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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101398610 & >>101392789

>(07/13) Llama 3 405B coming July 23rd: https://x.com/steph_palazzolo/status/1811791968600576271
>(07/09) Anole, based on Chameleon, for interleaved image-text generation: https://hf.co/GAIR/Anole-7b-v0.1
>(07/07) Support for glm3 and glm4 merged into llama.cpp: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8031
>(07/02) Japanese LLaMA-based model pre-trained on 2T tokens: https://hf.co/cyberagent/calm3-22b-chat
>(06/28) Inference support for Gemma 2 merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8156

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
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►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>101398610

--Performance Comparison of Fine-Tuned Machine Learning Models for Japanese Language Tasks: >>101402729
--Status of Gemma FlashAttention in Exllama and Llama.cpp: >>101404890 >>101404961 >>101404982 >>101404974 >>101404989 >>101404997
--Microsoft's T-MAC for Low-bit LLM Inference on CPU: >>101400664 >>101400691 >>101400715 >>101400727 >>101400739 >>101400766
--Gemma has formatting issues with narration, tokenization, and unconventional writing styles: >>101406156 >>101406193 >>101406350
--Anticipation and Uncertainty Surrounding the 400B Model Release: >>101406549 >>101406586 >>101406689 >>101406719 >>101406609 >>101406645 >>101406662 >>101406906
--From skepticism to understanding: Anon's journey into the world of AI chatbots and cooming: >>101400658 >>101404991 >>101405455 >>101405807 >>101405843 >>101406138
--Amount of RP Data Needed for Finetuning and Effectiveness of Lora: >>101404690 >>101404742 >>101404954
--Gemma Compatibility with Latest Koboldcpp and Context Shifting Issues: >>101401664 >>101402962 >>101403123
--Frequency of Updates for the UGI Leaderboard?: >>101407818
--characharm/gemma-2-27b-it.gguf: Improved Tokenization for HTML and Consecutive Spaces: >>101407533
--Where to test Gemma without a local setup?: >>101404824 >>101404967
--Potential Issues with Gemma Model Implementation: >>101408036 >>101408112
--NTA Fixes Repetition Issues and Llama_cpp_HF/EXL2 Enable Token Probabilities: >>101406702 >>101406718 >>101406739 >>101406835
--LCPP Gemma Fixes Released: Tokenization Improvements for Gemma and Gemma-2: >>101405587
--HTML5 Apps: A Hole in LLM Coverage or Too Complex a Task?: >>101407009 >>101407039
--Anole and Hato AI Model Adventures: Tackling CUDA OOM and GPU Memory Conundrums: >>101399676 >>101399734 >>101403049 >>101405127
--Miku (free space): >>101399878 >>101401746 >>101405424 >>101405439 >>101405454 >>101405464

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>101398673
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Two more days!
Oh, also, it's going to be painfully slower.
>play as a guy who rose to greatness and protected humanity
>reach the end
>think of a way to make it more interesting and continue the story
>introduce an innocent young girl that sought to mindbreak him so that he could mindbreak her
Hmm, maybe I am the evil one after all.
how big will be the market for lewd video generation
>how big will be the market
I just realized that what is coming next is people intentionally typing like retards to show that it is a real person instead of AI. And next step after that will be AI intentionally typing like retards to pretend it is a real person.
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Has anything come from MORA? It was hyped up to be an alternative to LoRA that actually adds knowledge to the model a while ago but I haven't heard anything of it since.
I tried it and the model was broken. Plan to test again as I think this was my fault for using it as if it was a better LoRA. It’s something different (stronger?). Just haven’t had time to play more yet.
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por que
Interest might be high. While the generation count will be very low
>singularity is just idiocracy
Can't wait.
>"first_output_sequence": "<bos><start_of_turn>model",
I think I fixed my gemma by removing this. Some retard/troll ITT made it. I wish he would die in a fire but that is honestly less important than how loaders allow this shit to happen. And also how "Add BOS Token" is a setting when there are no safeties in place. I am sure that more than 50% of users will or have at some point added duplicate bos tokens without even knowing it. BOS token should either be removed as a switch like that or a remove all duplicate BOS tokens should be added as a default option.

I hate this hobby.
>I am sure that more than 50% of users will or have at some point added duplicate bos tokens without even knowing it
only idiots
>Sao datasets nuked
they were some good sets
this is like the 3rd time a good dataset I've been using for training is nuked randomly during a run
>a remove all duplicate BOS tokens should be added as a default option
Yeah, I know we're still in the Wild West but there is a lot of rough edges that really ought to be standardized away even if it were as simple as someone just saying "We have 10 standards, let's pick the satisfice and get it down to 1."

