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EU's DSA is a tool for censorship. It was created as a means to censor the internet.
i dont use social media so i dont care, plus thats the eu i live in america so i really dont care
good for him. most tech ceos would cave, and we would never even know
You use the internet don't you? This applies to all the big techs. Not just social media. Google searches, youtube, fagbook, instagram, tiktok, leddit, wikipedia, etc
Who cares
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i could use the internet less. maybe thisll help me touch grass
qrd? never seen the matrix
He is saying that because the EU will not do shit.
Meanwhile, the moment Brazil told him to remove anti-communist accounts he did after a few days of acting "tough."
brazil is a third world shithole with no protection of rights whatsoever. The EU is a first world country, albeit a poor one, and claims to protect free speech. His goal in any case is to expose their hypocrisy, not to presume to be able to ignore their laws.
Brazil court threatened to arrest his employees and put them in jail.

Its a life and death situation for his employees
1) He deserves it

2) I don't believe him because rugrat has 0 credibility
>against censorship
>gov literally demands censorship in an open platform
less censored than 4chan at least.
They don't demand censorship, they demand accountability for foreign governments using his platform as a weapon against their citizens
>less censored than 4chan
do I need to tell him?
When Elon Musk says something then you know the opposite is true.
That what they get for cheering on the forcing of apple to switching to usbc. now they will suffer the consequence of big government
That's not what I said or implied.
Besides idc muskrat, isn't telling the truth because he's a pervasive liar. Go back to twitter where you can fawn over him all day if that's what you want
They demanded censorship. Of covid vaccine side effects. Of elections. Of people posting videos of Muslims stabbing police officers. Of people discussing the Ukraine war.

These are all documented by dozens of journalists now. They're all publicly available documentations and are in the US government archives. They're all presented in the US congressional hearings. They've been talked about in various podcasts. From all political sides. From the leftists claiming "nothingburger" to rightwing claiming "see we it all along"
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cypher took the blue pill, because he thought fighting the matrix was futile
More so that he knew too much and wanted to forget everything and live a life of a naive fool, before he ever found out about the matrix.
You eat beef and sausage by the fucking carload!
risc-v rocks open source ISA.

Doesn't censor you.
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>Europe is a country

Jesus fuck this thread is disgusting
imagine still believing musk in 2024
>the internet is google and wikipedia
Sad life you must live
Imagine castrating so hard that you cant tell the apparent reality from fiction in the head
exactly, thanks for agreeing with me
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Not my fault people don't have at least one friend in their circle of friends that can self host their private forum, private ssh-chat, private altchan, private voice chat, private parts, etc...
but i thought it was a secret, then how come it's on all them podcasts and shit?
I dont know if you know this or not, but twitter has a new management since a year and half ago.
One more year until based chinks nail EUV then we will have our 4th industrial revolution.
Custom RiscV architectures that you can just order off from Temu.
EU isn't a country, it's a confederation of states.
yeah yeah so is the US lmao
This post is an advertisement. By engaging with it honestly you are falling for it. For every post about twitter here, someone should throw a rock through a twitter office's window.
based lel
hope elon cleans this glownigger shithole next
DotR soon
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same tranny
nafotrannies on SUICIDE WATCH
When does stuff like aipac become accountable?
Elon seething again and making up stories (typical narcissist behavior) because pic related
Which one is it elon shill or EU shill.
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why are eurofags such unrestrained cucks? where did the love for regulation and authority come from? I get all the trannies in this thread worshipping institutions that validate their mental illness but surely the bulk of Europeans must hate living under this bullshit
>Google searches, youtube, fagbook, instagram, tiktok, leddit, wikipedia
I use none of these.
Ok wikipedia occasionally but it's already pozzed I really don't think it'll get worse.
Everything is captured. They have literally nothing that presents an alternative view. Its a uniparty government with uniparty media.

They have no idea what else to think.

