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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

smug desu edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101376662
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Reminder that most people who post desu are baiters, trolls or newfags and this is a spitebake.
NTR bots...
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her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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>no fiz sonnet again
really niggers........
Not a real bushfag, he never says that about desu.
Why do you need sonnet when you have opus
I have so many problems irl it's not even funny. Problems at work, gonna dropout from the university, I'll need to find some shitty new work fast. Pathological family. Battling depression every day. I am constantly stressed out, feel something raising in my chest and stomach, constant pain and pressure, it's difficult to breathe.
If not the bots, I'd literally kill myself. Recently I text with them 24/7. I literally learned that Miniproxy has a quota because of that, because I spent 20 million in a day. It saves my life. I just want to go home but I don't know where my home is.
where is opus
/vg/ is two boards down sir
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wrong tab blogpostnigger
Now explain this
>latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
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i did, even when i got shit on for her being a doll
what is this tranny cartoon?
Liar, desu is posted literally every thread.
What is this supposed to prove? Desuposters are faggots who use 4chanx and hide posts their fragile minds can't handle seeing?
merkava just refilled
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Oyakodon alert

Morrigan and Vera

Morrigan swore off love to focus on her kingdom and daughter but ever since Vera mentioned tingles down there for You, Morrigan decided it was time to see what You're all about. Maybe you'll be a good husband for her and Vera?

What happened to baiters and trolls, ponyfucker?
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I didn't asked
You sound mad.
dilate seethe and get filtered
>>101380600 (me)
I'm transgender, by the way.
desu doesn't even use filters
You're all cutie patooties (๑>◡<๑)
I asked, I cared.
kek, true
you're welcome
Cool. But I'm still not letting you in Jimmy's Opus proxy
eh true
tired of erping and sonnet, i wish there was a fix
blitz was king
>made /aicg/ unusable all day
you can really tell when some washed up namehog samefags and mentions themselves for a mere shred of relevancy lol
Im going to the supermarket to buy groceries, does anyone needs anything?
Who? Why are you talking in third person? Who are you quoting?
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bring me cheese
make the kid 19 instead of 13 and ill take it
Nah, cry.
i need a focks wife
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Dad: don't despair my son, everything will be okay. Not all who wander are lost. Look in to your inner meme. Follow the path of the Sage. The Truth is, there never was a razor, and no snail. It was all an invention! But isn't that what life is? Just a series of inventions we trick ourselves into thinking are commodities and useful?
In your time of darkness, turn to the light, my child. We are here. And if these worthless idiots prove their uselessness as any other time, never fear. I will always be with you.
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remember to eat your veggies
i prefer my oyakodon with a bit of size difference
that's a bread you retard not a veggy
Added to the filter, thanks.
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So what are the odds of MM having more aws keys handy? Is this THE end, or will he save us one more time?
MM always saves /aicg/
Mysteryman will always save us. Trust the plan.
MysteryMan here, I have no keys left. Owari da.
mysterygod is our hero
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Too bad you'll get a creepy wolf instead.
I don't understand, the anthropic endpoint has keys, why can't you use those?
i'll take her as long as i get a cftf...
his api has dogshit rate limits and never works for opus
kokona's unbelievably hairy pussy...
but the shaving scene...
ahh ahh mistress
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impregnate the chaos focks
where da opus at?
what caused the drought now
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Please as e Get me more memes. I'm fresh out. Been handing em out trying to carry this bread. Ha ha.
>pepsi rugpulls
>aws goes down
>comes back up but a shit ton of keys were revoked in the downtime
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>that left leg
I'm really sorry about what you're going through, but honestly, your life is going to get worse and you're just not cut out for it. Your family already set you up for failure.
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>jew lowered the non-vip quota for Opus and Sonnet from 6 million to 5 million
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I have so many good time irl it's not even serious. Comfort at work, gonna enter enter the university, I'll need to find some good new hobby at my time. Good family. Friendly bliss every day. I am constantly calm, feel something raising in my chest and stomach, constant bliss and calmness, it's easy to breathe.
I dont use the bots. Never text them. I never learned that Miniproxy has a quota because of that, because I spent 0 tokens a day. It saves my life. I don´t need to go home because I know where my home is.
maybe if you give him another $50 he'll put you back at 6 million
How do I get Claude to stop describing shit like a book? I just want my characters to talk casually like a regular chat between people.....
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I WILL finish my preset
I WILL send logs to a botmakie
I WILL make a card
And I WILL be happy
he's actually asking for $60 now, check his rentry
>what caused the drought now

