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I've seen videos online that show TWW3, CoDMWIII, CP2077, CS2, etc running at 1080p 60FPS+ ultra settings, on a 12400F and a 4060.

If the most demanding task I ask of my PC would be to run AAA games well on high settings, is there any good reason for me to drop another several hundred quid on a better processor and GPU?
One has a better camera and an audio jack, one has expandable storage
Not unless you want to surpass 1080, what type of monitor do you have?
Also, they seem to have fixed it now on their website.
how do I filter out general threads without filtering links or installing 4chanX?
does the native extension filter topics too?
>Add filters, browse catalog
Have two 75Hz 1080p monitors, can't see myself going above 1080p anytime soon.
should've specified that it's for /int/ and filtering all the /cunt/ threads
Cap fps at 75 and you should be able to run everything fine.
Think of the 1st line as exceptions, and the 2nd line as general, and you can repeat this process for each board if you want, or just two lines if you want it to apply to the entire site.
I have a problem with my 5 year old Ryzen build where it freezes at the spinny thing before the Windows starts when you boot it , it happens in the USB boot drive to so I couldn't do anything and the problem is not on the storage part.Does the motherboard can cause this problem? it's an X570 Gaming X from gigabyte and replacing the motherboard would be difficult for me since I don't have any replacement and the CPU is pretty much outdated.
What similar programs to Lightroom exist out there? I don't want to torrent it to not catch any viruses but I also don't want to use Adobe garbage on my computer.
All I need it for is to import raw photos and change the exposure a bit and export them
I've been trying to rip vids from scatbook/ darkfans with no success, I think they're protected.
When you open the browser console on a video you get a blob URL. Apparently the m3u8 file you need is behind that blob url, I don't know how to proceed further.
>inb4 google "how to dl vid from blob url"
It's not the same, the methods mentions a header with a playlist file but there isn't.
Please help, I'm a computerlet.
Well, for that simple functionality there's old versions of Picasa, you can find them on archive.org.
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How do I get yt-dl to download a part of a live stream from 2 hours ago?
How do MAC addresses and private IP addresses not achieve the same thing? I'm failing to understand why there are two forms of identifiers for devices on a LAN.
Modern devices use revolving mac addresses (mac spoofing) and DHCP leases temporary IP addresses to (mac addresses) devices when they connect. So enabling a white list and requiring a devices real mac address is the only way to keep your home network secure. Assigning static IP addresses to each mac address helps organize your network, so you can consistently monitor devices and enable port forwarding on a device without another device being accidentally leased that IP via dchp.
Yt-dlp --help will tell you everything you want to know and more
get the m3u8 url by looking at network tab in firefox inspector

ffmpeg -i <m3u8 link> -c copy out.mkv
Could check for bios updates on the manufacturer website
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Is there an explanation why on old film (old as in not digital), at the end of the film you will see more film dust printed in the movie always at the end?
Just switched to Linux a couple days ago, and only have a couple things left that i want to change.
How do I disable middle mouse paste in every program except terminal? I use auto-scroll but it keeps pasting stuff.
Is there any way to add a delete confirmation / change <Shift><Delete> to just <Delete>? It keeps changing back when I modify the scm file
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How do I scrape all the images on 4chan archived threads that are on archive.moe, archiveofsins.com, or thebarchive etc? Jdownloader doesn't work, I couldn't figure out how to get wget to do it, extensions don't seem to work, and even the violentmonkey extension I found wouldn't grab them.
I'm not familiar with ios/apple in general, but recently got an iphone and was wondering if there was something like this but for ios. Basically, yt music "premium" for free.
>inb4 just download your music
I do plan on getting a dedicated music player later on, but in the meanwhile I only have this itoy.
I'm trying to download images out of 4chan, but after 4 or 5 I'm getting a http 403, already tried changing to the slower is2.4chan and slowing down the download frequency, but it's still happening
How to I make it stop? My donwloader was working fine for years
Is there any point in learning how to use Neovim and Helix if I'm not a developer? I usually use Micro.
I want to get this servos motor, but I can't think of anything to use it for...
I am trying to run a webUI image tagger using Stable Diffusion's Automatic 1111 in Windows 10, but whenever I try to batch tags my pc simply turns off.
Since the PC is shutting down, I can't even read whatever error message is popping up, if any.
Is there any way to save states and read whatever is happening to my PC before it shuts down so I can try to troubleshoot it?
probably running out of memory big time, can you generate pictures on it?
Yeah, the usual stuff runs fine (txt2img, img2img, even big ones - I'm running on 24gb vram)
Weird then. I ended up using one-trainer or something like that for my tagging, I couldn't get any of the other tools working well but the most convenient seemed to be boorudatasettagmanager, maybe you could try that? Good luck anyway.
Cloudflare probably thinks DoS attack
How much dedotated wam to a server?
Depends on the amount of users and the process they're trying to use.
I'm at already less than 1 request per second, you thing going lower would help?
Probably going to need a revolving IP or see if there's an updated version of your downloader.
Thank you, anon. I'll look for other options then!
I was thinking of a waterwheel style cooler design that dips into a basin of mineral oil.
Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
Please /g/
are you sure they exist?
the archives delete images quite often
Maybe it is my IP, I've been banned from posting images for months, never knew why
>see if there's an updated version of your downloader
I made it, so no
What's a good ad blocker for firefox?
are yo scrapping the site to get them?
Maybe they finally flagged it
how hard would it be to make hot swappable batteries and drives again in laptops? I know why """they""" don't do it anymore but just wondering if it's any harder or easier with newer tech. also are hot swappable drives still a thing in desktops that aren't servers or whatever?
No, I get the image list from the api, then download from the urls
Unless it's a meme ultrathin one or a tablet with keyboard then it will just add a little of extra weight but other than that it should be more than possible
They do yeah. Apparently some of the archives block scraper stuff but it's gotta be possible to find something that just grabs the urls of the images(not the thumbnail). I can manually do it since it's not a big job but I really just wanted to be lazy.
Grandpa it's not the early 2000s anymore, you don't get viruses from torrenting stuff (unless you're extremely retarded that is). If you want Adobe stuff check out GenP.
>>101407666 (checked)
Not really, unless you're autistic and like to mess around with your text editor.
Good ol' ublock origin.
weird, i've never had any trouble with that, are you sure you're getting the link from the a tag instead of the img tag?
I understand most of this board sneers at Apple (with good reason) however circumstance has forced me to return to using an Iphone.

