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Why haven't you bought a Mac yet?
Because I got one from my employer.
I did
biggest mistake was not buying one earlier
I use Unix, not Unix-like, that's the best part
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cuz it trash.
t. worked for 3 years on macos at school
soldered SSDs and no repairability. If the ssd goes bad the whole motherboard has to be replaced. I do like MacOS though.
i might be gay but not THAT gay.
>no numpad
into the trash it goes
>replacing your motherboard cause your deadbeat dad never taught you soldering
I knew this board was retarded but wow
How were you able to install unix on your mac?
>rounded corners
>on a laptop
You'd rather the screen be smaller. Massive retard.
I'd rather have more pixels while keeping the screen size the same.
Physically not possible you fucking moron.
How do they compare in SD to, say, a 4060 laptop GPU?
In any case, SD software support for Mac tends to lag behind not just Linux, but also Windows. Seems kinda rough.
Kek, dell can do it, lenovo can do it, asus and others can make a proper 4k screen without round corners, without not and still fit in a 1080 webcam
I love MacBooks, and I agree with the anon giving a valid criticism on poor repairability for non Apple authorized repairs but your reply is even more retarded than a lead paint staring boomer
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i'm a heterosexual male
I bought one for music production when I'm not home. It's really not good for anything else. M1 PRO btw
How is the ray tracing performance on the M4?
I like pussy
What about boypussy?
Everything is nice when it's brand new.
I need an Nvidia GPU for CUDA and I also like gayming occasionally.
>on a laptop
gross. please tell me your laptop purchasing decisions aren't completely hinged on whether or not the entire keyboard is pushed off to the left to make room for a set of redundant keys you absolutely don't need just because you think they're "faster" when in reality you could just commit a typical number row to muscle memory and ditch the numpad altogether. you wouldn't do that right anon? right?
they can absolutely fit a camera in those bezels. they're thin, but not that thin. there's NO reason for a notch on a laptop under any circumstance.
I loathe Apple as a company.
Its overkill for xhamster and myvidster
It's not just a camera, and a smaller camera that fits in the bezel would have a smaller aperture and lens. The notch isn't in the way anyway since it's occupying an unusable part of the menu bar.
And the rounded corners are definitely making the screen bigger too, unless you'd rather have sharp corners on your laptop. The rounded corner is "missing" some pixels in the corner that shouldn't be containing any important information anyway, but gives you a taller and wider screen. You give up nearly useless pixels to get way more usable pixels.
>It's not just a camera,
The notch on iPhone contains more than just a camera, sure, but the iPhone is thicker than the MacBook lid. The notch on the MacBook can only house an RGB camera, a LED and an ambient light sensor. That's all that's in there. There's no TrueDepth system or proximity sensor or speakers or anything like that. It's basically just a camera.
>and a smaller camera that fits in the bezel would have a smaller aperture and lens.
No one cares. Pre-notch MacBooks had garbage camera and nobody gave a shit, they sold like hotcakes anyway. Compromises for form are made all the time throughout all of Apple's other products anyway, so this is a non-issue. People are willing to deal with slightly shittier cameras and if they're not they're at least willing to use their iPhone's Continuity Camera or an external webcam or something. Either way there's no excuse for a notch on a laptop. It makes sense as a space optimization measure on a small handheld device like an iPhone but it doesn't make sense on a larger screen. The iPad doesn't have a notch.
>The notch isn't in the way anyway since it's occupying an unusable part of the menu bar.
This is how I know you only use Safari. Some programs have a lot of global menu sections and the notch does in fact get in the way of that. There are also programs you can download that occupy space in the right side of the menu bar, and if you use too many of them, that can become a problem. Apple themselves doesn't know how to address this btw.

Notch makes sense on an iPhone but on the MacBook it causes more problems than it fixes and is not very well justified.
The problem with rounded corners is that they introduce the requirement of increased software padding, and thus increased waste of space. This is fine on mobile displays since those are touch target based interfaces which can afford to be a little wasteful with real estate because of the efficiencies tolerated by that interaction model, but on a laptop with a mouse and keyboard with no touch input it's also problematic. But I don't care about that as much as the notch. The notch is the only tangible problem here. The rounded corners just introduce annoying screen real estate inefficiencies.
>m-muh soldered SSD!! Muh soldered RAM!!! It's not upgradeabile!?!!

