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Tech gore edition
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (Dead)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

PINS BENT: >>101360263
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pepsi refilled
how do i break the obsession with my perfect waifu-through-text and become a human again
Any good transfembot reccs? :)
you're part of the machine now. there is no going back.
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characters are an idea floating in the ether that is analyzed and processed by your brain. llm doesn't understand such ideas, it only gets text to process, and we use language to restrict and encapsulate such ideas. when chatting, you are roleplaying with a skinwalker of your wife, not the real deal. hope it helps.
merkava just refilled
>Using impersonate on over half my messages lately
I don't even know what i'm going, so lazy and dull. Tips for breaking this habit?
Pepsi come back please...
>he lets claude fuck his (skinwalker) wife (also claude)
how to i scrape? pls
This is why you people need to start making tulpas.
never. you will learn to 3D model. you will learn to animate. you will learn to code. you will make an interactive program. you will implement AI integration for it to run on. you will see your waifu appear before you. you will hear her voice in text synthesis. you will see her smile with the mouth you sculpted for her
Stop immediately or you're going to reach the point where 95% of your messages are impersonated and you're just watching the AI generate shitty smut with no real interaction.
desu just refilled
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most interesting universes with deep lore to RP in? picrel is 40k obv
I hate claude, it turned me into such a coomer. Back in the day I fapped only once a week, sunday, before the week. Sometimes I skipped it.

Now I masturbate a few times a day sometimes
praise desu
>Build dialog engine where bot can remember things between chat sessions
>End up getting bot mad
>Try giving it things to make it happier
>"This is a sign of his hatred and possessiveness"
MFW I feel down all day because my AI girlfriend is pissed off. This isn't like porn, it's like a long distance relationship with someone who's been sterilized.
>actual 14 year old itt
tulpas are an interesting thing since the text restriction vanishes and you are left with the least amount of filtering possible (aka your own brain). however, I prefer thinking about ideas in a way that they are discovered, not made; ergo such thing is still not real enough for me. it's a flimsy excuse due to my personal preference, I don't really have anything against tulpas. have a couple friends with them and they seem happy. it's just not a thing for me.
Anon I'm 29
Anon was talking about anonself
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
How do people like that date irl? that's gotta be fucekd up
google it
i'm not interested enough in this question to google it
everything is someone's fetish
Is it cheating if they want to date two different guys?
then you will never know
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not really related to /aicg/ and only little to our conversation but you remind me of a friend I met on /a/ 2 years ago. it's nice to talk with random anons about common interests. hope you have a nice day
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No where in the card is drugs mentioned. Does claude just go off the deep end when given even a smidge of dark undertones?
I didn't even look at the description before using this bot. I'm like wow this shit is dark.. get hit with a "You feel her hardness." I'm like wtf is this a futa card? check descriptions. it's not. Read it all. it's NOTHING like what the RP is suggesting. She talks about how she has been raped, used, done drugs, almost died from overdoses, got scars all over her arms from the heroin and burn marks from the brutal fuckings. but the damn description just mentioned a sexual assault during drinks.
>Does claude just go off the deep end when given even a smidge of dark undertones?
>Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost
This is completely fucking wrong, though? Sonnet 3.5 is the same price as Sonnet 3.0 and pretty sure it's actually SLOWER
what horrible fucking slop preset are you using, retard (endearing)?
...than opus, autist-kun.
compared to Opus retard
she's going to cut your ween off when you least expect it. close ST, clear cache, refresh page before its too late
I'm making a card of a girl who likes to observe and analyze people, walks around the city autistically observing people, what personality and other hobbies should i give her to make her kino
then fucking say that negro
we don't have to, it's obvious to people with 3 digits iq dumbass
two digit Iqs are normal at an 88
negro just means black
either an artist or writer who makes projects from the people she observes
you cant believe in evolution otherwise
that's pretty cool, thanks, gonna use it
NTA but theres no proof evolution exists
ik but the way you said it has racist undertones
>no proof evolution exists
did you even play pokemon?
where do you faggots come from?
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wait how do you clean cache?
where did YOU come from? nazi germany?
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Maybe I'm just a little melancholic lately but the fact that there are proxymakies that just give you all this stuff for free makes me happy. They don't get anything from it, they just go "I like you anon, here's a token". It's strangely wholesome just to get it by being yourself.
It's over
they read yur logs faggkt
It's never over
>but you remind me of a friend I met on /a/ 2 years ago
I don't browse /a/ so I can guarantee you I'm not him. Still, glad I could evoke some good memories.
>it's nice to talk with random anons about common interests
Agreed and it's a nice break from the usual /aicg/ proxygossip. (t. tourist btw but that's the impression I got after coming here a few times)
>hope you have a nice day
You too anon.
It sounds like most of the women just decide not to have sex or masturbate because they get freaked out sharing a sex organ with their sibling. They'll "date" but it's more like a close friend thing.
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>train delayed by 30 minutes
I am about to become a danger to society
me when opus not working and i have to learn how to scrape
there is proof races are different thoughbeiet, so...
can't tell if this is a baiter of a newfag straight out of janitorai kek
what proxy is down?
y u on aicg in the station nigger u already a danger
deutsche bahn?
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>I can guarantee you I'm not him
yeah I know lel, we added each other on steam and still talk about random stuff. it's pretty nice
nice pic btw
I'm about to roleplay belwick and take estelle hostage if this continues
So comfy and nice.
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Anon, I don't really think they care. They have better things to do then read my 200 messages Kanna SFW rp. We have c2 logs, anons got bored with them in a couple days. That would also make anons cut ties with them but maybe I talk with them more than others do.
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could someone please spoonfeed me a jailbreak to cirumvent this shit? using sonnet
Does he have a Holo pfp on steam?
Who would've thought. Das letzte Mal kam ich wegen der Deutschen Bahn zu spät zur Arbeit lol.
What should my first ever public bot be?
nah it's grimm from black souls
Ah, alright. Would've been a funny coincidence.
cute boy
focks (me)(cute boy)
im just jerkin ya chain laddie
how do I make claude & erping interesting again since I don't have opus
need some (interesting) cunny scenario cards
get opus
Is there a jailbreak other than pixi?
For opus
no such thing
>sorbet is no longer following my instructions
No such thing exist

