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you only need four headphones. (cheaper but worse alternatives in brackets)
>HD800(s) (AKG K701 - the old made in Austria one with 7 (!) bumps)
Your German open god dynamic chad for best immersion, timbre and soundstage.
>L700 (no alternatives)
Your Japanese virgin in case you want to listen to how your waifu's pubic hair is growing. Ultimate details.
>TH900mk2 (DT770)
Your Japanese closed chad for best bass and atmosphere.
>RS220 or MDR700ds (no alternatives)
For Movies and wireless chadness.
There is no doubt that those two cans are the best of the best for wireless listening.

For equipment you only need this cheap chinkfi.
Topping E30/E50, nothing else.
Topping L30/L50, it's enough for everything.
>equalizer and convolution
Equalizer APO
HeSuVi + audiorepeater kernel

come on, don't be some audiophool nigger.
if a cable breaks go solder yourself a new one with Neutrik and Summer connectors.

enjoy your ambient noises/nature/people w/e whereever you are and enjoy music at home.

This is endgame, this is peak - everything else is a waste of money.

Now go get a nice speaker setup and spend the rest on room correction/optimization.
And don't forget to enjoy your music, you stupid consoomer.
what happened to that fat boomer?
this OP is shit and OP is a faggot
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>this OP is shit and OP is a faggot
Guys on Ebay there is some german guy selling Hifiman he400se used at 89 euros included shipping, thing is he's sold hundreds of them, how is this possible? Where does he get hundreds of used he400se? Is this some sort of scam? He has good reviews and I'm tempted to buy one from him, I just find it puzzling that he has so many used he400se
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Is this shit(Xduoo TA-22) any good? I didn't found any measurements or the output impedance of it. Should i get it or the Topping DX7 Pro+ instead? I need something to power an Arya Stealth
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Are the Maxwell still recommended? Just as headphones, idc about the mic.
I want headphones for an emerssive movie viewing experience. Should I get Sennheiser HD600's, or a pair of Grados?
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What's the best headphones I can get at the 50k rubles? Thinking about getting Sundara opened. Sisters... guide me
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Chifiman sells millions of them, has really bad QC, leads to 100k+ unit refurb supply. People get some weird shit though.
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tell him
It's going to measure really bad because you have microphonic distortion valves and a transformer in the signal path.
>Should i get it or the Topping DX7 Pro+ instead?
It's fine. You can get better for cheaper having the DAC and amp in separate boxes. Like OP says, the E30/L30 is literally all you need.
My Modi finally shit out after a year or two of having to shoot it with a hair dryer to get Windows to recognize it.
Do I buy another? I bought this one in 2018 or something, along with a Magni.
Has the Modi been upgraded? Also, if it has been upgraded, has the Magni also been upgraded (and should I get it)? I don't follow audiophile stuff often, so excuse me if Schiit products are the audiophile version of Beats and im a gross retarded normalnigger for using them
Fox IEM, endgame.
Get the jds labs atom dac 2 and atom amp 2.
Or just keep using the Magni and only get the atom dac 2.
USA made like shit, excellent products at a solid price. Dac is clean and transparent, amp is as powerful as anyone could possibly need and also works great for sensitive low power stuff like iems.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart, you just made me save a lot of money because my idiot ass didn't read OP's text.
This dead thread is going to get pruned quickly because there are barely any people in /g/ who still talk about headphones!
Obsolete technology. Also it's summer, who the fuck uses headphones in the summer.
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Pride month is over.
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Is the M50x still good ? I want to buy a nice closed back headphone in this price range
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Rarely look at these threads, but what does /g/ think of Soundcore by Anker? I need some good sports headphones for running, and I see this

They're about 100 bux on amazon. Is it /g/ approved. pic related.
i want you to sit on my face
who uses headphones in summer? clearly someone doesn't go outside.
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Facesitting is suffocating and painful, you silly gay boy!
They're ok. I have a pair of Liberty buds I paid about $100 for a few years ago. The app is alright. Check rtings if you haven't already.