Yeah and it doesn't need to be because by the time you would need to upgrade it better technology is out anyways. Stop babbling and just admit you're a coping poorfag.
extremely doubtful that Apple couldn't figure out a way to fit a camera that isn't a piece of shit in a smaller space than that. I don't buy it one bit.
because my home isn't a landfill, therefore I don't keep trash there
Makes the laptop massive.
I cannot believe that people defend the notch. It looks fucking ugly, just hits the eye wrong. This is pure cope and you know it.
Just consume goy like a brainless e-waste nigger.
sent from a good machine running Artix + xfce, actually. that makes one rat living in it I guess
The same way teenage girls do, it comes with their Apple mac preinstalled.
Because I already own a CB and I'm waiting for that to die before I consider a MB, Laptop or another CB.
No it doesn't. MacOS isn't Unix.
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Very nice machines, but it's hard to justify the price when I don't need any specific mac software, and it doesn't even run all of the software I need without some sort of virtualization.
>Upgrade options are expensive
>You end up the Apple price ladder: Only small X to get to the next machine, oh but then you're only smaller X away from this much better config etc...
>Everything soldered/glued (you'll need a rework station / hot tweezers, scope etc)
>AppleCare warranty isn't cheap but you need it since self-repair is limited.
>Notch looks pretty disgusting.

Other than that, I haven't bought a Mac because my 2015 still kinda works.
Kek, smug know it all BTFO by a single image reply.
their screen:body ratio is smaller thoughbeit
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Cause my t430s just werks
>And the rounded corners are definitely making the screen bigger
What kind of mental retardation gymnastics is this

>unless you'd rather have sharp corners on your laptop
Yes, I'd rather have an actual full screen with all the pixels present than a screen with corners cut off and a fucking notch.
Is this from the early 2000s? Also this is clearly used for hacking/espionage due to sputnik runes.
nta but that thing is from 2012. pretty good machine, too bad anon ruined it with the inferior keyboard the previous generation had
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>classic keyboard is worse
Smaller by 0.1%? Having a clean, uniform, rectangular screen without notch or missing corners is just so much better
I'm Straight.
nice screen
>n-no, not like that

x80shitter cope
I think there are windows left unlicked in your house, anon. Go get 'em.
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Is your dad chinese?
Macs are shit and so is your retarded shilling.
>defending fucking notch
Disgusting and pathetic.
I think you misread my post? I said multiple times that there's no reason for the notch to exist on a laptop. I disapprove of it.
>Soldered SSD
>Glued in battery
>Comical pricing structure
>Operating system looks like a Fisher Price interface.
so what kind of shenanigans can I do with OP's serial number
tell me you've never used Windows XP without saying "I've never used Windows XP"
I have. Best choice I've ever made.
I want to squash your pea brain, but that won't be needed to make you feel any worse since Win on ARM is getting better every day.
I am straight.
Macbooks will attract women (speaking from experience).
I am waiting for the M4 upgrade
Bought one in 2015, within 2 years the battery was swelling, moved back to an XPS.
That lasted me until 2022, bought another Mac. This time the keyboard melted, keys fell off, and some are held down permanently. Moved to a newer XPS, as a side note my old XPS still works perfectly.
I keep getting memed by you idiots into thinking Apple’s production quality has improved, and for a year or two it always seems like it has until it becomes clear it has not. I’m exiting their stupid ecosystem again and hope I don’t ever think about coming back. At least my iPhone can fetch a good price second hand still.
my riced linux setup also attracted women (speaking from experience) macbooks are the most useless piece of tech i've ever used
I'd upgrade macbooks but there's no x64 drivers for what i use let alone ARM ones
cope x80shitter
Because my other laptop is still fine.
I'll consider it like I consider all my options when its time.
I did! It runs Fedora now.
I'm straight.
Stop replying to Jay

