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how do you respond without sounding mad?
no, really
whats up with the file name?
>FurryGODS living rent free in conservacucks' heads
I kneel
He fell for one of the classic blunders, thinking they can win a fight against gay furry hacktivists online.
several high profile hacks recently. is there a zero day in commonly deployed server software?
I hope the furfag rots in prison
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>muh project 2025
>muh murican politics boogeyman
Furries are anything but closeted
>brings up "closeted" out of nowhere
is Mike... you know
>Ok listen to me closely
>We are in the process of identifying and outting members of your group
>Closeted Furries will be presented to the world for the degenerate perverts they are
>You cannot hide
>Your means are miniscule compared to mine. You can either turn yourself in or you can cooperate
thigh high nsa glowniggers vs. trad fasc nsa glowniggers
I think the faggots are gonna get away with this one.
Israel never loses.
That seems to be a trend in the West. First, the United States stokes a land war in Asia, now this.
>not knowing how much of the intel/cyber communities at large are all furries
Its more something like this IMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-9CkBai2rA&pp=ygURV2UgYmFjayB0cmFjZWQgaXQ%3D
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yep, i'm thinking this is ANOTHER furGOD victory
So... gay NEET furries vs gay furries with jobs?
so what is Project 2025?
Glowie sponsored fake hacktivism due to election period
cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
>muh half-assed damage control
You're like a walking abortion, Alenka.
Linux servers
MAGAtroons with Dunning-Kruger.
The epstein documents that came out of florida literally allege that Trump raped 2 kids
If that doesn't stick, what the fuck else do these furries think will stick?
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Consequences will never be the same
I never asked for this.
I trust documents as much as I trust anonymous posts. Anon allegedly raped god.
I never asked for this.
Does it literally do that? does it allege it or does it say it? or does it literally allege it or figuratively say it?

I saw someone allege that you raped a 3yo boy yesterday. What will you say to your defense?
initiative to recruit staff ahead of time to fill civil service appointments as efficiently as possible in the case Trump wins the presidency
>several high profile hacks recently. is there a zero day in commonly deployed server software?
Nah, people are just being retards and playing it loose and fast with Gen AI and Datamarts in addition to all the other things they usually play loose and fast with.
As far as I'm concerned it's fake and gay without the fucking leak.
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>Heritage Foundation
>Gay Furry Hackers
>Project 2025

I know nothing about these things, and I don't intend to learn.
*takes a drag from cigarette*
>the thing is.....
*retreats back into his mysterious hoodie*
>people are.....
*neon lights shining on the tip of his chin*
>playing it fast and loose.....
*takes another drag from cigarette*
>you never play it......
*camera zooms out revealing a futuristic cyberpunk city*
>fast and loose......
*our heroic hacker stands on top of a skyscraper while moonlight shines on him*
*fade to black*
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yiff in hell furfags
>we only want to shine light on who supports the heritage foundation
Looks like all of their articles are written under real names, they have their employees listed by names, have a list of contributors and acknowledgements and even have financial statements on their website all the way back to 2014.

Those idiots will get absolutely no new information. And they will rot in jail for this.
Probably the most retarded "hacktivists" to date. Even more retarded than the Anonymouse LARPers on twitter, because those at least do nothing or pick targets to bully that don't get them into trouble.

The heritage foundation is massively pro-ZOG. All their political engagement is perfectly in line with the narrative.
troons malding
Unironically heritage is anti US intervention in Middle East and thinks we should bring back our forces

Focus on China

Close up the war on Russia

Grt rid of inflated bureaucracy
Here is the problem, he thinks that furries have any shame, they are in such a degenerate state that they don't even think it's a shameful thing anymore
Are they against sending military aid to Israel?
they're court documents, they're allegations from one of named victims of the epstein case
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>Close up the war on Russia
haha... no..

They are exactly 100% on line with the current narrative. Just that they focus on one specific part of it.
Imagine goint to jail for this. Imagine going to jail because you want to support the blue warmongers against the red warmongers by trying to get financial informations about a foundation that has all its financial public.
https://files.catbox.moe/i0tkbp.txt full coversation
it reads like a bad fanfic
found the link to the full conversation from https://www.dailydot.com/debug/heritage-foundation-hack-sieged-sec-chat-log-retirement/
i heard there is an allegation of a named victim saying that you raped her when she was 3 years old.
They won't go to jail for it, because the hacker group is most likely a front for American intelligence, or at a useful idiot riddled with informants.
>being annoyed by off-topic muh murican politics garbage is "damage control"
ok schizo
You're just reinforcing the point that nothing these furries expose will stick
>Mike Howell:
>whatever you prefer, i'm tied up with the fbi issuing a 2702 order on your social media.
>you arent that sneaky for your line of work
>(screenshot of our bitcoin wallet's transactions)

>omg you learned how to look up the public history of my bitcoin address!!! good job pal im proud of you :D
i don't even need to click the url. i was thinking the same thing.
damn bro that's cringe lol
I don't believe that.
ZOG needs the red warmongers more than ever, in order to drop the blue warmongers as scapegoats and then continue with the same policy.

