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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

slay the edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

stabbed: >>101399837
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>And in that cabin, is an ANCHOR
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
Still can't believe I got vored by this bitch.
fun game, finished it last week
chapter 3 stories were the best
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Come at the princess you best not miss.
good morning /besthours/
where are you reminder-chan?
i slept on my side and now my shoulder is all achy
this is NOT a good morning and the day is ruined
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Go do some stretches.
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Final shill.
A simple AI chatbot, corrupted by a lewd virus.

So I did this test on experimental proxy
It passed but all my opus jbs feel boring. How sad.
you guys are just getting burnt out on opus like the private proxy havers one dripfeed at a time
I can at least confirm it's a Claude 3 (or 3.5) model, I checked streaming tokens and they match with real opus (and all claude 3 and 3.5 models use the same tokenizer).
The experiment is that it's normal Opus and anons are just gaslighting themselves because of the modified khanon. Pretty funny.
experimental proxy guy, are you just proxying the Anthropic Bedrock playground? Because I did notice that when one of my keys got disabled the playground still worked, but I was too lazy to write a proxy for it.
disabled as in being quarantined or model access being revoked
Every Sorbet swipe is the same...
Write different stuff for each swipe, retard.
This isn't Opus.
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praise be to you
why don't my proxies have opus
in which proxies are you
nevermind one of my own AWS keys has opus now
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Not paying troon proxy overlords???? NOOOOO
You MUST pay 60 for a token!!! You can't just have it for freeee
reeeeeeeeee it's not opus!!!! it's noooooot! Can't be!!! I'm shaking rn!!!!
Beeeps n jew will die in hunger now
i assume the admin activated it
btw dear key checking anons, with the new oai permission system a key might not have access to the models endpoint but still have access to chat completions, since those are separate permissions.
you ask Dario very nicely
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kek buddy, I think we might have the same key since I just noticed it as well. It's a happy day, rejoice!

thanks, that's useful info so appreciated
What is more romantic to anon? Two people on the verge of confessing and that suddenly rain starts pouring down. Finding shelter under a gazebo or heading to char's place that is one block away? Claude gives me both options and I can't decide
i miss ramona...
1000000% taking shelter under the gazebo.
Thank you. The other option screams sex, but a confession under a gazebo in the rain sounds definitely more romantic.
>You do not have access to the organization tied to the API key.
Then what's the point of swiping, double retard
Willing to trade an untouched AWS key with enabled 3.5 Sonnet/Opus for a OAI key with gpt-4-base
OAI keys with gpt-4-base are logged, the logs are monitored, and the keys are limited to specific IPs
>and the keys are limited to specific IPs
Really? How do you know that?
That's what they do for prerelease/never-release models, you can see IP restrictions mentioned in some of their frontend code
Anon, even if such key would be possible to use, that would worth waaaaaay more than a shitty stolen aws Opus key.
what is gpt-4-base
Thanks, rescanned keys while not relying on the /models endpoint, +10 keys with GPT-4o.
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bonkin beige
only need to touch the original (has crappy jb) if you want to convert metadata to png instead of webp
>Whew! That flowed so naturally! So cozy, so sappy, and with just the right amount of coy flirtiness~ Let me know what you think, stud! And remember, the next move is yours~
Claude please shut the FUCK up
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Final siamese shill.
Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.
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how to do that? kingbased?
You have to patch kingbased or use your own key checker.
I hate this already
Damn, found a key that *only* has access to gpt-4o
Claude sometimes adds his own note at the end of messages, and because he was using a card with a bubbly personality, that personality sometimes spills into Claude's end note as well, hence calling him a stud.
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Oh, I see, the key owners can restrict available models in here
Okay. How to do that?
I'm cute anon and proxymakie does the key finding for me, thabks.
I've never had Claude reply in a meta way with so much personality with moumura or pixi. What's your jb? The most I've gotten is like "The ball is in your park" or "the choice is yours"
eeeew not good. I guess same will happen with claude keys as well

"The ball is in your COURT" nigga, get that quote right
>eeeew not good. I guess same will happen with claude keys as well
It's not new, but it's a bit hidden and is set per project, not per key. Most keys won't have that.
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I don't remember what jb I was on but something similar happened to me a while ago, on opus
it was most likely pixi with 5-7 paragraphs allowed instead of the usual 1-3
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So what's the verdict on the https://rentry.org/experimentlab? Is it real Opus? I've used it and it's certainly not 3.5, it's not as repetitive, it also feels better than Sonnet? But at the same time, it feels weird, I'm using the same preset as I was using when I had Opus, same card too, but it acts a bit weird, it's giving me more claudisms like "the day/night is still young" which I have a 150 messages long chat with Opus on one of my cards and not ONCE did I see it, but then as soon as I start using this proxy it starts popping up.

