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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
>autists spam shit about CRTs and other, older, mostly 2000s tech and that time period
>autists spam "discussion" about their riced configs for their scriptable media players

>there are literally 0 (zero) media players that support my DVD menus on my 2000s DVDs, except for some versions of VLC, some of the time
Have you tried not being poor and actually investing in a bluray player? They're backwards compatible with DVDs and CDs, and have been for years.
do i need to build libplacebo with libdovi for purple videos support?
i know this is hard to understand for loner niggers who dont have any family or friends they interact with, much less a job or a serious hobby, but i cant switch the dvds every time i, or someone else who uses my server, wants to play one of 800 movies
sex sex sex
>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
wrap those rascals.. also vlc.

sudo apt install firejail
sudo firecfg
mkdir -p ~/.config/firejail
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/mpv.profile
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/vlc.profile
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/ffmpeg.profile
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/keepassxc.profile
echo "Less Leaking Secrets Out My Anus"

Repeat the profile creation for anything that should not be leaking anus to the internet. This is especially important with videos shared on DickSword. Many of them are malicious and require daily normalization as they are meant to crash Electron, video players and sometimes execute code via buffer overflows. Minimize the effects of these pranks with Firejail or Bubblewrap.

- https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/firejail

- https://firejail.wordpress.com/documentation-2/basic-usage/
>w--w-w-w-w-welll i actually have friends!!!
this is one of the most pathetic larps of all time

I know my dad would prefer if I just bought him a BD player and a 4K remaster of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly instead of making him autistically scrounge through a server that probably only contains bitstarved miniencodes.
cute anime girls
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From your powers combined ...
we successfully memed them /mpvffmpegyt-dlpg/. it's happening!
>implying everyone over there doesnt already post here

Rate my config.
remember when madVRchad successfully psyoped haasn into implementing polar antiringing? fun times
中出し all 3 of them.
I'll take responsibility as well as I use all 3 regularly.
this is what happens when calls for dropping windows support are not taken seriously.
what does this have to do with the windows boogeyman schizokun
Why do some YouTube vids, especially livestreams, keep pausing and buffering every few seconds when I stream them with mpv but play perfectly fine in browser/app even in higher resolutions?
because ffmpeg is a failure of a project that is completely profit motivated in 2024
What's the easiest way to trigger the OP?
what's wrong with the script in its current state? its fairly trivial for people to just add it to your scripts folder and it just works.
In other words ffmpeg is trash as usual

SAAAAAAAR please do the needful and merge the meme filters
Is it actually any good tho? How has there literally been no comparisons posted in these threads? WE HAVE THESE THREADS EVERY DAY!!!!
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ill answer my question, yes
>Is it actually any good tho?
no. the model is trained for deblocking and denoising because its original usecase is youtube videos with terrible bitrate
ikatube doesn't have this problem
>Not tested
nina sexo
Sony just canned their Optical Media division and ended Blu-Ray production.
It works fine as far as I can tell. Just needs some sane filtering system so you don't add garbage files.
pls need autoloads same_type and recursive mode options
also only load the same file extensions as autoload
imagine the CVEs
If you open catbox/file.mp4 it loads every single virus on catbox.
It's not any different than opening a directory.
what happens when you load up the bbw webms though like the previous autoload vulnerability?
The irony, when nu-mpv will have a CVE due to autoload while mpv 0.29 won't
And there are literal warnings in the manual to not do that for everything lmao.
What? A local directory is a safe playlist. The only things that are unsafe are certain web protocols which aren't loaded by default. The PR changes none of that. It's literally the same code that handles "mpv path/to/dir".
Sir, post your yt-dlp config.
This is the config I use for videos. I don't even have FFmpeg installed and I use VLC, but it just works.
-o "%(webpage_url_domain)s/%(uploader_id)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s" 