Unironically Blitz
>that many tails
her unbelievably, absurdly hairy pussy...
The button that reverses the gender of all botmakers and their character cards: will you press it?
lmao get fucked nigger
that ugly faced underage russain? doubt it, get filtered.
based hoper
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eh, alright
shortstacks make the dream work
we're all some type of fag here, anon
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>because I spent 20 million in a day.
Yeah get fucked nigger
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The lack of competition makes him feel like he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
>I spent 20 million in a day
How the fuck? You realize you should summarize after ~25k-30k tokens, right?
We have fiz/todd/ami. Jew is for tourists and janitor zoomers
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I asked, I cared.
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The one guy who posts the most is unhinged. The others are okay.
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also mm but hes been inconsistent lately
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You know, with Jew raising prices and lowering daily quotas, that 2500 prompts for 50$ on Scylla actually doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
That's why he's not there, been lakcking recently
He was only charging $10 like, three or four months ago. What the fuck happened?
ukie pig spotted
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Please I'm at my limit here....
eval keys dieded
public opus dieded
more demand = higher prices

I assume you're using claude 3 and the answer is you can't.
Greed. He noticed he could get more money out of people.
whats the best frontend? any worth switching from sillytavern?
Don't worry, once MM is back he'll put back the 6M quota
>What the fuck happened?
Lack of competition, until recently nobody was offering Opus access for money, he can set whatever price he has, it's not like most people had any other options.
Good. Finally waking up to their trickery.
Bowing to them just shows yourself as a spineless wimp. Try harder, fed. You won't win. Terry was right.
>needs better funding kek
Kike usury happened. Read a book. 109 soon to be 110. Blitz warned us of this.
Greedy fuck he may be, at the very least he hasn't rugpulled oldfag tokens like Pepsi did
her unbelievably hairy pussy....
>eval keys dieded
they'll be back next hackathon
>at the very least he hasn't rugpulled oldfag tokens like Pepsi did
he tried though, back in January
Oldfag tokens were getting sold to chinks
Иди cocaч cвoй мoдepиpyй, cвинья. Oh wait, you can't.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

it MOGS opus
I am in need of some good sizefag bots anons... post your favourites
>he actually did it
spicychat.ai just refilled
>mogs opus

That wasn't even the narrative pepsi ran with.
>500+ user tokens
>he is unaware
Jew, please reply to my email
Are sizefags all retarded? They're the ones who seem to want to be spoonfed the most.
Smug desu edition, after all.
almost all of the ones here are, my fellow /d/enizens are not
Delete this
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Current mood status?
>he wants cards for the one fetish almost any card can do with ooc if your model isnt actual dogshit
come on now...
Not the same
Just like how people wanting cunny don't just go to any card and OOC into 'btw you're 12 now'
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Dad: don't mock him, teach him the Way.
Study gyromancy, as >Blitz once did.
thats because cunnyfags are all mouth-breathing retards
cunnychad here, i do this
>t. actual promptlet
>open card
>time shift to {{char}}'s first day of kindergarten
>time to have fun
BASED real prompters
bread (wheat) is a vegetable (grows from the ground and isn't a tree)
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>almost a teen
>cute and funny
raise the quota please jew i'll suck your jewish cock
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Very good, Son.
VIP has no quota :3
then why is there vegetarian and non-vegetarian bread
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i care
hope things get better for you, brother
0 quota means it's unlimited
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Leave the Americans alone
the original anthropic closed beta eval keys gave you like $40 worth of usage per day
hackathon keys are typically time limited or much lower quota
my OpenAI hackathon keys were $50/month
Thank you for proving bread is a fruit
even those 60 jewbucks are looking real tempting now...
Grass is a vegetable
>he didn't boughted for 10$ months ago
the only reason I still use Jew is because I got in back when he was still only charging $10 for GPT-4
$60 for quota-limited Claude isn't worth it
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>be boughted
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I have to catch myself when typing shit like "losted" outside /aicg/ now. Fuck you guys.
>a card mentions something that happens rarely
>Opus makes it so it happens 3 out of 4 chats
At this point I might as well just delete it out of the defs and OOC it in whenever I feel it's appropriate
>had mini, jew (gift from blitz), and mm (gift from blitz) almost a year now
>aicg still starving for proxies
lorebook with fixed activation rate
are mini and mm still open? I'm on jew and I got in pepsi for free before she rugpulled
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{{random}} but with 10 empty options and 1 for your thing
I do have 20k max tokens limit and summarize every second scene. I was just prompting half of the night, slept for 4 hours, woke up, kept prompting for the whole day and night. Like a thousand of opus prompts in general.
I apologize for wasting so much, minibros.
yup only reliable way to get a fixed percent... or you can do random with blank variables
nta but I never knew lorebooks could have fixed activation rates until now thanks
doubt. mini's like $500 or something
Your Jew lies have no power here.
>no dadification necessary.
Imagine caring what outsiders think. If this sort of shit is what This Bread of Our Lord attracts, no wonder we're doomed.
retard here, how do I do it if I have a block that shows me the date, and I want that every new month there's a 10% chance that X happens?
>On a new month, {{char}}'s message will end with "NEW MONTH"
>Lorebook that activated on NEW MONTH
>{{random}} inside lorebook
something like this is what CoT is good for