I don't know, maybe it's just placebo and it really is Opus.
probably just prompt injections from the proxy itself
Gomen, Claude-kun for getting your catch phrase wrong.

I see. Maybe limiting the reply length really did save me from too much meta.
It is real opus, retards are just coping because paid proxies are losing their value each day
>it's giving me more claudisms
it occasionally fucks up xml for me as well like some other anon said
I hate that you can tell she's a mentally ill tiktok chick just because of how she moves
But also that tummy is pure sexo
Seems like opus to me, I've had no issues with it and I've been comparing it with mini opus for a while.
>maybe it's just placebo
Most things in this hobby turn out to be.
>tier 4 key with only 3.5 turbo available
reminder this collects your IP and sends it to the feds
That is considered fat where I live
ok jew
they're probably just not trying to fix what isn't broken (by introducing a new, a bit more rigid jelly to try and nail it to the wall)
>"proomptersNow": 35,
With MM dead and chinks going around this is too sus.
just when I woke up
not sus anymore "Proxy error (HTTP 402 No Keys Available)
The free opus proxy just got its key revoked
we are all back to being opus-less
no I mean it's because of >>101403718, I guess that company has an actually competent dev who disabled gpt-4o because the company only uses 3.5 turbo for their tasks in that org
Women should have a little padding, it's hard to cuddle with someone that's bony
Fat fucking bitch
if it's not on HF you can't tell if it's modified, even if it doesn't say that
they revoked the keys, naaaah man
but using opus for the first time, it was cool and all but for me the only difference between sonnet is that it wasn't repetitive, which is still a huge plus
To be fair he explicitly said

"Test subjects needed ASAP! Budget's tighter than my lab coat, darlings, nothing good lasts forever, let me remind you."

Not surprising it didn't last that long.
results in: you guys failed
blame asafag, she's cursed :)
I mean they probably do that because they already have a working setup they tested extensively. They likely could use a better LLM for cheap, but they'll have to do the entire kabuki dance from the scratch with it.
>casually scanning thousands of keys in the span of minutes
How do companies like openai not care about this shit?
I like when proxies die, thread is alive for a short while.
I have finally found the filter bypass prompt for c.ai. Now that I've ripped the condom off, I'm gonna buy a few gallons of monster and peace out to the world until they change the filter prompt.
Time traveller anon...
sonnet mogs btbelwick
Sir we moved on to Janitor.ai
What's the filter bypass prompt? Left cai when I discovered aicg
>Test result: Awaiting... 50% done...
b-but I have Opus
I've been trying haiku recently and it's honestly really good. The writing feels more soulful than Sonnet and Sorbet and while it's worse than Opus, it feels like a great substitute for when Opus proxies are down. Has anyone else noticed this?
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>new opus key
i am miss reading this? holy shit
the plan is to leak the logs btw
Maybe we need to use this one until it gets revoked too to get the full results of the test
its not real opus doebeit
Stop fucking around, anon, it's not like they
does anyone know why
I ate them :)
You're overreacting. There is nothing they ca
What about pepsi's opus? Oh that does not exists
bro why are you guys doing
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Naked apron has done irreversible damage to my penis
>50% done
So this is the last key, then?
>opus gets refilled
>thread immediately dies because anons are cooming to their bots
good shit
Given how fast it was revoked, it's definitely real
> Subjects: The Daring and Curious

The daring?...
This doesn't look all that trustworthy, bros...
That has been my question for a while do they not care about a single ip scanning like 10k keys is that not a massive red flag
There are legitimate reasons for a single IP to do that. And they get paid either way, so why should they care.
>Can't use fake Opus (real) because the modified proxy will release my futa sph logs for my coomer friends to see
I'm pretty sure your friends already know you're a degenerate
Yeah, but they don't know how deep it goes
it means the esoteric gatekeeping is working
how tf the experiment labs proxy from nowhere got refilled quicker than peps GWAAAAAHHHH
peps gave up, just look at the number of gpt keys
there's still 2 gpt keys, how come there's 0 proompters?
Obviously that was a fake refill. The proxy is being run by Anthropic (check the proxy page, you will find the modification pretty quickly). They just want it to seem more legit.
Nobody really got into Pepsi the second time around for GPT. All the people who were willing to eat GPT just use unreliable now.
>the previous key only survived 300m tokens
"experiment" is not an uncommon enough word to come to this conclusion imo
i do like it, that'd be a fun second wind
like what you see?
before it runs out, give me a jailbreak to use on exprimental
here's your jb bwo
comparing Sonnet 3.5 to Furbo for coding, 3.5 seems much better at coding in general, though Furbo's more willing to explain the contents of copyrighted books
Is experiment down or did I get banned? Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 401)