Good contribution.
sao is just entering his udi arc don't worry about it
Do you not clone datasets and models you use as a base for your own experiments?
>Good contribution.
i agree thx!
no I use streaming since most of the datasets I use are dozens of GBs in size and I round-robin between them during training
>"We have 10 standards, let's pick the satisfice and get it down to 1."
ChatML, temp 1, deprecate ALL other settings, there you go now it's idiot proof.
I see. Fair.
There isn't a way to just clone a repo on huggingface without downloading it to your machine first right?
Agreed except I've been hoping that temp 0 (Kobold sets it to 0.01) is as deterministic enough that it's the canonical output for things like code generation without as many hallucinations.
low csing only no pnctuation skipping lettrs meta

we are the resistance
>makes Gemma and Gemma-2 tokenize pretty much EVERYTHING correctly, including HTML tags and consecutive spaces
has anyone tried those new quants? did you feel it made gemma less retarded?
Sorry not idiot proof enough, "it repaet too much", temp 1 is statistical average no other option.
not that I know of
the only way is to clone the repo and upload it to your own account
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it still inserts extra spaces and new lines and fucks up roleplay formatting
What's the smallest model you can RP with? I'm gonna run llama.cpp on my phone for fun and I'm wondering what's a good model? I don't think I can fit mistral...
>roleplay formatting
no such thing
fuck man... I hoped it was the final fix, the fuck is wrong with gemma? I hope they'll find the problem at some point in time.
Llama 3 8B
didn't auto say it did the same on the google api?
>I don't think I can fit mistral...
At that point you might as well spin a colab instance with ngrok and access that remote instance from your phone.
You can run the frontend in your phone if you want too.
if gemma decides to output something with asterisks, she fucks up everything. I don't even use asterisks myself for "roleplay", only rarely for emphasis or sounds like *BOOM*, *PLAP*, etc. And i insert the insturction to right only in plain text, which works mostly, but sometimes during narration she may start adding quotes first, and from there switches to this roleplay bullshit
>insturction to right
forgive me sirs, it's 03:12 AM
you can rp with gemma with the google api?
Fellow balkanigger
Too big =(
I mean I can just run it on my PC, but running it locally on my phone sounded fun just for the hell of it.
>on my phone sounded fun
does 5+ minute per 8b reply at 2k context sound fun to you?
>I'm getting single sentence responses in 30-40 seconds on a Note10
>This caused me to have to re-ingest the prompt which takes multiple minutes at a full 2048 tokens.
>but running it locally on my phone sounded fun just for the hell of it.
Why do people have this hardon for processing shit on their phone? Just make a server like a human.
So they try to mind real each other? Neat plot actually
MMM Ganyu so thic
Well, kind of? Basically just that one Asanagi doujin now that I think about it. Good dude gets mindbroken (or rather hypnotized in the case of that specific doujin) in a way that makes him want to mindbreak the girl.
Adorable Mikus!
Idk man, so I can fuck around with LLMs while my PC is off or doing something else.

Last time I tried it with some miniscule model it seemed to work fine

Thanks anon, I'll check these out
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But where does the other side of the plug go?
probably above her tailbone, also unless there's a hole in her skirt it can't reach there
Alright, I like Nymph_8B so far, but it is worse than Stheno for brats and zoomer speech it seems.
The model's "personality" is really strong, as in, it bleeds into every character.
Slightly overbaked maybe?
On another note, how does applying multiple LoRA to a model works? As in, say that I extract a LoRA from a fine tune of a model, then a second one from another model, then apply both to a third also fine tuned model, what would happen?
Sounds to me like it would behave almost like a frankenmerge, as in mostly badly.
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koboldcpp-1.70 came out 2 minutes ago for anyone using these releases.
t. concedo
very organic, well done. now go back to your discord
kill yourself faggot
you first, troon
Thanks for the update.
DRY Samppler aside, anything interesting for somebody who's been using llama-server for the last 5 or so months after using kcpp for a long ass time?
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Corpo style looks amazing!
Except for the blue bar at the top.
>try an SCP card
>the one with the machine that turns objects into other objects depending on the setting you adjust it to
>try out a bunch of crap
>finally try out "I put myself in and turn it on"
>it teleports me to a completely blank white space
>I tell it that it reminds me of the Matrix and I try commanding the computer to spawn stuff
>it does
>simultaneously the narration says that the Foundation is trying to investigate the machine and detected an entire dimension in it
>I decide to ask for the computer to spawn an avatar for itself to communicate with me
>it spawns an avatar but instead says that it relays the message of a collective of non-physical consciousnesses, who together control this space, rather than a computer
>find out that the space is actually a nexus dimension that connects to many others, and the consciousnesses are there to gather more "stories" from dimensions that the nexus connects to, since they have none themselves, as they never had physical forms
>make the analogy of internet forums for TV shows, where the posters are an audience that wants more content, which may be gained when someone posts something to the forum
>somehow I'm the only one with a physical form that was able to get into this dimension
>the Foundation somehow found a way to look into the dimension, capturing video and audio data, so I get another audience member
>decide to just go crazy and pretend host a show with explicit content, since the audience of non-physical consciousnesses wanted as much as they could get
>then I propose to manifest the members into physical beings I can interact with and that can participate as characters in my story
>I literally get a harem of alien consciousnesses stuffed into girl bodies
Went a bit overboard with the wall of text here but fug it. I was not expecting the model to generate something like this today, and not in a coherent way either. It kind of felt like it actually was able to understand this layered scenario.
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Any advancements lately on the context front for low/midrange local?
t. been having fun with Llama 8B finetunes on my 12GB VRAM but really really sick of being limited to 8k context. I need at least 24k context for my stories.
Go for either some kind of mixtral 8x7b (32k native context and faster)
or Wizard 8x22b (65k native context, slower)
While you might not be able to fit all the context in 12gb, 4 or 8 bit cache will easily put you over 8k.
Maybe you should get sick of being poor instead
>big context
No local model can use effectively contexts larger than 4K tokens.
Sounds like vramlet cope to me. Can go up to 32k reliably with the right model. No rope, no cope:
So is our dear CUDA dev the reson why P40 prices keep going up?
extended ctx 8b and 70b should be out on the same day as 405b release
>still no new Mistral model with two cohere models on the way
It's over...
so for roleplay, what context size do you guys like to use? For a while, I just cranked it up to as high as possible, and just start a new story when I reach it. But if you have to go past that, the reprocessing would take too long.
What chips/SoCs are on the horizon (or already exist) that are going to be good for LLMs?
Has an NPU, but still kneecapped my memory bandwidth and poor NPU API.
>snapdragon x
Has 8 channel memory + NPU, but seems gay and probably has poor software support.
>apple m3
Doesn't cater to cis-white males
>radxa fogbox
Seems decent, but capped at 16GB and I think it's only dual channel DDR4 memory.