please censor ik*tube and all other chinosoft in this thread, we don't give free advertisement to malware distributors
Why just put the videos in your home directory?
anti pattern
speed changes without dropping frames are undoable
yt-dlp puts the file in whatever directory you run the command in, dummy
Reminder that dan never delivered
dan's vsync solution was to literally just turn mpv into madVR.
The option should not be whether to autoload the playlist but whether to autoplay the next file from the autoloaded playlist.
--keep-open already exists retard
Now we just need to meme yes into being default and mpv will finally behave like a normal media player.
--keep-open has zero to do with anything.
it does, keep-open=always already prevents autoplaying playlists. that's the entire reason it even exists
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>I got baited by na-na-hi into doing it
>mpv will finally behave like a normal media player.
what media player are you referring to. vlc advances to the next file in the playlist by default too
most people use vlc as a music player
how can i copy subtitle styling from .ass file to the mpv config? i want srt / webvtt subtitles to look like those on the .ass file. i've tried
but it didn't do anything
That would be a poor choice seeing as vlc 3 doesn't support gapless audio but that didn't answer my question.
with the default as no mpv closes when it reaches the end of the last file in the playlist
extract and open in aegisub, then copy the options over. the only thing you need to keep in mind is that mpv's options assume 720p playres while aegisub is 1080p playres, so you have to just correct the values accordingly
using vlc in general is a poor choice but it doesn't stop people really. also i thought the mobile version had gapless audio just fine
Not the same thing, that applies all playlists.
If I explicitly open a playlist I obviously want to play it as a playlist.
But if I open a single file I don't by default want the next file to play but it's always nice to be able to press a button to go to the next file.
the normie friendly pseudo-gui mode doesn't do that
>with the default as no mpv closes when it reaches the end of the last file in the playlist
what's wrong with that exactly? mpv is not a single instance program, it doesn't need to stay open when it's done
I'm pretty sure it didn't have gapless until VLC 4.
then don't use autoload? i can't help your retardation anon. there's no program on the internet that behaves like this.
This is just an autoprofile bro. I'm not going to write it for you.
just disable keep-open for playlist files then you mouthbreathing mongoloid. it's extremely trivial to have an autoprofile for playlist files
what if I wanted to rewind and watch something again
play-dir=- is a hack, no valid usecase. this isnt a VCR player
Watch again? Unheard off. What's next? wanting the play button to play it again without having to seek back to the start of the file first?
meanwhile, mpc-hchads when there's a bug:
>"hey mpv, show me x.mkv"
>x.mkv plays and hits eof while im doing something else on the side
>mpv stays open in the background this entire time
>do this 5 more times with different files
>now i have 5 instances of mpv in the background that i need to waste my time to terminate myself
It should be the default behavior because it's obviously intuitive and right.

Why would any user want the play next button to do nothing instead of playing the next file? What people don't want is the autoplay when they are opening a single file.
>no file next in the playlist
>mpv should magically conjure up another file when I press play-next because (????)
Because I want to play the next file.
Add it to your playlist
>It should be the default behavior because it's obviously intuitive and right.
no it isn't

>Why would any user want the play next button to do nothing instead of playing the next file? What people don't want is the autoplay when they are opening a single file.
if you didnt queue another file then why would the next button do anything? user error as usual
Queuing are for preplanning things. Buttons are for things to happen when you press them.
the buttons are for navigating your playlist. if you didnt make a playlist then there's nothing to navigate. its honestly that simple. PEBCAK

Your thought process makes no sense. It's a good thing mpv has the right philosophy of being scriptable and extendable so random autists can configure whatever bizarre behavior they want without it burdening core code.
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>It's a good thing mpv has the right philosophy of being scriptable and extendable so random autists can configure whatever bizarre behavior they want without it burdening core code.
and this is why autoload should remain an external lua script
Kasper has 90% of the feature implemented in under 50 lines. It's fine. Back when wm4 rejected this, it would have undoubtedly been far more work and burdensome.
There's nothing bizarre about a button to play the next file, that's why autoload is a popular script, the whole issue with making it default is the autoplay-next aspect, so make THAT an option.
wait, you guys telling me that video players can't fucking read a video file without accidentally executing embedded code in it ? how is this even fucking possible ?
next file in what exactly? there's no playlist. there's no next file.

