dammit, I even cleaned my keyboard (took off the "a" button and dusted , couldn't find no dirt underneath no more) and it's still doing it.
a userscript for that
with 4chanx, is there a quick way to unhide all posts in a thread?
sometimes my filter gets the first post in a chain and it hides all normal replies after so I'd rather just unhide everything all at once
I have an issue with my home theatre set up. I have an old Sony Muteki amp connected to the tv with an optical cable. I have a chromecast plugged in to one of the tv's hdmi ports. When using an app like Youtube or Twitch, the audio works fine, but whenever there is a moment of silence, the amp 'flickers' like the connection has been briefly interrupted. It wouldn't be an issue if it was silent but there is a click noise that happens when the connection comes back and this can happen frequently. The front panel on the amp also goes blank during this flicker.
any ideas?
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how could i make a device that activates a light or sends some kind of signal when it senses a strong vibration or hit ? i saw these arduino vibration modules but i assume i need the full arduino control board to use them
It'll just be single-player, I meant to say strain on the user's PC if there was a bunch of JavaScript that needed to be loaded at once to get an infinite seamless image repeat, but I'm stupid.
But thanks that Intersection Observer seems like it'll help a ton!
is there any use to a PCI ethernet card these days? considering desktop computers all have built in ethernet

or what about PCI audio cards?
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I don't know if I'm having some kind of Mandela Effect moment, but back in the early 2000s I had a friend who was really into computers, and he showed me a programming language that he was learning. It was called Euphoria. I distinctly remember him showing me the IDE he was using for it on a late 90s spec laptop, one that his dad had bought from a school when they were selling off surplus tech. This was way before I ever got into programming myself, but I guess it kind of looked like C or C++. That's all I can remember of it, but every time I've tried looking it up, it doesn't seem to exist. Does any anon know what the hell I'm talking about?
there's this leftist faggot youtuber who keeps popping up in my recommendations from youtube while not signed in to an account
I heard like 3 minutes of him fellate biden and spew orangemanbad memes and I never want to see his faggot face or hear his voice again he is a retarded talking head high on the wrong kool-aid

is there any way to clear his shit from recommendations without an account?
can't click "not interested" since I'm not signed in
don't feel like clearing cookies because most other recommendations seem fine

I know an election is coming up so big tech will be shilling political shit but I don't need these clickbait talking head losers in my music/anime/gaming recommendations
I would suggest using the random sleep interval options so it takes about a minute between each download. That's how I avoid getting banned when using yt-dlp anyway.