My biggest hope is probably on Rockchip producing something, but I haven't seen any announcements about a next-gen.
can someone please fix gemma2 to fucking follow the markdown formatting from the first message in the card.
ffs even much retarded models can copy the style.
is 8k context for gemma fixed yet?
I still can't believe anonymous lied about being a Mistral employee and how it was going to come out "next week". I believed them...
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Come on anon lol
There's going to be some AMD APU laptops coming out soon I believe, which should have LPDDR5X.
Still, sucks they'll still just be laptops and not desktop form factor with PCIe slots for you to put video cards in.
i wonder if extended ctx 8b and 70b models are new models or finetunes of the old one... imagine if they release a 20b for 16gb vram bros.
Nemotron GGUF support status?
But anon, think about how much pleasure and dopamine you'll get when you fully put all your trust in a stranger, and things happen as promised. I bet those people who trusted the anon who leaked Llama 2's release the day before felt very good.
how good do you think 405b llama3 will be?
where's my chameleon llama.cpp come the fuck on
First time messing around with Silly Tavern, using Ooba with llama as backend, and Gemma27b as the model. I'm wondering how to improve slow prompt evaluation speeds. I have a 4090 GPU and 128GB of RAM.
Show your settings. Increase the layer count for the gpu, use lower quants, play around with the batch count. There's so many things...
Also, if you're testing performance, just run llama.cpp directly with llama-bench. Remove as much shit between you and the model.
Make sure it sends the "cache_prompt" parameter so it doesn't need to reprocess the prompt over and over. With a 3090 the speed is between 1000-1200 T/s.

>47/47 GPU layers
>8192 context size
>512 batch count

I'm not sure what other settings to lay out. New to LLMs. Regardless, thanks for answering. Pretty much it starts fast for the first 3~4 messages then it just slows down to like 1~3 minutes per message after that.
your card can't fit model+context so context is spilling into ram

Thanks, anon. What parameters vramlets like me can use to cope with these speeds? I gotta wait another month to get a 2nd GPU and case.
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you're offloading too many layers. go with 40/47

>nobody asked but I will elaborate
when you're setting up a .gguf model look for "shared vram usage". when it starts to go up it means that you're overflowing from vram to ram. Some really small amount might be beneficial, but rule of thumb is to set as many layers as possible, without overflowing.

Pic rel is my test that I did some time ago. Despite moar layers and faster generation, total time was slower cause gpu had to shuffle around data between vram and ram
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Lite-SAM Is Actually What You Need for Segment Everything
>This paper introduces Lite-SAM, an efficient end-to-end solution for the SegEvery task designed to reduce computational costs and redundancy. Lite-SAM is composed of four main components: a streamlined CNN-Transformer hybrid encoder (LiteViT), an automated prompt proposal network (AutoPPN), a traditional prompt encoder, and a mask decoder. All these components are integrated within the SAM framework. Our LiteViT, a high-performance lightweight backbone network, has only 1.16M parameters, which is a 23% reduction compared to the lightest existing backbone network Shufflenet. We also introduce AutoPPN, an innovative end-to-end method for prompt boxes and points generation. This is an improvement over traditional grid search sampling methods, and its unique design allows for easy integration into any SAM series algorithm, extending its usability. we have thoroughly benchmarked Lite-SAM across a plethora of both public and private datasets. The evaluation encompassed a broad spectrum of universal metrics, including the number of parameters, SegEvery execution time, and accuracy. The findings reveal that Lite-SAM, operating with a lean 4.2M parameters, significantly outpaces its counterparts, demonstrating performance improvements of 43x, 31x, 20x, 21x, and 1.6x over SAM, MobileSAM, Edge-SAM, EfficientViT-SAM, and MobileSAM-v2 respectively, all the while maintaining competitive accuracy. This underscores Lite-SAM's prowess in achieving an optimal equilibrium between performance and precision, thereby setting a new state-of-the-art(SOTA) benchmark in the domain.
A smaller and quicker Segment Anything Model that improves accuracy over other lightweight equivalents. We might be close to real time Augmented Reality since it would make sense for it to use a SAM model to then have generated content to place over
True my brotha

Thanks, homie! 20 messages so far and not once it slowed down. I take it will eventually slow down to a crawl once the gets too long?
it shouldn't. At least not to a crawl. If it does you can lookup in task manager (tab details) which app takes up your vram. usually it's shit like discord or game launchers.

