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Previous: >>101337514
MinGW (not w64)
By modern I don't necessarily mean the very newest one and I don't use c++ anyway so lacking new features doesn't matter
i don't get why soo much hate for FXAA is far better than TAA and has no ghosting
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Hullo. Absolute beginner here. Are there any books that go in-depth on SDL using just C (I have one using C++ that's perfectly readable so far but it still warns about learning polymorphism et al)? Or should I learn C++ anyways even though I won't use any of its features?
I'd also appreciate any resources not already mentioned on the wiki. I just want to start fucking around instead of being stuck on a bunch of books forever. I can look shit up.
Would it be possible to make something like AI Dungeon but ran locally and with more RPG elements?
How does one develop a 2D engine using C#? Can I use Vulkan or DirectX?
C# has some good 2d game libraries like mono game or XNA (FNA)
We can't you just adapt what you're learning in the book that uses C++ to C?

Those are great frameworks but I want to build it from scratch.
Like what I mean is how you learn SDL should not be language specific as it's designed to work with many languages.
My end goal is to create something akin to counter strike. Obviously not as grand but at least playable. I have fond memories from playing cs 1.6 and always wanted to know the how's and why's.
I started OpenGL, have been steadily learning it and once I have some good knowledge about it, will start on the actual game.
For 3D what is a good framework/library that doesn't abstract as much?
CS was just a Half Life mod, why don't you just make a mod?
use Silk.NET in that case
raylib is very simple and handle everything 3d related and is faster than SDL
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That's definitely the plan. I was just wondering if there were any out there I missed, just in case.
On the list, though thanks.

Time to learn I guess.
Why is SDL so slow? It gets a lower uncapped framerate by a few hundred than GLFW even when both are just used to make a window and GL context
>lower uncapped framerate by a few hundred
This is an absolutely meaningless measurement
no idea why, here are some test made by a user
Should I be multiplying vertices by the MVP matrix on the CPU or GPU?
any per-vertex or per-pixel operation should be on the GPU
It still proves that SDL somehow has lower performance.
No it doesn't, you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
>take game that uses glfw to create a window and opengl context
>replace the part that uses glfw to create a window and opengl context with sdl creating a window and opengl context
>uncap framerate on both
>sdl gets a few hundred fps lower than glfw despite rendering the exact same thing
stfu you stupid nigger, YOU have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
the glfw version also had input btw i didn't even enable sdl's input system
Is it true that Epic doesn't care about Unreal Engine anymore? And that they're devoting all their focus to UEFN?
The behaviour of a graphics window with an uncapped framerate and nothing going on is completely undeterministic
Then why was it consistent that the SDL build had a 300+ lower fps than GLFW every single time I tried it
And this wasn't a title screen doing nothing, it spawned into the same 3d test level in the same exact spot
>300+ lower fps
First of all, FPS isn't linear
400 vs 700 is completey different to 5000 vs 5300
>I can look shit up.
You can't look up something you never heard about. At least read a brief overview of algos and data structures, because without understanding big O you will write cringe that will be painful to look at in the future.
People like to do model-view on the cpu
That’s not how it works. Unreal is their main product, the company doesn’t exist without it. However it’s my guess that they want to shepherd indies and inexperienced people into UFEN and their “metaverse” ecosystem. Timmy wants to be in the same position as Gabe.
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Can't be assed to dig for recent statistics, I doubt that something changed significantly unless proven otherwise.
what's the problem with this?
As a rule in life in general, ignore twitter screencaps, and twitter posts themselves, unless they are made by someone you explicitly know about and care about the opinion of.
>when what you want to do requires multiple integrals and projecting large semitransparent meshes
how many lines of code can I expect to write roughly for a simple exploration game that only has a handful of key items, something like babbdi or yume nikki (except 3d)?
just want to gauge the size of the endeavor so I can estimate how long this might take me

similar question if that question is too stupid: how long do you reckon it took to make babbdi?
Can you suggest something to read?
in what engine?
The easiest book is Algorithm design manual. One of the early chapters has some math, but you can skim it and the rest of the book is practical. Provides good coverage, so I recommend starting with it.
The advanced books are Algorithms by Sedgwik and Algorithms by sir Sanjoy Dasgupta (jokes aside it's ok).
The in-depth option is CLRS, but it's not a light read. Useful to have as a reference book anyway since it provides pseudocode that's easy to adapt into actual code regardless of language.
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found my answer:
10000 LoC is honestly not bad
doable in 2 months for me Id say
If you already know what to write, that's it.
temporal niggers only look at pretty static screenshots
FXAA works with less information, it's objectively inferior
There's no Thinkpad General atm, I hope this isn't too offtopic? related to gamedev.

TLDR: I'm broke and want a decent laptop for gamedev -- I'm interested in 2D but want to be able to switch to 3D if I change my mind (will most probably only use Godot).