are you retarded?
Post in /ohm/ on /diy/
>how bloated the drivers are
Or rather the bloatware that comes with them. You know those printer driver packages for example that take 500MB of drive space but the same printer works out-of-the-box on Linux using some tiny piece of code from 25 years ago.
I assume some hardcore Windows-hackers know how to extract the Real Thing from such "bundles"(?)
I haven't actually tried looking in at least a decade, maybe it wasn't as well known back then. This might be it though, and I might be retarded, but thanks all the same.
Swap the input / output to hdmi
As long as you're using a proper filesystem it shouldn't matter. Likely exfat, NTFS or ext4.
Seems like it would be easier to modify a grub configuration than it would be to program a power button.
ffmpeg -i "Video File.mp4" -vf scale=-1:1080 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -b:a 96k -filter:v fps=30 -row-mt "Video File.webm"
is there any point of updating video card drivers after the initial setup? I see some people say 'if it works leave it as is' and others say 'there is no harm in doing it'
of course it probably doesn't matter what you do but I'd rather ask. I have a 4080S
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Thanks, That saved me some gigs. I'll leave this added space open for my programs to run in. I also used Windows paging file to allocate some hard space for RAM, if thats how that works. I already have 16GB of RAM, but whatever.
Should have bought a laptop with more space than 250, but it was all I could afford.
Yeah, do it. Software improvements improve hardware efficiency and provide more features and reduce bugs.
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Plugged a USB-C capture card into my laptop (while it was on wall power) and got this message. Has any permanent damage been done to my laptop?
>Software improvements improve
yeah I get that part, but an update doesn't always need to be an improvement. that's the only reason I don't do it
There was some bug that popped u on nvidia cards with Sonic Racing Transformed, and in the patch notes for subsequent driver updates that was left in the "still didn't address" section, after a while I think they took it out of the notes, but I don't think they ever fixed it
that's what I mean
now that seems relatively insignificant but it is still something to note
forgot to mention though, if you use OBS to stream/record with NVENC after a while OBS breaks if your nvidia drivers aren't up to date. S you could just not update OBS or use CPU encoding only.
Invidious or Piped?
sometimes when shopping for old pc stuff a listing will say "No COA". does anyone know what that exactly means?
How bad it is to have my PC running all the time? I'm thinking about self hosting some stuff like Jellyfin etc but I'm worried about my PC exploding
Yeah sure, but it could be fun
24/7 uptime is better for it than turning it off and on daily
What about power consumption?
hmm well I suppose overall it can't hurt to just update once every now and then. if needed because of driver bugs just update asap
it's a Ublock Origin filter (with an action operator) - so put it 'my filters'. I think other adblockers support this syntax too, so it might work in those as well.
is there a case for m.2 nvme sticks? When I look it up all I found is enclosures. I want a case I can put multiple drives for safe keeping
nvm found a bunch. All I had to do was search "m.2 storage case" instead of just "m.2 case". If anyone has any cases they like plz link ty
For long term storage, should I keep my files as is into a drive or compress them? If compressed, which method/file type is recommended?
Does it have to be uncompressed PCM? Versions of aptX offer around 40ms of latency but I can't say anything about the audio fidelity.
hard to say, depends on your pc
Make sure to image before attempting any data repair.
No idea about getting around Windows passwords but I believe it's possible to get Chromium browser's data by copying the "User Data" folder (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data for chrome). Never tried it myself, however.
Hmm, it seems there's guides which say you need to copy some other parts too so google that :p.
After some googling, wouldn't it be more convenient to use bumblebee (which uses bbswitch)?
Isn't hiding recursive? If you unhide the first reply, all of the backlink replies will unhide too
Uhhhh, maybe it's because the program name is empty? It looks like it's correct
yeah true but sometimes I scroll through a thread and only notice a hidden post when it's the 3rd or 4th in a chain and having to search for the original post is a hassle
I do what you mentioned right now but it's just annoying sometimes
Thanks for the alternative, I'm guessing if I wanted to convert a vertical video I'd use -vf scale=1080:-1. Is the loss of quality noticeable though? My only experience with webms comes from here and even on short stuff you can notice the compression.
I tried that and will try again because I realized that I forgot to remove already downloaded media from the gallery folder, rendering my 20s sleep options useless.
Also I pray to God that I won't need to set it to a minute long, my last successful download had 1400 files.
Imagine waiting 1 (one) twitter URL to finish download, let alone multiple.
Look at the drive using WinDirTree or WinDirStat. There should definitely be some stuff to remove. Though, workstation software does take up a lot of space, you should probably be a larger drive or multiple drives for that kinda thing. Cloning the smaller drive to a bigger one isn't too much effort nowadays.
Is it this https://support.cyberpowerpc.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015016654-What-is-a-COA ? Basically just the sticker that contains the license key?
ty, I gotta figure out how to do something about fan noise then
Nah, it'd just been awhile since i set everything up and i forgot where it all was. I just had to remember to go on http://localhost to remember I was already on my own server and just had to unzip it in the right place.
why are external hard drives so expensive now?
I need some additional monitors to my home PC that I use for gaming.
Can I just smash another cheap GPU in there?
my old wireless headphones would play music when I pushed the button, my new ones don't unless the music software is open and the phone is unlocked
why, I liked the way it was before
chia mooned
told you
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So if for a simple network in an office to have internet you need
>A modem
>A router
How is it possible that I can connect so many devices to the ISP router at my house? Actually, What did my ISP give me? A router or a modem? or both in one?
if you can connect multiple computers to it, it's a router, since that's what a router does
it may depend on where you live but combo devices that are a modem router and switch (and wifi AP, too) are the standard where i do
>if you can connect multiple computers to it
to be clear, i mean if the device lets you connect multiple computer to the same internet connection using it
like hooking a modem up to a switch won't let you use the internet on all the devices you plug into the switch
Crystal clear anon, thanks
provided you have a spare pci-e slot, yes
If I close whatsapp on my PC does it still show me as online?