Their hatred for America, American freedom, American companies are coming through with it. Even if it means cutting their own noses
Aight but did he offer proof?
Court battle gonna ensue now. >>101384092
Not at all, life under this "communist" system is fine.
Stop having the american brainlet moment.
It's true, muskrat has gone completely mental and isn't credible anymore. Like there was a time when I would take his word as gospel, but now he's just a retard
this is the same clown shit before he was compelled to complete his twitter purchase
this little faggot should get the fuck off the internet and go spend time with his 20 trannoid kids
*ahem* okay, so say it with me

>Like there was a time when I would take his word as gospel
we know, it was the time before he came out against your groomer cult and then you all went mental after. he was your green tech jesus and then when he said leftoids like you are deranged, you said fuck mother earth and fuck elon musk! kek
Not all of us are like that, the ones you describe are from shitholes like hungary and serbia, or they're pidorussians.
Anon? Are you an EU shill, that cannot be...
The EU does a lot of based regulation that's sorely needed in tech, so yes, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything that comes out of Brussel.
Anon I know it's difficult for you to understand, but some people are able to dislike BOTH Musk and the EU
No no no, that's fence sitting, we cannot have that.
You can try and shut agents of disinformation down, it's mostly impossible. You can however go after the platform that enables them
Next you will say you've castrated yourself but you consider yourself sane.

EU's DSA was created because of Musk pulling out twitter from their "voluntary" censorship program
Sounds like something you imagined that's going on with you but never really happened.
What are the wumaos even doing here?
>the Digital Services Act Regulation 2022 was created because Musk pulled out of a program in May 2023
Musk is all talk no action
Tesla is a ponzi scheme
truly, a hero of free speech. until he throws a tantrum and bans you lmao
Are any of the modern electric vehicle operations not a ponzi scheme? Endless government subsidies both in retail and in the supply chain. Soon government fines against internal combustion competition. Still no solid plans to massively expand the residential electric grid to support 100% electric vehicle sales within a decade.
>Tesla is a ponzi scheme
EVs are a gaint ponzi scheme.
And Teslas are spyware.
the difference is that Tesla has cars that have still never released
at least when the bigger companies announce shit, you can get it
>and bans you
When did he do that?
No one tell him it's much funnier this way.
This. It's diesel all over again.
Touching grass won't help until certain people touch gas.
>censorship is LE BAD!
>*subscribes to woke DEI cultists for censorship anyway*
lol, lmao, he should stick to making billion-dollar fireworks and cellphones on wheels
oil, corn, and all the other trash has a bunch of subsidies too.
When he banned that guy who was stalking his airplanes and putting his children in danger.
We have a whole class of cars that are announced but never released. Its called concept cars.

The only car Tesla hasnt released is a roadster. That things a vaporware atm. But then again, there are dozens of vaporware for all other car companies. So its a nothingburger.
Tesla Semi?
the ACTUAL Cybertruck vs what we got?
and the Roadster
probably some other things too since Hyperloop involved Tesla
Dozens of companies are running hundreds of Semi. Tesla themselves are using Semis to deliver their cars. Cybertruck is virtually identical to the one presented from the visual standpoint. Plus more.
Hyperloop was a paper Musk published on the internet for other companies to make. I think you're confusing what that is. The one using Tesla is a local loop for short range city transport between various casinos, businesses. You're not gonna get 1000 mph transport system between 1-2 mile distant local businesses. Its a totally different concept all together
Very good b8 anon, classy. Tasteful. Subtle.
it's angloids and g*rms doing all this every time
why do you lie
Literally diaspora
>but i thought it was a secret, then how come it's on all them podcasts and shit?
This is an obvious contradiction that the conservative mind is genuinely not wired to reconcile. Like most contradictions tbqh.
EU is ruled by Satan aka France and Satan Jr known as Frankfurt.
All bad shit comes from them.
>where did the love for regulation and authority come from?
Basically it's all been downhill from there. Europe died in 1918 when the reactionaries were permanently put down.
Can't wait for the EU to get exposed as a tiger without teeth. This process is gonna drag on for years, and a few more when musk just decides to ignore the ruling, if its not in his favor.