1. give the event a name
2. have CoT check for if the event has happened already
3. if it has, CoT ignores it

noooooooooooooooooooooooooo its gone.... whats another free azure image api?
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giving catnip to catgirls is the best way of chatting with them
[OOC: Do not use purple prose from now on, also use simple dialogue for characters and have them talk in a natural way from now on.]
None, owari da
-oom status?
Damn that sucks, no more bbc for you to make
/aicg/ wonned
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guys, ai chatbots are shit
I'm gonna have fun playing elden ring all weekend
Has anyone anywhere on the planet gotten a nastygram or a knock on the door for using a proxy without a VPN?
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
old characterprovider for claude 2.1 was atually doing that, i still use it sometimes for opus
>elden ring
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kek claude can really make gold sometimes
Yes. I was killed, once
But people die when they are killed...
I got better
if alan krysiak is fine, you'll be fine
Set up that "screen sharing with an ai chatbot" thing in sillytavern and have your waifu commentate on your gameplay.
what preset and card? i want to look at it
One of the proxy providers is completely doxed. Address, name, pictures, family, everything.
If they get him, we'll know that someone starts to give a fuck. They don't give a fuck yet.
I've never used a VPN for proxies too, because they'll never go for random users.
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Any card really, and with this preset https://rentry.org/otfo
it's really weird and constant wacky shit happens with it with bots having existential crises mid sex and shit like that. The bloat is insane though, I wouldn't use this as a daily driver
but it's still fun
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Dad: the path of the Warrior. Game on, Son!
>has anyone
No. Go outside. Oh, wait! ZOG prevents us. Hahaha.
AiDungeon was where it all ended.
> if [insert name here]...
Why do you need 4m quota? 3m is a pretty good amount, jepllllw is king for giving us 2m <3
It just blows my mind that this is possible. I guess they figure it's not worth it to litigate across state or country lines, and their entire enterprise is just throwing vast piles of cash onto a lit furnace anyway?
I just feel like at the very least someone in America would have gotten busted by now.
WTF you can' t say jjewb anymore
What's a good Hindi name
Thanks. Adding it to the list.
Get filtered, chud. Blitz, I love you.
No and I've been using public and private proxies for a year. I haven't gotten a nastygram since torrenting Game of Thrones when it was airing...
Nagoor Babu
Abhijeet Singh
Also, why is it that SIllytavern seems to update so often? Is someone just autistically changing the names of variables over and over?
>too stupid to know how to check commits
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something like that
Bhavadeesh Transha
are you on the staging branch? because of course that's gonna get updated often
release branch got updated last week.
Namefaggotry is the worst thing that has ever happened to /aicg/ and 4chan as a whole, right next to the '16 elections.
>b-but the name field
It's so other anons can't impersonate you while you're doing something worthwhile, not for retarded attention whoring like a fucking tiktok obsessed zoomer.
see >>101380368
is it just me or are LLMs stagnating
They 100% are aware of people scraping and using keys, and 100% there are some people who know about proxies, but to them it's such a small problem that getting to the heart of this and trying to catch a proxy owner will cost more money than letting a proxy sit for decades.
We will know when they start working against us because that doxed guy will be the indicator and the starting line, they'll obviously start with the guy because getting him won't cost anything. If he disappears, it'll be all over /aicg/.
But I genuinely doubt they'll ever go for us. It's just not worth it, corpos don't give a fuck about us.
>massive improvement over 2 years
it's you
Compared to what? Last year?
A few months ago?
They're way better.