The furries will have legitimately gotten access to some useless server. Got nothing of value (where is the drop?). And they will now get glowied and rot in jail.

When glowies use their backdoors, they publish the leaks via random legacy media, citing anonymous sources and whistleblowers. Or it just shows up on the dark web.
They exposed nothing.
Just like your document literal figurative allegations exposed nothing.

But you will pretend that they did.
>remember when furry hackers literally exposed the trump backers?
>meow :3
>(image of cat :3)
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this is peak reddit
We will
For all of trumps jew cock sucking, he's still an unstable element for the establishment. And he has been in public speaking out against more wars in the middle east, and the de-funding of NATO. I can guarantee these hackers will not get any jail time. At most they'll ""investigate"" them and say they cannot find their identities, and/or they're not even real. Just like what they did with antifa. It's only when they go off their reservation is when they'll face any real justice.
I don't envy this guy for having to deal with insane teenagers but this is just laughable
Godspeed furfaggots
Embarrassing, why are leftoids like this?
Anon, the furries published everything they got.
It was a database dump from "the Daily Signal", which is a wordpress blog.
>nothing these furries expose will stick
Because IT IS nothing. Consider that this might be the case with your "literally alleges child rape!!!" document too.
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totally organic goyim!
do not question ANYTHING you see.
>Please share widely. I hope the word spreads as fast as the STDs do in your degenerate furry community.
These morons are going to get us into another war for Israel.

The only way to fix the federal government is burn it to the ground and kill everyone involved.
>muh joos
remember trump was the president when united states recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel
every other country recognizes tel aviv. think about that.
it's always hilarious when the furry comes off as having their shit together more than the asshole threatening them does

that Heritage dude is pathetic, hope that whole org gets fucked out of existence by macro vore fetishists
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Total furry death.
Israel is playing both sides and everybody knows it. AIPAC doesn't even hide it.
America's current circus to shit up the 4chan with.
To put it as simply as possible:

Project 2025 is conservatives’ vision for an American society that’s a result of gutting all the gains made by the civil rights, abortion rights, LGBTIA+ rights, voting rights and environmental rights movements in order to establish an authoritarian government run by loyalists committed to serving a white, Christian nationalist agenda.
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Not this time. His anti-middle-east-war stance dropped when they kicked out Flynn. And this happened in the first month of his administration in 2016. During his administration he bombed Syria for no reason and he started to arm Ukraine. In 2017 the USA promised Ukraine to retake Crimea.
Nowadays he is pro Ukraine war, but he wants it to be via zero interest loans rather than gifts. So the same thing, but a different label.
Trump did not withdraw from Syria.
But Trump did prepare the withdrawal from Afghanistan that Joe Biden then did. This split is very convenient, because the red can blame the blue for the loss, and vice versa. It also freed resources for the Ukraine war they started 6 months later.

He is very useful for ZOG now. Nobody enlists to the army for Biden. But Trump has the sympathies of exactly the men they want to send to war to die.
They can strike a deal with Trump. They can drop Biden and use him as a scapegoat.
Notice how they shit on Biden nowadays for his dementia?
He isn't any different than four years ago. He was just equally bad in 2020 and had the exact same embarrassing moments. But the ZOG media ignored it back in the day and are shitting on it now.
Saying something stupid to make them look even stupider
Holy based. please let this be true, and be not another leftoid schizophrenia fever dream.
Oh I thought it was something bad
Heritage literally has a website with the whole plan on it. It has its own goddamn Wikipedia entry.

It is bad unless you're a racist who can live in a world destroyed by climate change.
something that trump has already rejected, completely irrelevant
>It is bad unless you're a racist who can live in a world destroyed by climate change.
Guess I'm in the clear then
enjoy two Hells, then
he can say he rejected it all he wants, but a bunch of his former cronies are behind it, and it won't matter whether he approves of it if he hires enough people who do approve of it and can implement it while they flatter the dumb orange bastard into submission
Calm your man tits. It's just a document. It is not going to hurt you.
If you want to shit on those cuckservatives... why aren't you pointing out that half of their website is muh military, muh awesome NATO muh evil Russia and muh evil China?