Do you live in your car or something? Why do you care about shit being hifi when you're bouncing around with cars and leaf blowers?
i thought you were that cute anime girl why post different anime girls?
I'm actually a different poster, sweetie.
and you will never be a human being with that feminine talk, rakash
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what do i get if i want to tune out everyone on a train? my new commute is 2+ hours
A car.
my license was revoked and i'm not allowed another one. to add on to my previous question: can i use iems or something as ear protection?
Help me choose between those 3:
Sony Inzone H7 for 40$
BeyerDynamic MMX150 for 70$
Arctis 7P for 65$
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Also free laser etching. You really want an amp with negative gain for IEMs, but who buys a 2W amp to run IEMs anyway? People with tinnitus I assume.

Audeze Maxwell is the only hpg recognized gaming headset
>Has the Modi been upgraded?
they use ESS delta-sigma chips now and measure a few decibels better on THD+N. the best user-facing improvement is probably that it has USB-C ports instead of micro USB. i like my old modi 3+ with the pre-fire AKM chip because japanese DAC folded over 1,000 times.
Deep sitting IEMs like Etymotics, get custom tips from an audiologist for more isolation.

Sony and Bose are the best if you want to go the over ear / ANC route. ANC sucks, but you can talk to people without taking them off if that's somehow a priority.
After being recommended a pair of sound magic e10's in headphone general about 5 years ago, I finally lost them. I'm looking to replace them, but I'm sure they've been outclassed by now. What should I buy instead?
Unironically, van life. You can catch him on random youtube channels every once in a while.
What do I get if I need good sounding headphones with a headset mic?
>Audeze Maxwell
Heard its heavy and not reliable, heard too much shit about one side of it going silent after a couple months
Better than no thread at all retard.
Not really.
Friend is having a problem with his new DT770 losing audio in the right cup, crackles when plugging into phone
There's no fixing this right, get a replacement/something else?
>airpods pro are blowing out my right ear every time i put them on because anc fucks up or something
The punishment for buying two meme products.
it was a gift from a relative thoughbeit
Nevermind this he's an idiot and puts them on after shower making the cups moldy
Don't ask me for pics it's bad
Thinking of getting a HD 560S to pair with my Macbook(No money for DAC) to listen to music and game. Are they still worth it? They're currently on sale for $127 USD. My 1st gen airpods pros are dying but I want to wait for the 3rd generation. How much better are these?
Em6l new studio champion
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Have you seen em6l and dt990 wow
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>comparing IEM graphs to headphone graphs
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The right ear on my decade-ish old ATH-M50X just died, I'm looking for something around the same price range.

So far I've looked at:
- Sennheiser Accentum Wireless
- AKG K371
- Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO

Any of these better or should I just get another ATH-M50X?
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Just picked up some Audeze LCD2 Classics.
My sound card (Xonar STX from 2011) coincidentally crapped itself this Friday, so now I need something new to plug it into.

I wanna use the LCD2C's balanced cable so I am looking at a Schiit Jotunheim 2. Thoughts? The Topping mentioned in the OP are not available in my country.
JDS Atom 2 stack. Balanced out is no benefit on a wall powered headphone amp. Especially when you're hitting 119dB at 2V. There's no significant increase in crosstalk with SE because Audeze and JDS aren't retarded and don't do anything to unnecessarily increase ground path resistance.
Fine, I won't shitpost in a Tyll thread. His method of listening, measuring, listening again and using the graphs to explain what he heard was a good balance of objective and subjective.
My Audeze Maxwell headphones volume aren’t working well.
Im on windows 11 and the volume doesn’t lower after a certain point after a factory reset, it just goes to mute as it’s the lowest level available. Im not sure if this is a problem with the headset or if it’s a problem with windows. I connect the headset to my pc through the dongle instead of wired and the volume works fine. The problem only comes up if I use it wired. Any fix?
I assume you guys here have maybe had this problem with a headphone in the past, so i put this here
based boomer fan
what should i replace my CQ35 II headphones with
why? what makes them better than regular headphones
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the only reason these threads stayed up was because i was schizoraging and permabaiting like 2 hours a day because i didnt have anything better to do but the new even more profoundly retarded OP makes my filters catch the thread so i dont even see them
>Heard its heavy and not reliable, heard too much shit about one side of it going silent after a couple months
meds and estrogen pills
maxwell is valid.
>worn earpads
>low cost of entry
>good for virtual surround
<soundstage is very fiddly / expensive
<performance varies wildly depending on fit
Which headsets are best for linux?
I have hyperx cloud 3, which sounded perfect on windows, but unfortunately it sounds incredibly low and muffled now.
Is there anything I can do to fix that or do I just need another pair?
>I have hyperx cloud 3, which sounded perfect on windows, but unfortunately it sounds incredibly low and muffled now.
probably hardware volume control or some retarded EQ shit just buy passive you fucking monkey
Should I get a Hifiman Sundara or Moondrop Para?
Sounds like it's playing the two rear channels on front. Learn to work your shit and report back.
I don't even know what that means.
used audeze
the fag above you probably knows more than me im not a wintard
>Heard its heavy and not reliable, heard too much shit about one side of it going silent after a couple months
Dont listen to fags like this clown >>101420066