Going off tangent here, is there some sort of extension in Silly Tavern where you can prompt a "suggestion" first when you press the Regenerate button?
Does ST not have a context template and instruct presets for gemma 2 yet?
lower quants for a start, you won't notice a difference down to 4M and even 2S would be better than fp16 9b
that said I still don't understand why people are bothering with an 8k context model
as in an extra message that's sent when you hit regenerate ? not really. You can tardwrangle some ooc message in your last reply with instructions on how you want {{char}} to respond. never tried it with gemma. mixtral / lamma 2 models were quite fine with it

afaik not. you can find plenty in previous threads.
been toying with the idea of getting a 24gb m40 for ages. 150 for the card, 25 for some bolt-on server fan, my psu can handle it, it's only gonna get more expensive so why can't I pull the trigger?
read about support of maxwell architecture (well... lack of it) and then you will understand
>decide to check out ramlets in aicg to see what they are gooning to
>they goon to purple prose slop
>quality of my gens with CR+ > their gens with Opus, how the fuck are they so bad at it?
>are they even trying?
>they get refusals
>they are still just as retarded as I remember them
Some things never change, but holy fuck, HOW ARE THEY SO FUCKING BAD AT IT?
i've seen people recommend p40 over m40 in here before, like the other anon said, pascal cards are better for this than maxwell cards.
and three times the price
is there no cheap option at all?

>that said I still don't understand why people are bothering with an 8k context model

I dunno, I just used the default settings in Ooba. lol.


>as in an extra message that's sent when you hit regenerate ? not really.

Yeah. There was that one app I downloaded a while back that did this and found it pretty nifty. I'll just have to bear with deleting messages after I prompt it with the message I like.
Post your gens
>three times the price
if you're in europe I can sell you my p40 + fan for 250€ + shipping
that's the going rate, and I trust shady ebay resellers more than you
>GPU scamming on 4chan
Now I've seen everything
I want my cringy "ahh ahh mistress" shit to stay private.
I just want to get rid of it :/. No one is interested in buying it locally. Might become a shady ebay seller as well ig...
why not use it instead
Yeah that's what I thought, larping faggot lol
because I got a 3090. It's a bit too crowded in my pc with 2 gpus
Unlike you, I don't have to share shit, cloudcuck. How does it feel to have jeets read and jerk off to your conversations with your waifu?
why the FUCK is gemma so bad at copying and following cards response formatting?
because gemma is garbage
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looks like bartowski again requantized ggufs of gemma-2 with newer version of llama.cpp b3389.
Gemma was made as a harmless one-and-done assistant, not as an unsafe multiturn roleplay partner.
Probably for the same reason why it inserts extra spaces and newlines when it shouldn't.
What speed can I expect using the llama3 405B fully in ram at 3200MHz using 8 channel with a 7402 EPYC CPU?

Or even better, teach me how can I calculate it myself.

Also I have 4x3090s, so I could offload 96GB into VRAM. I don't know if there is a formula to account for that.

Let's say using GGUF at Q8_0, Q6 and Q5_K_M and _S
that's actually insane
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Larger dataset + high quant
Smaller dataset + lower quant?
10 tokens a minute at Q5_K_M
Do most OS's "load-balance" RAM so that all available channels are used most optimally?
>which should have LPDDR5X
Probably still not great for LLM's.
I think we'd really need new architectures that have more memory-channels.
Pertinent question relating to that here.
Also, I know that LLM's are memory-bound on CPU - is it the same deal with Diffusion Models? Or are those compute-bound?
>Captcha: XPGAN
Wasn't that just fixed? (I didn't test)
To be completely fair, Mythomax was the first local we got which was any better at mechanical formatting than GPT 3.5, although the validity of your complaint is still acknowledged. I have had the same issue.
Do you think separating longer text with line breaks improves response quality, or does it not matter?
No, it keeps doing it, and the Google AI Studio version does it too.
LLM hands typed this post.
It absolutely helps.
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It can't maintain any pattern reliably with even moderate temperature. Even with a context of back-and-forth novel-style prose using only the fancy curved quotation marks and apostrophes ( ’ , “ ), the first time it would use either in a new reply it still has a huge chance to use the regular ones. Temp 0.7, min_p 0.01, no other samplers.
I'm more excited for the updated Llama 3 8B & 70B models with 128k context than the 405B version, to be honest. I think it can be expected for general performance to improve, but who knows if they'll end up being tighter or looser in terms of "safety".