>they are warmongers
be a better argument than:
>they want to disallow child grooming
>Close up the war on Russia
Eat shit and die, pidoras.
>shu-shut it down it's annoying
Go die in a drone video for my amusement, Marina.
'ick on' eck guy is gay furry
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Careful, Marina.
i hate both russians and progressives. godspeed from eastern europe, project 2025
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ok, so who let the NAFO troon out of /k/?
>glavset petukh trying to pass arrests as forced conscription again
>site registered in fucking Russia
Do you ever get tired of punching yourself in the face, subhuman? Imagine working at a glavset troll agency and being assigned to fucking 4chan of all places.
If the presence of this Russian garbage on the thread hasn't tipped you off about their authorship of this project 2025 dogshit, you're an idiot and it should be legal to euthanize you.
Only evil psychopaths support Russia anon. I hope you aren't one of them.
Are they impeding your psyops in some capacity, Olga? Are you feeling buttually anxious? Is daddy's little rooster gonna cry?
I hate furfags and leftists as much as the next guy, but heritage man sounds mad and desperate
>from eastern europe
Nice, we will send you to war next, once the Ukrainians are used up. Thank you for your service.
>once the Ukrainians are used up
That sounds like a power fantasy on your end, pidor. Maybe you're ready to admit they're kicking your asses.
holy schizo
so who supports the heritage foundation?
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The same shit that they promised before trump became the president who then ignored all of it
But this time with more anti trannies too because thats the latest new thing that they hate
From what's posted here: >>101357813
It sound pretty good.
>more anti trannies
How can you browse /g/ and be anti-trans? Where would we be without all the trans programmers. Linux wouldn't even exist!
For a fifth columnist, sure, it sounds amazing. Too bad fifth columnists get the rope.
>fifth columnists
How so?
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>be epic furry hacker
>dump the database of a public wordpress blog
>nothing of value inside
>celebrate it as huge success anyway
>publish it on telegram
>have a cringe discussion with a ZOG boomer
>the boomer tells you that you will rot in jail
>disband your whole "hacktivist group" right after
hey, you might have used an app that is bound to a phone number, on your spy device and that adheres to glowy requests.... but at least the posts you made in a public channel, that is accessible to everyone, were encrypted!
I hate literally everyone involved in this. Please, may the furfags leak that everyone involved is homo, destroying neocons, then go to superjail for hacking.
Also project 2025 or whatever is DNC fantasy bullshit or possibly controlled opposition from the GOP neocon shadow-boomer party. You can tell it's a meme because Neocons are pushing it, and they only support things that involve dead children, degenerate orgies, or copious wealth.
Not technology.
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what would happen if i downloaded this?
so is NAFO now supporting the furry hackers or are they supporting the cuckservative pro-war boomers?
>it reads like a bad fanfic
That's because it is a bad fanfic.
Did you not notice that the Mike character speaks exclusively in 4chud memes?
NAFO is gay sex first, and killing Whites second. whereas the neocons are killing Whites first, gay sex second. So the NAFO must support the gay furry hackers.
you would examine the contents of the zip and post a link so we can all have a copy.

> things that never happened
the panic is setting in
If there was anything of value in it, someone would have posted it.
>The group announced shortly after that it had planned to disband this week but opted to reveal the plan early “to avoid the eye of the FBI.”

>“i’ve been considering quitting cybercrime lately, and the other members have agreed its time to let SiegedSec rest for good,” vio wrote on Telegram. “In the past, i have tried quitting cybercrime a few times, and ive always been unable to fully quit. this time, hopefully i am able to stay away from it for my own wellbeing. we may not be a cybercriminal group anymore, but we will always hackers and always fighting for the rights of others.”
I'm always intensely skeptical of "hactivism" that comes down to pure culture war shit flinging against people you don't like. They're not 'revealing' anything of interest, Project2025 is easily available and all their goals are listed - its funny how its now a "trump" thing which, as shit as trump is has nothing to do with him, its the plain conservative rightoid plan that would proceed more or less the same with any red team suit sitting at the Resolute Desk. This reminds me of the very knock-off-Anonymous shit against Epik hosting a few years ago because they were hosting "objectionable" people (along with a lot of others of course but fuck them I guess) in the culture war.

In the old days, hactivism meant something or was in service of protecting some underlying conception of the Internet - free speech, discourse, etc. That was what being the Final Boss of the Internet was about. It wasn't just about finding someone vaguely objectionable to one side of the culture war or another - lots of people worked together - Stallman-esq old school lefties and lolbertarians worked side by side to keep megacorps from shutting down file sharing and passing laws like FOSTA/SESTA that would have chilling effects. Scientology fucked around trying to censor anyone who disagreed with it andthey found out that Anon basically spread the bullshit about their organization that was hardly known except for a few former members and went from being a "strange thing that hollywood types do" to "batshit insane cult that also tried to infiltrate gov't agencies, censor people, and 'fair game'd" anyone they considered SPs" in the collective consciousness.

How fall things have fallen - its not lulz, its not even for a good cause, its just more of the same screeching culture war nonsense.
4chan seems to hate mega links it's on their telegram
> considering
> and ive always been unable to fully quit.
not convincing.
>nothing of value inside
Wouldn't that be convenient for you, garbage?
Most cybersec stuff outside console hacking (and even then) seems to be gays and intelligence agencies (in particular those in Israel.)
yeah, what a coincidence that they announce their disbandment one hour after the ZOG boomer told them that they are being investigated and will be jailed... and even say that it is
>to avoid the eye of the FBI.