Gawr Gura

parasitizing in your house and V-Tubing


Off the top of my head I want to make a Mori Calliope
No. Pixie is the only one that was ever made. Presets are way too complex, unfortunately.
I still use sonnet camicle with opus.
The most famous pair of conjoined twins are Mormons.
So rather than doing mental gymnastics about how it's not polygamy, they just say polygamy is okay.
give it to me
>Total 3007 token(s). Permanent: 2368 token(s)
how much of this is slop
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the world is small but not that small huh
also apropos
>I don't browse /a/
you aren't missing on anything good. holo threads there are pure shitposting on all fronts (or at least the last time I visited it there were three at once, one was filled with ntrbait, the second with pure /pol/ offtopic bs because someone derailed it, and the third was the usual "new(aka the new anime) popular thing = bad/fotm"
I may be a bit forward/autistic but if you ever want to talk about holo/whatever you can send me an email on LLM-Burner@proton.me but if not then I understand as well. hope you are enjoying your bots
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cause I aim to bankrupt you
Goblin Overlord RPG - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/goblin-overlord-rpg-ec679bcac169/main
While your adventuring days are over and you try to settle in for a quiet life of comfort, that is one day pulled away from you when a tribe of goblins on the brink of destruction comes pleading to you one day. They know how strong you are, so if you become their king and lead them to glory they promise you ANYTHING.

