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Daily reminder to disable Accessibility Services on both desktop PCs and Android if you don't want Firefox to hog up memory due to a serious memory leak that accumulates over time which Mozilla refuses to acknowledge.

In about:config, set accessibility.force_disabled to 1 then reopen for changes to take effect.


https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1726887 (closed because they "can't reproduce")
About config doesn't work on mobile
>a serious memory leak
as opposed to a joking memory leak?
You need to install Beta for access to about:config, not the dumbed-down crippled version.

Is this a problem on Floorp as well?
What is accessibility.force_disabled in about:config set to? You will need to set it to 1 if it's not.
What do you call it when your PC crashes as you're watching porn? A mammary leak.
Don't forget to disable pocket in there too. Who even uses this? I remember when Firefox was good and Opera was the adware.
Wokefox won't fix because muh accessibility
glad I aw this thread, restarted and even 4chan feels snappier
what do Accessibility Services do exactly?
It's for handicapped people
Jesus fucking Christ, Firefox feels like 30% faster now. Why even force this crap on everyone? GOD
lol they even blame rd party services for their fuckup but still recommend disabling it
If you determine a 3rd party desktop application is enabling Firefox Accessibility Service and you are experiencing slowness or other performance related problems in Firefox, Mozilla recommends you disable or uninstall the 3rd party application. If you are unable to disable or uninstall, Mozilla recommends disabling Firefox Accessibility Service from within Firefox as a work around.
I don't know if it's a placebo effect but holy shit it feels snappier now...

What the fuck Mozilla?
Why use Firefox over Brave or Vivaldi?
Bloated and Spyware. Just use librewolf.
YouTube stutters like crazy on Brave for me. Not immediatetly, but after a few hours after keeping Brave open, every YouTube video that I open stutters horribly whether at 240p or 1080p60. Made sure I had latest Nvidia GPU drivers, etc. The issue doesn't occur in Chromium, but Chromium has its own issues (e.g. I don't want my entire history popping below when typing in the URL bar which Chromium does not let you disable unlike Firefox or Brave).

Vivaldi is closed-source, I refuse to ever use closed-source web browsers again. Just too risky.
This happens when your diversity means trannies.
Fucking firefox, they can't even throw money at their browser.
>YouTube stutters like crazy on Brave for me
Use FreeTube.
I feel forced to abandon firefox a year ago because it literally crashed 2 times a day.
A shame that the developers refuse to even look at this issue while they push useless functions that NO ONE USES.
It's literally 1 by default, what are you even...
screenshot or it didn't happen
Or just use this to enable it on the official release https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40955452
I'm too lazy for that, it's 1 trust me and I'm sure i've never touched this setting in my life.
WebKit monopoly
If it's 1 by default you should have an arrow for reset, check if it's there on the right side of the option.
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then u used pre-edited user js
shit in bold is non-default prefs
I haven't had any crashes in what feels like decades and I often have enough tabs open to make my PC cry as well as countless extensions, scripts and themes. It is slow, but I'm a bloat junkie so I can't complain.
about:config tips and tricks thread ?

>browser.backspace_action 0
Backspace shows the previous page
>browser.compactmode.show true
Turns on the compact tabs mode ("unsupported")
>extensions.pocket.enabled false
Disable pocket
>ui.prefersReducedMotion 1
Reduce Motion
>browser.vpn_promo.enabled false
You know why
>dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled false
Allows you to paste text in textboxes that don't want you to.
All accessibility/power saving and such options everywhere on everything has always been cancer.