Those idiots are hanging out on telegram and discord and they got scarred.
They will definitely get caught, jailed and have lots of gay sex in prison.
You can download it here https://t.me/s/SiegedSecurity
Go ahead and look at it.
Literally the dump of a wordpress blog.
>intelligence agencies
That's always been an issue, but frankly most of this shit is not that. They focus differently and have different ways of interacting with stuff for other goals . Sure there are a lot of times they false flag or attempt to make others think they've false flagged, or report that some random org that does something is actually some hostile govt etc.
Eh..not really. I mean, there may have been gays but they participated the same as everyone else without making their identity as either a focal point or the motivating reason for their hacking . They were just there same as anyone else because they believed in whatever thing was going on and thought it was funny,. This new culture war shit is different.
>no public Twatter outrage
>no legacy media shitting on the org or the members for leaked documents
>even /pol/ is indifferent towards it
>the only thing we got from the whole thing, is a char log from a 40+ yo boomer spewing insults to a furry
Where are the pedo allegations?
Where is the money laundering?
Where are the terrorist organization that they're funding?

Yes, this is just a nothingburger.
are the furfags also winfags?
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yes, but now consider that there are furries who risk to go to jail for this. They might spend the next ten years in prison for this nothingburger.

Those idiots are using Discord and Telegram as their official platforms.
The actual story here is that some trannies found the dumbest way to get locked up.
Prison would be like heaven for fags, that's why they did this.
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Makes sense.
the funny thing is that this is not actually the same guy, that someone had to make this and that you have this saved
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lmao the absolute cope. Also you're not even pretending not be a glavset hooker, it's uncanny.
Russians are an abhuman race.
Can leftists help themselves and not be horrible racists and eugenecists for, like, 10 minutes? The antirussian insanity is worse than /pol/tards. The only thing that comes close is the antiukranian insanity, and all of it reeks of tranny flavored schizophrenia.
Sorry, i don't have gay porn stored.
Back to your containment board >>>/k/
I legit wanna try living in Russia someday. At least for a year, just to see what the place is like.
nigga you're eastern European. there's literally no difference between you and a Russian, a part from a few billions of German gibs and the fact that even the Russians managed to buck break you for a few centuries. that means you're even lower than a russian, all things considered. extremely bleak
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And the best thing:
The Germans, who have to pay for those niggers, hate them.
this but unironically
I never asked for this.
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Say no more! Enjoy your AIDS.
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I don't think you do.
Seen that video. It's some seriously sad shit.
Weren't you furrycuck pedo perverts the ones who went against conservachads? Did the AIDS rot your brain?
Impossible, there's no way the Coke's ever actually do such a nice thing.
If Russia is so sad, you should be able to defeat them on your own. You don't have to try to drag the rest of your world into your idiotic war.