Is this good enough for 400€ ?
Thinkpad P51 Workstation:

Intel i7 7820HQ
DDR4 32 GB
SSD M.2 512 GB NVMe
NVIDIA Quadro M2200 4 GB
IPS 15.6" 3840x2160 4K X-Rite PANTONE
define gamedev, running gcc from nvim and working with UE5 need slightly different hardware
A game probably a tad more complex than Hollow Knight, and like I said, I will probably not be using Unreal...

What do you think is lacking for UE5 use here, specifically? The graphics card?
>I just want to start fucking around instead of being stuck on a bunch of books forever
then why are still looking for books lol?
pick up and work on a project and you'll find out how ez or hard it is. simple.
If you spend just enough time to get comfortable with SDL docs, you won't be needing any books. Its not about doing whatever the exercise the book tells you to do step by step. Its more about understanding how SDL library functions and using it to get your job done. Because books can only get you so far, you'll ultimately have to get your head around whatever API you are dealing with, be it SDL today or Raylib tomorrow.
You can start with something as simple as drawing a cricle or a square on the screen. Then move them around the screen and finally take things as far as your time allows you to, like making UI widgets or a small game.
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don't give up if you get stuck, anon-san.
Keep at it.
>What do you think is lacking for UE5 use here
Non-laptop CPU, because you'll get tired of compile times.
> hey look at my benchmark !
> things doesn't seems to run exactly the same way
> do not release the code so people can check if it's properly implemented

openGL version shitposting and sdl vs anything should be a bannable offence at this point.
U mad about SDL2chads and OGL1.1chads?
I wish those "chads" would post actual progress
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Gaming rn
In my limited experience I find forth to be best used with pen and paper
please no more roleplayers
someone post a real game they're making
thats a first i think
>Can you suggest something to read?
I was, in fact, making a capital G game until life happened
For now, enjoy a small slice of what could have been something
My experiment with forth was to assess whether I could use it as a scripting language for which I could write some kernel for and fuck off to in peace
i will stop playing dota and dev for you anon
Don't measure by drawing a simple primitive. Take a look on the frame-time, not FPS. Check the results.
To get meaningful measurements you need to give it a significant workload, like draw 10,000 sprites then measure it
I only care about developing 2D games for Windows right now.
Win32 (GDI and or DirectX), or SDL2?
sdl2 https://github.com/JIghtuse/cavestory-sdl2
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progress? made a uv sphere and a very retarded subdivision function
read https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/Introduction
keep this link somewhere : https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/APIByCategory
install it following https://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/index.php
check https://www.parallelrealities.co.uk/tutorials/
from time to time check the API to see functions and structs in details.
practice a lot.
I’m thinking of making something with OpenGL 1.1 to see how much I can bend it.
What's the status of SDL3 3d rendering? I remember it was one of the big features when it was announced.
iirc Ryan or someone started working on it but it's nowhere near completion. I imagine it'll be added in a minor release of SDL3 sometime later.
>TIL:the only sane way of handling DLCs is by having lua support for the main menu
That's one way of showing DLCs, but how do you actually handle multiple DLCs code structure wise? you can only do so much by replacing the main executable and load new assets.
Don't all devs just have a single codebase for all DLC, and everyone has the DLC already on the computer, all "buying" the DLC does is turn on some logic that enables the content

you don't actually have to maintain separate versions of the game
they really want to support 3D rendering ?
I was reading about it few hours ago and thought it was mostly a version that would add more device support, camera support, HDPI, and a new audio API.
do they? last time I've checked there was one guy working on something called SDL_GPU which was very similar to raylib
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I would like to ask something ridiculous. If there is something within an engine I find unique enough to patent, but I still want to let people use and modify it. Should I bother to register?
So it will be a replacement of SDL_Renderer for 3D libraries like Vulkan or openGL if I understand correctly. Nice.
the fuck is the difference between a StorageTexture and just a regular Texture binding? How do I use one?
saves you from binding. there are more functions that does the same with other objects, it lets you have a bindless renderer outside of drawing.
Got a few questions for you guys
1. I hear people saying ready made engines have a certain "feel" to them and I kinda agree. Unity games are unity games, unreal games are unreal games.
But what is the feel, what inside the engine give s it its feel, and how do I make sure my engine has a unique feel to stand out?
2. Getting filtered really hard by Vulkan. Any suggestions? I did the tutorial, the vkguide, some rando youtubers tutorial and I still don't understand half of it.
3. About C++. I'm new to it. Do you guys use the debugger for debugging? I'm used from other languages to just use print for debugging, is learning the debugger really necessary for CPP or is print enough?
That's all I use, but I'm just making a 2d game.
>3. About C++. I'm new to it. Do you guys use the debugger for debugging? I'm used from other languages to just use print for debugging, is learning the debugger really necessary for CPP or is print enough?
i use both. for simple debugging printing is enough, but when shit hits the fan gotta bring out the big guns
If you can't afford to pay to defend your pattern, you shouldn't bother getting one. Software patterns also only work in some parts of the world.
Just license it under a license you like.
Really want to dip my toes into C++ game dev. I primarily cut my teeth on C# and haven't touched C++ since college. Would a Tour of C++ be a good way to get up to speed and then just pick a library/framework to work with?
grandpa c++ os old and defunct
listen to >>101372209
Go straight to C and then have fun with whatever library you want. SDL, Raylib...
Just try getting shit done unlike us
Will this be worth picking up?