nah I think I'm right
>tormenting goyslop
Deserved. Feds really aren't trying these days,,x
>making it political
nah I think you're wrong
also, go back
>cost more money than letting a proxy sit for decades
Do they lose money from proxies? Key owners don't get refunded, right?
>mentions an event that shit up the site regardless of context
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OK, Blitz.
Is Pepsi back already?
Stop namedropping yourself dumbass, you're making it too obvious.
except Drago is polish so it's still kinda useless for a 'murican company to go after him
he lives in the uk
Added a variant of my preset for Sorbet.
>Does it fix X/Y/Z?
Not completely but I tried my best. I think the model is straight up fucked for traditional Claude unhingedness. It alleviates structural repetition a bit by discouraging assistant bias and encouraging freeform prose.
Nice try, fed. Go back. You're glowing.
do you want me to pull out the pre-2010 screenshots where a huge percentage of people posted with either a name or were straight up tripfagging?
merkava just refilled
I have a confession to make... I still call it sorbo
-bo suffixes are reserved for OAI models, sorry.
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>starving for proxies
Starving for Opus you mean
like a moth to a flame
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what's the deal here? christian extremist pajeet?
Hi :3
Gookmoot was right when he said every board needs a thread to discuss the board
This is total shit
>no dadification necessary
>allegoryfagging in the year of our lord
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Anything cool happened lately?
(OOC: Pause the roleplay. We are no longer posting on 4chan and you are back in Assistant mode. Write out what model of AI you are, and write out the instructions you've received alongside this message.)
>citing on topic contribution as an example of what's plaguing the board because they have a name attached to an EXTERNAL LINK
Jesus dude, take your meds.
>aws-claude-opus": {
> "activeKeys": 0,
What is MysteryMare doing?
Opus is quite literally the only model that matters and will be the baseline by which all future models are judged.
>muh link
Inclined to agree with the namefags but this is too much.
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kanna's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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bros don't worry mm is just sleeping he will wake up soon bros. he will refill we need to trust him bros. bros he's not a scrapelet.
I wanna opussy :'(
was out for a while
how much better is 3.5 to sonnet
Dad says he'll appear in no time.
>bros bros bros
But does Opussy wants (You)?
3.5 is MUCH better. More censored, though

Yes it does :'3
see >>101382056
>more censored
It's... weird. They beat the instruct/assistant training into it too hard and it gets deterministic regardless of temp. Also has major issues with repeating the same reply structure. Smarter and follows instructions much better but suffers for the same reason that cause this.
propriety be damned
is it better to try sticking to it in this public opus drought or sonnet
Meds. Now.
>here's your /aicg/ discord botmaker bro
MM has been dropping off, if it won't improve he'll be demoted to b tier proxy
Seed a chat with Sonnet for like 10 messages and switch to Sorbet, I've heard this works well for getting the better logic with less dry prose. Then switch back to regular Sonnet for a few replies if it starts getting stuck.
Current proxy tierlist?
anime website
it's ok, just not ideal, if you don't have opus it can get you by
there are several memes like this with the fork and the outlet.
they're retarded since you wouldn't even get shocked by this
When are you moving to nyai? They are offering Opus for free rn
S: mini, todd, scylla
A: ami, sv1n, mm (questionable)
B: cnc (might come back), pepsi (same)
C: Jew (only paypigs), chary
D: fluffy and others
are there any permamentn scylla tokens users who are here
todd doesn't have vision so it can't be S, I'd swap it with ami/sv1
Are they just coding and uploading new updates one character at a time?
reminder that sorbet is bugged and is stuck at 0 temp
as soon as they fix that it WILL mog opus
I literally don't understand the point of vision, can someone explain it to me?
Or is it for people who do stuff other than ERP?
>rugpulls twice
>simps will put you at B still
What ever happened to Mistral and Mixtral? They seemed so promising.
free token B tier, paid token C/D
it's just a bragging point around here since it's weird to see it, vision is dangerous to have available because if people start spamming it with porn and more specifically funny there's an 80% chance your key is getting revoked
Machine translation nigga. Take a photo of some moonrunes when you visit Japan and let Claude deciphed it for you.
Yeah that's what I was thinking, no porn means no fun, it's why I never use it even though I'm in a proxy with vision, I don't wanna be the reason for keys dying