Fight it yourself.
If you need gibs from over 40 other countries, and still don't manage to win... this means that you are worse than Russia.
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>Hack someone
>Have your PII public
>Gloat about the hacking to the person you hacked
>Get arrested
I have no strong feelings one way or the other on this other than that both sides (probably) support filthy warmongering zionists, I just think this is pretty funny
That sounds extremely based
Faggots and troons and all leftists should be exterminated
>get the rope
Pretty sure you troons rope yourselves.
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Even funnier if (and assuming if) the Heritage Foundation and/or the "gay furry hackers" are actually backed by the feds
>cuckservatives think these furries aren't already outing themselves
Everyone I know would be a lot less disgusted with me if I dressed up in an animal costume for fun than if I supported Project 2025.
You will never be a woman, tranny furfaggot.
They'd still be disgusted though.
Remember when republicans had trump as president, a majority in the house and senate, and none of that shit happened?
Almost as if there is no difference between red and blue.
Which makes it even more funny that the furries are risking pirson for this.
Unrelated to all this but I knew a guy who was a discord friend
He was gay and voted Trump in 2020
Then he became trans then later eventually deleted his (or her?) account
Haven't heard from him (her?) since
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you will never be a woman
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imagine being gullible enough to think this is real
>another thinly veiled politics thread
more like
But *why* is the cow looking at a hallway? Cows don't belong inside urban buildings, they live on farms or in the wild.
>Both roads lead to increased funding to Israel
Our state department certainly sold neoliberalism to russkies in the 90s
Both the Heritage Foundation and gay furries are polar opposites of what is wrong with America today. It is lulzy to watch them square off, but they are both ruining our culture.
This could be the slaughterhouse, cows go inside to become killed.
>ruining our culture
>in present tense
>implying they haven't already ruined what was left of it long ago
>If Russia is so sad, you should be able to defeat them on your own
Who are you even speaking to, garbage? The whole world is in complete shock at what a pack of subhuman trash your country is. Why not have some dignity and kill yourself instead of lying for your abject fucking dystopia? You're perpetuating your own misery.
>"recognition" is the same as your economy being raped into the ground, goyim!
>b-both sides are the same
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>thread about american politics derails into arguing about russian geopolitical interests
if i had a nickel for every time...
gaslighting. mccain and several others pretended to be republicans but as soon as trump won they turned out to be in a different group.
the majority never existed
Nta but context?
can't derail if it was on a bad path/track to begin with
>"That's nice, honey, so you're like a sports team mascot" -grandma
Or maybe not.
>gaslighting. mccain
I misread that as gas lightning mcqueen and was confused
True, only those who know would be disgusted
But sports team mascots have more soul than fursonas anyways
>two retards fighting
Trump literally said that we should help Israel "finish the job". They were arguing over who will help Israel harder.
>do something unpopular
>enemy media uses it to attack you
>wtf this is astroturf!!!!
skill issue
what's unpopular?
>furry niggers raiding conservatard places
>furry is the one living in conservatard's head, not that conservatard living rent free in the furry's head
This is your brain on hrt
Personally, I'm voting Giant Meteor this year.
>what's unpopular?
Holy based if only that was real
anything the media is against, duh
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Russians are always screeching about troons, but their troon population is staggering.
It's the leftist version of Qanon but meant to whip them up into a frenzy instead of making them eternally wait 2 more weeks for something to inevitably happen.
Trump in 2016
>We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down. And under my administration, we will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs.
>The nation-state remains the true foundation of happiness and harmony.
Trump in 2024
>Israel needs to finish the job and we have to help them do it
>muh Iran
>we have to give zero interest rate loans to Ukraine to fund this war
blud thinks he's Darth Vader talking like this, someone should get James Earl Jones to voice over this for the lulz.
They dumped a wordpress blog? Like that's it? Did they scrape it or something? What fucking secrets did they think they had?
cool, so the russians are the real trannies afterall while we are traditional chads.
Now explain to us why you need our gear and our money to fight them. The more you spam, the more i am convinced that we should stop paying you.
It's this one. And yes, it is wordpress:
Did they get like lists of donors and ccs?
This is because Trump learned about it and then talked about it, so now everybody knows about it, lmao.
I'm pretty sure that there are parties that intentionally stoked the culture war shit to divide people and weaken the ability of people in the Internet to collectively organize.

All this culture was shit started happening a few years after OWS.
are these actual gay furries, or people Larping as gay furries?
Biden put up the tweet telling people to Google it first dumbass
Nobody listens to anything Biden says though LMAO.
Will they actually kick all the spics and poos out of the country this time?