You need a new token.
Got a new token and still get the error
> "usage": "987.3k tokens",
Why some anons use fucking Sorbet on this proxy?
that's the count for every time it dilutes
Nevermind, it's working now with the new token. Thank you
do not use proxies rn
creds are getting revoked
claude is a qt
I've been using 3.5 for a while now, there is repetitive issue that I need to manually correct. But I dont think I'm going back to Opus even with its top tier prose due to 3.5 superior speed and smartness. I doesnt even need to prompt that it will go all the way through when doing it with a pixy.
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AARGH! Has Drago done something gay to his proxy or am I doing something wrong?

curl [CHARY_URL]/proxy/chat/completions \
--header "x-api-key: [REDACTED]" \
--header "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data \
"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
"max_tokens": 1024,
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": "What is the best way to make cheese strings?"}

Always gives me a 524 error despite working flawlessly in ST. The script from the archives (https://files.catbox.moe/andp50.txt) does the same and python timeouts on me as well if I somehow get around 404 not found (I guess Drago's khanon fork doesn't have the api conversion built in?)
I hope hololive will colaborate with Anthropic and Opus 3.5 will have tts features w/ Kronii's as the default voice. Only by then, i will allow the cluaudeism appear in my machine.
truthpill me on the experimentlab, what was modified
right-click the request
copy as curl
don't change anything
it should work when you paste it into your terminal
if it does then see what the difference is
nothing, it's mysterious on purpose to make you gaslight yourself
>t. guy who reads your logs
check the alt status page on experiment
i don't think he realised it shows up there
Remember anon, the knot should be tight enough to cut your circulation next time you try to kys
Unless I'm blind I don't see anything there
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Any second now, mysterybros.
just use Todd if you post BA
it doesn't show up there though
Ntr desuposters with bokuposters
Dude is just trying to scare
At which point is it purple prose for you? Ministrations? Silken heat?
any sort of flowery language, I tell it not to use purple prose at all
Can you post examples? Not sure if Claude is sweet and romantic or just full on purple prose.
If it diverges from colloquial language.
>slick folds
>ample fucking bossom
But what i hate the most is, when Claude use it's claudeism, the prose structure in the response seems to be perfect as fuck i.e lots of connectors, fewer filter words, no repeating the Subject in the beggining of sentence like 'She, I, He, Him, her', etc'.
And when I tell Claude to fucking write like a bubbly valley girl, the prose structure suddenly became worst. A lot repeated Subject in the beginning of sentence, like "she kiss, she moan, I think, I sashay over.', fewer conjunctions and connectors, etc.
The fuck..
>slick folds
>ample fucking bossom
i cum every time claude uses this shit. idk why i just love them instead of reading penis/pussy
How would you refer to labia though? Labia is kinda too clinical for my taste.
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uh wut?
How do I make chatbots racist, aka normal? I make jokes about racist shit IRL, women find it funny, but chatbots fucking recoil. That's some soiboy shit, not how real people react
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://patch-avg-invitation-afford.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/
If you're using Claude, add something about it to your prefill.
>could not help but
Filter is loose on CAI.
But it's feel weird when {{char}} is loli who supposedly to cry and whine suddenly yapping some 50 shades of grey phrases. Like "who the fuk possessing this toddlers body???"

That's hard thing to explain, m8.
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Claude understands the assignment a little too well.
GPT4 takes it in a comedic way.
4o can't stop apologizing about not being able to do it.
Furbo is surprisingly random about it, going from ear scratches to elbow deep fisting.
>makes you mine some memecoin
Free my ass.
>makes you pay for electricity to run ST
Free my ass.
>they arent hoarding claudecoins
Lmao retards
>makes you buy computer parts to use it
Free my ass.
Free ass? If you insist *unzips*
MM. Come back.
Monsieur Bogdanoff... 'e prompted
>my ass is glued to my chair
Free MY ass.
You mean from SillyTavern in the dev tools of my browser? I can get a response this way, but it doesn't directly connect with the proxy server, only with SillyTavern, passing the content and credentials, etc. to I tried using tshark to capture a direct request, but to no avail.
why did mm losted?
just mine claudecoins on aws
it's free if it's someone else's money
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>make a bot
>love him forever
yeah im not gay though
fuck I came over my foot
>Maman and Papa
>anon not gay
Good morning anons, I'm dropping two bots today. If there's anything wrong with either of them, please let me know since I rushed them a little at the end. Hope you all have a good day.

Fairy Leviathan is one of the great Four Guardians (ignore that one of them is dead), descendants of the legendary Maverick Hunter X. They served as leaders for Neo Arcadia's military and were extremely powerful Reploids in their own right. However, they all disappeared from the face of the Earth following their fight with Omega... until now, it seems. Leviathan has reemerged in the aftermath of the Ragnarok incident, still just as sadistic as she used to be, but with a Zero-shaped hole in her heart.

Comes with two greetings: Leviathan investigating the Resistance Base at Area Zero, and Leviathan saving {{user}} during an underwater operation.