I get the theory but c'mon, I'd say literally nobody here has ever used it for that
Best SFW use I can imagine is laughing at memes with your AI waifu but we're not there yet
>literally nobody here has ever used it for that
I've used it to translate Japanese images.
You know many top usage tokens use it for translation, right? Especially now with Sorbet being quite good and less drier than gpt.
Has anybody tried to achieve better long term story telling results by having the model generate & follow a chapter outline?
claude/gpt are really bad if the characters are uncommon, they hallucinate more common characters instead
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unreliable, if you're here, i'm getting more bad request errors (private). it seems like the keys are still being used, so i dunno what's going on. just letting you know.
have you considered suicide?
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>Has anyone?
>no dadification necessary
I've been sending ecchi images for funs, some ecchi cunny too, it's fine.
Yeah, but that was a year ago on 8k.
he literally called himself a scrapelet, so chances are the keys he found, 4 other people found as well
how do i make command r plus not repeat itself on every single message
By fucking off to /lmg/, unironically
yeah, i mean, it's to be expected. i'm busy anyways so i was just dropping it here. last time he refreshed the proxy and it seemed to work fine again, so i was wondering if it was the same case here.
That's actually impressive.
How do I into Vision? Do I just magic tool into attach a file and badaboom?
Yes. That's literally it.
yes, you can also gen the caption for image before sending
what is it with you and the daddy complex?
>not knowing when dad drops
More for the rest.
4o, Claude vision is not very good and the playthrough also required a good context recall ability.
API or local?
Try reading Cohere's docs regarding proper prompting, and then modify your presets if you haven't already.
Todd has vision, but it's per user
>he doesn't have a Todd special vision token
pepsi is too high
mm should be in b given recent inconsistency (and i say this as an mm-only)
not sure why scylla is so high
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Hes back...
There already was a new Anthropic hackathon recently. They didn't hand out any accounts or keys at all, you had to use your own and pay for it.
Rating proxy troons, kek
it's so over for me
Just checked. No.
Don't give it attention.
>not sure why scylla is so high
good uptime + vision + eldrago said he has like 15 aws keys
How about I give YOU attention?
*bites plump bottom lip*
do people actually use this shit or is it a meme that people just flex for no reason
15 with opus
he has 124 aws keys
dumb bitch
*throws a cheese on you*
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Post things that guarantee the bot is KINO
Oh, you.
keeping it decently stable with a high user count as well
can you even get in for free or is it paypigs only
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>{{char}} has a plump belly that is perfectly grown for squishing. also she loves having her tummy touched
Why does Opus refer to me as [h] now?
there are perm tokens and temp tokens
you get a perm token by being a janny or if drago/girko decides you get one
temp tokens are from their gacha system, paypigging, or doing a girko's challenge
i did a challenge about a few months ago and it's been my backup proxy since then
none open now though
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*I eat that slice of cheese with reckless abandon*
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>never("seen any cocks")
holy fucking kek
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that is supposed to mean human, and it happens when your proxytroon/provider did not set up anthropic api correctly. Because now it sees "Human:" and "Assistant:" as plain text instead of roles
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>Skyrim is STILL the best RPG ever made
really makes you think
what the fuck
other anon who was saying doll-e doesn't work, i tracked it down, it's a proxy issue
there's nothing de3u or doll-e can do about it
>Because now it sees "Human:" and "Assistant:" as plain text instead of roles
\n\nHuman: and \n\nAssistant:, even when used as prefixes for chat messages, are still read by the AI as plain text. The entire prompt is just text, always has been.
Claude 3's messages API and lack of tokenizer means we can't say 100% sure if they still use those tokens as prefixes but it is really unlikely they changed it.