And then what? Are they gonna try to block Twitter in Europe? Surely their citizens will love to see it.
elon allowing open and free discussion about israel challenge
There's a chance to join the fight against EU for other companies. But I think they dont want to because they've already signed agreements to censor
>Can't wait for the EU to get exposed as a tiger without teeth
Just like your clown parade of a country got exposed as a bear with a pink sock? Wouldn't that be convenient, Marina?
>remove anti-communist accounts
The EU is Hitler's wet dream, it's all ran by Klaus Schwabb and European incest nobility. The monarchs of europe still hold all the power.
I'm german, I already know our government sucks.
re-read it again, retarded bot.
>i dont use social media
>he posts on social media
I really hope that Elon just tells the EU to fuck off. I am very tired of EU bureaucrats acting as if they have any kind of authority over companies. Elon should outright state that he doesn't take orders from the EU, and will not paying their ridiculous and unenforceable fines. If they don't like it, it can be their responsibility to try and prevent their population from accessing the site. Elon has many flaws, but he's one of the few men on the planet in a suitable position to start turning the tide, and making it plain that no group or organisation has any right to tell companies from another country what they can and can't do.
>Governments want to protect their Authority
guys a secret deal just flew over my house
Westoid countries don't care about their respective MSMs beong used against other countries, though. Pot meet kettle moment.
>malding ADL office staff typed this
GARM is behind it actually lmao. Yesterday's news made it clear who was behind the scenes. WEF run GARM controls 90% of the advertising dollars in the US. They advised 90% of the industry to boycott twitter knowingly that they were breaking the Sherman Act of not colluding and manipulating the ad business market.
amerimutt moment
>gov bootlickers
>they still think this little quip has any meaning at all
Germs and scandinavians are turbo npcs, the fuck are you on about?
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>Big tech secret censorship collaboration with government
Jews doing what jews do.
This is a surprise to literally fucking nobody other than dribbling vegetables that support it because it conforms to their world view i.e. a totalitarian state.
I fully expect Elon to be proven wrong in court, and no one to really notice.
Would be nice to have censorship be normalized. Our society would be much better off without human rights.
>human rights
That's antisemitic! There are only Jewish rights!
your thought patterns must be irrevocably destroyed. they must become vomit-inducing at the genetic level.
you are an abhorrent being, and I do not wish for your existence on this planet. an alligator has more place here than you. you are a psychological bomb.
Tell me why exactly twitter needs the blue check to indicate a verified person, and not literally anything they want it to mean.

Why does twitter need to give "researchers" access to public data? Are the trying to circumvent API limits and don't want to pay? Is the data they're trying to access not actually public? Or is there no way API to access certain data, in which case why does twitter have an obligation to provide anything?
They never left the Matrix, they just started playing on another server.
Elon Musk offered me a secret and illegal deal for me where he wanted to have sex with my 12 yo sister in exchange for cash. Disgusting. I'm also going to abstain from providing any evidence just like he did.
>internet speech should be regulated, it's not about controling content, but creating context
2001: Monologue of evil Illuminati AI in videogame
2024: Mainstream political opinion
>publicising the blackmail material BEFORE taking them to court
You missed the memo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gGLvg0n-uY
>Would be nice to have censorship be normalized.
Censorship has been normalized.
Why would literally any private website be required to make its data available to researchers? The company in charge of the website should have the right to decide whether they want to provide any kind of access and if so, how much money they want to ask for it.
Sorry, """""researchers""""", but we will be the ones training our AI on our data, so either pay up or tongue my anus.
I too hope he tells the EU to fuck off, but they WILL insist on broadening their total control over people's communication channels.
>If they don't like it, it can be their responsibility to try and prevent their population from accessing the site
It is not that simple at all. The moment you block eurofags, you practically surrender millions upon millions of users to Z*ckerberg.
Why should X be regulated to provide advertisement data? The EU should regulate every corporation that wishes to advertise instead. That way you could capture the usual explicit advertising, for whatever good that does you, as well as the many forms of implicit advertising like astroturf accounts that otherwise would go unremarked.
API is available. You just have to pay for the access. The government demands free stuff
>when monopolies accidentally become too big and private companies start becoming integral to everyday life so much that governments start treating it like a public sector
X is the smallest of the social media companies in EU. Instagram, Facebook, Meta, Google, Youtube, etc are all bigger and they complied with the secret censorship program because they are ideologically linked to the WEF marxist ideology
That's even more ridiculous, but it sounds exactly like something the EU would do. These bureaucratic boomers are so out of touch with technology it's no wonder every other place has taken over Europe when it comes to tech.
Developing and maintaining an API costs a lot of money. And even if I have the API, I'm not going to give the government free data, which also cost me a lot of money to get. They should pay up like anyone else, provided I offer any kind of API access at all.
man, these people really took their blue badges seriously, huh?
>the moment Brazil told him to remove anti-communist accounts
that was a direct order issued by the highest court in the country, though
Yep. They want to push the idea that only the people that Twitter appointed as notable should be verified and ordinary people should not.
>inb4 "aww nah I got tor or some other secret club niche tool to protect me"
Being ignorant and shortsighted is what got us here and why eventually everything will be controlled.
as a europoor i see EU point, characters and words are dangerous, there are witches and fools that might do jam
call me when some of the big players names the god's chosen