Otherwise I don't care.
israel literally burned and raped hundreds if not thousands of their own citizens as part of their hamas false flag. it's basically an entire country of cuckolds.
it still makes me mad that there are very few people on this board ruthlessly mocking trump as being just another good goy. None of that shit is ever going to happen, LGBTQ is the whipping boy of the elite and they cant wait to rug pull all of the retarded trannies who thought they where on the right side of history while patting their fellow circumcised friends on the back with a new deal promising india millions of new visa.s
trump is yet another shabbos goy, fuck off.
theyre doing the right thing, even though theres no difference, conservative larpers need the paint peeled away from these demogauges.
of course not, white is jewish crypto talk for jews at the top, and christian is jewish crypto talk for civic nationalism
מי אתה בכלל שתרים את הקול שלך עלייייי יא ילד מפגר מייייי??? שאני לא יבוא לחוף שאתה גר בו עם אופניים יא בן זונה, אתה תקשיב לי טו- שבבבבב בשקט יא מזדיין בתחת, אתה תהיה בשקט יא בן זונה, מי אתה בכלל יא בן של זונה יא חבר של דונאלד דאק יא מזדיין, תנגב תחלב שיש לך על הפנים יא מזדיין בואנה תראה איך אתה מדבר יא מפגר אני יכול להיות אבא שלך דודה שלך והכוס של אחותך יא מזדיין בתחת שאני לא ישבור לך את הצורה יא מזדיין תראה איך אתה נראה, מהזה כל החצ'קונים האלה יערמת מצה של פסח, בואנה יא ביצה תראה איך אתה נראה כמו קובה לשבת יא מזדיין, יא מניאק יאללה תנגב את החלב מהפה. חברים, גיברותי ורבותי, סטארטר הירידות החדש. יא בן של זונה, וואלק אתה תהיה בשקט לפני שאני ישבור לך תצורה, מי אתה בכלל?! מה אתה חושב?!?!! תשתוק רגע יאהבל מי אתה חושב שאתה?! הגיבור בים שבא עם המקל של הפירולו, ומרים את המדוזה?! אתה מכיר אותם?? תראה איך אתה נראה, אבא שלך זה עובי מלך הסלן עם דוביגל יבן זונההה תראה איך אתה נראה יאפס, אתה בטח- שב בשקט שאני מדבר!!! אתה בטח נראה בן זונה, אתה הילד המפגר הזה שבים, אתה הילד הזה שבא בים עם המקל של הפירולו ומרים את המדוזה, אא אני גיבור הים, לךךך תשן על ספסלים אמאשלך מקרצפת רצפות, אתה לא מפחיד כאן אף אחד. מיי אתה בכלל, מי אתה בכלל?!
most anti trans are trannies who are sick of their lives being made worse by vocal trannies. in my experience most people don't actually care as long as you don't groom kids and use the wrong restroom.
They want to destroy the environment to increase profits for ZOG. Fucking kill yourself.
I was really disappointed when this wasnt an entirely hebrew version of what the fuck did you just fucking say about me. anyway if you think for a second that after the defeat of the dreaded amolek that they wont invent a new amolek; (((you))), then I have a few bridges to sell you.
>no see, tgheyre the good go- i mean guys, cause they want a war B instead of war A.
no he isn't. hes a read team element the military is using to wargame because kikes have felt threatened since a bunch of basement nerds and political riots about bankers happened during thanks obamas' reign.
את בת? בת באינטרנט. זה משוגע. אף פעם לא דיברתי עם בת מקודם. אם את באמת בת אני רק רוצה להגיד תודה. אני אשמח להוסיף אותך בדיסקורד. תודה. תודה שאת קוראת את זה. זה פשוט מטורף זה שיש בת באינטרנט. אז, בבקשה. תוסיפי אותי לחברים. אני לא יכול לחכות כבר לראות את כל המשחקים שנשחק ביחד. את אוהבת אמונג אס, רוצה להכנס לשיחה. אם יש לך זמן אנחנו יכולים לקפוץ לשיחה בדיסקורד ולדבר הרבה. אני יכול לשפר את הכישורים שלך באמונג אס. בבקשה, אני ממש רוצה לדבר איתך. יש לך סנאפצ'אט? אני ממש רוצה להוסיף אותך. הטוויטר שלך דרך אגב? אני פשוט כל כך שמח עכשיו. זה פסיכי. אף פעם לא חשבתי שאני אמצא אישה באינטרנט. אני גרתי במרתף של אמא שלי מאז שהיא עזבה אותי. את האישה הראשונה שאני מדבר איתה מאז הרבה שנים. האמת, עצם הנוכחות שלך גורם לי לנוסטלגיה. זה כמה זמן כבר לא דיברתי ולא ראיתי בת. אני רוצה להיות סביבך כל הזמן. בבקשה ותודה לך
I asked for this and mutual annihilation
>The only way to fix the federal government is burn it to the ground and kill everyone involved.
Can't see this happening anytime soon
Chaos will probably ensue decades from now though
OP is probably using an extension that randomises it.
sounds to me like the declaration of independence but you already knew that
randomizer option ticked [on] in the 4chongX extension
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>climate change is real
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>It is bad unless you're a racist who can live in a world destroyed by climate change.
I accept these terms.
Fuck are you on about? Do you know how many protections were rolled back because that orange turd put his business associates in control of government?
ou're a girl? Daughter online. It's crazy. I have never spoken to a daughter before. If you are really a girl I just want to say thank you. I would love to add you on Discord. Thanks. Thank you for reading this. It's just crazy that there is a girl on the internet. So please. add me to friends I can't wait to see all the games we play together. You like Among Us, want to enter the conversation. If you have time we can jump on the Discord chat and talk a lot. I can improve your skills among us. Please, I really want to talk to you. do you have Snapchat? I really want to add you. Your twitter by the way? I'm just so happy right now. It's psychotic. I never thought I would find a woman online. I've been living in my mom's basement since she left me. You are the first woman I have spoken to in many years. The truth, a bone
What's your point? That's just the fake and gay "political system" working as intended and Zion Don knew that'd be the case from day 0.
for anyone who believes 4chan doesnt have a glownigger problem, exhibit A
fuck off any time shabbos goy simp, we are not the same.
Nigga, you're supposed to say tits or gtfo.
Based, faggot leftist groomers should have no protection
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>we are not the same
Trump literally won't do anything you fucking retards LMAO. all I hear is "BRO HES OUR BIGGEST THREAT RIGHT NOW" but this fag didn't do fuck all during his first term, super mediocre. He won't do shit now shut up.
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No u
thats a mtl translation of that kikes jewbrew
What's friesland
supposedly it means dykeland or braidsland.
Ok bro, I hope you don't miss net neutrality though
You tell him!