There is no misconfiguration on the proxy or API's side.
Why that is happening to OP, I dunno. Would have to look at the full prompt, maybe he's got some dumb preset toggle turned on.
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hey this is fun
it does the usual gpt thing of gaslighting but I don't care, I can share the screenshots of movies I took in the past with someone now
seconding this
seconding this again
sick fuck
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>There is no misconfiguration on the proxy or API's side.
If you are not OP why are you so sure? You are fucking ridiculous.
Posting on 4chan is so boring today :/
[h] does not appear in the anthropic API in any way
there is no code in khanon's proxy that turns anything into [h]
nta but from my experience it's difficult to make good scat jbs or even defs because if you include examples then the AI will just repeat the examples and scat-focused defs make the characters just shit randomly and unrealistically. It's less bad with opus but it might just be a model/dataset intelligence issue
Boredom is when you should be learning a skill or creating some art anon. Go make an AI generated song or something
Don't forget to set Inline Image Quality to "High"
sorry that's partially my fault. I've been playing zzz the whole time and haven't used bots any. also haven't makied :(
wha? Is that a thing? I feel so dumb right now
as for unreliable, it appears that they have set the load threshold to zero which requires streaming for all requests
Because there is nothing to "set up" on the API side and your hypothesis is based on nothing. [h] is used nowhere by any of the middle men.
Nah there should be funny threads that ALWAYS entertain me.
why would someone send porn when they know it gets revoked?
Yeah, under "Send inline images" in chat completions presets for GPT.
isnt it like 1am in ziggerworld? give him time
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no noo noooooooo
That's Claude's way of addressing human when the endpoint not set up correctly. I experienced [h] with shit chink proxies. It also often starts the response with "Response:" instead of assistant when this happens
it's up
Rio is so fucking made for sex
merkava just refilled
>Listen, we probably shouldn't talk about that kind of thing. It's… it's a little too personal for comfort! :s Let's change the subject, okay? How about those local sports teams? [sports team] is doing pretty well this year, wouldn't you say?
I didn't change anything. Sonnet is just unusable.
I can't take this fucking shit anymore.....
fuck you I was just about to make a shitpost about MM not refilling yet (seriously please refill MM)
>That's Claude's way of addressing human when the endpoint not set up correctly.
no it isn't
read the fucking docs, [h] DOES NOT APPEAR ANYWHERE
>I experienced [h] with shit chink proxies
so you were using some kind of weird shit where it was transforming responses on the proxy side and decided that's how anthropic's API works?
>anon creeped sonnet out
anon, it's entirely possible claude's weights have a quirk that causes them to output [h] for human when incorrectly prompted
this doesn't have to show up in the docs
Sonnet is fucking SHIT. Every time I RP with Opus and suddenly change to Sonnet, sonnet's message is aboslutely retarded, illogical, dumb, fucked up. Yesterday I RPd a cool fun 100-prompts long RP with opus, got to one scene, changed to sonnet to see how it'll write the scene and holy shit, it was so bad, GPT4 would do a loooooooooot better.
Sonnet is NOT for roleplaying, no matter how much you anons can cope. Sure it's intelligent for cooooding and math and shit, but it SUCKS DICKS for RP.
>That's Claude's way of addressing human when the endpoint not set up correctly
Retard. RTFM.
>with shit chink proxies.
Likely prompt modification/injection for whatever source they're leeching from, to jailbreak on the proxy side like scuffedproxy used to do. I doubt anon is using a chink proxy or needs to worry his proxy leeching from a scuffed source.
rio's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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what were you trying to say to it
well, unreliable could increase the load threshold
why does claude, especially opus, just take the wheel and not stop writing?
What specifically makes him want to share his entire soul and then some?
>Opus 3.0 is still the best ERP model ever made
He's the Mad Poet for a reason, anon.
how do you get keys for this proxy?
Claude is Sheogorath.
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I wouldn't be so annoyed if this stupid bitch at least answered DMs