I drink a lot and try to close every way that I might contact someone else I make a mistake. Including skype.

It seems like with whatsapp even if I close the program in the taskmanager, people can still message me.

How do I be more offline in all my communications in general? Like airplane mode but with internet still working.
Whenever I restart my computer and open up Firefox it will try and fail to download files that I have already downloaded in the past. I don't know why Firefox keeps trying to download these files and I would like to know how to get Firefox to stop trying to download these random files. How do I fix this?
Stop using Firefox and switch to Vivaldi.
Delete the downloads from their folder?
yeah, or a usb-c hub
I have been having loads of BSODs with various codes for a long time.
Just few days ago Windows became extremely slow and unusable.
As things started to escalate I reinstalled Windows and now it seems stable and responsive.
But I am a bit worried as at one point before reinstallation after a reboot my OS SSD completely disappeared and it wasn't visible in BIOS.
The clean Windows installation seemed to fix issues as of now but should I be concerned that there could be some hardware related issue as well?
I'm working on my own programming language and imports in it can either be scripts, if they have a specific extension, or executables that can communicate with my lang via sockets.
As of now they look something like this:
import "regex"

In this case, regex would be regex.exe on Windows or just regex on Linux. Now, my question is: how do I make the imports truly smart? All the library importing, as of now, is done before the actual script launches. I want users to be able to use variables in import statements and even stuff like string concatenation.
My ideas so far:
>the good
Shift away from the pre-execution import model and import just in time
>the bad
Introduce a preprocessor that only detects import statements and mines for variables needed
>the ugly
Introducing special comment syntax that will be used by the preprocessor
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what was the password for my old truecrypt volume again
Why do we need more RAM? Does more RAM even affect gaming performance? Why do some games ask for RAM? Please explain it to a complete retard
Your computer stores temporary things (e.g. your position in a videogame, where you are aiming, current weapon, etc.) in memory (ram), and permanent things (files, executables, videos, etc.) on disk. When your computer doesn't have enough memory it has to start storing things on disk, which is magnitudes slower than memory.

So when your computer doesn't have enough ram it has to read and write from disk which will be extremely slow. By adding more ram to your computer it'll be "faster" as you'll have a more memory to use before you have to go back to reading/writing on disk
Why is my mobile youtube being gay and having these big empty spaces?
Probably because you watch OneyPlays and are a manchild
what's the worst that can happen if I plug an ethernet cable from my pc to my router running stock firmware? Would the router be able to look at files saved on my hdd? Anything bad you can think of? And suppose there are other potentially malicious devices connected to the same router, like a windows laptop: what's the worst they could do? Anything else malicious I'm not thinking of?
they're changing stuff around to block ad blockers, again.
You mean modem? Or gateway? Why haven't you updated your router firmware? Can you log into it to disabled upnp?
>boot up computer
>launch VMware
>run VM
>works perfectly fine for months back to back without issues

>boot up computer
>launch VMware
>run VM
>power off VM, run a different VM
>power off different VM, go back to initial VM
>computer will freeze sometime within the next 12 hours to 7 days

why tho
Easier to see and photograph. Thanks for the answer, anon. I realized after the fact this was /g/, not /diy/
this thing, I don't really know the difference between a modem and a router. Yes I can log into it and upnp is disabled
If it has multiple outputs and a coax input it's likely a gateway, which is a router modem hybrid. I hate those. I can't explain a modem very well, but it's essentially a signal converter that transmits/receives data from coax to Ethernet. Usually having a modem that only serves as a modem is best, because you can attach a router of your choice and have a lot more configuration options and firmware updates.