you're replying to a bot

linuxbros... it's over...
>next file in what exactly? there's no playlist. there's no next file.
>is the autoplay-next aspect
you are the only person that wants this. And you can have it. Just make the autoprofile. mpv doesn't need to write a custom option for one autist on /g/
retard, cleanse yourself from the genepool
>If the video is not on the filesystem (but e.g. http://), this expand to an empty string.
which one of you frauds wants to become an mpv contributor today
Everyone wants this except you actually.
wm4 is rolling in his grave right now
??? what do you think this should be then
he's talking about the typo. become the king of the doc commits right now
damn I didn't even notice
>open 01.flac
>autoload picks up the rest of the album
>mpv shouldn't advance to 02.flac after 01.flac is done but pause because some weirdo on /g/ thinks this makes sense
i think mpv is fine the way it is, please stop trying to change it
It should if you want it to but maybe you just want to listen to 02.flac and not the rest of the album. Maybe after you've listened to 02.flac you want to skip forward to track 05.flac by pressing > three times.
If I only wanted to listen to 02.flac, I wouldn't have loaded the entire album in my playlist.
imagine being so much of a poser that you don't listen to entire discographies
> there's no program on the internet that behaves like this.
Default hotkeys in MPC-HCs btw
Shouldn't it just be "e.g. http" too. but e.g. doesn't sound right.
Playlists in mpv used to be horrid until recently. Reminder that by default mpv used to recursively open directories which is obviously insane until it was fixed like a year ago.
The biggest issue with MPC is audio normalization or whatever you call it. I've tried absolutely everything, but one line in my mpv config and it's absolutely perfect.
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I went back to MPC-HC a few weeks ago to try out a new update and I actually found the fact that it doesn't autoplay the next entry in the directory kinda jarring since it already auto-creates playlists.

Media players don't need to be file pickers, there's no reason not to treat the directory as a playlist if you're already gonna queue the files. I prefer how mpv behaves currently especially since it handles mixed media a lot better, and autoload.lua offers some nice customization that other players don't. If you want mpv to be a file picker, there are already some scripts that allow you to launch an OpenFileDialog.
>Reminder that by default mpv used to recursively open directories which is obviously insane
no, it makes sense
>I went back to MPC-HC a few weeks ago to try out a new update and I actually found the fact that it doesn't autoplay the next entry in the directory kinda jarring since it already auto-creates playlists.
You can turn it on
>after playback
lmao what the fuck is this shit. who wants this? This is a win for mpv because some retard could make a script that runs a shutdown command instead of developers wasting time dong this.
Makes sense for putting something one you know you will fall asleep to.
>open up anime folder
>rape my hard drive by loading up tens of thousands of files all at once for no actual reason
it was objectively dumb
I know but I'm just saying it should be the default behavior if MPC-HC is already going to treat directories as playlists.
>watch video
>except you don't watch it and go to sleep instead
what is wrong with you. just sleep bro
I need help for motion interpolation
tscale=oversample too sharpened and it has like ghosting effect.
too blurred on IPS so I need tscale config that can heal the shitty IPS monitor.
I currently use
MPC-HC used to have an issue where if you didn't disable Clipping Protection in the LAV splitters, downmixed audio would keep getting quieter and quieter every time there was a loud section in a movie. It was quite hilarious because whenever I was watching anything with a friend, I would have to keep boosting my system audio, but unmaintained bugs like that are ultimately why I stopped using MPC-HC.
don't use interpolation, wtf
you either configure mpv to use VRR, or if your monitor lacks it, you configure mpv to autochange to whatever refresh rate matches your video content (you may need to add those manually)
should I change video-sync too? Also I have GSYNC is it ok?
there's nothing wrong with interpolation
>should I change video-sync too?
yes, for VRR you want

>Also I have GSYNC is it ok?
any sort of vrr will work
you need to ensure that its turned on for your monitor (windows display settings and gpu driver settings)
you also need to ensure mpv is allowed to use VRR (gpu driver settings)

and finally you may need to do frame doubling manually in mpv, to get around VRR limits

to expand a little on that last point, most kinds of VRR work from certain fps and up, eg 40 to <monitor max hz>
but video content is most often 24fps (brit content is 25fps, and really only youtube stuff is 30/60fps)
so as a result, if your monitor doesn't have vrr from 0 fps, or LFC (low framerate compensation, basically doubling fps to allow vrr to work at low fps), then you need to do it manually from mpv
what that looks like is adding conditional profiles based on fps and then adding a vf filter that doubles/triples/whatever the fps