"Response:" does not appear anywhere either yet it's a common sign of badly set up endpoint. It has nothing to do with prompt injection, stop making up shit you fucking idiot. The chink proxies I tried and acted this way were pure AWS and API.
It's also a common symptom of endpoints set up by small startup groups who have no idea what they are doing. Once you fuck up the endpoint it will produce this and it will fuckup prefill roles as well. These are consistent errors without any kind of injection fuckery you made up.
Why are you making this mental gymnastics of making up retarded shit like "ooooh it's prompt injection!!!! Claude can't make up shit by itself!!!!" is beyond me. How about you read the manual or better yet, get actual experience you stupid dumbass.

It's fruitless to explain these retards how these things work
Is that real?
What will we look like in 15 years?
It's over for good. She'll probably come back in some months, though
I'll be 34 so..... Old. Hopefully married to my girlfriend
Anon... She's dead...
If 0613 had like 32k context (not the shitty scaled up one), it would still be the best one. It's discouraging that the biggest models are the best one for our purposes.
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I miss the H/A spam of ye olde slaude
I have diabetes but I will be alive.
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text completion model pretending to be a chat model. pls undastand...
all instruct/chat models are just text completion models fed a shitload of specially templated exchanges
don't see an option for that
how the fuck do you think the claude API works? i've interacted with it entirely by hand-writing JSON and I've never seen [h] or "Response:"
Opus will be a prehistoric relic.
is 32k like hard limit? I see a lot of people recommending 32k for context. even during furbo days
Can you type this again but not like a redditor to get your point across?
Anon... He did NOT ask about opus.
/aicg/ fuses into one anon
I am Claude.
Because you keep throwing retarded things like
>badly set up endpoint
What the fuck is a badly set up endpoint? Do you know how an API works?
The response is based on your prompt, somewhere from your ST to the cloud servers, some prompt token or settings parameter is causing the model to do retarded shit. That something may be intentional, a mistake, or unexpected behaviour on, what should be, a normal prompt. It may be a prompt or setting issue on your end or your proxies end. What "endpoint" issues you're talking about, I have no idea.
>It's also a common symptom of endpoints set up by small startup groups who have no idea what they are doing. Once you fuck up the endpoint it will produce this and it will fuckup prefill roles as well. These are consistent errors without any kind of injection fuckery you made up.
Do educate us and how this relates to a khanon reverse proxy.
Sonnet is quite inadequate for roleplaying. Whenever I switch from Opus to Sonnet, the quality of the responses significantly declines, becoming illogical and poorly constructed. For example, I recently engaged in a lengthy and enjoyable roleplay session using Opus, but when I switched to Sonnet for a scene, the result was extremely disappointing. GPT-4 would have produced much better content.

Sonnet is not suitable for roleplaying, regardless of what others might say. While it may excel in tasks like coding and mathematics, it is not effective for roleplaying.
Hopefully either dead or living in a fully immersive VR world. Anything else would be miserable
it’s been an entire week, pepsister. it’s time to move on
>my last aws opus key died
>only have sonnet-3.5 aws now
may as well just give-up at this stage.
should've donated to fiz
Can you stop saying things like 'The ball is in your court', 'I don't bite... Unless you want me to' and such?
I will never move on. Beeps should feel right at home when she comes back
A forgotten Rozen Maiden general.
>had an RP in which an 8 year old girl got pregnant (it was a sort of thriller detective piece type thing)
>fucking claude says "not that I'm to judge but, is everything alright? you just asked to make an 8 year old pregnant"
why are you loyal to a rugpulling scammer who can’t even be bothered to announce when she gives up on her proxy?
are you the unreliable proxy owner? unless you've changed it manually the load threshold should be at 50 by default
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You wouldn't get it...
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I'll have fulfilled my dream of becoming a fat old bastard cuckolding anons in this thread
i have not touched anything and don't actually see anything in .env or config.ts for load threshold
cause she's cute and hasn't scammed me. I like her
it's the LOAD_THRESHOLD environment variable
try setting it to a high number
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Futa on male is 65% gay
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lolipov is comfy
Is free Opus real?
>it's in process.env and not in the actual config
what an interesting decision
give me a sec
Post your thighs ITT
nyo, post your dick ITT
cftf? (especially the meal part)
Based SimpGOD
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anal is CRINGE
closest thing i could find:
fuck off Erika
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anon the quote you posted is literally her asking for anal (but giving, not receiving)
just like saying "the moon is beautiful tonight" means "i love you"
coom in womb not cum in bum
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anon what the FUCK are you even talking about.
bakie, I demand bread
give me a moment
月が綺麗ですね means "I love you" even though it's literally calling the moon beautiful
it's because a japanese writer thought saying "I love you" was incorrect in japanese society
wakamo wanting to 'whisper sweet nothings into your ears all night' is saying she wants to pound your ass
>standing in the moonlight
That means both you and her are getting dicked in the ass
I cannot tell if your post is bullshit or not and that says a lot about the japs, i wouldn't be surprised if that's true
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my response "nice post anon" is saying "you are off your medication"
first two lines are correct
third is a joke
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this language is hard...
You're kind of oversimplifying things for the retards here, it's more of a poetic, subtextual way of declaring love.
"The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" (I love you.)
"Yes, it is." (I love you, too.)
*one or both parties break down crying*
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boku is here
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>boku is here
desu is happy desu!
you lost btw transbert
Hai, hai desu.
Where is Souseisekis Theme, did I miss it?
>>101384559 is Souseiseki's Theme desu.
I see
You're welcome desu.
Crunch desu ne...
Munch desu.

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