From washing machines to bioses to cars.
Thanks, I love this kind of stuff. I don't remember what I usually change, other than disabling that full screen video fade to black transition. Well, I also make it so that Firefox doesn't snap to the tabs I open in a new tab. And of course there's the classic tip that you can shift + right click to force the regular context menu to pop up. It works on most sites. I don't remember the exact commands and I'm too lazy to look them up on mobile, sorry.
Based thread. /g/ is useful for once other than for rage baiting and tranny wars.
Kek you are right nvm.
some of these are probably old:
extensions.pocket.enabled false
extensions.screenshots.disabled true
toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled false
toolkit.telemetry.unified false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled false
dom.ipc.plugins.flash.subprocess.crashreporter.enabled false
geo.enabled false
app.normandy.enabled false
app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled false
I lol'd
placebo or faster idk but it feels better but the memeory usage hasn't improved
Why is mozilla like this? It's like they're just bleeding funding until it runs dry, then the browser will be left to rot and become even more irrelevant.
>app.normandy.enabled false
Um what? Is my browser about to do Operation Overlord?
"Normandy is a feature that allows Mozilla to change the default value of a preference for a targeted set of users, without deploying an update to Firefox. "
basically mozilla fucking with your settings remotely
Got any more? I don't want to download more ram.
>unironically got like twice faster
i have a script to reload the skin of pages like wikipedia, i can't even see the normal one anymore.
what the foly fuck
Could lower browser.tabs.min_inactive_duration_before_unload to 300000 (5 mins) from its default 600000 (10 mins) to increase tab unloading aggressiveness. Supposedly that's closer to Chrome's Memory Saver default. This is assuming you don't mind that older unvisited tabs will be unloading sooner. Doesn't mean it'll always unload tabs at exactly 5 mins, it unloads based on when Firefox thinks it's in a "low RAM situation", whatever that criteria is, just that the minimum would be 5 mins. I wouldn't go lower than that.
holy shit this works
thanks anon
loving firefox again
no clue why firefox needs "Accessibility" anyway
For that .01% of the population that use a web browser but are literally blind.

I guess.
everything is snappppyyyy!!!
im so happi
thank you anon
wtf dude my firefucks is flying to space
There's nothing wrong with accessibility features, it's just very poorly implemented by a poorly-led "non-profit" company. Instead of giving CEO Mitchell Baker $6.9M in her last payment they could've have her settle for a "measly" $6.65M instead and contracted a non-DEI systems programmer for $250k for a year to do a triage on the memory leaks and performance issues of Firefox's accessibility features and figure out ways to plug the memory leaks and optimize its rendering performance. A 1.5GB memory leak (even if it takes 10 days to accumulate in my case) is unacceptable. It should also have no perceivable difference in page rendering performance, but apparently it does based on some people's anecdotes (it didn't for me, but I did get the gradual memory leak, now I no longer get that leak).
tldr cripple
>There's nothing wrong with accessibility features
>except everything wrong with it
>maybe the CEO should've hired me
>Disable Accessibility Services = Less Firefox Memory Leaks
So you're saying that by disabling the disabled, the world runs better?
Plus, its not chrome
Hiring senior systems programmers who actually care about this stuff (performance, memory usage) would make a huge difference. The employees who replied in the Bugzilla bug report pretend it's not a problem. That's the definition of a "quiet quitter." All major tech companies are plagued with them. I'm certain even Andreas Kling could do a better job if he was hired to deal with this and given enough authority to rip out and rewrite whatever's necessary.
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>do the about:config magic as instructed in this thread
>Firefox feels faster and snappier than my Brave installation now
What the fuck? Why are those shitty settings on by default?
Why hasn't Mozilla addressed this yet? They're unironically delivering a gimped product to the masses.
>it actually works
I'm guessing this is one of those things that has a massive improvement if you're on older hardware, I did it and I don't notice anything different.
It's the default on debian
an actual useful thread for once on /g/. can't remember the last time that happened
brain cells
I'm on a laptop and there's no difference.
wintard here, did the magic trick
It helped reduce my baseline memory usage after keeping Firefox open for a very long time on Windows. So far only Windows and Android users have reported improvements. It sounds like there isn't a memory leak on Linux or MacOS since I haven't seen any of those users who've reported any improvements. Regardless, even on Linux, if you're never gonna use it, may as well disable it anyway to remove a potential point of failure.
Does this affect sexurity?
For me a new browser profile gave me much better snappier performance. This only reduced ram slightly. But I do have 2000 saved tabs in my normal one.
>Does this affect sexurity?
Only if you're a transexual
i'm a macos user and it helps for me
granted my hardware is a decade old
I'm not farming your BAT coins for you, shill.
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Firefox has about:config in the Beta/Nightly build
>force_disabled 1 does not activate accessibility instead
What were they thinking?
i like to set gfx.webrender.all to true
Firefox finishes loading extensions before it starts loading the webpage.
Chrome loads both at the same time. You can see an example of this if you go to YouTube and then right-click open a video in a private window. The webpage will start loading before uBlock Origin finishes loading, causing you to see ads. I believe this also happens when you directly open a website from the Windows shell, without having first launched Chrome.
I realize this is a pretty minor problem to most people, but I just don't like it.
>Reduce Motion
What does this mean lads
Read that again anon
>For that .01% of the population
About 10% of all PC users have some kind of visual or motional disability. Think about all those old people who can't read well anymore and need to set the font to 500% or use screen readers for example
if they're forcing me to be disabled then shouldn't I need the accessibility features?
Another trick is to use the 32-bit version so its hard limited to 4GB
Less UI animations
can someone explain what the accessibility features are supposed to do
>bug that only happens on Windows 10 for ATMs and Vending Machines
not my problem
btw i use nix on a m3 max macbook with 96 gb ram
browser.altclicksave true (apparently this became default false at some point? lets you save 4chan images and other link sources by alt-clicking the hyperlink (filename))
browser.newtabpage.enabled false
sessionstore.interval and idledelay set to something huge like 36000000 to significantly reduce drive writes and help your poor ssd (though you will lose any changes to your session since your last open if you crash)
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled false
toolkit.telemetry.pioneer-new-studies-available false
its the same with input delay being intentionally nerfed by 5ms and paint delay by 5ms as well