>what inside the engine give s it its feel
Lots of trivial things like input latency, stuttering, specific graphical effects, the UI. I don't think it's something you should worry about, if you make your own engine it's gonna feel different regardless and it's not something anyone with a brain cares about
> Getting filtered really hard by Vulkan. Any suggestions?
Use OpenGL instead
>is print enough?
Step through debuggers are very helpful when your're debugging large, complex systems. If I've written something that's several thousand lines of code and I'm running it for the first time I always use a debugger to catch the initial mistakes I've made
The entire point of patenting something is so that aren't allowed allowed to use it
>Use OpenGL instead
No sorry, I will stick with Vulkan
I don't even care about making a game anymore
I don't even care about a making an engine anymore
All I care about is figuring out Vulkan
I will do the tutorial 1000 times if I have to
I will learn the documentation by heart
I will dissect every FOSS Vulkan engine ever made
I WILL master it or die trying
Raylib actually added optional SDL support, so I'll fiddle around with the cpp wrapper for a bit.
That's retarded
>But what is the feel, what inside the engine give s it its feel
That is entirely up to the design of the game. Same game made in different engines can give the game feel.
>and how do I make sure my engine has a unique feel to stand out?
its not ez. All existing engines probably already inherit everything that is worth so if you want to stand out, the only way you could do that is by providing more than you competitors. As in your engine having superior user experience than your competitors. Imaging having a better procedural generation of land and possible assets, rigging and animation with easy to understand and edit UI, lighting, PBR, volumetric fog and all than currently existing major engine. That's simply a lot of work and demands a lot of prior experience to pull it off.
>Getting filtered really hard by Vulkan. Any suggestions?
Just practice triangle over and over again. Only after you are comfortable enough with it, go for handling descriptor sets, textures, depth and lighting. Don't take a step further until you are able to do a triangle without having to look at the docs. This will clear a lot of things early on. I'm currently making a UI framework and I'm doing it in two draw call. I'm drawing all the UI into a texture first and simply displaying that texture onto the screen, similar to how wayland does it it. Vulkan isn't easy but the amount of control it give you is worth it. Don't give up and keep at it, anon. Its only a matter of time.
>3. About C++. I'm new to it. Do you guys use the debugger for debugging?
Sorry, I don't do C++ anymore but when I used it, I always used my own logger and profiler. If you are on windows, visual studio is the best you got.
>Sorry, I don't do C++ anymore but when I used it, I always used my own logger and profiler. If you are on windows, visual studio is the best you got.
what are you using if not C++?
>Just practice triangle over and over again.
Yeah good advice I will do this
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>what are you using if not C++?
I tried out a few langs and settled on Odin. Modern C++ is a mess. Rust is annoyingly painful. Zig is a cleaner version of C++ but nothing like C.
I like C but its a tedious language for 2024. I always wished C spared me from header files and came with lots more stuff out of the box. Odin lang was exactly it for me.
Yeah definitely. No idea what AI Dungeon is though.
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I should wrap some of these function arguments in a struct. But I won't ...
>Modern C++ is a mess
lol okay
That's not a controversial opinion, pretty much everyone agrees with that
Best way to learn vulkan is to learn opengl yah doofus
The best way to learn Vulkan is to learn Vulkan, but nobody in their right mind should be using Vulkan
Don't start with Vulkan, especially if you're new. It's aimed at AAA game and framework/emulator/DXVK etc. devs. OpenGL should be more than enough for your usecase.
Debugger is more convenient than print once you get a hang of it. You can check any of dozens objects state without having to write and then delete prints and recompiling multiple times, and do it at any part of code execution, and not only during the print statement execution. The only use for print is checking out how some value changes in real time, but then you can just show it on screen once you implement text rendering.
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What went wrong?
I don't think Vulkan is used by any consoles, DX12 gives you Windows and XBox
I believe it's the Nintendo switch's "native" API.
noice. Trash but still, looking good.
Maybe even less than 10k lines in Godot.
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I'm a 3D modeler looking to mingle with game devs, do you have tips for finding them?
lately I've been lazy and working with someone might help me get off my ass and keep modeling
ideally it would be someone who knows what they want, can communicate what they want and doesn't want fucking ugly LP models, someone with a vision you know
how fast are your incremental builds? I was using c++ and it was over 10s switched to c and now its under 100ms. Shits bananas what I put up with...
post your work
I mean C++ is a lot more complicated of a language than C so I don't think it's unreasonable for it to take longer to compile.
Yeah, C with a proper build system is basically instantaneous.
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rewriting a new engine when?
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Probably this weekend.
Fuck off with your garbage. C++ and Rust build times are in no way acceptable
how old is that? Can't be recent clang isn't ten times slower than gcc
Literally every A, AA, and AAA graphics dev I've seen express their opinion on graphics API, said they hated Vulkan.
Something along the lines of, they took everything that sucked about OpenGL, amplified it tenfold, but without the one thing that made OpenGL worth using - simplicity.
Do you know anyone who said that who isn't Jon Blow or his gay buddies
I don't understand how C can be so simple yet take so much time to compile, is this with optimizations on?
I learnt basic OpenGL, where do I go from here?
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>remove one (1) vertex->fragment vec4 variable
>fps increases by 50%
Vulkan (and DX12) was sold on the promise that “this is how modern graphics cards work”. In particular the idea of handing the burden of Pipeline State Objects to the developer. With OpenGL and DX11 PSOs were handled by the driver and you just tell it what you want to do and it changes the state accordingly. Khronos overshot it with Vulkan and the api was too unintuitive and awkward to use. They know this and have since released a ton of extensions (dynamic rendering, shader objects) to alleviate the complexity to the point where it’s come back full circle to the old APIs and people are like “wtf was the point?”. Vulkan-tutorial.com teaches barebones Vulkan but everybody learning should seek to use stuff like dynamic rendering early on. I wonder where the API would be if not for Doom. There’s a rumor that Starfield was developed using Vulkan and months before release Bethesda asked AMD for help who just threw it out in favor of DX12. Not trying to scare anyone off, just laying out the details from what I’ve researched. Vulkan 1.3 supposedly has the API in a pretty good state albeit “extension hell” which I don’t think is a big deal.
I'm guessing you're probably measuring a very simple scene with nothing else going on
Really sounds like people should learn DirectX or OpenGL going by what you're saying
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I'm writing a voxel splatter, I'm drawing quads and then cropping the quad by raycasting the voxel in the fragment shader.
Not passing the color of the quad from the vertex shader increased my voxels/second from 2.2 billion to 3.5 billion, using a scene of 11 million voxels, which is absolutely silly.
Well if you're drawing that many voxels then memory bandwidth is very important
you shouldn't have long build times with a toy project, and you wouldn't be able to switch with a non-toy project, so you're either lying or are comically incompetent
If you want to get something done yes. I don’t think learning Vulkan is bad, that knowledge carries to every other graphics api. But it’s important to know what you’re getting into. If you want to learn Vulkan you should have a firm reason for doing so other than “it’s new”. If you’re like me and want to use stuff like hardware raytracing you’re forced to use Vulkan/DX12. I’m also a masochist.
Read it again
>gcc -> 5kloc/s w/gcc and 4.6kloc/s with clang
>clang -> 380loc/s w/gcc and 400loc/s with clang
They're about the same. Clang probably is written fully in C++ style while GCC is more in a C style as it was written in C for early versions so Clang itself takes forever to compile