Already happened yesterday
and yet normalfags dont treat IG and FB like they do twxtter
IG/FB are largely irrelevant to the conversation. They're mainly for thots/big booba and old folks. Twix is where he conversations happens in real time. Its where the news is reported first. Thats why the want to control over this platform so bad, as thats where the narratives are shaped. Either organically or via government control.
when they openly name them as what they are not just "worlds biggest brands" or whatever shit they use just to make people conditioned to the new normal and not evoke the "us vs them" mindset which is very effective in uniting people vs common thread
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I want to get off Hideo Kojima's Wild Ride!
He was willing to sell out his compatriots for the chance to live comfortably back in the matrix. He decided that the comforting lie was easier than the harsh truth.
>let me tell you how much i dont care
You care more than you're letting on. You care deeply, though maybe not not madly.
They ran anti-Musk articles for multiple years every day with multiple propaganda articles across the entire leftist media platforms.

So its to be expected. When you replace everything Musk was prior with the new information in their brain, you would get the new information.
>1) He deserves it
He deserves having other people being censored by EU? What does that even mean?
Both models are retarded. Why not just reserve blue checks for actual notable people that need to be verified instead of a secret club for friends of twitter employees or the new version where it's just a broader club of paid users.
>actual notable people
According to who? The government? The notion of "notable people" are worthless. The current blue system is there for verifying real people. For governments, there's the grey checkmarks. For businesses, there's the yellow.

"Blue check verification" was originally meant to verify people. Not to give them nobility status.
And in particular, it was used as a political nobility system where people that agreed with the twitter staff's politics were given vast majority of the nobility status. It was a nonsensical hyper partisan political checkmark.
>jew seethes that anon doesn't use his jewish technology
the post
Guy in the pic was raised to think he was vegetarian which drove him insane as an adult and he wanted vengeance so bad that he went to murder his parents who actually turned out to be the human form that Agent Smith was modeled after so when Agent Smith and the Keymaster square up for the big battle he runs in and is conflicted because he wants revenge on his dad but it's still his dad so right before Keymaster crushes Smith's skull with his knee he (Smith's son) goes "maybe now you'll think twice before depriving me of steak you faggot" and then rage against the machine starts playing and the credits roll.
told you so but /g/ cucksuckers rather suck off glow niggers because muh Ukraine. g is full of glowies and ironic shills much like k. EU is certified commie elite all they have achieved is the death of millions of white people.
just rage ban Europe they will come begging these apparatchiks cannot live without their twitter bullshit
Every predditurd should be killed in the most painful way possible.
Thanks, but I'm still not signing up.
elon musk can lie and get away with it anyway it is in his total legal rights and you faggots get on your knees for him
They actually just had a hearing on this. Here is the link.
America wouldn't even exist if EU didn't invented it. Show some respect.
>all the glow responses to this post
Absolutely; easily corrupted
EU is like soviet union lite
What the hell is that link? Here:
Kek #muskpedofiles
>plus thats the eu i live in america so i really dont care
props on being this retarded, shining, anon
no i won't retard
I hope fElon throws another baby tantrum and shuts down Twitter in Europe
And then they clapped
>Deleting fake info is based
That's over 70% of X formerly known as twitter though and is one of the reasons EU is fining him
Everything that can be weaponized, will be weaponized
>you have to give us access to your data because you just do okay
Fucking hell.
this guy is the gayest most glownigger comped retard I have ever seen. and he STILL doesn't give a single shit about the EU. what a joke of a country.
>secret censorship
But it's been confirmed since Snowden?
Same as kikes running the world?
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there should be no such thing as "verification" anywhere online at all.
>w-well what if a companies stock goes down
dont threaten me with a good time.
He’s just acting tough, he always caves and never mentions it again, see: turkey, brasil, india
Snowden era is just spying. Now its actual censorship era. From both WEF ad groups like GARM which controls 90% of world's advertisers and governments that lean into communism
>EU bureaucrats acting as if they have any kind of authority over companies
Yes the government has authority over any company in its country, it’s how they are allowed to operate there,
because the moment they dont have it you can impersonate anyone and because normalfags have been given unfiltered access to the internet that means the moment these protections die the moment a bunch of retarded room temp iqs get juked into deleting system 32 by someone pretending to be best buy geek squad. nobody in charge actually cares about that though, the real problem is that would and did cause stock in various industries to tank
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Why, yes, I do support censorship. Thank you for noticing. China has many faults, but what they definitely got right was their control of the internet and disinformation. Fuck you and your so-called "rights" to peddle falsities and lies on the internet. The internet should require everyone to identify themselves before they can use it so we can send the police and arrest you if you try spread disinformation. Your rights do not supersede our right to a safe internet and stability.
Republicans love fucking children, marrying children, lowering the age of consent, deleting femoid rights, etc. Why would that be fake news? Shouldn't he be based for doing that from your POV?
I can give you a billion examples from your tribe, but thats outside the scope of the discussion anyway.
Why not? I mean he brought back Nick Fuentes. I don't know what more anyone can ask of him and free speech.
kinda ironic because at the end cypher was THE redpilled one, kek
It wasn't based because he was using that to blackmail politicians into selling their country to Israel. And they aren't based because they were the ones that pushed for these moral reforms that they can now use to blackmail and maintain their power.
The difference is that China censors actual misinformation like being trans or gay is good for people and diversity is strength. The West censors real information like multiculturalism being bad and covid shots being harmful and Jews running every single institution, on the last one you couldn't even say they did, now you can, but you have to say it's a good thing. Also the only reason you can say that is because Elon Musk allowed it to be said on Twitter.