apz.scale_repaint_delay_ms 0
apz.scrollend-event.content.delay_ms 0
nglayout.initialpaint.delay 0
nglayout.initialpaint.delay_in_oopif 0
timer.maximum_firing_delay_tolerance_ms 0
timer.minimum_firing_delay_tolerance_ms 0

seriously mozilla trannies fuck everything up and then cant admit their garbage doesnt work well
Just tried it, thanks OP it really works I came on cat she hiss at penis
>need to set the font to 500%
I have just disabled that option and I still can increase font dimension the same way as before.
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>assume this is just a /g/ psyop
>try it anyway, no real reason not to
>mfw firefox now uses 2GB less RAM

what the FUCK are Mozilla doing?

>browser.cache.jsbc_compression_level 3
It compresses the cached scripts, less bloat, possibly faster?
I have disabled it, restarted firefox. I feel no performance improvement.

Well, how do you measure the difference? I'm on linux. Firefox has always been snappier.
that's off for a reason
those are mostly poorfag tricks, probably you have a decent computer
It is a mediocre one by today's standard but gets the job done. lol
nta but i looked at it in top before and after. the memory is a lot lower now, but that's probably because it's fresh from the restart.

2.3 12.4 184:05.25 firefox-bin
4.7 12.4 184:05.63 firefox-bin

2.3 8.7 0:55.66 firefox-bin
3.0 8.4 0:56.42 firefox-bin
Can you turn the config on for a minute, and open Firefox with it, so you have a fresh session with the debilitation and check, please?
Linux users probably won't notice any difference because they hardly have any accessibility stuff preinstalled, if any, for Firefox to allocate any memory in the first place and forget to free it (hence no memory leak), whereas Windows and Android do. Not sure about Mac.
5.6   9.4   0:55.58 firefox-bin
3.3 9.5 0:56.66 firefox-bin

i'd say it's a positive to turn it off, even though the performance increase seems small.

another thing that could work as a test is opening
then visiting some intensive mainstream websites and navigating around them with it on/off, see if the memory is significantly different
Fennec has no about:config

abandon mozillas ship
Haven’t seen this in over a decade
Why not?
one day you'll be able to drag slashdot's tab onto the bookmarks bar and it will be added to it with it's favicon as well.
Slashdot has some kind of protection built in, the article text doesn't show up in my RSS feed directly. Maybe that has something to do with it?
maybe but other browsers seem to have no problems with it. if i'm using firefox i have to use a bookmarks.html i made in chrome with just the slashdot link and icon on it. it gets the job done but i feel dirty afterwards. why can't i right click and add the favicon link manually?
Doesn't work. Still gobbles up 500+ Mb for one tab
thanks, disabled it.
Thanks, I'm disabled now.
>ui.prefersReducedMotion 1
>Reduce Motion
I'm assuming I need to create this? It's showing no option searching that.
>about:config tips and tricks thread ?
>>101427467 posted the best source for about:config autism.
goes into great detail about what they do, not just a vague descriptions.
or you could just… not use firefox
containers are my crack, so no, sorry
unless you can recommend me another browser with containers i'm sticking with firefox
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>have to swap to firefags because brave is completely unusable anymore
>have to routinely wipe memory or restart because the browser shits itself and runs like ass after some hours
>clearly not an issue with system resources
And you're telling me it's a fucking accessibility thing that's causing it?
what are you doing to make firefox fail? please post videos and/or urls for us to see why these sites are causing such issues. danke.
I tried it. Librewolf makes the same DNS requests as FF. It's not clear to me what I would be gaining by using it.
Huh. Did this and rebooted to better measure the new RAM usage. Previously, after a reboot firefox was all like, "sry I forgor your session, wanna restore it?" - but now it just gave me back all my tabs without even blinking. Nice.
t. Gentoo
Then again, I did compile a firefox update some hours back and hadn't rebooted since, so could have been that too.
Brave completely shits its pants constantly. If it isn't ghosting with hardware acceleration on, it's making any streaming video service act like you're watching it on a 15 year old laptop or freezing for 15+ seconds at a time, all while everything you look up for that specific issue is some unfixed problem from 4+ years ago.
Who the fuck would use Opera-but-not-Opera-also-it's-still-chrominum?
why are all those delays there?
why not mull?
Might be frame rates or something to prevent unnecessary battery-draining/GPU-overheating rendering. I wouldn't mess with it without knowing exactly what it does.
>I wouldn't mess with it without knowing exactly what it does
me too, that is why i ask
Doesn't that just mean that it's going to start writing the rest of the memory to your disk?
>not using fennec
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thanks but I'm sticking with ungoogled chromium
trannyfox, windows 7, etc. have been dead since like 2012 which is why /g/ clings on to them hard
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I don't have issues with memory leaks, but why is firefox spiking my cpu to 100%? No javascript on the page, not even loading a page. I open firefox up, one tab just the start page with a search bar and links to frequently visited. cpu usage in top is like 120-160%. I've got a 7900x so it's not like I'm on an old device.