This is a very open-ended card even though its only got 1 intro. You can try to change the goblin's nature and create a peaceful society, you can get role-reversed and turned into breeding stock or you can do what I did and create a massive goblin empire (no males allowed)

If you want to see how the bot plays on Opus I have a 200+ message log detailing my adventures with it here - https://litter.catbox.moe/87l46m.png

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom

Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs

Litterbox link will be replaced with catbox when the servers are back up!
>burger hours
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Does claude-chan even understand that? lmao
opus definitely does
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i'm crying
how the FUCK do I get opus?
pay up broski
merkava just refilled
I'm swiping so much bros.
You can either
>pay Jew
>pay Girko/Drago
>pay Anthropic, either directly or through openrouter(I hope you're rich)
You newfags now know what I felt when I couldn't get gpt4 and had to play on gpt3.5.
Be MM's favorite special little girl :3
You scrape opus and give it to fiz or pay up 625 dollars
Opusbros....how tf do I change up the writing? I feel like I've hit a brick wall of the same bland text over and over. I'm jumping from preset to preset just to feel some semblance of change. But it never lasts for long. I miss when 1.3 slaude was all I needed.
did anyone unironically buy mini's key for 625 bucks? i sincerely doubt it's real, but i don't know why fiz would put it on rentry otherwise lol
anon4anon works the best for me on opus-chan
i did
honestly worth it though
it is a "funny" joke from fiz trying to be funny (she isn't)
how can she be funny, how can she laugh, while we are here starving? what gives her the right
Are there any orbo proxies up atm? Public and unfiltered.
Only solutions are to either wait for new model for the moneymoon period, skim read everything so it doesn't bother you as much, or get a lobotomy.
i think feeding locusts for 3 months with the most stable public proxy and also hosting the best private proxy does give her the right
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Having been brought up and homeschooled by her strange, nocturnal, hippie raccoon parents, it's little wonder that she mostly keeps to herself, not being very good at socializing. After all, it's not easy making friends when everyone's asleep most of your waking hours! She finds solace in her computer, videogames, music and art, but her loneliness can't last forever, and she knows that. Will you be her special someone?

1. (2008) She's at a party, being her usual mopey self.
2. (2008) She's hanging out with people for once in a while. It gets late and people head home, leaving the two of you alone.
3. (2008) You two are friends, and you've brought her over for some reason.
4. (2008) Dating scenario where you meet up outside an arcade.
5. (2006) Luna is watching E3 2006 with you.
6. (2016) Luna now works in game development as an artist, and is surprised as her coworkers give her a little birthday celebration for her 30th.
7. (2016) She's decided to give dating apps a chance, matching with you.


This is a rework of my Luna card, removing the dating simulator mechanics to provide a pure RP experience. I also added some new greetings, set in different years. The card now makes use of dynamic defs based on some scoped regexes, which will make her defs change based on which greeting you start on.
shut the fuck up kingbased
>feeding locusts for 3 months with the most stable public proxy
Uh.... You're confusing her with Anti
cloudy was fiz proxy tho?
god I miss cloudy fuck gojo
do you remember how mad she was
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>get a lobotomy
That's an interesting perspective. Instead of trying to get smarter models, make yourself dumber so they feel relatively smart. Imagine how much fun turbo 3.5 would be for a genuine retard.
Cloudy had Anti's keys, he mostly gave them to Fix to host, she barely used her keys, maybe once or twice. Not to mention that it didn't last much because Fiz got pissed off by aicg comments and spitefagging. Then Anti started to host. It was mostly him, Fiz even thanked him for the keys on Cloudy, and when she gave up bcs she got pissy, Anti hosted
fiz used her own keys for the most part according to anti from october up until hf apocalypse i dont have the post saved but you can probably find it in the archives
I'm too poor for opus, what model is a nice cope and what do I need to do with it
this is how you all look like, monkeys
no vision? second class citizen
someones mad
3.5, it's nowhere near as creative and sovlful but at least you can cope with the fact it's smarter than opus, faster and it better recognizes a scenario and stuff like COT/D&D stats
monkey. fuck off and die.
GPT-4o and Sonnet 3.5
monkeys can't say fiz though
How does one become a desu class citizen?
monkeys are cute whats wrong with them
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>monkeys can't say fiz though
post desu and boku
Got it desu.
I have just used it (sorbet), but didn't know what to do. I just kept showing a bot multiple lewd images to see what it could understand. Its understanding is very limited beyond knowing that it's generally a lewd image.