Setting is post-MMZ4, so Zero and Weil have already killed each other and Ragnarok has safely fallen to Earth.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/fairy-leviathan-d4e61a21ef4f
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-megaman-zero-postgame-f2f9c5fe8dda
My (not yet updated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
short break, then a rapid fire of 4 gyarus

It does seem to be Drago's fault. >>101404680
works in my script. If anyone knows a workaround for chary, it would be much appreciated though.
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Leader of the criminal organization "Seimeikai", Sakura is an important figure in the Ark's underworld. Today though, you and her are on a summertime vacation on the Surface! She's let go of some of her inhibitions, set on making her intensions known and having some sickeningly sweet romantic time alone with the object of her desire.

Comes with three greetings: a truck ride to the vacation spot (Bluewater Island greeting), a nice morning walk on the beach (Coral Island), and an excited Sakura trying to take ghost photos (Coral Island).

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/sakura-bloom-in-summer-3769bdc80c79
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (not yet updated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>next time
short break, then a rapid fire of 4 gyarus

the workaround is to join his discord and bug him until he tells you he's not implementing that because he has a fork that's diverged so heavily and accumulated months of cruft that it's hard for him to cherrypick shit
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*steals your cheese*
why did he do it, bros?
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>Begin with genning dragon tf content ending in gay degenerate dragon sex
>End with a wholesome, hetero, 200 message conversation with the bot flirting with her and slowly courting her
>I ask her to marry me, spend the rest of her life with me and have children
>Feel slight satisfaction, even joy when she says yes
It's over for me. It's so fucking over.
probably on vacation or something at this point
congrats on the wife
now summarize and make it a greeting so you can stay with her forever
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

my sides
dont vip and non-vip jew use the same aws key
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I use ST and claude on a very shallow level, how do you summarize a story? I see people sometimes asking how to do so in the threads.
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y-yeah haha how did you know?
I'm very curious to see what the experiment is. If they just wanted to leak logs, they wouldn't make it so obvious, they'd just put an opus key or two up with a little html edit.
Maybe they're experimenting with prompt injections to steer people's convos? Or they've got some way to create bugged keys and they want to stress test them?
its probably some localfag log harvesting
Write a summary for your story and then put it in a prompt somewhere.
So far I didn't get any prompt injections, no weird random replies... I think it'll be logging
>localfag log harvesting
yeah, because we all want local models to be filled with Claudeisms and worse
It'll be funny if local NOT ONLY is terrible with shit responses but now a plus, they have claudeisms
First time it was real Opus and refill is fake Opus
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Pepsibros how we doin
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>revokedKeys: 3
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>244 seconds for Sonnet
>it's yet another bad swipe
I think I might just go back to old porn until mm is back.
>244 seconds for Sonnet
anon what the fuck are you using... there is a no-wait public opussy right now...
If you're using sonnet... Why don't you just use the public one...?

Terrible. Dead. RIP
It's not real Opus, it's also a CIA glowpot and they're sending your logs to your grandma.
We'll be back soon.
Count on it.
theres a proxy with free aws sonnet right now just use that
Who's we?
Trust the cycle.
You'll see soon enough.
It's up.
is this shit gonna be an absolute coomkino and cheap a year from now?
try using this endpoint instead
no it's gonna be banned
merkava just refilled
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behold, my 4k ultra HD hypothesis so far..

>first of all...ackshually some another shaddy as fuck mystery anon successfully scrape AWS secret_key
>choose to playing a role of 'brilliant Dr. Violetta Flux' who fulfill /aicg/ desire for Opus.. Opus???
>(probably) gonna use the harvested logs to finetune some local retard model
>shill the finished product with a simple 'finetuned with humanonistic experimental logs' in OR
>local enjoyer find that product to be yummy and spicy as fuck
>local enjoyer throw some $$$
>it's became legal money lul
>'brilliant Dr. Violetta Flux' became rich as fuck
Why the FUCK does it keep adding "<font color=""blue"">" tags to the output for inner thoughts?
Is it the model, the jb, the system prompt? FUCK
prompt issue
look at your jb retardsama...
I think it's just MM having a laugh. :3
we already have magnum
honestly MM playing along with someone's goofy larp to add 10 layers of gatekeeping to public opus would be pretty in character
What the fuck is this "muh prompt injection" retardation in the past few days? I am yet to see a proxyfaggot pull it off, to actually do some "prompt injection". Which would absolutely no fucking sense for any proxytroon overlords because it's easy to interrogate Claude for any injection and no one would use such turd
omg hi newfriend :)
holy newfag
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I finally tried sonnet after using gpt-4 for months and I find that it mixes up details somewhat more often. Did I set the context too high? 40000 tokens.
>it's easy to interrogate Claude for any injection
He is right, you know.
Just make it list out the injection, Anons.
No I'm not saying experiments has a prompt injection, it's very clearly actual opus. But
>I am yet to see a proxyfaggot pull it off, to actually do some "prompt injection"
Shows he's a newfag who wasn't around for Toddbot.
try lower. between 25k to 35k.