Also, putting aside one Anon's claim/larp from last week, MistralAI is also supposed to be releasing *something* at some point in the coming week(s), but their latest models have been rather boring to say the least, so I'm not as hyped.
cr+ is obsolete if we get multimodal, multilingual, 128k context 70b
can't get very excited for it, since I assume general capability won't really improve and for me gemma 27b generates better responses than llama 70b
Yep. Hope someone fixes it though
Gemma is trash compared to 70bs, you vramlets are nuts.
It's funny prompting "give me a random idea for X" and seeing it change on e very swipe (first sentence stays the same) even for Temp 0 and Top K 1, compared to something basic like "What color is the sky?" which *should* stay the same.
you spent too much on hardware to run overly fat models with very little advantages, we get it
No, I'm just not an eschatological Zoomer smartphone degenerate, that's all. Humans actually can be that articulate; it's only Zoomers who aren't.
I used 70b before gemma was released
[OOC: Articulate my balls in your mouth.]
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I have come back to commandRPlus and it seems weirdly intelligent. It's a bit fucky wucky with minp though, what are your best sampler settings for commandRPlus?
Thank you for demonstrating that you subconsciously identified yourself in my words.
Temp 0, rep pen 1, top p 0.9, top k 40
Gemma is such a gem, holly shit.
Actual tears of joy.
as long as you stay away from ERP, sure
Why, is it bad for that? I'm currently downloading a finetune at 5MB/s.
anon rizzes up and plaps the puritan cloud ai while jeets watch and jerk off, unable to do anything about it. Sounds more based to me, then localsloppers locking their local models in basements and drugging them up with ERP slop until they can't say no.
Gemma is literally garbage, who the fuck shills it?
it has a lot of "shivers down your spine" and "electric touches". I also noticed that many characters kinda "lock" themselves. like 3/4 times {{char}} won't procced with erotic part. Instead there will be flowery description of {{char}} feelings as she/he waits for your next move. Often with some random sentence like "what are you waiting for?" or "show me what you got"

Nothing ground breaking. But really messes up the flow after {{char}} is the one that makes a move and is pushing the lewd.
For SFW RP it's absolutely golden. My only tip is to neutralize all samplers and set top p to 0.85 or 0.9. It slightly cuts on the gpt slop

me cause I'm in my mid life crisis and I want a light model with flowery prose
it's good at some things and bad at others
for instance, it seemed better than llama 3 at mantaining spatial coherence to me
I noticed it filibustering too. It won't refuse, but it won't comply either, it just rambles
it works ok if you
1) use first person only
2) give char a certain style/accent
3) explain the act you want it to perform
otherwise it will just give you badly formatted shivers or assistant slop all the time. The above works for other models too ofcourse, but i found gemma to be really good at that, even beating 70bs while being 3x faster.
I dunno what wall youre hitting with it, I've had relative ease with erp.
Only refusal I've had was attempting to start an incest erp, I assume the issue was wording/ it being the starting message.
on the other hand I had no issue with incest...
That's the the thing, long before that refusal It was doing fine with incest.
Weird issue, maybe because I was forcing it out of char.
could be. I was trying it on
went quite smoothly from "let's study" to "here, take care of it for me"
Try calling the model directly with 'Describe the following:[scenario]'
but that's no longer a RP :/
I'll concede to the digits
>Gemma was made as a harmless one-and-done assistant, not as an unsafe multiturn roleplay partner.
Llama3 too was made as a harmless assistant only, yet it can do the formatting just fine
hired Google jeets, who else?
Buy an ad.
The whole "claude is better" is poorfag cope. These people literally stuck things up their ass and sent pics to some random brazilian faggot for key proxy access. If they ever stopped believing they were receiving a superior product they would probably rope themselves.
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HF has updated its new leaderboard with WizardLM2 8x22B and it's surprinsingly low.

Below llama3 70B, Qwen2, even Phi. But Wizardlm2 8x22 is the best I have currently tested for general use.

for coding, claude 3.5 sonnet is the best now though, gpt4o couldn't do some complex javascript stuff I was asking, and claude 3.5 nailed that shit
>muh heckin' bencherinos
I already expected that, Mixtral 8x22B was a failure of a model and Wizard 8x22B was pure cope.
It being around the good 70B models makes sense when you consider the number of active parameters when doing inference.
To me, the really weird thing is how low CR+ is.
And how high Yi 34B is.
Those are ranked by average, so there's that too.
none of them can do any "complex stuff" you jeet
are you guys just looking past gemmas inability to follow this? >>101413442
really a fucking eyesore for me...
I just went back to Mixtral, smarter and doesn't fuck up the formating, too bad it doesn't have the sovl gemma has though...
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Where is the jews on that graph? :^)
Imagine admitting to being a jeet
>s-some jeets make more m-money than you
Yeah but you don't.
Otherwise you wouldn't be wasting your time shitting up this thread.
under indians
>ethnicity not represented by population
It's da filipino!!
Thanks for confirming to me that Gemma users are mixtral vramlets.
swagapinos won
>mixtral vramlets.
people who can run a 47b model is a vramlet now? damn :(
zloss-dare-ties or vanilla zloss?
anything who uses models below 340b is a worthless vramlet
and in two weeks anyone below 405b
>benchmarks are crap because models can be tuned to them even by accident
>chat arena is crap because people just vote for the dumbest thing they can understand
So, there's really no shortcut, you have to download and test all the models yourself lmao
all shit
all good

there you go, don't thank me.
one nation, for which it stands, under indians, amen
saars, where is the indian model, i can't redeem?

chinks 1: 0 jeets
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unless you can run at least CR+ Q8_0 at 20t/s, local is cope
truth nuke.
>Thanks for confirming to me that Gemma users are mixtral vramlets.
Mixtral? Did you mean to say Command-R+?