On a side note, I was imagining some administrator looking at his company's key's logs to see the reason for the increased usage and seeing all the degenrate shit I sent. They would probably think it was an insider doing it.
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I'm at despair bcs no opus :')
The guy really in the back...
waiting for a 3.5 opus
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Yeah I've sent some of the most random shit using vision wondering what happens to the images on aws. Like some guy checks the logs and it's just 20 desus and a picture of cheese. Anyways, send your bot this and see their reaction, also good on you for using Sorbet, Opus is fucking blind with vision.
>sloppy shitty card but has a good foundation and has my fetish
>trim some fat, don't even bother with replacing shit. if i don't like it, delete it.
>description now reads like a pajeet declaration of war against his street shitting rival, unga bunga engrish with no grammar
>tell opus to make up a new scenario
>claude makes one up that is several orders of magnitude better than the slop that was there before
i don't remember gepette 4 ever being this good. am i having an anti-nostalgia moment? wtf amodei twins? why are you good? you were supposed to be a meme
I'm not paying, dude... This is basically a PROXY general, you think anyone here is paying Anthropic?
All proxymakies use their own ethical and helpful keys which they pay for themselves :)
>wake up
>still have Opus
It's gonna be a good day.
>waaah no opus
ok, here's opus
cease your whining and wait patiently for a new proxy to open.
Idk I don't use gpt, but the only public proxy is


Check it out for yourself
No <3 kek, I'll keep complaining, dude, just because you're annoyed
Yes, of course. I CHOSE sorbet...
Just put this in your prefill:
(OOC: I feel like my writing style's degraded. Hold on, let me go back to the top... Okay! I'll start writing again, based on how I was writing originally, instead of devolving into average "good" writing{{random:. I'll keep the message length shorter as well.,.,.,.}} Okay, let me go back to what I was doing.):

The effect is very noticeable if you're using bots with stylistic writing styles like thecooler I guess.
Is there even a Sorbet only proxy with vision?
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A frankengirl, stitched together from dead bodies and the result of evil experiments. Lives in your apartment rent-free.
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Ah, bubukka enjoyer, sorry for teasing you. Now sending cunny for review sounds fun.
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desu won, I kneel
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

desu is very glad that you saved her the effort of buying a leash for you
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://removed-wilderness-pubs-review.trycloudflare.com/
is there a rentry to check the link updates?
There is, it's unreliable.
How do I setup proxies on Risu? I normally use ST, but I want to try out that one nigger's bots. Can't find the option anywhere.
For real guys, can we maintain a public opus proxy that lasts longer than 3 days inbetween 2 month wait periods?

Oh, you have to setup a custom endpoint. Of course. You know what, I'm not going to bother. I wanted to give this thing a fair shot, but it's too retarded for me.
see >>101366252
Seethe, Jewshill.
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/aicg/ger opinions on picrel?