eg for typical 24fps content on a 60hz monitor, you'd do vf=fps=fps=48/1.001 (the division by 1.0001 compensates for the fact that its not exactly 24fps, its 23.something)

you could also try to not just double fps, but go for the largest multiple that falls within your monitors capability.
eg for a 165hz monitor, you'd do vf=144/1.001 for 24fps content and vf=150 for 25fps content
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interpolation is gay, and so is ur mom. and ur dad is lesbian. and your granny's a tranny. in fact, your entire family tree is lgbt.
RIFE is really good. interpolation is necessary nowadays especially since low-response time displays like OLEDs are starting to gain popularity in the mainstream market. you can't use LCD motion blur to hide shit panning shots anymore.
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anon, your gayness knows no bounds
nothing i said is false though. if you like jerky motion then be my guest but we don't live in the era of shitty low contrast LCDs anymore. OLEDs literally have a response time of less than 1ms
i like my shit to look how its intended to look. if that's 24fps, then i want to watch at 24fps.

regular interpolation, the kind mpv can do on the fly, is SHIT.
and RIFE, or whatever other fancy ass ML based shit they come up with, looks better sure, but its still interpolation, its still not what the content was intended to look, originally.

also, i don't want my gpu to be at 100% load, making noise and heating my room up, just because im watching something on mpv. if it can even do it all, that is. what kind of gpu do you need to run RIFE on the fly, even? 4080?
You don't need more than 24fps
how do you use it with mpv? it links mpv_lazy but it's all in chinese.
>muh original intended look
anon, you're literally never going to experience the film in the way it was intended, aka the way it was shot on the film reel. by simply saying this you've already conceded the argument to me. this is the entire reason why boomers waste their retirement funds on home theaters

you're supposed to get the most out of the content as appropriate for your display, and no one wants to watch a jerky mess on a low-response time display that exhibits no innate ghosting to hide the temporal artifacts. so you have to introduce interpolation into the mix to get rid of temporal artifacts.

load it via vapoursynth
Anime is 8 fps because they're cheap and it's animated by koreans in sweat shops.
Lots of people shitting on ffmpeg in this thread, what's wrong with ffmpeg?
based paul isn't in it anymore. use librempeg
librembeg superseded it and actually has worthwhile development that isn't profit motivated. paul also actually cares about his users and responds to bug reports. no one wants ffmshit anymore
I don't need your dumb meme garbage. Set the monitor to an integer multiple and it looks perfect. Interpolation is bad and looks unnatural.
And it looks great
are they librempeg based mpv for wincock?
stop being a winfaggot
no wincock is more productive
>Set the monitor to an integer multiple and it looks perfect
all this solves is judder, it doesn't solve temporal stuttering caused by low response times. you are ignorant on this issue and you simply "got" your opinion from an eceleb who doesn't understand the problem that interpolation solves.
>all this solves is judder
all you need
you didnt even know the difference between pulldown judder and low response time induced stutter before my post. hence why you conflated both of them in your initial reply

you're either a poorfag or just stupid. either way, you dont have any authority in this subject and shouldn't be giving false information to anons in this thread
>low response time induced stutter
This is not an actual problem. Again, 24 fps is fine.
anon-chan thank you so much! sometimes my fps wents 48-72 i guess its ok? Thanks
>This is not an actual problem
t. poorfag stuck on a 500:1 CR office monitor from 2006

again, no authority on this subject. if your display has fast GTG pixel speeds then it will have low motion blur, meaning that you will see low frame rate stuttering much easier. this is just fact and its an issue the interpolation was designed to fix. you can poorfag cope all you want in this thread but don't mislead other anons
Oh please get over yourself. People have watched cinema just fine at 24fps for decades and enjoyed it. In fact 48fps hobbit was hated by nearly everyone who fell for it. There is nothing wrong with the low frame rate. It is aesthetically pleasing. Don't project your personal autism people.
you can do the profile, fps=blabla stuff i mentioned to stabilize it
but yes, it sounds like its working already.
you're literally on NPC bot mode right now and just throwing out random factoids that are completely unrelated to anything I've said.