GCC and Clang are just not fast and iirc he didn't use any uneccessary flags for the builds. TCC shows it can be way faster
D3D12 has some pretty nice documentation and sane feature levels compared to vulkan.
If nobody is using Vulkan over DX12 what's the point, use DX
>D3D12 has some pretty nice documentation and sane feature levels compared to vulkan.
That's interesting, anon. Now, tell us how many platforms D3D12 targets
TCC doesnt do optimization
Linux. Which is pretty valuable if you’re an indie dev because those guys are starved for games.
No shit
I swear 90% of /g/ is illiterate. Fucking read what I posted. There is no optimization added
>pretty nice documentation
Lmao the DX12 docs are practically nonexistent. All you have is the Microsoft examples and that’s it. Vulkan at least has their spec.
GCC / Clang optimize the output regardless, it's not equivalent
>Linux. Which is pretty valuable if you’re an indie dev
Please don't post anything this ridiculously wrong again
<1% market share
too bad it's stuck on a dead end platform
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>muh market share
Housewives playing Sims and chinese net cafes won't be a target audience for your game, and hardcore gamers are moving to Linux.
>Source: my ass
-O0 still does not produce the same results as TCC
I'm not disagreeing with your point but TCC doesn't really prove anything because it doesn't have the same constraints
The number of Steam users running Linux is 1.6%
Sorry, not less than 1%
Go look at the chart. TCC built with GCC is only a tiny amount faster.
The point of the benchmark is to show actual order-of-magnitude differences.
Small differences like Clang vs GCC are not relevant as they could have been caused by other things, but C vs C++/Rust is a very obvious 10-100x difference
Do your fucking research
why are you replying to me schizo?
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doesn't the column `compiled with` refer to which `compiler` the compiler was compiled with? Or did I mix it up?
I didn't know debunking misconceptions with publically available facts made me schizophrenic
Yeah, so there is <10% difference and then with building Clang it's similar but switched with Clang slightly faster than GCC.
So, I'd say GCC and Clang are roughly the same speed
If you want to read into it, maybe GCC is faster for C and Clang is faster for C++, but it's not a big difference and not reliable
nvm I get it now shit table
well now you know, so the next time you have sudden urge to creep out strangers by sharing your delusions take your meds
It's hard data taken from the biggest PC gaming platform by far
What about China?
what about them
How representative is steam there?
No idea, I don't know if there's any reason to assume everyone in China uses Linux
Maybe things are changing now https://www.neowin.net/news/chinese-government-to-dump-windows-in-favor-of-linux/
You're arguing hard data vs a news article about the chinese government thinking about doing something
What hard data? Most popular in steam doesn't mean most popular in China.
Steam stats are hard data
You're arguing facts vs "well what if"
How can you be this stupid?
I don't have steam. Pretty much the majority of people who play games don't have steam. Not having steam is not indication of not having a computer. Steam can only measure data of people who use steam. And I'm asking you what about China. Do they use steam or not?
Most people who play core PC games do it through Steam
Define "core PC game". Anyway, if you dislike money, is up to you.
The games people would talk about on /v/
Talk to any developer who sells on Linux, they make up <1% of the sales and 50% of the bug reports
It's a waste of time to even support Linux
use a proper build system like xmake and you won't even notice it
ok shill
Think rationally instead of emotionally
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Apparently they are the best bug reporters.
That's also true
Different reports will give less flattering figures
>pic rel
well linux is mostly used by devs so not surprising
Despite being 5.8% of the user base Linux makes up 38% of bug reports.