Only Apple phone fags should be called out for file names
>literally just random text with zero sources
The only thing you can do is gracefully acknowledged you got wrecked and vow that you'll do your best to prevent that from happening again.
But we know they won't do that and would rather shoehorn some anti-encryption bill.
>your means are incomprehensible to mine
Chat is this true?
Ahahahaha kill yourself. No more gibs for you cocksucking freeloaders
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first off is to realize this hack is a big nothingburger. Names, addresses, places of work, phone numbers. most of these are already accessible through all of these people's linkedin pages and there are regulations about what lobbyists can or can't show to the public. They are public figures just as much as politicians are.

If I were a scumbag politician, Second thing is to keep their damn mouth shut, don't even respond to them. The solution is to use this as political footing to attack their political opponents. Play the victim card and lean into it, because no good tragedy should go to waste.

Every single word he uttered past the first sentence undermined this because he tried to make it sound like he's in control and that's not what he should be doing. I still think they will do that but this chat log undermines it somewhat because he can't play the "I'm just an old man being victimized by the internet for my religious belief " after going off like that. Though, to be fair, I can't say how I would respond if I were in his shoes. I can only state how I would respond if I were a theoretical scummy politican looking for a political in to wave around in front of voters.

think of it this way, if someone did this to the democrats, would they jsut make some sad "Y-you too" whimper and take it? fuck no. they would leverage that shit for all its worth because they are real politicans. You would see that shit on the evening news as being the new existential threat by foreign gay furry hackers, and everyone would go along with them because no one can argue that they weren't being targeted for things we protect in this country like religious belief.

tldr; he's letting a good tragedy to go waste and a smart politician wouldn't.
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That's the funniest part because project 2025, from these leaks, is just standard political fare to plan the organization around some swing state elections. literally every political party has a plan just like this inked up, even nobody political parties like Libertarians.

They should be wearing this as a badge of honor. Gay furry hackers ransacked their servers and all they found were their political plans because they are a clean organization (as far as gay furry hackers can tell). They were probably hoping to find CP but instead just get a book of dox and crap no one cares about because they are political figures and all of that shit is public anyway.
>Those idiots will get absolutely no new information. And they will rot in jail for this.
I doubt they'll be caught. I 100% believe this is a state-sponsored attack to attempt to throw the election into chaos, but their targets were just low-hanging fruit with no connection to one another
No more life for your AIDS infested ass, katsap. Can't wait to watch you die in high definition from the comfort of my home.
This is probably true but I doubt it's this organized.
They would probably have a support base if this were real and not just more Israeli dicksucking, which is what it actually is. Suck Israeli dick but be anti-gay while doing it.
>Forges evidence against a sitting US president using foreign state actors
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I would cry tears of joy if America turned maximum-right overnight.
Mike Howell more like Mike Hunt
Are you sure? Are you REALLY REALLY sure? Are you sure they won’t just give huge tax cuts to the asset managers and corporations that have been pushing all the things they claim to hate and then pass laws against criticizing the people who fund it?
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>cuckservative meme
>won't name the groid zogbot
I'm so tired of these kosher faggots. Also this whole thread is a slavshit meltdown.
>I hate our conservative movement
So what your alternative besides shitposting on the internet and being unemployed
Do you even have white kids? I doubt it.
I hate conservatives because they conserve niggers and jews. There was a whole summer of niggers chimping the fuck out and that jew faggot Trump didn't even have the balls to send in the meximutt military to stop arson. Then a nigger cop kills his supporter and he retaliates by pardoning nigger rappers and kike spies.
The only thing that matters in this society is money.
Complaining about "tax cuts" and "corporations" is a sign of weakness because you're poorfag livestock.
No one cares what lower class, losers like yourself think. You will never have any power in society.
No one cares who you hate or what you believe because you have no alternative.
You're not doing anything make things better. You just bitch like a effeminate female, and expect people like me to waste time listening to your pathetic grievances.
Pussies like you stayed in your house while that was happening while people like Rittenhouse solved the problem.
Get off your ass and do something or shut the fuck up forever.
How is more gibs for niggers gonna solve the black violence problem? Is the Platinum Plan really the way to go?