because yes, obviously people in movie theaters were watching The Hobbit from a tiny 60 inch OLED consumer TV... you're actually beyond stupid and have no idea what im talking about.
Your argument is essentially that that low frame is secretly bad and we just didn't notice it because technology didn't improve enough until recently to eliminate ghosting. But this is absurd because we all lived through CRTs already unless you're a zoomer I guess. If I misinterpreted something, please correct me but otherwise all you've done is spout your personal opinion on the aesthetics of frame rates as if it was a fact.
your argument is low frame rate is good because people are used to it. correct me but otherwise all you've done is spout your personal opinion on the aesthetics of frame rates as if it was a fact.
Every single attempt at trying something other than traditional frames have failed. It's what most people like. Just accept it. don't be mad that people enjoy 24fps and don't want interpolation. That was all I was saying. It is not some unbelievable thing.
frame rates*
retard throwing out random factoids again. even though CRTs don't suffer from motion blur in the way the term is used for digital monitors (GTG pixel speeds), phosphor persistence still effects motion on CRT displays.

this is not me btw and i dont care about what arbitrary framerate the movie is shot at, the issue is how to make it not look like shit on modern displays that have low motion blur
Your complaint is specifically "temporal stuttering caused by low response times". CRTs have incredibly low response times with little to no motion blur. Nobody thought you needed interpolation to "fix it". It looks good. If the claim is that OLED response times are lower enough to actually be noticeably different on this front, I would be highly skeptical to say the least because all numbers I have ever seen said they are on par.
you fucking troglodyte. trying to conflate digital displays to analog displays is beyond moronic, and i already gave one (but not the only) reason for why CRTs can have high motion clarity while also not suffering from low framerate stuttering. there are some vsync methods that try to emulate the per-line beam racing of CRTs but they're all completely conceptual.

this is the last reply you get mongoloid. im not here to teach you how displays work or how motion blur is measured on digital monitors.
Go back
The question of alleged stuttering is not directly related to digital vs analog displays. It has to do with the response time of the display. What exactly causes the response time obviously differs depending on the panel technology but the fundamental fact of "faster response time = more stutter" does not change. Again, CRTs have incredibly low response time. This is not a new thing that just happened recently.

>i already gave one (but not the only) reason for why CRTs can have high motion clarity while also not suffering from low framerate stuttering
If you meant phosphor persistence, CRT TVs typically had very low phosphor persistence precisely because it was geared towards watching TVs/movies. That was more of a thing for computer monitors. Again, people enjoy the way it looked. It's not some crazy insane thing.

>here are some vsync methods that try to emulate the per-line beam racing of CRTs but they're all completely conceptual.
I don't why you threw this out there. It's completely unrelated to your chief complaint of slow response times of LCDs which is due to the underlying technology.
>using VRR when most monitors can't even exactly match 24/1.001
but they can match 48/1.001
yeah and the amount movies that are 48/1.001 are... uh.. oh...
anon, did you even read the post you replied to?
i explained, quite simply i think, exactly how to do frame duplication to solve this problem.
frame duplication doesn't suddenly make the content you're watching into a true 48/1.001 movie...
yes, it does.
it still LOOKS the same as it did, because you're not interpolating anything, just showing each frame twice
but the framerate does become exactly 48/1.001
you can't be serious right now. im being trolled
try it, you insufferable faggot. i have, and it works.
no judder, passes the 1sec exposure text with the rtings 24p test video, and the monitor says 48hz as well.
and then kys.
oh god you're actually being serious
what you're calling insane should be brought back as an option at least.
now, if you quit playing a directory with sub directories from terminal, you can't easily go back to (at least close to) were you were simply by looking at the exited playlist position.
could the user have saved on exit?
are there scripting workarounds?
of course.
but the whole point is that one might exit without intention or pre-plans to resume later.
Subaru sex
What the fuck is this fucking GIBBERISH?
Speak English.
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>subaru OP
Funnily enough there's actually a blurbusters topic on this exact thing (though in the context of fixed integer refreshrates, same concept as LFC since VRR LFC behaves like an impulsed display) and the conclusion is pretty much that simple frame duping wouldn't fix the double/triple/quadruple image effect while scrolling.