Gateways should have a firewall, similar to a router, so it's should be secure, now that upnp is disabled.
New to linux, is this guide safe to make ubuntu look like windows?
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>A modem
>A router
These two are TYPICALLY one and the same. What technology are you getting? Cable, fibre, ADSL, VDSL, 4G or what?
When needed. Note that the LAN ports on your "router" are a switch.
>How is it possible that I can connect so many devices to the ISP router at my house? Actually, What did my ISP give me? A router or a modem? or both in one?
Only your router is Really and Honestly internet-connected, all the rest aren't. Search "masquerading" or "network address translation".
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what is a good desktop app for reoccurring daily checklists that refresh themselves at the same time every day?
I don't see why you would want to do that. Just use LMDE or install Cinnamon.
very real
My parents laptop is old and can't run windows. I want to copy windows so they can't tell the difference because they are so used to it. Is this guide safe?
They would likely feel more comfortable with Linux Mint cinnamon. Install the latest version of Wine for them as well, as they'll likely want to run some windows applications as well.
>The video tutorial explained that it's just a cinnamon theme, so it's basically bloat.
get linux mint cinnamon, and check this out
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how do i convert flac files to m4a using ffmpeg?
>ffmpeg -i "Audio Title.flac" -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k "Audio Title.m4a"
>I want to copy windows so they can't tell the difference because they are so used to it
So. Old office workers who only care how the desktop environment looks on the surface and reject it if it doesn't look Window'sy enough? Seen that.
You just can't win that fight. Offer the Linux option or leave them to figure it out themselves.
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thank you anon but i still don't understand
What don't you understand, maybe I can talk you through it.
>aac is a codec
>m4a is a container file
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>I don't really know the difference between a modem and a router.
When you got shit like DSL or something and you have a "media converter" connected to it, the "media converter" is in fact the modem. Picrel for example "modems" the phone line signal into normal Ethernet so you can install any generic Wi-Fi box behind it. So you don't need to buy a DSL modem + Wi-Fi box combo thing as the selection is extremely small on those.
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i assume i paste the line into the command prompt app but when i do it returns "Error opening input files: No such file or directory". am i supposed to open a cmd prompt in the folder that the flac file is in?
It was just an example, obviously you need to specify correct file names.
t. different anon
Yes. You probably want to setup an environment path for convenience. So you can run ffmpeg in any directory. Otherwise you'll have to list the directory path each time you want to input and output a file.
They did
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this was the return when i inputted it in the cmd prompt in the folder. i tried to replace "libfdk_aac" with "aac" but it returned "'-i' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
why does my browser take so long to load websites sometimes despite my internet being fine and other sites being no issue
>be me
>using linux firefox
>open search engine
>everything goes quick
>click on site link
>takes like 40-60 secs to actually open
>once it actually opens its quick again
>sometimes going to different boards can take the same amount of time
>4chan captcha is like 300 secs for new threads now
i dunno, for some reason everything is just running slower
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ignore that image, im an idiot and placed 2 ">". this was the return
Can you do a alt+prt like you did before? Helps with troubleshooting. You're using a static build, right? So whoever configured that build didn't make it with libfdk_aac enabled. So you'll have to fall back on the aac option instead. Unless they for whatever reaason decided to use the appletoolbox version, then try your luck with that.
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i'll try appletoolbox next
trying to libreboot a t500. Has anyone deciphered how they want you to make a ch341a safe to use?