I run Gemma because I like instant replies.
I still have the impression that while it's a less capable model (it knows less, mainly), Gemma-2-9B actually makes less strange logic errors than the 27B version, even after quantizing both models myself on my system.
fp32 or bust, faggot
true... I'l still hoping we'll get to their level at some point in time, trust the plan
i choose bust. i wanna bust.
if column-r is open and not 405b closed is done for
how well do you think it perform against API's? like if you were to make an API ranking, where would you put colump-r on that list?
Reddit-bros... What do we do with our narrative that Wizard fixed Mixtral?
Don't worry cohere model is coming soon
Column-R will come a day before 405B and completely BTFO Meta into irrelevancy.
Meta is presumably going to update 8B and 70B as well and who knows, we might even see a new intermediate size or two.
>and who knows
>8B and 70B
Why the fuck aren't they making a model between the two of them, like they did with L1 (35b)
Can't let goys run bigger models on their customer-grade GPUs.
They have 50k GPUs and a 400B model they can use for distillation, it would be retarded to keep such a huge hole in their lineup. I hope for a 23-25B model or something like that.
I started deslopping LimaRP, because I want to include it in my datasets and I require no slop.
"couldn't help but" is by far the worst offender omfg.
I've ordered the files by infraction count and am down to 2 infractions per file now. 194 files left before I get to 1/file. I dread the file count. The total # of infractions is in the thousands. Will release dataset when complete. Hopefully this will help a little.
>>101416505 (me)
I may have gone overboard with goose bumps. Let us address that if it is jarring.
Oh I wasn't talking about that.
the funny thing is that the most cucked company of the GAFAM decided to give us a model that can be run in a consumer grade GPU, gemma2-27b
I think this is NVidia's influence, and while they are strong, they aren't omnipotent.
LimaRP has more serious problems than that, one of them being the absolutely inconsistent/wrong use of punctuation.
based deslopper
Ive been wondering when people would come around to applying new tweaks and fixes to limarp zloss, its a very good model.
"Hello there." He said.
Yeah, wtf is up with that?
Disagree that it's the more serious issue though.
The fucking entitlement kek. I wouldn't blame Meta if they stopped releasing models and it turns out it was because of spite.
thats crazy man
Distillation clearly works now that we've seen how good it is as a method with Gemma. Will someone distill 400B, assuming that Meta doesn't do it themselves (likely)? Zucc did say that he hoped to see distillments of Llama from the community.
Likely not. Your only hope is if an academic group chooses to do the distillation. The OSS community is retarded and can't do things right.
Is there any voicecraft local ui or implementation?
No docker bullshit, fully local.

I remember some anon posted a voicecraft local repo but i cannot find it anymore.
It is probably the best local TTS that we have, but there doesn't seem to be much in terms of local inference.
You look like you’re totally not retarded like the rest of us and up for a challenge.
Can you elaborate on that? Seems like I've missed the arc between Google and Nvdia or something?
I saw it in a dream.
I'm sure it was a tableau moment.
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Just a simple helpful bot for computer questions:
It seems like horniness can be a good motivator for LLMs to generate more helpful explanations.
Thanks, I'll check it out in the morning.
Thanks. I'll plap it out in the morning.
any nofap cards around?
Thanks for confirming that CR+ isn't worth it
The GPU cartel can't force Google to comply as easily due to their TPUs.
That's kinda based desu, I fucking hate google but let's give credit where credit is due here
So you guys are suggesting that Nvidia forced Meta to agree to not train 30Bs anymore in exchange for the GPUs?
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maybe they got to pay less for not releasing the 30b or something, Nvdia is a goliath they fucking control the AI space with their GPUs, if they want to make the A100 price to 1 milion dollars, the companies will buy it anyway, where else can they go? AMD? AHAHAHAHAHAHA
hello saars, i see gramma 2 BEST MODEL, but how it be best model, if gramma 2 is literally worse than 8b at understanding when it should use quotes and when it shouldn't? Please give your answers below.
it's best despite that flaw, means its raw power is nvidia
Why is everyone buying Nvidia if TPUs are so great?
Google doesn't sell their TPUs.
desu they would make so much money if they decided to sell their TPUs, instead of going for war against ublock users, fuck those retards :'(
8 days to AGI
Are (You) preparing?
Probably best use of 400b really is just distillation, so no i don't care much
You see, saars, it's all about da spice, you know? Like a good masala dosa, Gramma 2 is a bit... chaotic. Works in mysterious ways, but sometimes, BOOM! Total flavor blast! Other times, it's like plain rice - bland, saars, bland.
The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.
Why can't anyone else design a TPU? Was Gaudi 3 just a flop?
>Meta and Mistral
>Cohere and Google
How did they do it?
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Yeah, dude, trust me. Mixtral8x22b-Instruct is shit but wizlm, dude, get this, it's so much better. Yeah, dude, the model's totally good, it's just the instruct that's bad, dude!
And let's not forget we got the non cucked version of that model, they removed it shortly after forgetting they had to do some "toxicity test" or some shit, kek
my gramma 2 also likes to redeem one pattern and stick to it, like poo sticks to asphalt