The only solutions are either generating new frames with interpolation, or using a 24Hz mode.
Is there a way to parse yt-dlp to see what kbs an audio file will be before you rip it?
this but mpv.net (i am retarded)
yt-dlp -F <url>
this is better:
yt-dlp --format -
Just to clarify, I'm not looking for the size of the file but for the kbps of the audio, I'd like to grab ones that are at least above 128 kbps.
look at the ABR column
is the ABR a 1:1 to kbps or is there a conversion here?
>A local directory
Which isn't the same as "a directory".
stop usurping me
Why does this trannyware deserve it's own general ?
basedjak appreciation thread
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she's right
no one deserves any thing, you entitled prick
Everyone can post what they want
It literally is an option. 5 seconds in the manual is all it takes to avoid looking stupid.

What are you even saying. Again, that is literally the code that handles "mpv path/to/some/directory". If you mount some stupid webshare on your machine and play it back, that is your problem not mpv's. The PR in question does not change anything on this front.
If rupa is android, what's tomo?
kasper being bullied by michael niedemeyer as we speak
>It literally is an option. 5 seconds in the manual is all it takes to avoid looking stupid.

Two notes:

* I refuse to admit stupidity. This a failure of the english language, because I was searching for "recurse", but that 'e' at the end caused no matches because the manual only contains the words "recursive" and "recursively".

* More relevantly and seriously, while the wording is maybe technically correct, the behavior is unexpected because it only recurses the first opened directory, or in technical terms, at directory open time, not playlist open time. So, if I pass `mpv --directory-mode=recursive folder[1-10]`, only folder1 is initially recursed. What I, and I would expect, anyone who sets this expect and want would be full playlist recursion. Now, that behavior may have never existed before, but if we are going to have the option, at least make it fully useful.
why is dlp such a dyke
>What are you even saying.
Not all directories are local directories.
mpv never worked like that. The second directory hasn't been opened yet so it was not expanded. This is entirely inline with how the option is documented.
Thanks for the tip. I didn't know about firejail.
I like mpv-webm. It works as advertised, and the UI was reasonably intuitive.
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How to get mpv/yt-dlp to stream this
It's behind paywall, but the actual video is being streamed from this link
Any ideas?
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The negatives of exact timing? Using standard CVT result is like 60.001 btw
anyone know why mpv use my secondary monitor has primary display to scale fullscreen?

[vo/gpu-next/x11] Display 0 (DisplayPort-0): [1200, 0, 3760, 1440] @ 59.950550 FPS
[vo/gpu-next/x11] Display 2 (HDMI-A-0): [0, 0, 1200, 1600] @ 60.000000 FPS
[vo/gpu-next] Window size: 1200x1600 (Borders: l=0 t=0 r=0 b=0)
[vo/gpu-next] Video display: (0, 0) 384x128 -> (0, 600) 1200x400

So, with this, can I create `same_type=yes` and `images=no` behavior from the script for example? What about the `directory_mode` option? I don't want it to recursively look in directories.
>>101430965 (me)
Well, it doesn't look recursively right now anyway from what I understand...
--directory-mode=<auto|lazy|recursive|ignore> https://mpv.io/manual/master/#options-directory-mode
> So, with this, can I create `same_type=yes` and `images=no`
--autocreate-playlist=same --autocreate-playlist-image-exts=""
the CVT-RB formula will automatically adjust stuff like front porch, horiz/vert sync pixels, and will make sure the total display timings fall into CVT spec. it's just safer and more ideal than manual retiming but there's nothing stopping you from manually retiming the display to get exactly 60.0000000000...Hz either. If you don't notice any issues then manual retiming is fine, but if you do notice jittering then CVT-RB is safe and will probably solve your issue

no two-pass VP9. making webms directly with ffmpeg is so simple that you don't ever need an external script that uses mpv's encoding mode.

so much bloat here. even if this gets implemented i think im just going to keep using autoload just because controlling autoload on runtime with --script-opts is more robust
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How do I at least get to the actual vimeo page and not the embeded page?
It's less lines of code and doesn't spawn an additional thread but sure
Is there any scripts that shows the tags for a video?
I noticed most youtube videos embed channel name and URL in tags.
Nice. We're getting there.
page 5 of the stats screen
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I already use mpv with my paid Jazzradio and Rockradio account
Now I need Winamp style visualizations for my music
>no two-pass VP9
you sure?
also isn't the script just calling ffmpeg?