It's posted here how to modify it but it's unrevised and reads like autistic word salad. Has anyone made a step by step guide on how to fix the ch341a and I'm just missing it?
is there a better more modern alternative to voicemeeter than doesn't increase my cpu temps for whatever reason
Add -map -0:v or -map 0:a to the command to ignore the artwork conversion.
Or if you want to try to keep the artwork -map 0:v -c copy
What is the easy way to switch my gpu from intel to Nvidia on fedora?
On opensuse I just used bbswitch, but idk if that works the same.
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Using an AMD card and never got any crypto mining thing or anything that "uses the GPU" to work. Does this mean I have to install 'AMD Pro' drivers?
What does switching a GPU mean? The thing that laptops with "hybrid graphics" do?
(how's that shit even wired in the current year?)
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I will never be able to convert flac files to m4a using ffmpeg and that is okay. We all have our limitations
The heatwave is getting to my headphones and they're starting to peel. What should I do?
Idk bro
I wish it would just fucking do it, I have the drivers installed and two screens. I know the shit isn't working properly because my YouTube is lagging when I play games. I just want it to work but windows is out of the question.
Is this supposed to look like the hanging tranny meme?
ffmpeg -i Input.flac -vn -c:a aac -b:a 256k Output.m4a
It's a graphics card you sick chud
Jesus Christ
Please make it stop
No matter what I do I'm fucked
>Try anything gnome based
>Install another de
>Can't detect second monitor
>Try kde
>Can't detect Nvidia graphics card for some reason with hybrid gpu
>Play game
>Shuts down keyboard, any any usb things related after around 5 minutes of playing ANY game, even old ones

Really, what the fuck an I suppose to do? I'm going insane
i have 22k photos and webm's in my downloads folder. what's a good way to tell AI to organize them for me?
cd Downloads
mkdir WebM
mkdir jpg
mkdir png
mv *.png png
mv *.jpg jpg
mv *.webm WebM
About how long do you imagine it would take to configure a custom build of ffmpeg?
Can I use syncthing for simple one and done file shares from one device to another or is it mainly used for stuff like syncing text documents that are actively being updated across multiple pcs? If not, what can I use?
I want an iPhone as a secondary phone. What is the lowest generation of a used iPhone I could buy and still have it functioning enough with basic phone stuff? This includes texting, calling, youtube, and dating apps

my budget would be around $250 if it matters. I am aware that apple purposely slows downs their oldest iphons with new software updates
iPhone 6.
it's not exactly designed to replace things like samba, but i do use it to move some stuff as well because it's there and convenient
its probably something like this.
adding a sleep so you don't get rate limited

while IFS="" read -r link || [ -n "$link" ]
curl --get --data-urlencode "url=$link" https://archive.is/submit
sleep 5
done < links.txt
Is there any kind of software that can make my voice sound like a girl when I use the microphone?
do i have any risks if i permanently enabled the adb server on my phone and it's configured to receive requests across the local network?
what kind of risks?
There are various to-do programs. I use the Microsoft one since it's simple, probably spyware or whatever though :PPP
Google voice filters, this was the first result I got.
does anyone here use an iphone? which ipa/app do you use to browse 4chan? theres no clover or kuroba on ios so im not sure what i should download.
Best privacy focused notes taking app like Google keep?
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Does anyone know of a program that will automatically collage images of different aspect ratios without cropping any of them? Like say I had 50 images and wanted them in a big square. Pic unrelated since they're all squares(I know how to make these).
if I have youtube video urls that have been deleted is there any way to search them for the title?
I have a bunch of old tabs opened but videos are deleted and I'm curious to know what I missed out on
of course chrome deletes the history and just overwrites it with "YouTube" so that's no help

are there any plugins that will remedy this for me on my end?
You're most likely boned. A search engine might have indexed them or maybe someone posted the link on twitter or something.
>I have a bunch of old tabs opened but videos are deleted and I'm curious to know what I missed out on
If you're anything like me it was anti- immigration, anti-vax, anti-lgbtq, about 9/11, promoting hitler, or about alternative histories. Also known as anti-Semitic content.
Is Google One Storage (100 GB online drive for $20 a year) worth it
I don't understand the point of baremetal backup for PC.

For server ? Sure, you need to restart the server in a VM instantly, and you'll find the same hardware to replace the failed one.

For a PC?
If you have to replace it because of a hardware failure or you've lost it, the new one won't have the same hardware, so restoring it makes no sense.
If you need to recover a file, there are more practical backup solutions that use less data (NAS, sync, etc.).
To repair after ransomware, perhaps? But then again, wouldn't it make more sense to reinstall Windows (or a prefabricated image) and recover the important files that were backed up using the previous method?