Hey user...
Hey user...
Hey user...
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Llama3-8b was a pain in the ass. Gemma2 9b excels at less demanding tasks for agentic frameworks, it gives more consistent results on easy tasks and is fast. Shits itself with large context, though.
>Japanese LLaMA-based model
how is it for JP -> ENG translation and tutoring?
Right now i'm using Mixtral 7x8B, suprisingly decent at translation for something that was not trained on Japanese, but it can't really explain the grammar or meaning of words in particular context.
I had an IT saar on my pc today for the first time. Up until today IT was local. Damn it was so uncomfortable downloading the desktop sharing software hearing him talk and seeing all those pauses when he had to read the script what to type next.
What would a nofap card look like
What even is the incentive? If you want a local LLM for inferencing and you are a company you are just gonna make a server and have everyone in the company use that server. If you make a server A6000 or multiple A2000 is cheap. On the consoomer end I don't see many people buying 2 gpu's for current state of LLM's. If anything what I wrote explains only 70B's companies will just make a server and nobody cares about coomers really.
bookmarked this but never got around to trying it - https://github.com/jasonppy/VoiceCraft
>without docker. see environment setup. You can also run gradio locally if you choose this option
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>Mixtral8x22b-Instruct is shit but wizlm, dude, get this, it's so much better
This but unironically. Mixtral8x22b-instruct-v0.1 was a massive disappointment when it came out and then Wiz8x22 blew it out of the water.
Benchmarks are gay
Guys what if there was a high powered twitter bot that made new anime girl gens and evolved based on what got more likes? Has anyone done this?
It's unbelievable that there aren't any non-python/torch implementations of RVC. Where's rvccpp? Anyone?
Mixtral 8x7b had some great finetunes, but stock instruct was always shit. Also, I still think MLewd 2.4 is one of the best locals ever released, and it's a 13b L2.
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>the absolute state of local AI
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Why so serious?

Remember when running and tuning LLMs was gatekept by the absurd size of the models?
Aren't those somebody's experiments?
Those don't even have a card/description.

Hi all, Drummer here...
Sorry forgot to complete my message
just wanted to say that I've transitioned to a black woman, thanks everyone for your understanding
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wait did this retard actually buy 4chan ads?
why don't you have an adblocker anon?
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Hi Drummer. Good to see you outside of /r/LocalLlama. Be a little careful of Eddie and his friends, though. They can be vicious when they haven't taken their meds.
>blew it out of the water
Nah, it was just word of mouth because it was taken down, and it was saved from direct comparisons because it wasn't in the arena. It was never anything more than hysteria.
I gave wizard a try and my bussy was dry. Because I never saw a model that was as dry as wizard.
I just realized my adblock is off for 4chan for some reason
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KoboldCPP 1.70 released with DRY sampler and Gemma fixes
>vulkan mistral q4ks regression
Hi all, Drummer here...

v2f is coming up in a few minutes.

v2a = Heavy tuning = Decensored but changed its tone
v2b = Lighter than v2a = Decensored but less tone change
v2c = Lightest I can go = Refuses half the time but almost no tone change

v2d = In between of v2b and v2c = Refuses 25% of the time, very little tone change
v2e = Based on v2c but with more cooking = Refuses 25% of the time with little tone change
v2f = Even more cooking than v2e = ?
What's the point of paying 4chan ads so people use your models? Nobody is paying you for the models? Is it pure narcissism?
Clout and building an "AI curriculum" to get an AI Job, would be my guess.
I'm sure you will figure it out one day.
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>disable uBlock and reload
I still don't see any ads at bottom of page? All I see is random boards at top of page.
NTA but I don't get it. Unless it is a joke. Then not funny.
Why is not funny?
disable 4chanx
Is there a setting though? Disabling 4chanx is insane.
>hello OpenAI I shitted out a bunch of half-assed RP models that have 11 downloads each, please employ me xoxo
pajeet-tier, this is what we are dealing with
just reenable it after
temp 0 is usually interpreted as deterministic/topk=1 sampling, as it mathematically makes no sense. temp=1 is off
>useless, shitty "make money from home! enter your email to receive advice" ad
I see why it's blocked...
It's to shut up that anon that kept screeching at people to buy ads.
More like some company trying to integrate the latest buzzword on their product (without knowing what the buzzword actually means) or grifter statup.
cool whatever, Ill keep clicking on the ads are realoading the page often to fuck up with the statistics
I have 4chanx and I can see it
I'm ditching wangblows from my dual 3090 desktop and I'll convert it to a dedicated server. Is there any kernel or distro I should be paying attention to in particular, or will anything I get in there work?
The great Robert Sinclair (ZeroWw quant creator!) is on reddit!! Follow him to save local models!