Redd*t typing
I am noob.
I want to play HDR movies on my SDR monitor, because I don't have a backlight.
What is the best config?
Currently I'm using madVR but it kind of is grey.
two pass VP9 has been disabled for ages because they weren't able to resolve an issue with the script. literally just look at the commit history or just make a VP9 webm yourself, you'll see that the script doesn't do a first pass before encoding

no the script is using mpv's encoding mode
madVR is peak in video quality. only use mpv if you want everyone to have a jaundice skin tone
I seem to have 4 only.
>Redd*t typing
hiro started adding <wbr> tag to all posts.
Which make it look like leddit typing on phones.
libplacebo has purple videos as a feature???
tone-mapping=bt.2446a i think
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He seems like a cool guy ngl
first of all, set your monitor to 100% brightness (feel free to look into a way to do this programmatically, so its only when mpv is on)

then, add this to your config:
target-peak=<your monitor's max brightness in nits>
target-contrast=<your monitor's contrast, generally around 1000 if ips, 3000 if VA>

if you followed the advice about maxing out your monitor brightness, you may end up with sdr being way too bright (if your monitor can do significantly more than 300 nits)
to remedy this, add the following to your config:
profile-desc= SDR content
profile-cond=p["video-params/primaries"] and p["video-params/primaries"] ~= "bt.2020"
profile-desc= HDR content
profile-cond=p["video-params/primaries"] and p["video-params/primaries"] == "bt.2020"

basically, inverse-tone-mapping will correctly map SDR content to its intended brightness, ~200nits when you're playing SDR on a very bright monitor. and the second profile assures its off when playing HDR, because i noticed that leaving it on caused brightness fluctuations.

you may also wanna add this keybind to your input.conf:
ALT+t cycle-values tone-mapping "spline" "bt.2446a"; show-text "Tmapping: ${tone-mapping}"
this binds alt+t (obv can be whatever keybind you want) to chance between spline and bt2446a. i've found that most of the time, bt2446 is fine, but with shittily mastered content, spline is better.

you should also make sure you're not interpolating, as it sucks ass. either use VRR, or autospeedwin + nircmd to autochange refreshrate to some integer multiple of video fps. if going with the latter option, you may also need to add more refresh rates with CRU to your monitor, eg if its a 60hz panel you'll need to add 48hz and 50hz modes.
anyone who daily drives gentoo is mentally unsound
HWAT! Where did he say that?
he's on opensuse these days
how new? his gentoo config and dotfiles were basically a cargocult on /g/ for anyone who wanted to get into the /g/entoo meme
Lurk more faggot
Umm like a year:)
hwdec is unnecessary
Kek Lord Miles is always a blast, crazy guy.
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choppy frames are the gayest
No this is ESPECIALLY bad. Something's wrong here.
yes 24p video is an abomination
This one is pretty bad but in general 24fps is just garbage and all the boomers and hipster faggots that settled on that should be shot out back.
interpolation looks bad and weird. 24p looks good.
said no one
i said it
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>turn on interpolation
>looks like shit
>turn it off
>looks good
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Yeah lurk more you retarded newfag
For newfags it would be "actually lurk for once" since they've never lurked a single time

All newfags are underage or zoomers incapable of doing research

ye, either its touched up or just very bad directing






understand this, interpolationfags: you have lost
every good TV from now to the end of time will be programmed to display 24p content without judder
every movie will continue to be made in 24p
every tv show will continue to be made in 24p
every high refresh monitor ever made will have a 120hz(or 240hz) mode specifically for 24p content

its over. its been over for a long time. 24p won and it was easy. the opposing forces were raped, tortured, killed, and buried with galons of cum still overflowing from their dead, stretched orifices. this is you. you are the semen filled, disfigured corpses of losers. and now you're sucking dicks in hell for eternity.
my TVs motion interp is amazing, i use the natural setting and it's basically perfect