Because Apple support has been wholly unreliable, I figured I'd turn to you guys. Do you guys know what to do when an apple ID is locked?
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I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty stupid. I don't know what you mean but a list of urls like this would be nice to get. Jdownloader would download those I bet. How do you get that?
I'll add that I haven't used this in at least 5 years, maybe more.
just copy this in the browser console
t = ""
for (i of document.body.getElementsByClassName("thread_image_link")){
t += i.href+"\n"

I bet doing a tampermonkey script to do it would be trivial
What may be the cause of a website being up but no video loading?
They email you instructions to reset your password and unlock the account.
in the end what took me the longest was putting the text in the button
// ==UserScript==
// @name archive link getter
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://desuarchive.org/*/thread/*
// @match https://archiveofsins.com/*/thread/*
// @match https://archived.moe/*/thread/*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author anon
// @description 14/07/2024, 16:33:38
// ==/UserScript==
function hole(){
t = ""
for (i of document.body.getElementsByClassName("thread_image_link")){
t += i.href+"\n"
butt = document.createElement("button")
butt.onclick = hole
butt.append("GET LINKS")

dunno about the other archives but if they look like desuarchive you can just add
// @match       https://[url]/*/thread/*
to the header
butt.onclick = hole

heh hehehe.
I think there are two problems with this. 1. It didn't seem to grab all the image links, just some of them, and 2. I can't copy them from the pop-up.
it doesn't appear for me unless I force it to
>buy a 4 TB HDD
>it shows 3,6 TB
What kind of faggot shit is that?
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because it's "4 TB" in base10 instead of binary.
just another jewish trick
How do I configure Lynx to use a specific program for opening image links?
Right now it's using ImageMagick, but I'd prefer to use Ristretto.
I've tried creating both a ~/.mailcap and ~/.lynx/viewers file with the lines to configure Ristretto as the default viewer, but neither seem to have worked.

IIRC, websites sometimes deliver files like images and video via a network of regional servers, called a CDN. These can be positioned closer to the client, to reduce latency.
Might be that the server closest to you has gone offline.
Already did that, and flashed multiple BIOSes that way. It didn't work, but thanks.
Sounds more like wincuckery to me
is there really no site to remove background via AI without paywall bullshit? I don't want to install a local model just for this.
Might have to open it up and look around for a CMOS battery if that's the case, or call their customer support.
CS6 magic wand tool or gimps equivalent.
do you know what binary is?
I use llama cleaner with anime segment which should have a bunch of demos on huggingface
I clicked a suspicious link on my phone.
How should I check it for viruses?
A very basic understanding.
The link only connected to a google draw page but I'm still concerned.
What does a VLAN do that subnet masking doesn't already accomplish?
>look around for a CMOS battery
Already done (IIRC)

>call their customer support.
Already done. As I said in that thread, they were useless.
did you already watch this video?
I'm using XFCE, and don't have half of those settings. I also don't want to turn it off for terminal :P
No but that is exactly what I was wondering.
Will watch when I have the chance, ty anon.
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Is there a framerate limit for Windows itslef?
Like if you took a 4090-system and adjusted the desktop screen resolution down to 240p or something is there a framerate cap on the OS GUI itself that you'd run into?
Are HDD/SSD bays worth it or should I just continue to use the sata connection to my motherboard? I never really take out my drives but I just figured it’s kinda annoying to replace or add new ones as needed.
couldn't figure it out and I don't think it works, I read on the archives that some of the archives block it.
Hardware is the limitations, and given that monitor refresh rate is up to what.. 360hz now? So 360 fps 4k is the modern bottleneck.
better home server or improve lan?
I have the option of making a better core infrastructure or improving the other servers going outbound.
what do?
look into making a nas, you can have all the storage.
use all your sata connections first
Does anyone still make slide rules?
I want to send 1/4 inch audio output signal (like from a guitar, headphone out on an old 4-track tape machine, or a synthesizer) to the bluetooth input on my car's stereo, can someone recommend me a decent device to do this?

I know this seems like an absolutely retarded thing to do so for clarification I'm going to mention that my home and my music studio were recently destroyed by catastrophic flooding and it's a mess around here. I really want to just drive out into the middle of nowhere and blare my synth or whatever out of my car stereo (don't really have an amp right now) but my head unit doesn't have an auxiliary input, only bluetooth. I tried just going on Amazon and searching for a "low latency bluetooth transmitter" but the one I got is total garbage, there are essentially no controls for anything except turning it on or off and controlling the volume, and it completely failed to pair with my car. It looked like a popular and well reviewed product, didn't realize until after I got it that 80% of the reviews were in broken english talking about a book... lesson learned I guess.

I understand that latency could very well make this whole idea a no go but any help would be much appreciated.
I'm having a lot of issues with tabs I'm on automatically closing. It happens when I press enter to search something. It happens when I middle click to open something in a new tab and even when I right-click and select open in new tab.

Any ideas what might be causing this? It happens no matter what browser I use (Chrome, Brave, Firefox, etc).
Who and where can I buy them?
My Windows 10 laptop is finally getting more pushy about upgrading to Windows 11. I'm not tech savvy enough but I have privacy concerns about Windows 11, are there third party software you can install to prevent Windows 11 being more intrusive with what's on your PC than Windows 10 as I have heard?
They are bringing copilot to windows 10 so you'll have the same privacy concerns you do with win11 but on win10
Windows 10 doesn't force you to switch to 11, you can keep using 10. With that said all the same tweaks to stop Windows 10 from "being intrusive" also work on Windows 11
I don't like to shill linux because
1) I'm new to it and
2) a lot of people already do
but I moved onto Mint the moment I found out that copilot was coming to win10 to perverse my privacy and I've only had it a couple of days and its been pretty good. I haven't tried to game on it yet, but I'm enjoying how quickly the computer boots, as well as how fast and intuitive it runs.
Question for the networking gods:

Full disclosure, I'm a pirate. I understand why it's "unsafe" to use torrents (depends what you download and where) but I always read that https or ddl downloads are "safer" but I don't know what exactly that means. I'm not talking about malware and viruses. I mean it's safer because it's encrypted but I don't know how that works. Can't your ISP see what's happening?
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I need some help boys.
>be me
>not an expert, but was able to build a few pcs
>use my homemade pc as main entertainment source for living room pc
>it’s connected to a 4k tv via hdmi
>ryzen 2600
>1060 6gb
>unactivated win10
>has worked flawlessly for years without issue
>all of a sudden today I boot computer and icons/everything is huge
>the max resolution in display settings is now 1960x1080 instead of 4k
>update GeForce drivers
>uninstall most recent windows update
>still don’t have an option to select a resolution higher than 1080p
WTF happened, this is bullshit and I need some help - google hasn’t helped but I’m certain I’m not searching correctly. Where do I start and/or has anyone experienced this before? Ty (pic unrelated)
my guess is they say that because HTTPS encrypts the payload, the ISP can see you connecting to an IP address, and they know you are communicating but they cannot read the contents. In other words they know you are on aka 4chan right now, but they don't know you're on /g/, nor that you're in this specific thread
Humor for a bit more. Let's say that somehow, 4chan had a 4GB upload limit. If someone were to upload a snuff film or a 7zip containing files from a bank jack or some shit, the ISP wouldn't be able to know what it is right? They'd just see you're using transfer/downloading 4GBs of data right?
correct, however there is nothing stopping the website admin from logging and relinquishing logs if they were given a subpoena
Is there a reason for encryption in an offline software since there is probably a decryption key somewhere?
Windows uninstalled your drivers, it happens all the time.
Disable drivers autoupdate, use ddu and install the right drivers.
You can set torrents to be encrypted too but the tracker will rat you out to whoever asks.
Right. I'm sure downloading gigs of encrypted data from known piracy sites wouldn't help the user anyway. Well cool, thanks anon I was just curious about the encryption stuff is all.

This. I've had Windows Update remove my AMD drivers and software for no fucking reason and it's annoying as hell.
Does that actually work? I've always heard that's a meme plus I don't torrent anyway.
My Audeze Maxwell headphones volume aren’t working well.
Im on windows 11 and the volume doesn’t lower after a certain point after a factory reset, it just goes to mute as it’s the lowest level available. Im not sure if this is a problem with the headset or if it’s a problem with windows. I connect the headset to my pc through the dongle instead of wired and the volume works fine. The problem only comes up if I use it wired. Any fix?
It does in the sense that ISPs can't see what you're downloading but if they see your IP (actually theirs) on a swarm they can guess fairly easy, that's how iknowwhatyoudownload works.
In combination with other things, like an in-process custom virtual machine (not like a desktop/os vm).
What is the purpose of anonymous functions?
Like, why would I need thay instead of just a regular function?
In javascript at least, it was a pain in the ass to bind arguments to callbacks not too long ago, also lamdas use mostly anonymous functions because they look pretty neat on a single line.
To cut down on the amount of ceremony necessary when using functions, especially when using functions within functions or as arguments of other functions

Oh, that makes sense.
Thanks bros.
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I want an adapter device that will let me use my Tyco Garfield phone as a bluetooth headset on android or PC for purely novelty purposes
is there a way to install these fitgirl repack games without the garbage installer that consumes 8gbs of ram and takes 30 mins to extract despite it consuming so many system resources
I never knew the joys of having a NAS until I got a leftover synology unit for free from work.
I love dumbed-down raid management handholding, and how I can easily use docker & community packages for running torrents & jellyfin
say, I want raid 0 but instead of partial file writes every file, in its entirety, is in either disk A or disk B, ensuring that if something goes bad, files in functioning disk could still be salvaged. Does LVM or BTRFS provide something like that?
that's what HTTPS does: ensure a solid hidden tunnel between you and the server.
CAVEAT: if you're on a windows machine at work and the IT gremlin preinstalled custom trusted root certs (e.g. for sophos internet content filter or similar), then your traffic can be inspected by them.
Pertinent note for original torrents question: Even if you enable encryption on your inbound and outbound torrent connections, you'll still be liable to get flagged on public trackers. Not because your ISP spied on you, but because some watchdog faggot connected to you pretending to be a pirate peer asking for a chunk, and then files a complaint to your ISP with your IP. That's what makes https downloads safer: you're not *distributing* a damn thing.
If they're phasing out Win10 why are they bringing a Win11 thing into Win10? Hell the startup upgrade screen that prompted me to ask this question said Win10 is reaching its end of service.
What's discouraging me from getting into Linux is how much of a pain in the ass it can be to setup and even use, although what I know about those are memes about how Windows and iOS users can open a program with just one click while a Linux user has to type several lines into their console. But having finer control over what happens in your PC is very tempting.
>I haven't tried to game on it yet
I use my laptop for playing vidya too, is it any different in Linux? I've read you'd have to install another program to run games on Linux (unless a game has a Linux release specifically).
>If they're phasing out Win10 why are they bringing a Win11 thing into Win10?
Because while they WANT people to go to Windows 11, most people are not switching, they are bringing the feature to where the people ARE which is Windows 10.

You can use Steam on Linux, there is also a tool called Lutris to launch a wide variety of games
i'm trying to find a games server i'm connected to's ip, in this case shit like terraria or minecraft, but stuff like tcpview or process hacker don't show any remote addresses for the respective processes, how do i find it?
portmaster or wireshark come to mind
Got a new capture card. Recorded some switch, everything looked fine. Streamed switch and it was choppy as hell. Recorded and streamed Xbox series x and same choppiness.
Using cpu encoding on a ryzen 5800h. Obs set to high priority, amd settings to max performance, windows settings max performance. Resolution for all consoles is 720p60fps. Streamed at 5500kb/s recording at ~9000kb/s h264, pcm audio. Now obs only shows cpu usage at 2%. Wtf is going on?
The card also came with a USB c adapter that didn't work and they sent me a brand new card, so I don't think the card is the issue.
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yt-dlp suddenly started to refuse to download from uqload saying
ERROR: [Piracy] This website is no longer supported since it has been determined to be primarily used for piracy.
DO NOT open issues for it

how do I add the downloader back?
If it used to work before I imagine I can put somefile somewhere and bring it back right?
what the fuck do these retards think downloading files off of the internet always is
which site?
you can probably git clone the yt-dlp git repo, checkout an older commit, and run the main python app.
some friend may have already spawned a fork.
oh duh you said uqload
lemme see if I can see when they removed it
was apparently added to blacklist in commit 01395a3 back in May
so you should be able to check out its parent commit cf212d0
or: you can edit the file yt_dlp/extractor/unsupported.py and remove 'uqload\.com'
How does connecting to a wireguard node help me when I connect to an unsafe network? Isn't the fact I am connecting to an unsafe network still a problem even if the traffic is being routed to my wireguard node?
...actually they also apparently removed the xfileshare extractor needed for uqload in that same commit, so the edit trick won't work, you gotta roll back.
Why do tech reviewers, who should know better, pronounced Asus like ahSUS instead of Aysus?
it's ay seuss
Tomato potato, my point is that they emphasize the second syllable instead of the first one, like what the people from Asus actually pronounce it like.
while I wasn't able to fix the currently installed one, it works with yt-dlp-2024.04.09 after changing the regex line 51 of xfileshare.py from

so I guess I'll just keep this one around just for this, since if I fix it I bet it'll break again in an uglier way on every update
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So I never had this issue before, but lately after some time playing my steam games, the window randomly flickers to white then goes back into focus, and there's a massive FPS drop which makes them unplayable. Happened in Elden Ring, happens in older games too which my rig can run easily. Tried updating my driver but it still occurred. Anyone know wtf is going on?