I'm setting up a 3-2-1 solution and I don't understand those who recommend a baremetal backup.
already tried the videoID google search, no results
i'll have to look into a plugin or something I guess because this shit is getting way more frequent and way more fucking annoying these days
the 2020s yt has more deleted content than ever before this shit is insane

from neighboring tabs I suspect it was actually anime clips, bodycam footage, or pitbulls being rekt
Probably the dogs then.
i'm trying to crop out some black bars from a 1080x1080 video that should be 720x1080 and it somehow cuts only a part of the bars, cuts into the video itself and leaves me a video that fits the resolution but slimmer black bars and less video
-i "input.mp4" -vf "crop=720:1080:180:0" "output.mp4"
am i doing something wrong? when i used cropdetect it acts like there are no black bars at all, recommending me to keep it 1080x1080 even when i try to tune this filter to grab these vantablack pieces of shit
if you're using windows, onedrive is better. but google drive is good, yes.
>use Chrome
>get 6 character captchkas
>open Firefox
>get 4 character captchkas
I bought a computer, didn't build one, and for some reason I can't have it and the lights in in my room on at the same time or it trips the circuit breaker. At this moment the computer and the monitor are the only things drawing any power in the room but as soon as I turn on the lights the breaker gets tripped.

Like what the fuck, where do I go from here lol?
are your lights and your sockets on the same circuit?
How do I find that out?
>343 kilobyte binary
It can't possibly take long to compile. (at least on my Arch loonix it's 343K)
Or did you literally mean "configure"? How many options does it have then?
>one and done file shares from one device to another
Both on local net or otherwise reachable? Use some minimal HTTP server on the "sending" side and whoever wants the file uses their web browsers for example.
Of course this scheme doesn't have an upload function.
Hello fellow European, not all parts of the world have... rules and shit.
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building ffmpeg is more than just the ffmpeg front end binary itself
there's other other interactive binaries like ffplay, ffprobe etc. and even more importantly, the libraries (libavcodec, libavfilter etc), then there's a myriad of external dependencies (mostly codecs), depending on what you configure it to support
huh? oh right, we are on sqt...
what country are you in?
your circuitboard should have an RCD which is like a master switch and individual breakers for each circuit. when your circuit gets tripped, the RCD should be off as well as a breaker for a specific circuit. try turning on only the RCD on and leaving the other breaker off. if at that point you can't use your lights or your PC then they're both on the same circuit.
not that hard if you're on a debian based system or don't mind docker cancer.
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why the hate for web devs?

serious question.
to give another comparison, just look at static builds (that include everything in one binary), they're huge
the fuck are you reading? that's sounds like some reddit tier bullshit, just backup to a NAS and have the NAS upload encrypted blobs to the cloud every month or so.
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Right, I was doing my thing and oversimplifying everything.
Here's some actual info on the matter: https://linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/multimedia/ffmpeg.html
>Estimated build time: 1.3 SBU
>(using parallelism=4; add 3.2 SBU (with THREADS=4) to run the FATE suite after sample files are downloaded; add 0.3 SBU for doxygen docs)
And here's explanation on "SBUs": https://linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter04/aboutsbus.html
Depending on your potato I'd say it'll take something from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. I've ran Gentoo Linux for years and there's only a handful of THINGS that pop out as taking long to compile and FFmpeg isn't one of them. (Firefox, Thunderbird, Libre Office, big desktop environments, GCC and Rust take ages)
alone it's not that big, what i'm saying is that if you're installing it as a new package (i.e. not updating it), then you will also be bringing in a lot of dependencies (depending on configuration, but usually you will want a lot) and it adds up
(note that in practice you only build all of them at the same time once, when you first install ffmpeg or something that depends on ffmpeg, since ffmpeg is such a common thing to depend on, or more specifically its' libraries, then you'll almost certainly only have to deal with building a large number of deps for it once. subsequent updates only require rebuilding the few things that were updated)
The fuck is Copilot and why did it install itself on my Windows 10?
And are people fine with this? OS comes with programs, fine. OS gets updates, fine. OS randomly installs shovelware (or worse?) behind your back? The fuck.
you're looking at

100W for your CPU
25W for your motherboard
50W for your HDD(s)/SSD(s)?
100W for your RAM
300W for your GPU
100W for your monitor

your computer is half a toaster
what else do you have running in your room? what about neighboring rooms?
any fans/ac or other electronics?
I have 400gb of videos.
How do I compress these to fit on a single 250gb hard drive without losing quality?