Part of it is that if you go to a random open source project and give a shitty not even half assed bug report, they'll just close it and tell you to fuck off, so people know to do better.
thanks, its just a plain triangle subdivision, not quad or anything fancy. one day ill go back and displace it
Once you've got Vulkan 1.3 set up with dynamic rendering, all dynamic states, push descriptors, buffer device addresses and timeline semaphores, it's actually a pretty lean and mean graphics API with complexity comparable to OpenGL 3+ but without the API quirks.
>Once you perform a bunch of ritualistic cope Vulkan is just as good as the thing it was designed to replace
This is some webshitter logic
Hello time wasters. How is the new reinvented wheel going?
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Give it to me straight anons, how much suffering am I in for if I were to start a new project with bevy? I hear a lot of "ECS bad" thrown around, but surely that could be made managable through an abstraction layer? Am I missing anything else?
t. cnile + raylib fan
ECS is bad, Rust is bad, you can do it but why would you
I would also be interested in this. It would be nice to have a library that's just for rendering, no game engine attached, just as SDL and SFML already do for 2D.
>Give it to me straight anons, how much suffering am I in for if I were to start a new project with bevy?
Lots of gaslighting you whenever you even hint at something being bad/dumb
ecs is a pattern, you can use it in any language, c++ has the flecs library for example, you can create a raylib game with ecs if you want
bevy is an engine built on top of an ecs library (bevy_ecs duh), technically bevy should be simpler than raylib since it's a full engine and it has a plugin system for stuff that you'd need to implement from scratch in raylib
Great. I was finally able to play one of my favorite games on modern hardware thanks to my reinvented wheel. Feels good.
OpenGL will be gone in 10 years anon. Its time to move on.
I've heard that one before
You should be using a battle tested engine/framework instead of “rust, the game engine”
Do I really need 2 frames in flight? Why can’t I just use 1 and call it a day?
You can
DirectX12 is just as bad as Vulkan
Khronos didn't do anything wrong, they just gave you more power, same as DX12 did
That's the new trend
Just seems like all the devs got filtered
But since Doom exists and it has proven well written Vulkan is phenomenal, they have no excuse other than admitting they were filtered
What does "filtered" mean in this context? You think Vulkan is too hard for AAA developers to use despite retards in this thread being able to use it?
>You think Vulkan is too hard for AAA developers to use
Yes it is, several developers have admitted it and several companies have tried to make engines and failed or are subpar.
>despite retards in this thread being able to use it?
retards in this thread don't make AAA game engines. you can get a "functional" engine just by following a tutorial but it won't be good.
If you can follow a tutorial and get a functional engine you've overcome the hard part
Nobody in AAA dev doesn't do something because it's "too hard", they aren't amateurs
Considering all the programs that needs OpenGL to run, it is crazy to think it will "be gone".
Sure, there will be a new standard, but GL will remain a thing
>If you can follow a tutorial and get a functional engine you've overcome the hard part
What no? Lmao
You can follow the tutorial without understanding most of it, but the "engine" you made is useless, since you can't optimize it.
You need to understand everything perfectly to be able to improve that code.
>Nobody in AAA dev doesn't do something because it's "too hard", they aren't amateurs
But they are. Never before did they have such low level control. This stuff is completely new to them, therefore they are like amateurs.
DX12 is the same, the only reason it has caught up a bit more, is because of the bigger Microsoft ecosystem and therefore more shit to mindlessly copy paste.