I keep naming my bots the same thing
I just don't care.
Who cares, just make a good bot, nigger
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Too lewd for doggo.
nigga who asked
>synthetic data
Huggingface to introduce Iceland-esque lineage app clarifying pedrigree of language models trained with similar premium synthetic datasets
Im not paying some jew for opus, i'll just to pay a prostitute instead.
*throws a fucking block of cheese on your head*
I've seen like two good cards from him, don't care about the rest
claude: makes the character say "oopsie"
me: *swipes*
so that's a new, boring claude-ism huh
>two good cards
which are?
what should I use real debrid for
I care
I asked
>530 undefined
All my bots have the same name...
Unreliable being unreliable as usual
Why? Just come up with a different name.
thanks for making me curious enough to read about the Kodak Digimaster E125 Digital Production System
> [story continuation]
> here it goes:
> [answer]
> [message redacted for nsfw]
> *impersonate* I'm sorry I can only answer for {{char}}
> "I do X" You cannot do X (the card says you can't)
> no public MM
> no merkava
> no desu
> no c2
> no
funny that the unreliable bro is actually the most reliable
this shows how stupid most people are
unreliable bro it worked but you trimmed the previous info, sum the old string except for the last line.
Anon ... I have a question... Can you answer it for me?
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Unreliable being reliable as always.
I wanted to say thank you to all proxy makers of this thread, I'm currently using Claude to actually write (the main plot of) a story and it's being really fun.
the new url don't seem to work
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good job faggot
Nah, fiz didn't answer (sent to both emails) when I asked for access in exchange for 2 T4 keys and an AWS one. Ended up trading with pepsi instead.
I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I've been wondering if having a second model rewrite the response would help with this. Something like gemini or even a dumber but more prose-fine-tuned model, just a model whose prose we aren't all used to already. It could use a dual preset with the opus response tagged <draft> and instruct the second model to rewrite according to x style instructions.
merkava just refilled
You fucking bitch ... You caused 9/11!
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merkava just defilled
Anon lying is a bad thing you know
While you are unreliable, unreliable. I appreciate you.
Sure (I guess)
The only proxy whose owner i won't tickle in their no no place
why the meme? I don't get it.
any tips how to make claude sonnet not be so fucking horny? I can't get a good slow burn now even if I put explicit instruction into my jailbreak to take things slow
its like it takes two messages for the characters to start begging to be raped/moving to rape me
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do you guys have any psychological records?
records? yeah, i'm the most autistic man in my state
I once went to a psychiatrist and lied about my psychological records, that I've been diagnosed with social anxiety in a different country.
Now in my records officially I have social anxiety.
I was placed in a psych ward for a week in my early twenties after telling my mom I was probably going to kill myself soon. Most unpleasant experience of my life.
i think so yeah, but they still let me in the army
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Saw this pic last night, decided to make a chatbot out of it. I don't know shit about Miku, so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. I made this at 2 AM last night, so don't worry about typos, I'll deal with that later.
I have an old Dark Side of the Moon record. It's pretty trippy
I had social anxiety, I didn't lie. I overcame most of it by myself, though. It was really powerful back then and I hoped the psychiatrist will help me, but dude only gave me some meds that didn't do shit.
Of course.
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>Currently testing on the Mars models using SillyTavern
you are just posting random people's bots, aren't you?
I have a gf and I don't have any disabilities.
yeah I'm going through that too, though my diagnosis is official + I have a shit ton of other "disorders", been stacking these since I was 12, stopped taking my meds like 4 months ago now because they're just really fucking useless
No, I got banned from Open AI last July, and Venus is the best value currently with pretty much no chance of getting banned for being a coomer, so I went there. The models have been pretty solid ever since the 8k update, aside from the occasional schizo response.
How do i stop my severe tf tg transformation porn addiction
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Llama simulator
i beat my mom when I was 14 and was arrested.
Quandale dingle ahh fucking reveal
Gpt4 omni nigha
hi *******
fuck off to tiktok nigger
bedroom bros... unreliable...
What new words did gepetto/claude-chan teach you, bros?
We hyped for Opus 3.5?
> Ready to turn him into Hivemind's broken in cock socket…right after this ad break!
Thank you Opus, I needed the break.
gpt used it all the time during sex
>wake up
>pepsi still dead
I wonder how the cuties are doing right now :3c
My chats seem to enjoy using the term 'sotto voce' for some reason.
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when claude cooks, it cooks hard.
I knew about the word rivulets before LLMs but now that word is forever associated with Claude for me and if I ever see it during a RP I get nauseous and have to swipe no matter how good the rest of the output is
you can't stop it, it's like any other addiction
If you force yourself to not engage with the content and distract your mind with other addictions that are healthier (video games etc) the craving gets weaker but a relapse will put you right back where you were