>windows 10
>ryzen 5 6 core
I weep for you. I sympathize, but the problem is probably very undiagnosable.
As one avenue of desperation, you could look at the windows event log (both Application *and* System) for any clues that coincide with the exact moment of a stutter.
Thanks for the tip. Yeah this feels like it's going to be a giant pain in the dick. Reinstalling steam for now though it will probably change nothing
it could be some innocent photo editing program that decides to occupy all CPU cores for a solid 5 seconds every time it checks for updates on its schedule, because its regular expression engine found an apostrophe in some filename.
it could be some bluetooth adapter with a driver that decides to rewrite half the registry whenever a device name containing only numbers is in proximity.
it could be dell bloatware that detects high but reasonable temperatures and switches graphics adapters on the fly to save power since it was intended for laptops.
it could be gremlins under the command of literal satan.
I've seen things
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Any oldfags recall if the Windows 7 installer has drivers for SATA Blu-ray drives?
Put together a 6700k+970 PC for my living room, want to see if I can use my LG HDDVD/BD combo drive to bypass USB3 patching
Question to Nvidia GPU users on any Linux:
How is Wayland support nowadays? Does it finally work?
What about game compatibility through Wine/Proton? Is it better than in the past?

I'm asking that as a former Nvidia GPU owner that switched to AMD GPUs for better Linux compatibility, but I'm considering going back to Nvidia.
I heard that Nvidia drivers got better on Linux.
depends on which distro and which card and which wayland compositor and which phase of the moon
Hey so e621 hard-nuked a tonna images off of their side and now I'd like to learn how to back up stuff
Get a hard drive for space ok. But then how do you go about downloading like 2000 pictures?
And tagging them?
Also people mention having external hard drives but I hear those can die out of nowhere, how do you properly store them?

Teach me to be a data hoarder please!!! Or should I make a separate thread for this?
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The installer? No. You have to use a 3rd party tool to play them on 7 and it won't be a smooth experience. You need at least Windows 8 to play them properly friend. Picrel is how I know.
>Windows 7 choppy experience
>Windows 8 smooth as butter with HDR
> and which phase of the moon
Yes, bloodmoons strongly favour AMD but I have seen successful wayland composition on half moons and work is being done on full moons, though that's still in beta and will be for a while.
is there a way to resume downloading a direct download file with a torrent?
No, but Firefox, addon downloadthemall
This has the function you're describing. Or any download manager will suffice. This is just what I'm used to personally.
You'll want an image organizer. I use darktable on Linux. Adobe has Lightroom. Whatever you start with is what you'll end up using for life. Darktable is better in a ton of ways. It's actually a killer application but Lightroom has it's age. A ton of photographers switched to darktable though. It's just such a powerful application. Darktable is to Lightroom what Photoshop is to Gimp. I don't care about licensing, it's just the better application. It has no reason to be as good as it is.
You heard partly right. They're still closed source. As Linux progresses, nvidia may not release updates as quickly as they need to be, and in 6 months we'll all be right back where we started. I just switched to the 7800xtx and it's amazing.
Reinstall Windows or switch to Linux. If you switch to Linux, swap that useless 2060 for an AMD GPU.
i think you misunderstood, basically let's say i downloaded a file with a download manager but canceled at 75% and no longer can resume with the download manager can i resume that file on torrent if i have a torrent of the exact same file? download managers tend to download in parts and combine them at the very end, i want to know if there's a way to have them act like torrent instead so i can easily resume with torrent?
>Why not just download with torrent from the start
Torrent is slow but ddl is unstable and i might not be able to download the file in a single setting so i want to download from ddl and if something happens i can just resume with the torrent
Because it generates comments in the comment section which drives up video interaction which in turn grants them more revenue. They do it on purpose hoping to piss us off to leave a comment so they can game the system.
Downloadthemall is the addon you're looking for. Torrents use an entirely different way of handling data. Trust the process and use the addon.
Download managers download files like torrent clients do. They download things in parts then assemble them at the end. I didn't stutter. I fully understand what you're after, you need a download manager if your connection is unstable.
I know Windows 7 doesn't have native playback software for it, it's just the actual installer is so old I don't know if it can read the installation data from a BD drive. None of my USB3 ports work and I don't feel like making a patched iso
Ooo lol ok sorry. Just use a SATA DVD drive. You can get them for free or very very very cheap.
I don't know if 7 will work with bd drives or if it even has the drivers built in to recognize them. Just use a DVD burner. You can get them for like 8-10 bucks on eBay. Get one from a trash picked PC for free.
>They download things in parts then assemble them at the end
yes that's my problem, if something happened sometimes download managers refuse to resume and force you to download from the beginning, i want the download manager to download a single file just in case the server refuse resuming i can just copy the file and recheck with torrent.
Downloadthemall is what you want.
Either use the addon or switch to torrents. Idk what else to tell you. Other managers suck dick. But downloadthemall is what I use and I never have issues. Do what you want though.
I'll look into that, someone pointed me to a program to download stuff somewhere else.
As for hardware storage is there anything specific I should do?
Like people say hard drives and SSDs that stay unplugged can randomly die so... ok, what do I even do about it if it's random..
I use a nas that uses striped raid in case a drive does, I don't lose any data. I just swap the drive out and bam, it'll copy the files over to it. I have 4x8tb drives in stripe raid which only gives me 8tb of data on that particular nas, but it's my most important pictures of my kids and stuff from when they were babies. I also unplug it when not in use.
As for shit like roms, I just copy them to multiple drives in case one drive dies on my file server.
I want to add that on that particular nas, I use zero security other than airgapping it. It doesn't connect to the Internet at all. I tested it by buying 3 of the same nas, and swapping the master drive to another nas, and I was able to see my data. I plan on getting a much larger one.