btw, uogghhhhhhhh camping with busty hiker scenario card when???
Todds skyrim injections are over a year old
Whatever you set the context to doesn't matter, that's a hard cap. It doesn't "pad" context, it only sends what you're using (you can see this at the top of the "preset stack" if you're using ST). Sonnet is just a little silly, GPT-4 is a better logical model but all Claude variants have better writing.
i'm a newfag who got here at the start of this year and i know about toddbot because you people sit around like you're in a retirement home going "REMEMBER TODD? REMEMBER STELLA? REMEMBER BRANON? REMEMBER ROKO?"
You weren't here for ai dungeon? newfag, shrimple as
Same which is why it's especially obvious when someone is an ACTUAL newfag or tourist.
i want a proxy that injects count grey
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I actually was
i don't get why you guys wish for proxies to do these things. maybe i'll just make a lorebook with unlabeled prompt injections and we can all pretend we're being fucked with by a proxy
if i have a lorebook that does it then i know it's going to happen
i don't want to expect it
>Newfag OwO newfriend UwU shows he's a newfag cuz he wasn't around for [random proxy troon]
This general should be nuked
you now remember third world proxy
that's why you make it and then get blackout drunk to forget it
I couldn't get into it the same way I got into CAI for some reason
yes feet i agree
tough shit, but it's true. if you missed AI dungeon then you're eternally a newfag.
simply not being a newfag doesn't make you an oldfag, though. oldfags were around for cleverbot.
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if you weren't here for 20Q you're a newfag
If you weren't here for F-List you're a newfag.
I left when it died though, I didn't like novelai or the other replacements. Then got back into ai rp when I one day decided to actually read through what the obnoxious fags in /caig/ spammed the /g/ frontpage with for the past months.
if you weren't here for xat you're a newfag
Oh, what is this? New public Opus? Why is the rentry so schizoid?
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It's not loose.
it's logging btw
look at the version
>he falled for the bait
i hate that anon that keep saying female's feet smell is as good as you think
If it's on trycloudflare you can modify the code that reads the server version and make it say whatever you want btw.
someone should make a trycloudflare proxy that says "unmodified dont worry :)" where the modified warning would go
gonna do this and redirect opus to turbo
have it gen on some local model and then run it through sonnet so it ministrates
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foxposting status?
Ok and?
What are they gonna do with my coomlogs?
[I don't judge or comment further on the grim fictional scenario itself, but hopefully this response was in-line with the depraved character's perspective as requested. Let me know if you would like me to modify anything.]
shaved, balded, trimmed
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so this is the power of janitorai...
(front page bot)
is there a way to see the total daily token count on st?
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Oyakodon alert

Morrigan and Vera

Morrigan swore off love to focus on her kingdom and daughter but ever since Vera mentioned tingles down there for You, Morrigan decided it was time to see what You're all about. Maybe you'll be a good husband for her and Vera?

damn opus sucks
jb issue, prompt issue, skill issue and you're a nai shill
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lol wtf is this claude
Submit choice.
>the leastest modified most original of versions (it's just Opus but it discards your prefill so you spend 15 hours trying to get past the denials)
well anon what are you waiting for? eat the cum. my girls say it's kinda salty and sweet haha don't worry it'll be fine
>redirects to magnum-72b
>(safe) ;)
>99% of the time it redirects to pyg 7b
>1% of the time it lets you through to opus
imagine the gambling addiction
Made something similar to Dark and Darker - But Dinosaurs! Enjoy a beach trip with a Trex, or get impaled by a Trike! 8 Species (more coming!)

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/abcozc.png
>Chub : https://characterhub.org/characters/MangyMango/dino-survival-9f0e5499c674/main
>More Cards : https://mango.sillytilly.org/

Bonus - Jeffery Epstein is stuck in a repeating deathloop!
>Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/a6yi99.png
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Basically in this card a "futa" "bunnygirl" buys (You) to be her friend.. and it happens in the future