Thank you, Elong!
>surely the bulk of Europeans must hate living under this bullshit
I wish
Europe maybe ? Are you retardedly challenged?
lots of EU shit carries consequences elsewhere. i have to do some gdpr bullshit in hong kong because of some gay treaty.
>People literally voted en mass for the european popular party and the socialist party that are the cause of all the problems with the EU
>Hurr durr why is europe so utter shit
I fucking hate this continent of literal communists so goddamn much...
Does it even matter if 95% of the posts are bullshit spewed by bots? Twitter is fucking terrible
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Lel another delusional take from our resident "grass is always greener on the other side" faggot. You're not fooling anyone with your shitty propaganda

honestly anything the EU does to make social media less prevalent and addictive is a good thing

fuck big tech, fuck America, fuck the stock market and especially fuck Musk
As a europoor, I can say with full confidence that europe absolutely doesn't care about anything.
He was also awful from an ethical standpoint. If he'd told Neo that after leaving the Matrix he'd be living in a freezing cold shitty ship eating goop and risking his life on a daily basis he may very well have been told to fuck off, but Morpheus was a cunt so didn't. Morpheus also had no way to prove that they weren't still being controlled somehow after "leaving". You really think the Agents would put that tracker in Neo's belly then just leave him alone and let Morpheus break him out? Lol.
would have been a great plot twist in Matrix 2
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Thats nice elon but maybe your act woud be more convincing if you didnt have a jewish penis in your mouth while talking.
Maybe if he didnt censor and collaborate with US glowies and ADL this performance against this demonic Bureaucrat would be more believable. The elite is the same in US and EU check up
Murthy v. Missouri
He caved in US.This is just performance. Check
Murthy v. Missouri .
They demand it but he is pretending to not comply. He complies in US. Spectacle for retards. Yes Glownigger funded bilionare is gonna save you from glownigger tyrany.
The people you interact with do use it and it affects them. Most of the people I grew up with ended up mindbroken by reddit.
I use "the internet", not "big techs". Ofc Youtube disappearance would be inconvenient, yet I AM willing to accept that if that means the Big Tech vanishes from the internet.
>They demand it but he is pretending to not comply. He complies in US
Reminds me of Apple but inverted. For example, they handed out iCloud enc keys to China long ago and walled off those users from the rest of the world.
>Blue checks used to mean trustworthy sources of information
They were largely considered the most retarded users on the platform and regularly memed on.
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>named my PC "Garm" because of mythology and it amused me that he guarded the gates to the underworld and technically that's what my PC does
>now learn it's the name of a cucked media group wanting to censor everything that doesn't spread "the message"
Well shit.
>maybe thisll help me touch grass
It won't, and you'll remember this thread when every online discussion, is like the top level comments on a Reddit thread.
Embrace the future
poor reading comprehension
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