Its heavier than a quest 3, a fucking VR headset, thats a fact
its beyond heavy, its permanent neck strain heavy
you should get checked for autism
>the pre-fire AKM chip
The last good akm chip, cherish it
All the new ones are aggressively colored
touch grass you fat fuck, its not normal to wear a metal helmet as headphones, normal people dont have turtle posture
got scammed by uncomfortable expensive crap before, never again
yeah case in point you fucking faceblind downer
akg k701/702
No, they were never good.
You won't find any nice closed back headphones in that price range either, just go for IEMs.
What speakers do you guys use?
Some kantos.
thoughts on new stax sr x1000 system?
an Edifier R1280db
I have that exact setup. LCD-2C into Jotunheim 2 balanced and while it does sound nice, you definitely don't need that power as another anon has already pointed out. I would only get the Jotunheim 2 if you can get the most out of it with its features. A Schiit/JDS Labs Atom stack can do just fine.
Thanks for replying. Unfortunately the JDS stack isn't available to me either.

One other reason I am interested in the Jotunheim 2 is because it has XLR pre-outs for my powered speakers (Yamaha HS7). I haven't really seen another product that can do all of these things at once, but I heard there may be some issue controlling the volume on both the speakers and the headphones when using it like this.
Noob here, are these any good?
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Weird cable to find replacements for and kinda weird tuning, not worth the extra over the X2HR unless you're buying them primarily as a fashion statement.
A lot of balanced amps have a preamp feature. I would be hesitant to buy Schiit outside the US because they have bad QA and shipping defective products back & forth tends to eat up foreigners. You seriously can't buy stuff from Ali Express?
Schiit has a European site now, operating out of the Netherlands.

I looked at AliExpress and the JDS gear does not show up in my searches. Topping did show up but it is even more expensive than the Jotunheim 2.
JDS is another American company, but without a Euro distribution branch.
Yeah I don't think Atoms are legal to sell over there.

Topping DX5 or A70 Pro would do well. Another problem with Schiit is their modular DACs are crazy overpriced and mostly garbage, except the most expensive multibit option.
ayo, i just inspected my headphones, and noticed the cord has exposed wires. i've had these headphones for about 2 years.
can i just put electrical tape around this and ignore the problem, or do i need to buy new headphones?
tape it and ur good
If they're not frayed and shorting out, you can get by with the tape method.
If one side starts cutting out or the sound gets all garbled you've likely got a break or short in there and you're probably gonna want to replace the cable.
thanks bro
Definitely looking into that one, thanks for the recommendation.
Edifier S2000MKIII
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Are the HD800 still that god tier?
Aren't they like a million years old?
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I know wireless is blasphemy here but what are the best wireless headsets for PC use (with 2.4ghz) that are not the Audeze Maxwell? They're too expensive and can't seem to find them on sale prime day in Canada.
There's no standard 2.4GHz wireless protocol so you're stuck with shitty gaymer headsets and the Maxwell, and their proprietary protocols.
i'm not even a big audiophile or anything im using HD 598cs right now, I feel like one of these newer headsets like the g pro lightspeed x2 or the steelseries arctis nova pro have to be at least as good as what i've got now quality wise.
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Maxwell is good bc they make good use of the DSP so you have good tuning stock, but if you are willing to EQ most things can be improved.