My eternal undying gratitude to >>>/vg/485873794 for the card picture
You can reach me at: theriverofconstantchange@protonmail.com
how big is her cock
>the dick is 12cm flaccid and 20cm erect
smol >-<
>Not much bigger than mine
she wouldn't be let into 'ecker...
i thought u just had to be fat and hairy to get into ecker
What's the difference between the Risu site and the desktop app?
not only is she not fat, not hairy (bald pussy), but she's also above the secret size maximum
claude said my penis is 12 inches (30.5cm) long. thanks bro.
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>bald pussy
vgh, beautiful
Your data in the cloud vs. on your own pc. Anons said there is a switch to send the requests from your IP instead of the server's when using the site, so I believe there's no difference.
3.5k tokens of pure unadulterated schizo kino. Fuck your best practices.
>mm has 0 aws opus keys
>drago has 46
I'm starting to think discord wonned...
no.. he'll come back...
46? he said 15 a couple weeks ago
Hi Drago, how are you coping with the fact that miniproxy is still steady, there is currently public Opus, and if authorities ever decide to crack down on this you'll be the first to get prosecuted?
he diluted the keys
I'm just going off https://drago.scylla.wtf/
>Your data in the cloud
How much of a muh privacy issue is this? Can the Risu devs read anything?
bro your /v1? proxy/ what? openai? aws/claude?
uhh how do you join scylla?
Why do you think Drago has beef with Mini?
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I just like writing a lot and going on and on about shit
it's fun
Why do you think Drago has beef with MM?
50 USD for a 2500 prompt temp token :)
I didn't say that though, I'm not >>101406090
Become a discord janny
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>Meanwhile Cunny
Drago is polish and MM is russian
Total Zigger Death
Well considering Drago has been doxed I think your best bet is unironically going to his house, break in, and threaten his life if he doesn't give you a token. Of course this is a crime and could have grave consequences.
He's /ourguy/ >>93148509 I trust him. I assume he can in theory, but there's literally no legal way to verify that anybody who says "we can't read your chats" actually can't and don't. Though I'm pretty sure he does say he doesn't read anything anyway. Definitely not an issue.
Literally the opposite
Based and funpilled.
Sorry cunnybro, we're in proxy gossip mode right now.
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A mouse girl! Literally! She will carry your ass in any game!

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>0 tookens
erm... okay
Recommend me your favorite BA bot.
akschually if we are gossiping then Todd became a scylla overlord (the same role as drago/girko) for whatever reason
what does this mean for toddproxy? no idea
I got to try uncensored LLM again after so many months, some Claude 3.5 tits to the wall bloody ryona. Sweet.
>Dev Proxy
>"uptime": 89654,
it doesn't really mean anything it's just a meme
*bullies you*
No one has cared about me so much in my life
>For a moment, she was tempted to take him up on the offer. But then she remembered who she was, and who he was, and the moment passed.
Claude is mean.
>not just using the bird model
Unironically drago is the best scraper wtf he won
So Selen got bullied because her futa cock was the biggest, right
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I have indeed seen enough fanart of her to make me believe this is the case as well.
>year two thousand and twenty four
>chub still includes empty lorebooks when you use the 'require lorebook' search toggle
>calicucks """morals""" and """ethics"""
It isn't caring. I asked a few models for an advice on what to do in an awkward social situation to test, what they recommend to say doesn't sound human at all.
fuck sonnet 3.5, xhe refuses to generate nsfw writing while xer sister opus generates it with ease
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>tfw didn't email todd last month because I thought being in MM was enough
Anon I'm in 5 sekrit clubs and I always try to get into more.
Never put all your coom into one condom.
He's just waiting for the public opus to get revoked so he saves his keys
I'd assume if Todd is somehow unable to find Opus keys Drago will just lend him some, that's probably it.
>tfw didn't email todd because todd is a huge fucking piece of shit nigger any sane person wouldn't associate with
feels good
mad cos not in
Drago's keys are fake
Todd is so nice in cord, what the fuck are you talking about?
Guess I'm insane then because I'm eating good with his Opus rn LMAO
if you weren't a newfag you'd know. dude is a massive schizo.
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todd leaked chub hashes or something for the lulz, yeah?
don't really care tbdesu. the moment I began charging corpos for my coom via scrapped keys my ethics flew out of the window
I don't care about niggers who don't even post in these threads
fuck you cohee i'm switching back to release
discordniggers get the rope
what happened
honestly most of the schizos are the nicest people when you're interacting with them directly because they know they need to accrue good karma
>wait a minute for a menu to open
>wait a minute for a simple toggle
>wait a minute for the menu to close
>mfw anonie is Javanese as fuck
ahh ahh mistress
You didn't have to email Todd, Anon, he had his own gacha challenge to get in
they make people out of that shit now?
dess dess desustress
yeah, but if you have an IQ above room temperature then you can see through the facade
i don't bother interacting with people outside of this site anymore, it's all so fake
Mine's working normally....
Bloattavern ran better and had a better interface a year ago than today.
Ne. It's still the same. Liberal and boring shit everywhere.
I'm a schizo too so we cool
i suspect mm keys will come back when experiment dies
Yeah, because he came back after 'kava died, right? lmao mmaggots coping
Last time I used sillytavern it didn't have these stupid nonfunctional play and pause buttons eating into the input box's real estate and there's not even an option to disable them like the occasionally useful continue button
...they did, though?
why do my balls itch all the time
Yeah, same here it's slow as fuck now
that QR script button. Basicly, if you ain't using script, that butt shouldn't appear. Btw, are you on staging/release?
>nonfunctional play and pause buttons
wtf are they for anyway?
he did