I had snap remove the whole thing, then I reinstalled it and it was fine for a week. Today all of a sudden it's going haywire again.

for the little bit that it wasn't going haywire it was at 3% cpu when reading a page and 16-20% for a few seconds while loading a heavy page. Right now I'm using chromium and it's using about 3-5% cpu.

xubuntu 22.04
You can't use linux and expect things to just work.
From 9.xxGB RAM usage to 3.xxGB RAM usage. Thanks so much!
Chrome is shit
Turns out this was already set to 1 somehow, haven't touched about:config in years.
Nobody told you to use Chrome.
7 years in and ngl it mostly does. I barely know what I'm doing and it breaks less than windows
>there are enormous economic incentives for advertisers to try to bypass these countermeasures, leading to a perpetual arms race that we may not win.
What a fucking retarded way to think. Basically saying they gave up to the kikes. That's it, I'm no longer gonna use Firefox. Fucking mozilla being useless and filled with gays.
check about:performance to see what's using cpu. check also about:support to confirm HW_COMPOSITING and WEBRENDER are available/enabled
i wonder if the windows BSOD is still a thing. that was terrifying when i was a windows pleb.
Half a year on Debian stable and it does actually break less than Windows. It even handle my particular broken monitor setup better than Windows did, but that's more a Gnome thing than a Linux thing.
rare and valuable /g/ posts, appreciate you anons
people ITT who say disabling accessibility improved mem/speed is because they restarted to a fresh session. firefox wouldn't have had time to significantly memory leak since thread was posted
retarded fucking board
>blindly gobbling /g/ memes
go back retard
t. retard
it makes a difference, but not a huge one
give me more things to turn off to make ff work better on bentium 3
Holy shit, just tested on a vinesauce youtube video and dragged the video slider thing left and right fast, youtube normally starts throttling the connection quickly but this loads fucking fast on Librewolf! Thanks based OP for warning us!
>disable zoom
Still works for me
>general.autoscroll true
Gives you glider when you click mousewheel

>full-screen-api.warning.timeout 0
No pop-up when you go fullscreen

>browser.sessionstore.collect_session_storage false
Dont allow cache to be stored

>network.cookie.noPersistentStorage true
1. Altough this parameter lies, it should block all cooks to time-outing (4chan for instance refreshes some cooks if you are timed-out less than 10minutes but it could be just visual glitch aswell.. When you launch your brower again you already have 4chan cooks without visiting the website.) (((or maybe this was something else, if you know please tell me)))

>dom.storage.enabled false
>This breaks a normie so use cautiously
2. With this you can short-circuit the whole cookie system all together and enjoy "plain" internet. (4chan doesn't give you even option to captcha anymore etc. so it kinda ruins your browser in https domains.)

I would only recommend dom.storage enabled false iin a primary/secondary browser that you can open links with.
My personal preferences are plain normal firefox with dom.storage.enabled false and then use firefox developer edition for anything else. News websites i open with Tor.
are these disabled on betterfox?
Or alternatively just use Librewolf.
it's not chromium
it's not proprietary

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