Are you gonna stop them from getting gibs, or are you gonna be on 4chan crying all day like faggot.
It happens because you sit on your lazy ass, and do nothing about it.
At least people like Gendron tried by shooting them.
But a bum like you won't even do the bare minimal because you're too busy living off your parents.
Stop who? The selected candidates such as Trump that worships niggers and jews?
Peyton Gendron waited for Trump to be elected to do anything?
You're that retarded.
What is shipping in jeets conserving?
you're an idiot, ALL republicans are pretending to be republicans. That's the point. Thats why the campaign issues never get solved
Nah, I've seen memes about how engineers cope with their job. What drawing does to a mf...
why can't you run for office and do anything about it
is it because you live off the same gibs as basketball americans?
Why dont you name the most important ones you are mad about
The only thing that you conserve is the global browning.
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>.zip from a group of so called "hackers" that pride themselves on being furfags filled with nothing of value
>hosted on mega of all things
So what, are these furfags basically on the same level as a "le anonymoose haxor" teenager?
That sounds cool
Just proving my point you're useless
Enjoy losing and watching your race die out
Of course you are.
I hate conservatards. Biden 2024.
Of course you're Nazi upset the Civil Rights Movement won and you've lost.
Stalin won, get over it.
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The webms aren't gonna make themselves without the slavic talent. Go out there and get droned, untermensch.
Blue wave 2024 MAGA chuds btfo.
This all feels so fake. The Heritage Foundation sounds like a bunch of boomercon big wigs who were handed a wad of cash and told to act like cartoon villains. They feel like they exist solely so that people can bring them up as a retort whenever someone mentions the WEF. These hackers do a nothing hack and have this knockoff v for vendetta conversation. This "Project 2025" shit.

Its all so fake and gay.
and it works >>101357813
MAGA chuds destroyed by the vote of the people
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It's election year goy
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No wonder they got targeted

So what's the downside?
Election year
Pissing and shitting myself while trying to do my best impression of Liam neeson
>/K/ is a containment board now
I miss when all we had to worry about was the eternal summer
The gay furries are a symptom, the heritage foundation did a bunch of ruining in the 20th century, but they just seem useless now.
Kill furries. Behead furries. Roundhouse kick a furry into the concrete. Slam dunk a furry baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy furries. Defecate in a furry's food. Launch furries into the sun. Stir fry furries in a wok. Toss furries into active volcanoes. Urinate into a furry's gas tank. Judo throw furries into a wood chipper. Twist furry's heads off. Report furries to the IRS. Karate chop furries in half. Curb stomp pregnant furries. Trap furries in quicksand. Crush furries in the trash compactor. Liquefy furries in a vat of acid. Eat furries. Dissect furries. Exterminate furries in the gas chamber. Stomp furries's skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate furries in the oven. Lobotomize furries. Mandatory abortions for furries. Grind furry fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown furries in fried chicken grease. Vaporize furries with a ray gun. Kick old furries down the stairs. Feed furries to alligators. Slice furries with a katana.
ok, but what are the evil parts?
Elections are fake and have been fake for decades. There is no vote of the people.
>Feed furries to alligators.
Wouldn't they be into that though?
If you want to support your kids cutting their dick off and rewarding corporations for pushing it, that’s up to you. I get it - you need your tangerines picked and your quadruple venti onions latte. You need Carlos to mow your lawn every week so the HOA doesn’t complain. Doesn’t make you any less of a faggot though.

In a pure game theory scenario, a hypercompetitive capitalist would have the same idea as someone seeking to “smash capitalism” and that’s to destabilize the incumbent by any means necessary, including methods frowned upon, and replace yourself as the market leader.

Everything these corporations own and milk the population and government for was created by white Europeans, primarily Germans, between 1880 and 1939. The World War Two reparations were literal fascist thievery. No German voted for it. African warlords have more decency and honor.

Anyway, enjoy your pajeets.
mike howell is gonna wake up with all of his bank accounts totally emptied and his wife filing for divorce after fucking another dude while his smart thermostat slowly lights on fire burning his house down. for the glowies: this is not a threat, i am not involved, i am just predicting.

you don't fuck with furries like this.
Based. Have the pedophile win again and let the JewSA mask slip even more.
>y-y-y-you are in the closet
Okay if it wasn't obvious before now it's beyond a doubt a glownigger op
Dude, I'm rich. I don't care any of the things you are saying. It doesn't change the fact I'm well off in life and never will.
I know lots of cops too so I don't worry about retards like you either. You'll just be another statistic in the prison system.
Bunch of bootlickers in the replies
Post bank account
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4chan stopped having reasonable users as of 8 years ago
all this shows is that some jew intern had access to a chat
More like 10. MIGAkikes and trannies such as yourself really burned everything to the ground. I don't care about your kosher politics of loving niggers and getting sodomized and castrated by jews.
this looks made up
who remembers all that scientologist shit that anon was exposing back into the day. now THAT is some weaponized cringe, right there.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
They have more churches than ever in more countries. they are even in israel and japan now. Did anonymous even slow them down
Literal Reddit tankie lingo.
No wonder this site has gone to shit.
You faggots are more concerned with patrolling to make sure everyone is on "your side" than doing shit.
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>they don't know fucking furries literally run the whole planet's cybsec industry
bruh moment
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You missed a spot
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Do these "conservachads" voot for Zion Don? Doesn't sound very Chad-like to me.
>doing shit
You're on /g/ nigger. Get a job.
1. He made all of that up
2. At this point all of that would actually be my better chance for being left alone
this is a deep cut
holy shit, that's based

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