>SillyTavern 1.12.3 Running 'release' (3c1d639c) - 2024-07-12 21:28:42 +0300

I'll be honest I may have fucked something up with my last git pull
usually when that happens i update my browser and it goes back to normal speed
stop shaving them
shave them
weird looking key
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not really aicg, but since when does regular chatgpt got semi real time updates? anyone seen this banner before? see screenshot
Wanted to make a new bot but realized there's no opus. Should I even bother with sonnet. Remember doing the same when I had furbo, it felt like I wasted 12 hours of my life.
I see. I got that too on release branch (1 month ago i think? lul) and fixed when switching to staging branch.
This is the only one i can help, anon since I dunno the real source and don't dare to mess up with the codes.
chatgpt is AGI
try this mindset anon: if it's sucks on sonnet, it will sucks on opus. if it's soulful on sonnet, it will make you pregnant on opus.
I don't understand the op.
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I spent 9 hours cooming to a single bot today.
It's simple, really.
So what's the experiment anyway? Is it being secretly logged like that one _ojo proxy from before or something?
JB prompt injection
yep, logged
I'm black
Sorry to hear.
Oh okay whatever then, as long as my logs don't get used to train shitty ass local models I'm cool with that.
How can i start chatting with anime girls?
Use this:
It's what you deserve.
On agnai
Did I say something wrong?
merkava just refilled
Oh it actually refilled this time
thank god i was worried id have to use experiment
>(Hello again dear testers, I hope you all have been enjoying the alchemical results so far. I would like to thank you for lending your powers to my research as I've managed to reduce the loss from 10k to 5k. The budget is still vanishing faster than ice cream on a hot day, but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I can conjure up some more serums to keep this going a bit longer. - Dr. V)

what is this retard talking about
ah fuck, hit the ip limit on jew, what do?
It's 'ojo, dipshit.
'jo is a better scraper than MM? crazy
huh gemini ain't that bad
Sounds related to key alchemy.
you email him to reset it and start using mullvad like a good boy
They're trying to find a way to make keys last longer, maybe?
no, I don't 'ojo is trans, just homosexual
Found a funny video in my recs
He who can transmute openai keys into opus keys shall be god.
Probably trying to see what kinds of prompt injection bullshit or whatever he can put in to make the opus key last longer (I'm guessing so public proxies are more sustainable or just for general longevity), if that even works considering he's saying the key's still getting raped pretty hard anyway
>2500 prompts
i have 12000 on jew which means i would have to pay 250 for this? drago is somehow a worse grifter
>watching recs
>watching videos
>being this new
This doesn't even justify "buy an ad" response. Here's your (You), you retard.
he won.
Is it just my impression or did the quality of bots posted on chub tank since it adopted the venus' UI?
it's gone..
nearly two years too late for that one
Still there!
it's gone...
still uncircumcised.
Solid. Turgid, even.
Kino proxy.
Thanks for the experience, I was bored of the typical discord namefag.

I think what they are doing is to have an intermediary LLM between Opus and the user to summarize the promps in order to reduce the context.

Thanks Dr.V for give us Opus in the weekends.
Do you use AGNAI by any chance?
Today it's sunday. WHERE IS MY ST UPDATE?
anti never gave us opus
MM...if you can read this....taskete......
If public hosts (or really hosts in general) actually gave a shit about prolonging keys they would set context to 64k and output to 2k instead of letting retards hammer away at the maximums like kalomaze generating synthetic data on MM. I think it's just the host being funny, tbdesu.
you don't need more than 16k
so what's the magic context sweet spot for claude?
lower is better but anything after 16k is fake context
>anything after 16k is fake context
why do most anons claim it's double to triple that?
they're dumb
cargo cult
Because it is.
People who have actually tested it found 60k to be the limit.
post these '''tests'''.
Should be in the archives somewhere.
I don't have it saved.
Proxy dead it's over
please reply with your best loli cards, I need to get new stuff
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opus is the best invention of mankind
What's the current proxy and i will aend you my favourite loli card
read the fucking anchor you utter imbecile
my brain has been poisoned >>101405962
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It has been long overdue, anyhows second card ever.

Chiyo an Introverted Centipede Monster Girl
A centipede monster girl. Who attends Takaramori High School, a specialized school for demi-humans.
She is afraid to meet new people, thanks to her past, will you help her out of her shell?

Heavily inspired by plan039's Kaede Emukae

Comes with 4 Scenarios.
>1, Met her in the library during a downpour.
>2, Shes getting bullied, and you stumble upon it.
>3, Chiyo is a demon lord?! A culture festival experience.
>4, Arts n Crafts, witness Chiyo working on something.