Plug it in somewhere else that's on a different switch? I used to have a faulty oven that would always trip the circuit for the kitchen. Ruined a few frozen foods and (worse) slow cooker meals ( ._.)
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hiii, so the last invidious instance i was using died some time ago.
now that i started using another one, i would like to know if theres a (practical) way for me to move all my subscriptions, playlists, and so to another instance in case that happens again.
also had the same issue with their shitty website. the class is just .is-sticky. use the stylus extension.
.is-sticky {
position: unset !important;
That's what I was planning to do
Devices - NAS - Cloud
But what's the point of product like Active Backup or Veam for PC is beyond my comprehension.
You can't, that isn't how video compression works.
Does Google care if I have 5 accounts linked to one phone number?

(and 10 extra Google accounts on top of that, unlinked)
When I press the "Auto clean" button on my microwave, it just starts the microwave for 11:00 minutes. Looks like it's... microwaving. How does that clean anything?
you are supposed to leave a cup of water with soap inside of it, and then auto clean
I have inherited administration of a stone age chinesium dvr with an internal hdd. I've been told disk access breaks (with no external indication) when there's too much load on the circuit and I've seen it stop once, even though there shouldn't have been much else on the circuit at the time (but i can't be sure). The drive stays fucked through scheduled reboots, and only starts working again after a hard power off (shut down and pull the plug).
Would replacing the hdd with an ssd fix this issue?
Hello, I have an android tablet with 2GB ram, but when I browse 50-100m megapixel images, it crashes rather often. Is this RAM RELATED? Do I need to buy a tablet with 4-8GB ram instead?
link the model
What do you guys do for notes?
>look for new note taking system
>spend a bunch of time setting it up, configuring it, formatting it what have you
>notice something about it is lacking, the fear of investing my time into something arises
>see someone touting new product as the best note taking system and to ditch your old one immediately
>start to get the itch
>look for new note taking system
What the freak is the endgame? Paper and pen?
>>Paper and pen?
>Erm, well actually, yes
Don't tell me what I don't wanna hear
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what happened to /ppg/
maybe, depends on what the software you're using is actually doing, like if it's trying to thumbnail a bunch of images at once you might run into some ram-related problems, since 100 megapixel images means they contain (around) 100 million pixels, which are usually 24 bits per pixel, meaning they require 286MiB or just over a quarter of a gig of ram to store the decoded picture (regardless of how small the compressed picture is)
like if it's firing off a dozen thumbnailing processes all trying to decode and resize 100Mpix images, you're gonna run out of ram real fast
oh yeah forgot that, so it has 3GB ram (samsung galaxy tab a7

try the good old .txt files with folder structure (so folders for each thing and then either multiple text files or just a single text file with "chapters")

or paper and pen and then scan them or take picture of every paper so that it gets backed up
I have a 4 to 1 HDMI hub and J have accidentally unplugged its power cord and it was still working perfectly, able to changed channel using its button or remote controller