There is literally nothing on Vulkan out there. There is the official tutorial which makes a triangle. There is VkGuide which takes it a bit further and makes an unoptimized, barebones "engine". There's a couple of completely useless tutorials on youtube, and there is one serious FOSS game engine.
That's it.
If devs were smart they would study that engine since it is based on IdTech 4 and there are a couple of Doom devs on it as well.
>But they are. Never before did they have such low level control. This stuff is completely new to them, therefore they are like amateurs.
Literally everything about this statement is untrue

There's too many retards in here lately
>people debating compile speed and languages
forever a nodev ngmi
How is it untrue? Explain.
DX <= 11 didn't have this and neither did OpenGL or any other API.
Low level access was introduced with DX12 and Vulkan, that's why people say Vulkan is equivalent to DX12 and OpenGL to DX<=11
nice cope
Vulkan is a cleaner API that makes less assumptions and is more explicit. Pretty much everything Vulkan does is already exposed in OpenGL 4, and even if it wasn't it's not a big deal to learn anyway

This isn't the thread for speculative gamedev fiction, fuck off
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What are some good game concepts for learning languages? I can get funding from my government for voice actors and I want to develop a game with heavy narration that would allow you to hover over text to see it in English. I was thinking about making a card RPG like Voice of the Cards but maybe something simpler where you explore a basic world completing simple everyday tasks around a house or town would be better to learn actually useful vocabulary but then it would be too easy if you were familiar with the language already. What games actually do this well, all games for learning real languages seem to get bad reviews
Complete lies. Where you called 1 function do a thing in OpenGL you now have to write thousands of loc in Vulkan and manage everything explicitly, that OpenGL did automatically and you didn't need to know about.

People fail even in the most basic stuff like memory allocation. That's why there was a memory allocation library written recently and just by using it people are reporting 30% increased frameworks.
>Where you called 1 function do a thing in OpenGL you now have to write thousands of loc in Vulkan and manage everything explicitly
Can you give an example?
Thinking about making a Quake clone with raylib, am I going to kms?
This guy got this far using Odin + Raylib. Seems capable.
>there is one serious FOSS game engine.
At this point I don't care anymore, go on and tell us how it went.
That's OpenGL 1 you mongoloid
just Google a triangle example in opengl Vs Vulkan
You think AAA developers are somehow incapable of this?
Wow, you sound like an experienced gamedev who knows what he's talking about. Show me your openGL raytracing implementation.
Why the fuck would I implement raytracing in OpenGL
I just paused my bevy project I've been working on for 8 months to try out some other things. Honestly it's not terrible, and you get used to it, but it's almost like Stockholm syndrome. I forgot how much quicker you could add features in other languages/architectures. Also tons and tons of refactoring. Handling character state and doing different things when e.g. a human attacks vs an orc attacks can get messy quick if you have a lot of conditions. Just read the loglog games article if you haven't. that echoed a lot of my sentiments working with bevy and rust. If you read it and don't care, then go all in, you'll be fine. It's just pretty slow.
>dont use that example
I'm running with your example (even though it's completely non-specific), do you think AAA developers would be incapable of doing this, even though people in this thread can do it?
>give me an example of vulkan takes more functions than opengl
>hello world
>nooo not that one AAA devs are better than that
I just told you I'm running with your example. Do you think AAA developers would be unable to do hello triangle? That it's too hard for them?
what takes more function calls? vulkan or opengl
Vulkan, how is that relevant?
example given
And the example aligns perfectly with what I was saying - No new concepts are introduced, it's the same thing but more verbose
If you want to claim that Vulkan is somehow a paradigm shift from what came before it, you need to back that statement up
it's not about being "unable" to you fucking retard it's "why would they bother"
gamedev is already notorious for insane crunch and deadlines and if it takes 1200 lines to draw a triangle for negligible performance gains on an API that runs on less platforms than OpenGL why would they bother? The triangle example is just the minimum, the complexity doesn't just stop once you draw one thing to the screen.
>it's not about being "unable" to you fucking retard
Someone said Vulkan was literally too hard for AAA game devs
so you're just arguing semantics
where my (((lisp niggers))) at
The reasons you provided make sense
Saying it's too hard for AAA devs does not make sense and is absolutely retarded
C++ is the same as Python, just more verbose. You can see it if you compare Hello world written in both languages. I'm a FAANG coder btw.
can you get me a faang job? i wear programming socks
I'm surprised none of you is using C#. As boring as it is, it's probably the best lang to make a game due to a combination of features, tools and libraries. Terraria and Stardew Valley were made in C#.
It's far too practical for this thread
Considering that octree is, essentially, three binary trees - one for each dimension - why not just use three binaries and common part the result?
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>Graphics bug
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Alright lads,
Got my OpenGL window open. Set up the rendering context, started basic transformations.
Screen shot shows a viewport that is centred on the client window. The world window has a fixed aspect ratio.
Windows programming and OpenGL coding is, ngl, comfy as fuck.
Gonna start work on the 2D/3D viewing systems next.
what are the most popular frameworks used here?
only shit ones
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C++ and DirectX, been working on this for a couple months
Unfinished Vulkan engines in C
based dx bro
looks cool, much more readable than most of these boomer shooters
what do you mean by "readable"?
Are you doing this from the ground up or are you using some library on top of Direct3D?
I just realized I suck at algorithms and data structures so I'm gonna make a library to visualize that.
Not exactly gamedev but I will have to do some graphics programming. I think that'll be a good learning project. Also I lack creativity for making games.
graphical clarity
>Also I lack creativity for making games.
Welcome abroad.
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No extra rendering libraries. These are the libraries I'm using for other stuff:

Mostly for input handling and texture loading
For debug UI, but I don't really use it much anymore
For reading some configuration stuff in my map file format
For reading other configuration stuff related to assets in the engine
For loading GLTF files. Going to have more of these later
For loading .obj files, don't have any yet though
>gc language
>best to make a game
yeah no
Most of that I'll be writing myself.
>For reading other configuration stuff related to assets in the engine
It's going to be a while before I start looking at asset management and the like, but how are you storing and searching for assets in your game?
Are you following some DirectX book/tutorial?
You didn't learn a thing from last thread did you?
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After I release my current project, my next thing is going to be a graphics framework in DirectX which manages infrastructure and view allocations (i.e: all the DirectX 12 stuff), but which will allow you to write your own shaders still and define the parameters of your textures, and then put them in a command list and have them execute. So you're still writing shaders and binding resources, but the execution order is handled for you and you can more easily chain together shaders into sets of techniques. Sort of like the old .fx files, but I guess using some imperative language instead.

Anyways, since Windows forms can pass an HWND without marshalling from .Net 8 to native C++, I figured I could provide some C# bindings to the framework so that window management and game logic can be handled in C#/WinForms and rendering is handled in C++. This would also allow quick prototyping of UI using winforms. C# wouldn't be required, obviously; it's a C++-first library but the Windows development platform would make this kind of interop trivial (though tedious) to implement
Not currently. I started out with Frank Luna's DirectX 11 book and also used Rastertek sometimes as well, but at this point I just kind of do these things myself and use the book as a reference if needed. This kind of graphics isn't hard at all IMO. The real hard shit is getting into PBR and trying to optimize visibility determination in large scenes.

what happened last thread?
control + f "reference count"
ARC/GC debate that derailed the thread
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Added undo to the terrain tool.
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you'd be surprised. depends on the lang I guess. In my case I can turn off the GC and run it manually, so I just do so in in-gameplay moments like when the player dies/goes to sleep/etc. so far seems to be working. the GC wasn't even an issue I'm just curious if something like this works.
>json, yaml
>gltf, obj
why not just one from each?
Also some languages offer sub-ms GC times, which is totally acceptable for games. Unless you're making nothing noteworthy the GPU would probably not even let your game hit 1000 FPS (1ms).
holy bloat
that one camera picture game was interesting, I'll look up the name for you when I'm not lazy.

But the most interesting idea in language learning I've seen recently is that employed by jpdb and renshuu, which are basically just better more complete anki. Also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t58Y8YrfCk

renshuu also has some good games, doing a crossword in japanese was pretty cool.
thank you saar!
jeets in my gedg???
>debate that derailed the thread
those are the best threads though
does anyone know where I can get royalty free/creative commons/copyright free high quality photos and/or photo textures?
I know creative commons has a bunch of wikimedia photos, but where do I find collections of hundreds of photos of random walls and grounds and photos of buildings, etc?
I guess the obvious option is "take the photos yourself you lazy bastard" but I dont want to spend an eternity taking photos and I also might not be able to find everything I need irl
Hello, is this where I get my GED?
photos that I can UV map, not HDRIs necessarily but I'll take those too I suppose
AMD has a huge free texture library in the materialx format
otherwise i think there's one of those "awesome list" things on github with free gamedev resources
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the licensing info is right here btw, i think most if not all of them are MIT like this
do you have a blog where you post progress? i'm thinking of creating one
Just target wine/proton, it's good enough now
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It's 2.08%
not as good as native
They'll fix it for free in time, why would you spend your own time and money when there's wine jannies already doing it for free?
good thing MVP matrices arent per vertex or per pixel. hey they're even statically sized for you!
imagine wanting to run on something other than windows/xbox, but not wanting to learn at least 2 more APIs?

Switch? Mac? Linux? iOS? Android?
Do you use OBS for screen capture?
If so, what are your settings?