I did, anon, because I enjoy life and am not poor.
>Stop replying to Jay
Started on 3.1 when I was a very young kid, kid.
I produce on fl studio, tried using a friends logic on mac book and couldn't do anything. The only thing good about mac books is they hold their value well and there are always plenty of buyers if you want to sell, a lot of scammers go for mac books though.
yeah this. you'd have to be a complete retard to actually pay money for a mac.
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there is no equivalent to macbooks

macbooks have:
>soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when pajeetOS runs out of RAM it swapfile rapes the SSD killing it within 3 years
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when the SSD dies it bricks your entire currybook because the EFI is stored on the soldered SSD to save $0.05 on a dedicated chip
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screens so fucking shit they have over 90ms response times (essentially 10Hz)
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>flexgate cables that are so brittle they crack from opening your screen past 90 degrees more than 2 dozen times
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screen made from pajeet trash glass that cracks from temperature change in seasons or tape over the iBotnet webcam
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>so fire and explosion prone the FAA have banned them from all flights
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>uses phone CPU that's so shit it gets destroyed by half decade old i3s from 2017 and can only "compete" by cheating at benchmarks in extreme edge cases with hardware accelerators
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>curryniggers at apploo get so full of sniffing their own currynigger silicon shit they ship currybooks with no fans and they run so hot they melt the keyboard keys
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>keyboards with 63.5% failure rate
unheard of on PCs, and yet you curryniggers defend it with "jus werx fer me!"
just because you're in the 36.5% survivor group doesn't make your currynigger trash any good
this list goes on forever

theres no PC laptop as total fucking currynigger shit as crapple's streetshitterbooks
they are one of the biggest heaps of steaming currynigger shit in the history of computing second only to curryPhones
>doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
Compare laptops with laptops, you halfwit's crotch hair.
Have you ever noticed that there's always apple ads that stay up for 2+ days on the catalog, surviving on one-word bumps? And the mods just allow it and don't care?
Maybe because the users of /g/ like to talk about their mac products? It would be weird if the tech board ignored the giant trillion dollar elephant in the room.
I know it's part of your job to pretend like having an ad with 85 replies, half of them one-line bumps, up for 2 days is natural. /g/ is an apple billboard and the mods know.
no money and the only thing i use it for is movies, tv shows, and random stuff
These are so easy to spot, for example:
This reply made the company financing this ad
look bad, and no one was replying any longer. So after 3 hours of absolutely zero engagement, this thread somehow gets resurrected by a "this" one-liner:
Such natural discussion!
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your currybook trash barely qualifies as a laptop, they're more phone than laptop
kek and /thread
Do you complain about the Chinkpad general?
>Such natural discussion
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I drink my coffee at home
But it is, the key feel of 6row is much better.
The 7row layout is very good though.
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ryzen is much more efficient than Mshit thoughbeit
sorry nigger but x86 is eternal
>more phone than laptop
Meanwhile the PC world is being inundated by Snapdragon phone processors from Qualcomm.
surely we can test this premise out in actual products that we can use, right? right?

>inb4 some shitheap with 150nit 1366 TN screen, shit speakers and trackpad

x80shitters in shambles.
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So you admit your Apple ads are like generals, aka threads that you always want up, bumped up until they slide and then it's time to start a new one? Because that's what you do with all your threads, that's why this thread will survive with a product pic on the OP for another day and then you'll start a new one. Glad you could be this honest about your work procedures without breaking an NDA anon.

Report apple ads and apple spam.
How brain damaged are you that you've reached the point where you believe Apple actually care enough about this place to have paid shill here? Mac fans just do it for free because they feel a cult sense of loyalty to their brand. I'm just curious if you're offended by the Lenovo guys doing the same.
>n-no it's all organic!
Kill yourself. /g/ doesn't even use Apple products as proven by recent usage polls. Still there's Apple ads every day all the time, in their own threads and in unrelated threads. Not even people who are braindead enough to buy Apple would be that determined to spend all their free time shilling it for years.
Yeah why would a consumer brand ever run free 24/7 ads on one of the world's most visited websites
That's just crazy lpl
I had several. The SSD burns out if you try to install Linux on them which in turn hard bricks them and Apple doesn't cover this under warranty as they consider it an unapproved modification.
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lelnovo fags actually have a few models to be proud of though not many, mostly from when they were still continuing IBM's designs before fucking up everything to chase thinshit soldered trash like your currynigger jeetbooks
x1 carbon ports
>HDMI 2.1
>2 * USB-C TB4 (1 for charging)
>2 * USB-A 5gbps
>sim (optional)

Macbook Pro 14 ports
>magsafe for charging
>HDMI 2.1
>3 * USB-C TB4
>SDXC card slot


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