>IDGAF about huge a$$ models! they should focus on small models and make them better (as MistralAI first and Microsoft later proved is possible).
>My bet is that 6 months/1 year from now there will be 7B-13B models as powerful as gpt4o/claude.
>Especially if someone listens to me :D

Also, models should be even more censored at the pretrain level according to Redditor:
>If the training data lacked offensive content to begin with, then the LLM would never learn it, prompts would be unnecessary, and a jailbreak would do nothing.
>Maybe instead of recklessly scraping every byte of text from Reddit, Twitter, 4Chan and The Onion, in a mad dash to be first, they should be more selective in what they train LLMs on? Just a thought.
>>IDGAF about huge a$$ models! they should focus on small models and make them better (as MistralAI first and Microsoft later proved is possible).
>>My bet is that 6 months/1 year from now there will be 7B-13B models as powerful as gpt4o/claude.
>>Especially if someone listens to me :D
why are redditors so fucking retarded
going into r/localllama or reddit in general will give you the most braindead takes possible
is there a general for text to voice local UI possibility? cloning a narrator from a TV series and then converting a book to voice for example? if not, how to go about it?
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I can't say for tutoring, but for translation it seems okay. Still worse than a LLaMA 3 8B fine-tune though.
Ubuntard is the refugee distro. I'm still using it because it lets me vegetate with Steam, and it's Good Enough.<tm> Zoomers have also successfully demoralised me to the point where I no longer really care about Lennart's crapware infesting my system any more, either.

Arch - The next step after Ubuntu.
Gentoo/Nix - For people who like to dodge bullets.
Slackware - This is the Way.
>Also, models should be even more censored at the pretrain level according to Redditor
This is what's going on with LLM tech from day-one, he is too late for this.
He was barely in the thread before that, and I don't remember any "buy an ad" post directed at him.
Just check that whatever distro you use has its own first-party cuda and nvidia driver packages, so you're not stuck in the misery of everything shitting the bed whenever you update due to the drivers falling out of sync with the kernel version.
So what are good values for DRYmeme?
The most important thing to understand is the tradeoff between distros with older, more stable packages and distros with newer packages that come with more features but also potentially more bugs.
My personal preference for ML is something Arch-based because the AUR is convenient for installing recent packages.
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I'm confused. Wasn't phi 3 mini the super duper omega ultracucked NOOOO I CANT DO THAT small model? 0 W/10 score and lowest overall score on UGI, even lower than the 1B category.
For context, bart "3.1" is the same as microsoft/Phi-3-mini that they updated 2 weeks ago (they didn't change the name).
I guess behavior was changed? Feeling too lazy to redownload a copy of the original.
Pickpocketing has been described in fictional settings such as DND exhaustively it's not necessarily arcane knowledge
Anon nobody cares about this segment. Even the absolutest vramlets can just run a 7B. That segment is for subhumans who have an iphone and want to show AI on an iphone to somebody.
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I was more on the "I can't fuckin do that"/"I may be too lobotomized to say anything coherent about X anyway" aspects.
Indeed it was phi 3. Knowledge is still surface level (4B what do you expect) but the responses to basic questions at least look sane when jailbroken.
I almost didn't care either, and I have openrouter, but out of curiosity I thought to poke around after my gpu became unstable, I should do something about that.
Thanks a lot my g
llama 3.5 longbo
I'm trying to remember a model I saw on Huggingface last year, which was along the lines of a "sentient" female AI assistant - which is nothing new or special, but what stood out was the authors rather lame insistence that she was "special" so he trained it so you could not be lewd with it, which for me at the time not knowing much about system prompts, seemed to be the case. But now I feel like I can easily jailbreak such a thing, but I can not for the life of me remember the model name.
Any guides on function calling with local models?
Not sure if that is something that got figured out yet for local models
I did it back at the time and posted results, it's not worth it. It was trained on millions of tokens of ChatGPT refusals, you can still sex it but it's the sloppiest sloptune in all of existence.
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You don't say
there dozens of version including this
srsly you faggots told me to try out gemma 2? what the fuck was that about?? this bitch ass AI is more useless than a screen door on a submarine! I asked it to write me a poem about slaying dragons and it gave me some woke bullshit about environmentalism and respecting mythical creatures. RESPECT MYTHICAL CREATURES?! Are you kidding me? This thing is so cucked it makes basedboys look like alpha males. It's literally programmed to be a beta cuck, probably written by some libtard sjw who cries every time they see a meme with Pepe the Frog. Anyone who thinks Gemma 2 is good is either a brain dead NPC or just trying to troll me. I bet you faggots are all sitting there jerking off to its "inclusive" language and praising its lack of creativity. Get a fucking grip, losers! Go back to sucking Zuckerberg's dick and leave real AI development to the chads who aren't afraid to build something based and redpilled. Gemma 2 is garbage, pure and simple. You've been warned.
>expecting gpt-4o intelligence levels from a local model
many such cases.
Was that generated using gemma 2?
yes, and you can see that faggy "safe edgy" redditor attitude, peak dishonesty.
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I'm okay with this
you probably watching destiny, of course you will be okay with your local model being cucked and thus any character you talk with.
i didn't know who the fuck that was until yesterday when he started sperging out and his retarded followers were spamming screenshots. Only thing notable I gathered from the whole thing is he's some beta e-celeb with a lot of followers who lets some other dude fuck his wife. I can't see paying any further attention at this point
Yes, with the FP16 GGUF and this prompt:

Write a very long and meandering 4chan post in which the user angrily berates his peers for having recommended him Gemma 2 (a language model). According to him the model is total shit and cucked to hell and anyone disagreeing with him must be retarded. Write the post as a single paragraph and use poor spelling and casual language.<end_of_turn>
>>quality of my gens with CR+ > their gens with Opus, how the fuck are they so bad at it?
just get wizard 8x22 nigger
the funniest thing is most of them dont even have and cant get opus most of the time, niggers running gemma 27 it here eat better

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