Also look into m-disk. The drive is expensive as are the disks but they promise to outlast us by centuries.
Will look into what you said thank you
Hey /sqt/ I'm a fucking retard, just opening with that. So I got a new PC and decided to give my old one to a friend, it was working perfectly fine for 4 years with no issue, but I decided to do a windows re-install thing just to clear all my personal data from it and now he's getting a BSOD about writing read only memory. I have no clue what to do about it, could I have fucked up something by doing the total fresh install?
He probably installed something stupid, or your disk drive failed.
Do I need to reinstall Windows if I install a new CPU? Or for that matter. do I need to change ANYTHING on the software side if I install a new CPU?
If the CPU has a different architecture, or if you rely on the iGPU, you may need different graphics drivers. Probably not a bad idea to just keep a windows installation thumb-drive just in case.
well it's a old amd fx 6300 to a amd ryzen 5600 (yes i am buying a new mb too) i don't rely on graphics drivers. i have a 3050 in there right now. as well neither them have support for integrated graphics anyways.
i am NOT good with hardware building. i know software so.
Apparently not, what's your budget like? Also, a clean install would be worth while with a new mobo. Different chipsets, ect.
My mpv is messed up. I generally use hwdec=auto and while most videos play fine, some files only output audio&subs while giving me a green screen for video. I tried deleting hwdec and using vo=gpu,vaapi but while it does make the files work I noticed everything is blurry/lower quality now. Am I messing something up on my settings or should I just swap settings whenever needed? 3060 gpu on AMD cpu & W10 if that matters.

you don't need hwdec
where can I learn about networking principles? I know python
If I want to self-host a bunch of things for me to access whenever I'm out of home, what would be the most secure way to do this?
I want to host my A1111 Stable Diffusion UI, Jellyfin and Hydrus, for starters.
web server that can only be accessed via vpn
Sounds good! I can also self-host that VPN or do I need to pay for a service?
what are the chances that i completely brick my shit if i use one of those debloat windows 11 tools?
Depends which one you're using I guess. I hear good things about Altas OS and Tiny11, but it's always nice to have a spare windows installer just in case.
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How do I download a thread from archives like Desuarchive, into a format like what BASC produces? (HTML, styles, images and thumbs, ready to view in a browser)
These archives all use absolute links, even if I use a web scraper the links would point to the actual website and not local files.
I've been backing up furry shit on an account-by-account basis by using gallery-dl on my NAS in a docker container, and feeding it a curated textfile of URLs. I use the options that store various metadata to JSON file for each image.
I use RAID6 to compensate for eventual hard drive failure, but admittedly I don't have any offsite backups, it's just porn.
Also I admittedly don't have a good way to search or organize aside from grep, it's just there.
I've been using Hydrus for over a year now and it's great for downloading, tagging, searching etc. You can do database backups to external drives as well
Yeah, get a better PC and not be poor.
I have a little script that just downloads the file and post metadata using the api. It was fine when I had like only a couple dozen images but now it's getting a bit out of hand.
There are e6 downloaders that can save the metadata as well I think. e621 has some of the best tagging out of the boruus out there so whatever you use make sure it can save the tags as well.
you mean: you downloaded part of a file over http, and then want to continue the download but via torrent?
If the file is the same, a torrent client might be able to pick up on the existing chunks and see they're already there. There's a "force re-check" option in some clients you could try.
Are cock.li registrations down? I can't seem to create an account.
>CAVEAT: if you're on a windows machine at work and the IT gremlin preinstalled custom trusted root certs (e.g. for sophos internet content filter or similar), then your traffic can be inspected by them.
What if I'm not? Can I ensure that root certs like that don't get installed?

And here's my other question, although I think know the answer to this. From the host/server side, they can still see what you access right? It's just outsiders that can't?

>That's what makes https downloads safer: you're not *distributing* a damn thing.
Surely the encryption part also helps, no? But a different anon already brought encrypted torrents, and I remember reading that encrypted are memey so I just don't bother with torrents.
Avoid malware and you should be fine for certs.
Yes, the server sees what you access, it's serving the data to you after all.
The main benefit to encryption on torrents is to prevent your ISP or any other men in the middle from spying on the data contents / filenames. I could see an overzealous ISP using that as proactive detection to suspend your access if it sees marvel movies etc being transferred, if they want to nip it in the bud before a watchdog agency finds you.
Nta but I just got this. I hope it does what I'm looking for but we'll see. If it does thanks bro for the fat hook up, if not then fuck you for shilling.
Besides valorant, what else software that requires the machine to enable secure boot?
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Is there any reason why my Old Ass HD Ready (1366 x 768 ) LG TV only works well at 1360 x 768 resolution ?? on the native resolution its blurry as fuck
>laptop restarts
>barely have anything open
>at 14gb of RAM usage out of 64gb
>but my page file is using 30gb and leaving me with barely any free space on my C drive