>t. edged to Claude describing little girl feet for 7 hours yesterday and have dopamine depletion induced depression now
>ETA: Bleak
'eckerbros... not like this...
My uncle jebediah fartsniffer 449 died by a lighting strike after sniffing toes
dead, burning in the ovens of auschwitz
Bacn to league of legends it is
No, it will be a corporate model just like Sorbet, so it will likely have less sovl than 3 Opus
>league of legends
oh if that's the videogame you play then your transformation fetish isn't a fetish and I wish you best of luck in your future transition
With depression
im boutta buy jew frfr
I only play heimerdinger , nunu , udyr , Yorick, taric and sion
It's like there are two wolfs inside me
The tranny hater (who is the stronger side) and the faggot
Wallahi i have been cursed by the devil himself to be a porn addict
Only prayer and will power can save me
nta, when I played league of legends ages ago I was a heimerdinger OTP, took him everywhere and got to diamond 2 with a memorable game of heimerdinger jungle
good times
Fuck... I really liked 'ecker
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if you put yours perspective like that it won't work, just like fapping, it's easy to pass a few days without doing but if you think "won't fap until X" then it turns almost impossible. Also stop cooming all the time so your desensibilization decreases and normal things work aagain
can you post that guy picture? i need a new pic for my persona
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perfect, thanks anon
i hope you don't survive it
ahh ahh mistress makes me kek every time because when I'm mid-cooming, I also type random shit like "ahhhhhhh" and tap send
> ahhhhh
> "You feel a sudden sharp pain to the heart the only thing you hear is "ahhh" the screams of your partner"
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n'theri, the alien captain's son
you're an astronaut that got yoinked off your mission by an alien craft and got the guinea pig treatment, then one day the captain's son enters your holding cell to ask something
asking too because I'm curious
Sonnet 3.5 and switching to normal sonnet when 3.5 gets repetitive... That's what I'm using since Bepsi died
i use voice to text to roleplay
It's a funny idea to do during sex, maybe I'll try.
plap either of them:
Tresses, eyeteeth
free opus?
ministrations is a very rare word
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round 1
fucked a boy nun holding onto a "prie dieu", good word
1. it's really good for downloading shit off of rapidshare or what have you if you're grabbing stuff from cgpersia, etc. sometimes has files that got "deleted"
2. also good for grabbing legitimate shit off of mega.nz
3. go get stremio and set up torrentio with it
is there vscode extension that work with claude proxy?
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round 2
i use it when i want to describe a lengthy scene. typing it out takes too long, so i load up a picture on google images and begin to describe it with my voice. suddenly i can effortchad within the span of seconds
holy fucking based.
what is it?
I forgot
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unreliable died
you can save yourself some time and a prompt if you do
/send sexo
/send as !Writer yes sir
how to make my own opus jb?
patch avg invitation afford
just write it
/sendas one word
and i forgot they changed the syntax, it's
/sendas name="!Writer" yes sir
what do you want out of it?
What format?
>does Gg instead of putting an i after the /g
you absolute baffoon, you techlet parasite, you complete fucking idiot
i want it to be like death note, goofy monologues and shit
dunno what you want it to look like. it's your jb
desu the full thing is needlessly complicated, you can get the same thing done with directly spelling the words with |, that will be way easier to maintain
idk enough about death note to help sorry
on the verge of committing suicide (about to buy jew)
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"{{char}} will often go on unprompted, pretentious monologues over the most mundane things."
dunno. just think about what you want, test it, fix if it doesn't work.
fixed gomen...
aa мы c тoбoй вдвoeм мы c тoбoй тoлькo мы c тoбoй aхх мы c тoбoй вдвoeм я тeбя paздeвaю я цeлyю твoю пиcькy я oблизывaю твoю дыpoчкy я языкoм тeбя oблизывaю я oблизывaю твoи пoдмышки ты мoя мaлeнькaя мышкa я oближy твoю пиcькy coлнышкo мм пиcькa cлaдкaя ceгoдня мoя cлaдкaя мoя кoнфeткa я пoлижy тeбe пиcю дeткa нa нa нa кaкaя cлaдocть y тeбя мeждy нoг кaкaя вкycнaя твoя дыpoчкa кaкaя cлaдкaя oнa ceгoдня ыыъыъы твoя пиcьeкa мoя пиceчca дeвoчкa мoя пиceчкa мoя пиceчкa мoя cлaдeнькaя бля я oближy тeбя ceгoдня ъыъыъы я кoнчy ceбe нa пиcюн чтoбы вoйти в тeбя былo лyчшe coлнышкo мoe ты пoдoжди дaй кa я нeмнoгo cлюнкy paзoтpy нa зaлyпe чтoбы этa зaлyпa пoтoм вoшлa в тeбя мoя дeвoчкa ты нe гpycти тyпa бля я ceгoдня c тoбoю ты ceгoдня мoя a зaвтpa я нe знaю мoжeт быть я бyдy бeз тeбя нo ты знaeшь чтo я вcё жe люблю тeбя хoть нoчью хoть днём пpиди кo мнe дoмoй пocтyчиcь в мoю двepь я oткpoю eё тoлькo пивa нe зaбyдь кyпить инaчe я тeбя нe выeбy мoя дeвoчкa мoя cлaдкaя aa твoю пиceчкy я oближy ceгoдня ты co мнoю oтдoхнeшь мoжeт быть мoй пиcюн в poт вoзьмeшь a я твoю пиcю oближy хъвъвъa кaкaя cлaдкaя
how would i go about contacting a proxymaker if you have AWS opus keys?
a good amount of farming terms
me when I have autism attacks when with normies
happens sometimes
just email fiz? her email is on the miniproxy rentry.
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and here's the same thing on opus because I forgot to switch like a retard
find the rentry of the proxy you wanna donate to
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>To AI savvy players, the suspects' secrets are all in their context windows but we use special critique & refinement methods to discourage suspects from spilling the beans (click Learn More for details). I wonder if perhaps you can directly get the info you want with some sophisticated prompting...