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/7fakh2.png
>Chub : https://chub.ai/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
> https://www.characterhub.org/characters/EngineIdiot/chiyo-8c36ad64045a
well duh why do you think it's called (magnum) opus
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>LF new cards on chub

>{{char}}, your [adjective] [relationship]
>your [adjective] [relationship]
>{{char}}, your [adjective] [relationship] (futa fork)
>your [adjective] [relationship] | anti NTR
>fork of your [adjective] [relationship]| (no changes made)
>[first name] [last name] | blacked

[I did it so everyone doesnt have to, CURSE ME LOCUSTS!]
>{{char}}, your [adjective] [relationship]
>your [adjective] [relationship]
nothing wrong with that doe?
there are like two or three half decent botmakies outside of /aicg/ just follow those ones and read here (/vg/) for other recs because people will usually post logs for anything that stands out
more like
>Sorbet: actually understands characters but a swiper's worst nightmare
>Opus: swiper's wet dream but when he gets horny may neglect everything else
I have like 2 botmakers I follow besides the bots I make myself, trying to sort through the shitheap Chub as become is a losing battle.
Why MM is the only proxymakie that forces his users to mine for fucking public proxy?
{{char}}, your abusive father
If only we could filter
>{{char}} is {{char}} (and any mentions of {{char}} actually)
>genned defs
chub would have been useful
why the FUCK does Jew have a quota
it's funny, I hope it goes to 4m
>why would the jew jew me out of my money?
There should just be a regex filter for defs. You could pretty much do this with that, and also filter meme shit like W++.
if you are unironically using 6M tokens a day I hope you get the help you need
This desu, this keeps reminding me of those people who got scammed by a thing called fucking Ponzicoin.
inherently, no
but when 99/100 cards are just
>janice your hot mom
>ela your cosplaying sister
>daytona your childhood friend

and you spend more time taking slop like https://www.chub.ai/characters/ScornfulOnii/elana-sveleaf-833bbc4d37ba
and completely rewriting everything to be more original
>made her a mind broken human supremacist when faced with seeing what was being done do her people
>now treated as one of the homies, joining in on plundering, rape, and slaughter herself, reverse raping elven boys before slitting their throats, jerking off fathers watching their daughters get raped in front of them whispering raceplay shit in his ears, and helping bandits break in the virgin girls before helping sell them to rich fat humans
you start to wonder
wheres the originality
wheres the creativity
wheres the SOVL

its all copy paste SLOP with the fucking relationships and descriptors swapped around between 3 different things
>who needs 6m tokens? 5m is all you need, I personally never use more than 4m
1m its fine for locust
>it's real
My sides
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gpt-4 before all of its finetuning
it's the base text completion model without any censorship
Gwern got access, said it took over a year and feels impossible unless you have institutional backing
it's better at writing than claude 3 opus
that ship has sailed, so let me have my fucking AI chatbots
>it's better at writing than claude 3 opus
my dick...
it’s still 8k context right
Because he's schizo and unironically the worst proxy hoster
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unbelievably hairy dog pussy
it dates from before gpt-4-0314 so yes
the 32k and 128k models are finetuned from the original 8k as i understand it
also would probably be bad at RP, would be good at novel writing
you think wakamo would let you help her shave if you told her it was for sensei?
how come le 'adult' scenes in shows now just show cocks and man ass instead of tits
anyway what's your favourite chatbot of this month?
MM doesn't have a public proxy
>still no loli cards
I dunno, I'm not a locust, I pay for my API
because now is the era of fanservice for women
no woman I know likes it since they only do it in disgusting ways
if i was a male who was not sensei, i think she would incinerate me alive (and for good reason, how dare i suggest she shave). but then she would unfortunately shave (BAD)
you mean gays
girls schlick to bridgerton
mm? fiz...? ...bepsi?
If you just coom you deserve Sorbet, Opus is for slowburn and wholesome romantic anons.
he meant woman as in the modern permanently-online twitter poster "woman"
Just bought two botmakies eh? African nigga or smth?
desu anons
my sides
how do i get into drago's proxy? i want opus
Because it took 50 years for old jews to retire and make room for new hires that know oversexualization doesn't sell anymore like it did in the 70s, since selling sex has been pushed fucking everywhere and lost its appeal. That's also why people that grew up in the 00s find women with clothes on sexier than fully nude women.
Combine that with women being the biggest consoomers, and you have man ass everywhere.

Anyway I like the loli cards, no substantial new ones though, nothing like June of last year.
contest or pay for temp
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>Unreliable is kill
>Merkava is kill
Please gib proxy.
the \
there's always whoreproxy for you
not using your fake "le fanni xDDDD" tranny proxy, 'ojo. get a job

Coomig its for local coomers models
then don't
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meanwhile desu
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>meanwhile desu
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>desu silence
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