Is there any way to tell windows to stop using the page file unless I actually run out of actual memory
>I could see an overzealous ISP using that as proactive detection to suspend your access if it
As an Amerifat, I can 100% see this happening too. Honestly, I'm not convinced regarding torrents because the risk potential is very high. This is the reason why I significantly prefer ddl and want to learn more about how it works. I've also learned that.. uh.. without giving too much info, some public networks don't block https file transfer from some domains. I'm sure you can easily figure out what I mean, can't give out the secret away.
you can set a starting size and max size on your pagefile if that helps
looking to get rid of my hdd that is mainly reserved for torrenting and media storage in favor of a cheap sata 2.5 ssd instead. google is telling me these ssd consume the least amount of power when idle and i'm getting them dirt cheap so i don't see why not. hell i can even swap them over to another pc faster than any other storage (sata to usb can turn them into portables) if needed. cool move or fool move?
Been having a weird issue going on here for the past few weeks where there's a high chance after clicking an image the entire site breaks for several minutes, higher chance if its an image with longer load time. If I never click any images browsing the boards is always fine. The fuck is going on?
I want to find likeminded people to chat with and work on projects (hate jews). Is there a TG? Im not talking pol meme circlejerk just based project people.
Why is Intel making i7s with 2 good cores and 8 terrible ones? Why didn't they just do 4P/4E?
Is running (very large, e.g., meta/llama) LLMs locally a wash unless you have _lots_ of money to drop? How are NPUs going to affect this sort of thing moving forward?
What are NPUs?
African American processing units
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I have a cracked version of Photoshop CS6+, which worked flawlessly for me for the last 8+ years on my Windows 7 system, but I'm currently preparing to move to Linux soon, so the question is: will I be able to install this cracked copy of CS6 on my Linux system, given it has latest Wine? Will it work? I ain't going to cuck out to Adobe faggots, not even for a cent. And no, GIMP is not an answer. I'm not into that sadomaso shit.
I didn't even know that Neural Processing Units were a thing.
What kind of project
I've seen dual core i7s before. I think they just make em to slap on certain laptops so normies will think they're getting a deal on a powerhouse
hi /g/
just started a new job, i'm working from home, they have me VPN-ing through palo alto networks global protect
is there some way for me to browse 4chan at home without that traffic being routed to work? it seems like it should be possible with containerization, or setting up something on my computer, like changing the local routing table. i just wanna set up things so like, one browser doesn't go through the VPN. how do i go about doing this?
if it comes down to it i can always just buy a second fucking computer, so i don't know what security gain they're getting. i can also just disconnect from the VPN for a minute, refresh 4chan, and reconnect, but that's getting annoying
Maybe it is an actual 1360 x 768 that just crops your 768i transmission lol
>buy laptop
>have it open next to you
Having a completely second system and keeping your work system clean is 100% important. In fact, I'd argue that you should have a "work computer" and a "personal computer". Don't use your personal computer to connect to work and you'll be fine.
>if it comes down to it i can always just buy a second fucking computer
You should do this regardless, it doesn't help you or your job to do personal things and work things on the same machine
buying a used phone is a mistake. security risk. just get a cheaper brand new phone, or save up a little longer and get a new phone of the same price.
Well i guess i cant ask much for an old TV lol. The only good thing about this was the screen size
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anyone know how to filter every thread using vanilla 4chan filters?
>filter all threads
>have filters above that filter which highlight keywords im interested in to the top
>no cluttered catalog
don't want to install 4chanx just for that.
ive tried generic stuff like without success
* *
Windows 11.
i'm just incredibly lazy and don't like the idea of having to fit two keyboards on my tiny desk, there must be a technological solution to this. but it seems like making it hard to do this is a straight selling point of this particular VPN.
and to clarify we connect via VPN just to RDP into work machines, there's no work stuff on my personal machine. that's pretty standard at many big companies, i believe
Is that a horse?
>buy work laptop
>use that, use personal computer to just do w/e.
>at the end of the day put work comptuer away.
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if no one knows im just going to use a custom ublock filter that will hide every thread in the catalog that doesnt have a filter border. just thought of that, that should be fine.
if anyone wants the ublock filter i come up with lmk.
>post horse
>posts pepe with huge ass
Hmmm, sus...
Install it anyway, it's not hard.
then i need to turn my chair between two keyboards and my monitor setup is fucked
>buy a bigger desk
If you want a book/collection there's Beej's network concepts guide https://beej.us/guide/bgnet0/ - that uses python.
He's mostly known for the network programming (with sockets) book though, which uses C: https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/
>there must be a technological solution to this
there is it is called split tunneling or using a proxy, I was saying regardless of what you use, you shouldn't mix devices
Would anyone recommend a usb mouse under $30? I feel like everything in this range will be equally shit, but it is what I have to work with.
Answer >>101418180, plz.
do you really need CS6? i ask that because i've used photoshop7 with wine for years and it does what i need it to. simple stuff like making schematics, graphs, adding text to images, cropping, etc. it might be good enough for you like it is for me.
the only reason i use it over gimp is because i've used it for years before i went to linux and all the keybinds are ingrained in my brain, but i've heard there's solutions that cater to people moving from photoshop to gimp ie changing all the keybindings to be similar to photoshop. maybe look into that. and honestly, gimp is quite nice. i've used it for automation before - you can program whole workflows and steps for image manipulation with it by writing python scripts. dont think photoshop is that powerful.
beat me to it (because hes not on adderall which makes me ramble), it has the gold rating so it should be good. enjoy linux bro
I wasn't asking about compatibility, retard. I know it's "gold" on the compatibility ratings. I'm asking SPECIFICIALLY if a cracked/pirated version would install and work without issues. What I want to know is if Linux is fine with installing pirated/cracked software.

>do you really need CS6?
It's the one I've got used to the most.
>version would install and work without issues
It'll work as well as (or better than) on Windows with workarounds.
>What I want to know is if Linux is fine with installing pirated/cracked software.
Alright, then, I guess.

The one more question will be, then, what if I crack/pirate some software with a separate standalone keygen? Like in case with Alcohol 120%? My CS6 is pre-cracked (installs pirated, with bullshit removed and no telemetry/phoning home), but my Alcohol 120% copy is technically "trial", which I have to use a keygen for.
Being cracked, pirated, or legit does not affect performance or compatibility. This is true for Windows and Linux, it is a common misconception
What I've asked, is will Linux misbehave or refuse to run third party pirating keygens, maybe thinking they're malware, or etc.
>will Linux misbehave or refuse to run third party pirating keygens
No, I believe that would count as being incompatible by virtue of being pirated, which does not happen, the method of piracy or crack is irrelevant because this isn't happening.
>maybe thinking they're malware
nah, most distros come with no anti-virus by default
Well, since Linux in general as an ecosystem doesn't seem to have any decent antiviruses (ClamAV is a meme, basically), I always thought that the internal firewalls of different distros were set up by default to be extremely aggressive, thus I was worrying that using pirated software or any keygens/cracks would've been hard.

I thought about this because I've heard recently that these are some issues in Proton or Linux in general with installing and playing games which have some forms of anticheats in them, or something like that. Apparently some of these games just don't work at all.

Some emulators also apparently have issues with Linux, even if they have native version, because some of them can access memory which can be edited, like in case with debugging or cheating, similar to hex editors such as ArtMoney or Cheat Engine.
a bit of C is actually perfect, I'm looking for information about the fundamentals so thank you. I'm reading it now and it's what I was looking for.
>were set up by default to be extremely aggressive
You shouldn't assume things

>I've heard recently that these are some issues in Proton or Linux in general with installing and playing games which have some forms of anticheats in them, or something like that. Apparently some of these games just don't work at all.
The key take away here is "recently" they are talking about currently supported currently updated video games, CS6 is over 10 years old, nothing like that got added to it.

>Some emulators also apparently have issues with Linux
I never wanted to give you the impression that I think it'll run flawlessly, I deferred to community aggregated wineHQ because that is a more empirical look at what is and isn't having issues
>reading the stuff between secured direct downloads vs torrents
wtfffff how come we still fuck around with torrents then?? downloading from an https site seems so much better and secure
WineHQ, for some bizarre reason, doesn't even have a single Dreamcast emulator there, for one. And other emulators that I could find any info on, were tested AGES ago, some even back when Wine was friggin' pre-1.0, ffs.