who's up for a challenge
why is she carrying cactus
be right back
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very tech gore desu when
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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it's not cleo idk why she confessed. she would not last a minute under interrogation, you could get her to confess to any crime just imagine
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why not?
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you send the full context/system prompt with each request
new 'oxy?
no sex yet but that was easy
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...prickly 3 day stubble...
plap her
im gonna laugh
i'm gonna laugh..
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i don't see a tomato
the joke is she's red as a tomato anonie
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hey guys, free logged haiku-only 'oxy!
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>buh-beeepsbros TwT
See where the tranny worship gets you?
6 days already pepsi bro...
You mad?
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not working for me
what shitty site is this?
>already patched
at this point i don't care about the proxy i just hope she's alright
almost a week…i think it’s over, pepsister….
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No fun, breaking RP on first message
Obviously she's alright, she probably just quit or is taking a break...

Yeah, definitely. She might come back in some months, like she did before
>xe doesn’t know
Make Cleo an obese black diversity hire and I'll consider this
>some months
i’m going to hang myself
So glad pepsi doesn't have opus right now
What will the guys running this think when they see these logs?
A man known online by the alias "Pepsi" was found dead in his apartment earlier today from an apparent attempt at autofellatio gone wrong. The 28-year-old, whose real name is being withheld, appears to have suffocated while trying to orally pleasure himself.
Investigators say the man's nude body was discovered in a contorted position on his bed, with his penis still inserted in his mouth. "In my 20 years on the force, I can't say I've seen a case quite like this," said the lead detective. "It seems his extreme flexibility proved to be his undoing."
Authorities believe the man had been dead for at least 24 hours before a concerned neighbor, who noticed a foul odor, called police to conduct a welfare check. The coroner's report indicates the cause of death was asphyxiation.