How is it possible and should I leave it like this, unplugged? It would free an AC plug from the power bar
either witchcraft, or hdmi carries +5v
it does
Good recommendations for a metal mouse? I don't want aluminium, I'd prefer steel or another alloy metal. I'd like it to be affordable but it doesn't actually have to be.
That's why you only use LTSC
Glad to see it works on PS3, PS4 Pro and One X
>And are people fine with this?
Some normies actually EXPECT the OEM bloatware and all that.
i heard that even LTSC gets it and that it has to be explicitly disabled in settings
maybe if you weren't such a filthy pleb you'd know
Recently have been wanting to get back into writing as a hobby. Any recommendations on free word processing software? There are a bunch and I keep hearing conflicting things.
>Windows 10
I thought it was only supported on 11 and on machines with Snapdragon processors? Did that change?
Yup apparently they are pushing it now, guess my whole day is now going to be switching over to linux.
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How much coffee do you drink a day?
Whole day? What distro?
Oh boy! More bloatware!
At least a liter
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anyone have experience using a mini pc?
my beloved homebuilt 10 year old desktop passed away recently after it got coated in diatomaceous earth, and my chromebook can only do so much in the meantime.
I need a PC that I can play video games on and use music production software.
What sort of games do you want to play? Might just want to build another computer. What's your budget looking like?
Sounds like you don't know what processor architectures mean. You want a *PC* as in something that's x86 - be it Intel or AMD.
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uhhh yeah??
Just look up the specs it's an actual PC instead of a... Chrome-box or whatever Android thing.
>Being this stupid
You can toss a 5700G into a miniATX motherboard with 32GB ram and toss it in a case and you have a mini pc that's can run modern games at 60fps without a graphics card.
Assumed he wanted a *mini*-PC.
Any sort of ATX is very far from "mini".
I have a lot of files I haven't bothered sorting though in a while, I have ADHD (inb4 meme disease) so if you have anything on keeping computers organized and clean for retards like me I'm willing to hear it.
I'll be jumping to Xubuntu or Lubuntu. Probably Xubuntu.
i want to be able to play any games of any genre. all the new games, basically. i don't care if i have to lower the graphics to medium or change the resolution or fps, i just want the games to be able to run reliably. to be even more specific, i want to be able to run switch emulators. my old pc couldn't do that.
i'm not going to build another pc at this point. i want to, but it's just not going to happen with my current circumstances. best case scenario would be i somehow repair my dead PC and replace the graphics card, which I think is what is damaged, but the components are so old anyway that buying a mini pc would be a upgrade on every spec. i just want to know if anyone here has experience using a mini pc desu
What sort of hardware are you working with?
>All the new games
You'll probably need a graphics card if that's the case, don't get a mini pc. Might as well get a pre-build if you don't feel like making a new desktop.
>What sort of hardware are you working with?
AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
Might as well run Mint or LMDE, very cozy, easy to use.
I've never heard of LMDE, whats that?
Linux Mint Debian Edition, the coziness of Mint with a later kernel version.
Yeah, I was just typing that I looked it up. Isn't mint heavier than xubuntu though? I've used xubuntu in the past as a main os, it isn't perfect but I'm hoping one day to jump to arch from there, but we'll see.
Slightly, but you shouldn't notice much of a difference in performance with your hardware.
get fucked, nigger. i've had no need to touch my LTSC 2019 partition for quite a while now.
I'll try it out before I make a final choice, your saying to with LMDE and not the Ubuntu fork?
They're both pretty similar, I'm using the OG version, cinnamon edition.
I don't understand why they built LMDE then? They are both Debian based, just one on Debian and another on Ubuntu that is built on Debian?
Mint has an official XFCE flavour, I'd say try that first.
Xubuntu still suffers from Snap City Syndrome.
LMDE is more of an escape route for Mint devs in case Ubuntu becomes too burdensome to deal with.
>Xubuntu still suffers from Snap City Syndrome.
>Snap City Syndrome
Are we /fit/ now? What's SCS?
Probably just mean it uses Canonical's snap system which is not well liked by some for being partly proprietary.
Canonical has been rather aggressively pushing their new package format called Snap (which allegedly has a proprietary backend), by gradually discontinuing various deb packages and replacing them with Snaps. All flavours (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc) are affected. Most users do not liek this. Mint is strongly against this and is not affected by this.
Okay I guess I'll give mint a whirl, I'm gonna partition my drive and install mint, then go out for a run while its installing.
If you need further assistance I'll be over in the new /sqt/, and/or check out hexchat, you'll automatically go to the mint linux help channel. Make sure you read the rules and don't socialize outside of the linux mint chat channel.
Yup, thanks for the help!

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