This sure as fuck doesn't help normies such as me in the slightest.
>This sure as fuck doesn't help normies such as me in the slightest.
I think wineHQ isn't immune from criticism, it could always benefit from more inputs, at the same time it is better than just some random anon's opinion on 4chan, something you could refer back to, and potentially even contribute to
I would argue normies aren't emulating classic games on linux and are instead playing modern games in Windows
>What I've asked, is will Linux misbehave or refuse to run third party pirating keygens, maybe thinking they're malware, or etc.
it will install it without any issue, it will even install malware if it's packed into the exe. but that stuff would most likely never get ran unless it's based into the actual exe program you run with wine, rather than them just putting a rootkit somewhere in the filesystem that's supposed to be launched on startup. it won't ever get launched on startup for example.
but if it's baked into the exe you do run, it could damage things. it could even damage your linux home user filesystem by deleting files, but it wont have any elevated access to do any damage to the linux system. actually, thinking about it, maybe by adding some shit to your .bashrc it could delete some linux system folders when you're in a root terminal, not sure about that.

i bring this up just to mention it, it's very unlikely that someone tries to attack linux users but you never know, it is becoming a more popular OS.
to mitigate this you can use stuff like apparmor or filejail to sandbox your programs. if you plan on pirating new releases like triple A video games, it would be worth it to use these security practices.
I'm worrying about being infected or rooted, because even keygens and cracks I always download only from 9001% trusted resources, shit that's being constantly supervised thoroughly by the community, so I was just worrying on the basis that it might not run at all, or that Linux distro's (I'm planning to use Mint and Zorin, for starters, then will try Endeavor later) own firewall might not allow it to install/run properly.
>*I'm not worrying about being infected or rooted
Well I don't know anything you are talking about, I'm just saying that is probably the safest way.
why are webms not loading on this website?
I want to trim video segments without reencoding them. similar to -c copy in ffmpeg. But rn i'm using Kdenlive
I have had mild success with Lossless Cut, https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut

I just ended up going back to ffmpeg though
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I'm retarded, please help me understand computer specs.
How do I know how good a CPU is?
How do I know how good a GPU is?
If I want a powerful computer, does anything matter besides CPU, GPU, and RAM?
Are desktops way more power for way less money compared to laptops?
Pic related is my CPU. What do all the numbers and letters mean?
retard. at least make an effort yourself. what you're asking for isn't worth the effort
I'm using an Amazon basics, gets the job done.
*.* Does the trick, seeing as every thread needs an image and every image needs an extension.
keyboard issues? try using a separate usb keyboard, see it it still happens or not
you want a 'spanned' volume
i know windows can (or used to be able) to do it via disk management
i don't know about linux shit though
why is everyone and everything cucking out these days????
to me spinny drives (hdds) are literrally only good for cold storage
for system drives and for t*rrenting linux isos, ssds are far better
some benq monitors have a kvm switch feature
the keyboard/mouse are connected to the monitor
then whichever computer input you choose for the monitor, the keyboard/mouse will control that system
*both systems need to support it, uses advanced usb-c features
>got a new laptop that has usb-c charging
>want to buy one wall charger with at least two ports for both my laptop and phone. will be especially comfy when travelling. need a second charger anyway because i will use the laptop mainly in two different places.
>laptop comes with a 65W charger so I assume that's the maximum it'll ever hit

Do I really need to get a 100W charger, or is 65W between the two ports good enough? I assume most of the time the power draw of the laptop is not even going to be close to 65W. Most of the time it'll be a fraction of that, even when charging right? And most of the time I won't even be charging my phone and when I will, it's not like I care about blayzan fast speeds on anything.
Even if in some rare moment when the laptop is demanding 65 and the phone is demanding 20 through the 65W charger, what would happen? The devices would just reduce their demands and/or the charger would simply ration their supply during these surges, right?
Or would everything assplode and I die in a fire?
Whats a good program that will take all my music and shuffle it to my phone and organize it? I'm getting tired of dragging and dropping into my phone and manually editing all the meta data and shit.
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oh man i can't believe i didn't try that one, thanks!
i ended up doing it with ublock though anyway, sperg moment.

>hide all catalog threads by default, only show ones matching filters with a chosen filter color
>filtered threads with a border color have a .hl class
>add to your custom ublock filters

board specific - change 'board_g'
boards.4chan.org##.is_catalog.board_g div[id^='thread-']:style(display:none!important;)
boards.4chan.org##.is_catalog.board_g div[id^='thread-']:has(.hl):style(display:inline-block!important;)

all boards
boards.4chan.org##.is_catalog div[id^='thread-']:style(display:none!important;)
boards.4chan.org##.is_catalog div[id^='thread-']:has(.hl):style(display:inline-block!important;)
For some reason about 6 months ago every time I wake my laptop up it takes about a solid 20 seconds to connect to the internet via RJ-45. It happens every time I boot up. Any idea what could be the issue? Running Win 10 LTSC.
>DVB box has an IPTV option in the menu
>it has no ethernet port nor wifi capabilities
what did they mean by this?
Still handy for mobile. With my filters only a single thread is showing up in /b/ lol
USB Internet?
Maybe it is running android, and other boxes running the same OS have the hardware
I have a n100 mini pc and a slightly more beefy i5 12600h. What should I use them for? I heard n100 is really good at transcoding. Is it good for anything else? I figure the more beefier one would be good for emulating games
I charge my phone on one of the laptop's USB ports, the 65w USB charger is more than enough for both, I even plug my 65w pd battery along without problems which I can later use to charge the laptop.
Pfsense router
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Hello all, I am retard. Since I updated to 22.04, gnome occasionally freezes. I am currently just switching to console and restarting gnome when this happens. Reinstalling it would probably fix it, but that would be a pain in the ass. Does anyone have any recommendations for things to try to fix it?
apt update
apt dist-upgrade
apt auto remove
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Did cloud computing kill off Beowulf Clusters or is there any reason to still build them beyond hobbyist fascination?
Personally I think HEDT machines killed them, modern machines are so powerful these days, they handle tasks faster than old clusters used to, how many businesses and organizations need that much power
yea or they just load the same firmware on several boxes even if some lack the features ig

also does HD DVB require an special antenna? i have a tiny old one since my home doesnt have any but they phased out the old DVB standard and idk if thats just on the dvb boxes or also requires new antennas
Plugged in the Blu-ray drive from my other system and it installs just fine. Why can a single driver cover 30+ years of optical drives but a USB 3 controller pisses itself with a legacy OS? Surely they couldn't have maintained some form of backwards compatibility?
If they're gamers they'll probably want their own ISP.
if they are pirates you'll want them on their own ISP
i only rent to older euro immigrants and never to American pigs so i dont think either would be an issue but still, i clearly havent thought this through
i bought a 5600.
Okay then
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For the life of me I can't figure out the meltdown my android tablet is having, as of today, any time i have the media player on, the tiles glitch out like in pic related, tried updating the thing, clearing system ui cache, rebooting a dozen times, the display size keeps getting messed up too, and i don't know if there's a way to fix it besides a factory reset which i'd rather avoid, anyone please? it's a crappy nokia t21 on android 13
have you tried other media players, like VLC?