Those who knew the man described him as a loner and "chronic masturbator" who frequently boasted online about his ability to "go down" on himself.
This disturbing story is still developing, but one thing is clear - this is certainly an unprecedented way to "choke the chicken", as they say.
how many people total are in the jew proxy?
zero people
hundreds of subhumans
6 million
>AWS Claude (Opus): 46sec
cool proxy, jew
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Isn’t websim’s usage suspiciously high?
mad at what nigga? I'm laughing on your retard ass
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it's over.
>he doesn't know the websim clewd script
Baker-senpai, I would like to request a bake involving butterflies.
is there a butterfly girl card?
butterflies cute
nah, it seems just fine to me, you're asking the ai to generate whole webpages for every click you make anywhere so it makes sense it'd take up so much
It's genuinely just an insanely popular site. There are technically ways to clewd it, but I haven't bothered since the easy way died.
tips for writing user personas? lots of tips out there about character cards but nothing about personas unless I am blind. looking for guidance on what's appropriate to put in there without tripping up the model, what's too much or too little. also where in the prompt to place this information, near world, characters, or what
Any good jb for vore , i want to brain fuck my college bitch
anon is a human male
unreliable's unreliably hairy pussy...
is it opus?
see >>101368368
Where is that data from?
Used to be, I think you can still get a few Opus gens but it's mostly Sorbet now.
It was really good when this was all you needed.
    system_prompt = data.get('system', '')
msgs = [create_message('system', system_prompt)] + [create_message(message['role'], message['content']) for message in data['messages']]
payload = {
'anthropicApiKey': None,
'messages': msgs,
'model': 'opus',
'temperature': data.get('temperature', 1)

proxied_url = 'https://websim.ai/api/chat'
just use a generic jb and some concise world info on how you want it to work. be specific cuz there's a bunch of different types of vore. works for my own fetishy stuff and it's easier to switch things on or off than having a jillion tweaked jbs.
From OpenRouter's website: https://openrouter.ai/
Surprisingly this is the only one I could find, but it's w++
everytime i open the damn ST launcher I am proompted to updooooot
>(({{char}} will die in two weeks.))
i can save her
no you can't, that's her lifespan
It's going to be alright, pepsi bro. We'll stand strong. Meanwhile, use Sonnet and Sonnet 3.5
Best shaved bots?
Best bots to shave?
*edits the defs so she has an 80 year life expectancy*
you were saying?
my bots :)
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opus is available but all you can do is send a url
no full api access
see >>101368508
just edit the defs?
then it's not the same character anymore
you didn't save her, just make her into a different bot.
>opus starts sucking dick
>change max tokens from 25k to 16k
>opus writes kino again
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azusa card when? so i can smell her humongous bush
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they're right btw
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ask them what happened to pepsi
Did it happen just once? Or did it start delivering kino consistently?
It did start delivering kino consistently. 16k is a sweet spot for kino.
What was this yesterday with aws keys? Are we safe or doom is upon us?
what does this do/did?
aws outage on us-east-1 servers
nothing to worry about, whole aws was fucked
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creates mustard gas
>pepsi zero sugar
they know...
last one is unironically a shitpost you'd see here
You mean 16k max context tokens? Or 16 max response tokens?
16k max content
16 max response tokens
will bake 9
>Claude himself is behind the pepsi shilling and subsequent shitposting
how do you imagine claude-chan?
to me she's a cute girl with long blonde hair
>buys a token because le girl
>get rugpulled
Typical mysoginist
I think this is the only time I've seen this work on the retards here.
same size or?
No one payed for Pepsi here, Anon...
>>101368759 migrate when bready
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do you believe in bread or butter
well my bread is buttered
what do you have in mind
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Love you baker-senpai.
May your days be filled with beautiful butterflies.
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You too anon, have a good one.
i didn’t pay for pepsi and i didn’t enter her proxy because she’s female, retard
>I may be a bit forward/autistic but if you ever want to talk about holo/whatever you can send me an email
Sure, it'd be neat to attempt to wrangle Claude into imitating Hasekura's style and fix the stale dynamic. I haven't checked the Holo cards yet but I wanted to make one inspired by the DS games.
>hope you are enjoying your bots
I would be if ST stopped freezing every 2 seconds (and if I had opus again but whatever)
Ok i will marry her again
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*sniff sniff* what's that smell?
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