HyperX Cloud III with a little 800Hz bump reduction and 3k boost will be good enough and they are cheap-ish with 2.4ghz whatever
jbl stage a130 + svs sb-1000 pro.
Do you also think OP is suggesting people track down used AKG headsets that haven't been made in 15 years?
Oluvsgadgets has been banned from YouTube, very sad!
forgot the link https://www.patreon.com/posts/i-dont-give-fuck-108260688
>They're too expensive
I have a pair of Sennheiser HD380pros that are 11 year old and dead in one ear. I have the option to get them repaired or upgrade to something better.

Beyerdynamic DT700X or DT1770, Hifiman Sundara, Sennheiser HD600 or 650 are on my shortlist. I prefer closed back options.

Also thinking of getting a DAC. Fiio K11 is currently my choice. Need something cheap with high SNR. Recommendations welcome.

Am I on the right path. Are there better options I'm missing?
>AKG K701 - the old made in Austria one with 7 (!) bumps
Had to look at my K701 since I packed it away and haven't used it in a long time. I have an AKG K701 made in Austria and it has 8 bumps on the headband. I had to look online to see if there was a history of headband changes and it looks like there was when the K702 came out as that had 8 bumps and I guess AKG just used the same headbands for the 702 as the 701 later on in its production.
The bump headband sucks, the bumps put pressure on my head at the location of where the bumps contact my head and is the sole reason why I stopped using my K701.
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Why they are not good ?
Try Sennheiser HD280 or Sony MDR V6
I like my Sennheiser HD-25 and its within the M50x msrp price point.
Do you have any experience with Grado Labs headphones? The comfort on these in stock form aren't highly regarded. The sound quality is great but is more suitable for music typically rock genre.
I think you'll likely have better time with the Sennheiser.
Oh my goodness! This thread is still alive!
Audeze or Dan Clarks or just get them fixed. Fuck chifiman and their broke-ass furniture. Current year closed back dynamic headphones are still the same fartcannons as they were 10 years ago. 150 year old tech changes slow.
my hyperx cloud IIs are falling to shit and apparently Kingston's gone to shit so I can't get another. Any good closed back headsets similar to that for gaming? Not a "gaming" headset specifically because those are overpriced as shit. Mic optional, I'll probably grab a modmic
forgot to mention budget of around $100-130 leafbux
Shure SRH840A maybe.
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Will 6XX or dt 1990 sound epic on this?
q acoustics 3020i
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I unironically like Fidelio X2HR and DT 1770 Pro tuning. Saying that, how are Fostex/Denon/E-mu headphones
The big Fostex and E-mu woodies I assume you're referring to are tuned similarly, modern day Denons are built better and tuned a bit more relaxed with less spiky treble and less elevated bass.
What is this guy's favorite pair of headphones? He's based because he openly hates on overpriced dogshit.
What happened to the audeze maxwell recommendation?
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>Buy headphones
>Cushions get rekt within a year
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Stop being a sweaty neetfag
stop giving me hopium
Let me guess, pleather? Replace them with (faux) suede ones, or velour if you don't mind the loss of isolation, or real leather if you have the money.
I believe after he retired he only took two pairs of 'audiophile' headphones. Aeon Open and Aeon closed backs. He also took some consumer shit for wireless and portability reasons
Is that the Trump guy?
kek, no. that guy could be a cute girl.
It's taftaj. Luckshit on puberty blockers. I wish my parents forced me take HRT
you will never be a woman
The Maxwells are 100% bluetooth though, even the dongle. LC3plus bluetooth LE.
Also bluetooth IS 2.4GHz too.
Edifier stax spirit s5 released recently, any of you fags actually tried it yet?
Yeah, that's why I am asking
>summer time
>cant hear shit with open headphones and ac/fan on

should i get a pair of iem or closed back headphones just for summer?
Cheapo IEM with the frequency response you want can take you a long way during the summer. I have to deal with not using my gear every fucking summer down in Australia because it's just so shit every year. A BTR7 and IEMs save the day for me.
>Just bought an HD 560s
Do I need a DAC for this? I heard a macbook pro is enough to drive it
just use an apple dongle and you'll be fine
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sexo sexo sexo
How is the latency on usb-c dongle dacs?
I'm looking to buy JCally JM20 for my X2HR's that i use on my PC but i fear about latency because i game on them quite a bit too.
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>Soundcore by Anker
>100 bux
imagine needing more than picrel

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