./urban-tycoons &

get_property_value() {
local property_name="$1"
local output="$2"
echo "$output" | grep "$property_name" | awk '{print $NF}'

while [ $i -gt 0 ]; do
echo "$i"
i=$(($i - 1))
sleep 1

wid="$(xdotool search --pid "$game_pid")"
info="$(xwininfo -id "$wid")"
x="$(get_property_value "Absolute upper-left X" "$info")"
y="$(get_property_value "Absolute upper-left Y" "$info")"
width="$(get_property_value "Width" "$info")"
height="$(get_property_value "Height" "$info")"

ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size "$width"x"$height" -framerate 60 -i :0.0+"$x","$y" -an -y output.mp4 &

while true; do
if ! ps -p $game_pid > /dev/null; then
kill $ffmpeg_pid

sleep 1

while true; do
if ! ps -p $ffmpeg_pid > /dev/null; then
len="$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 output.mp4)"
len="$(echo "$len $trim_s" | awk '{print $1-$2}')"
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -ss 0 -t "$len" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -an -b:v 1M -fs 3M -pass 1 -f null /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -ss 0 -t "$len" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -an -b:v 1M -fs 3M -pass 2 -y output.webm

sleep 1
Hello is froggy sneed anywhere around here? Tell him he forgot his toothbrush over on the other place
Sorry but after watching his streams, I don't believe that frosch formely froggy ever leave his house.
he streams?
is multiplayer a no go for beginners? do I just need to go ahead and accept that I have to focus on single player games for now?
what exactly does it entail? how complicated and difficult is it?
turn based multiplayer isn't that hard, I wrote shitty multiplayer code in college and it was easier than I expected it to be. TCP makes it pretty straightforward, you just send out basic packets with game state changes, and as long as you don't have any stupid bugs, the clients on both ends should stay in sync.
real time is harder, not so bad if you are making a cooperative game. real time competitive is incredibly difficult, because now you have to think about latency compensation and things not feeling bullshit (like getting shot behind cover because you weren't in cover yet on the other guy's screen)
Multiplayer difficulties are usually centered around controller configuration when playing locally or syncing data over a network connection. I think a beginner could pull off local multiplayer, but I really wouldn't try to make a network game as a beginner.
Multiplayer means for every single thing that happens in your game you have to think about how it's going to be synchronized to other players
This is only easy for a turn-based game, any real-time game it's complicated because you have to compensate for lag which means you're dealing with multiple world states
>turn based multiplayer isn't that hard
>This is only easy for a turn-based game
hm, well I'm specifically talking about a strategy trading card game. so I guess it can't be anymore turned based than that. This is good news. Thank you
the only one that matters for games?
oh, and xbox I guess
>you get modding for free
>c# disassembly is so easy you might as well publish the source code
>muh intellectual "property"
shalom, you should have a game before concerning yourself with whether someone can see how bad of a programmer you are
save your freetard seething
i only see a rabbi seething at a language for not sufficiently protecting his intellectual "property"
>I'm entitled to the source code of others
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>c# disassembly is so easy you might as well publish the source code
I don't think this is a big deal. What's the reason people wouldn't like their code to be published? Piracy, but piracy will happen anyway. And as far as I'm concerned, piracy never stopped popular games from becoming popular.
One may also fear that, by publishing the source code, a third party will learn from it and get an "edge" to that sort of game, eventually surpassing the original. But that too won't look likely if experience is of any indication. It may help for others to make mods, which would boost your popularity.
Sorry, but here's a not-so-technical question. Some greentext context:
>making a top-down 2D online RPG
>about to release on steam
>game looks like a roguelike with graphics
>very UI heavy
>some particle effects and stuff like that, but in general the visual presentation isn't extravagant
My steam page is going to need some kind of video. How the hell do I make a good video presenting a game like this? I've made promotional videos for 3D action games before, which is easy. But this seems impossible. The steam guidelines even say that you should avoid too much UI - which is funny since my game is 50% UI. Lots of games seem to have videos that are basically cutscenes without any gameplay, which is kinda lame. Also no way I have time or money for that.

Anyone with suggestions? Any examples of similar games with cool steam page videos I should check out?
(where-at here)
how many lines of code did you write?
>What's the reason people wouldn't like their code to be published?
There are several valid reasons unrelated to piracy, mainly avoiding datamining the game mechanics and secrets, datamining assets is unavoidable, but mechanics can be protected somewhat.
Let's look at RNG, humans are so trash at statistics almost every game cheats in favor of the player, either by showing the wrong statistic (Darkest dungeon having a hidden extra 5% to hit, to +10% on some other game I forgot), or by weighting the dice the longer the player fails to the point of guaranteeing the positive outcome. The thing is, while people love this, they cannot be aware of it or else they'll straight up trashtalk the devs (or at least the elitists of players) or the whole "illusion" crumbles.
Think how the original Resident Evil 4 had dynamic difficulty but never actually told anyone about it, while other games can't shut up about their "genius" game design and exposes every little cheat they pulled. Now think about all kind of secret mechanics you want to have without actually exposing it to the player.
>a third party will learn from it and get an "edge" to that sort of game, eventually surpassing the original
Also a valid concern, especially for those shitty cheat outsourced companies, the problem is that they never try to surpass the original, they only bloat the market by millions of mobile tier asset flips. At least make them actually work for it.
People who are only programmers and not creators don't understand why you'd want to conceal the source code from someone else because to them, the code is the product
New thread:
I am making a .Net based engine. My first releases will be AOT-compiled, but later I will just ship the jit-code because I don't care much.

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