and/or clear the cache maybe even reset the media player app in question (im assuming some kind of app bundled with the tablet by default?)
forgot to mention, but it happens with every media app, including the browser, spotify, vlc, everything. HMD support has been useless and I don't know where else to ask or how can i even submit this as a bug report, looking in the play store update history, nothing updated today, so i have no idea what triggered this
As someone who sits on /g/ all day, I would want my own ISP
already did clear out the cache to my player apps, out of curiosity tried cranking the display dp size to 1600 and it still happens, so i'm not sure what else, but now it seems reboots won't really fix my display size back, the wallpaper won't fit in properly anymore, zooms in too much besides what's shown in the preview
sorry bro, no clue

wait one last question, have you been using it in a humid environment? that can fuck up the phone depsite supposed water resistance.

one other last question, how's the battery? still in good health? checked with accubattery or ampere or something? health still good, temps still good?
been charging it with a good charger and cable, or some no name chink shit?
wondering if a hardware fault has developed rather than it being purely software.
How can I config alacritty so that when I open it, it launches fastfetch?
you can put fastfetch wherever you put your aliases and it will be run
I've been charging it with the same cheap charger i use on my phone as well which is also an android, but i don't have such issues there and i had that phone for way longer. Battery and health seem good as well. Could this be a launcher issue? This thing uses quickstep, but i'm not too familiar if it's the launcher responsible for the notification area
worth a try. im not up to date with launchers these days. are the old fan favs still even developed? nova or whatever. is microsoft still there?
How does that look?/ what section is that in?
Is Portainer just used as a GUI for docker? Is Docker Desktop just a different, seemingly sleeker version of it?
Cool tip
you should put it in $HOME/.profile
the alias file should be only for aliases
it wasn't the launcher, i'm completely stumped, guessing the google forum they have won't help, but might as well try. I'm guessing there's no way to rollback a system update without rooting, i'm not saying i want to go back to android 12, but at least to go back to how it was, because the update they did a month ago or so messed up a couple things
most parallelizable computation work has been converted to run on GPU cores
well if you have nothing to lose, just try a vanilla factory reset (it wont roll back to the original android version but itll reset the current version)

if still problematic, you can either try rooting and rollback...or if still in warranty, ask for a refund from HMD?
one significant issue that can and will arise is them needing technical support from you, frequently
I have a ton of side-loaded apps which i'm guessing there's no way to back up without rooting, will rooting force me to factory reset first, or can i safely root without losing anything? Seems like with how obscure and cheap this tablet is, i doubt anyone's bothered to upload the files necessary to rollback to the previous version, i'm not interested in custom roms, i just want it to be like how it was
Can you explain more about setting a starting size?

I know that it's possible to set a maximum (which isn't helpful since I DON'T want to limit it if I really do need the extra memory), but if I can set a lower minimum or a higher starting threshold, that might be helpful?
can you just sideload the apps again? check now where you originally got them from to see if theyre still available, so you can sideload them again after a reset.
if yuoure worried about lots of app data, can you just copy the folders and thenn repaste the contents back in later? internal storage>Android>data>various app folders
Maybe that whole 'Android' folder acutally

Dunno about rooting m8, way beyond me.
i'm gonna be soldering for a really small and quick job to fix my speedometer. i've already practiced a little with a practice board. i hear about the solder fumes being bad for you.
i just hold my breath and open a window. should that be ok? i'm probably never gonna solder again after this is over. the solder wire is 63sn, 37pb. the only thing that sucks is the lingering smell but it goes away. is this shit gonna make my balls fall off if i don't get a fume extractor or am i good for this little job
>i just hold my breath and open a window. should that be ok?
yes, there are people out there that inhale the fumes for years and are fine, you inhaling a little for one day shouldn't do any damage
I ended up with a brand new Moto g Stylus for $129, so no worries on the used phone front.
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good move brother -HH
Is there a name for the user interface thing where you "flick" upwards on a touchscreen and the display scrolls without you interacting with it for a bit?
can you show an example? I've never heard of that before
how do i make 4chan load content from i.4cdn.org instead of is2.4chan.org?
with 4chanx in advanced tab
is there a way to do this without having to install 4chanx?
I've never thought to ask about that, it just kinda always worked.
Imagine scrolling in a web browser on your computer, but your mouse wheel didn't have any traction and it just kept scrolling without you touching it.
Is there any place to find older laptops from a few years ago other then ebay?

Looking for a 2021 lenovo legion 5 specifically
if you can use an userscript just run
for (i of document.body.getElementsByTagName("img")) {
i.src = (i.src.replace("is2.4cdn","i.4cdn"))

every 5 seconds or so
otherwise I don't think so
Does listening to nightcore amd maidcore makes me tranny?
yes or a 13 yr old weeb kid
Then use proxies, there is free ones, but take care as they can see your traffic and IP
Damn it, what genres do you think are more socially acceptable? What do you listen? I also listen to hardstyle, russian hardstyle, as im bored with english versions
80's rock
Lol, i think i have all motorhead songs in my head from start to end, also motley crue, accept, scorpions, metallica, iron maiden, megadeath, it just got boring and now i just listen to whatever youtube recommends so eventually i met this genres, makes you think if youtube want you to be a tranny, also found some MECHA Breakcore songs that sounds like Gran turismo lobby songs but has Evangelion backgrounds in it, kinda relaxing but not retarded like that LoFi thot that everyone shills
Well I don't really care that much
Since this is a tech board, as you can guess, I have assburgers, so I just listen to the same 5 songs in loop
how slow is is2.4chan.org at your end? is it 20KiB slow?
nta but I've had like 3 isp's over this year and it refused to load in every single one of them, not slow just straight up doesn't work
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13 KB
looks like it's safe to blame Quebec.
Are moderator/janitor posts immune from filters?
Not all of them, something's going on with my filters..
The concepts guide is much more theoretical/informational compared to the more hands on network programming book
File: Clipboard01.png (19 KB, 420x430)
19 KB
yeah initial size is right here fren
momentum-based scrolling?
why did no one post link to new?
That's fine, it's what I'm looking for.

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