didn't read but i can tell you just had a complete meltdown
doubt, every TV interpolation I've ever seen looks horrid.
schizo fuming out of his semen drenched mouth
maybe its because i dont use old displays but this new 120hz miniled i have has amazing motion interp. all i have to do is tweak local dimming, change gamma to bt.1886 and change color temperature to 6500k. and it's perfect. no soap opera effect and no 24p stutter. its a life saver
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imagine if ffmpeg had multithreaded minterpolate support so that it could be run with --vf on mpv

it would be so good
interpolation on cpu, ew
haasn is working on his own native version. ETA is two more weeks.
unfortunately many essential video processing related stuff is currently CPU-only

i thought haasn's entire motive with libplacebo was to make these into hardware-accelerated GPU filters, such as vf_bwdif_vulkan, but libplacebo doesn't even have hardware-accelerated IVTC or decimate filters yet
libplacebo doesn't have anything except color conversion. All copied from mpv.
GPU coding is a shitmess, you don't need more than software rendering
I was looking into enabling subtitles automatically with yt-dlp on mpv whenever I open a video.
I did a bit of googling and found these mpv.conf parameters:

They work, but each line is pasted 5 times on my screen instead of 1.
What gives?
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Disregard, I'm retarted.
The instant I commented out the 3rd line thinking that it would disable the whole thing, everything started to just work. I open a YT video on mpv through yt-dlp and the subs are enabled, and they look normal too.
Coreimage doesn't have this problem. Quicktime chads just keep winning.
Actually, let me change the question while I'm at it.
Is there a way to enable automatically generated subs for videos that don't have subs at all?
quicktime has IVTC? maybe i should switch...
How would you download highest m4a audio in combination with highest bitrate video? Something like:

yt-dlp -S 'br+bestaudio[ext=m4a]' URL

I've tried different combinations of the quotes or the 140 code, and I've looked through the manual and stackexchange but I couldn't find anything.
what are the chances that this will be memoryhole'd like the Media Control PR?
hwdec is not efficient for 1080p h.264

but what about 1080p hevc?
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Anyone please?
does searching for 'master.json' or 'playlist.json' in the dev console network tab show anything when you play the video
Yeah, playlist.json shows up.
What do I look for?
copy that url and try this or one of the other solutions in the thread
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If I get you right, then yes, HEVC can decode the fastest. However, the figures are for 1080p30 and 8 bit material directly from Nvidia for datacenter cards. The gap will be closer for high bit depths that commonly get used in hobbyist encodes online.
I tried everything in that thread, nothing worked.
The only thing I didn't is IDM.
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> want to learn what the difference between bitrate and samplerate is
> ask bot
> get pic
Does download, but I want to stream it.
samplerate is the number of samples per second
bitrate is the number of bits per second
does mpv deband before or after scaling?
Is there something for mpv that keeps a log of URLs that I watched?
can you share the playlist url
ctrl+f history
>ctrl+f history
Which one?
I used simple history but it stopped working
the method I linked works, it's just your url was missing
at the end. you can find the video ID if you run this:

curl -s <playlist url> | jq -r '.video.[0].id' | cut -d '-' -f 1

so now this plays for me:

mpv "https://vod-adaptive-ak.vimeocdn.com/exp=1721237364~acl=%2Fb0b47ba2-d707-4f78-acb1-8f6a5813c26d%2F%2A~hmac=76a6942111528e0fbd0b5e29b20099c75c5ed5a697472442a5a72184b083496c/b0b47ba2-d707-4f78-acb1-8f6a5813c26d/parcel/video/68b4a592.mp4"
Ah, thanks man.
I probably make a bash script for this, eventually.
You can't change quality though, right?
Or I assume I have to change the quality and get the corresponding playlist json.
Why doesn't yt-dlp solve it?
yw. if you get rid of the '0' in the jq command you'll get extra ids for lower quality streams.
Does yt-dlp have option to retry on download break/end. To dump whole live stream, even if it is interrupted.
Yeah, I noticed.
There's object with H and W.
No wonder I kept failing, I was using the whole ID instead, not the first part.
Also I noticed the initiate segment uses obfuscation with multiple A's
I have this in mpv.conf

But it fails if the streams doesn't have the 480 format.
I'd like it to downfall to the best if nothing is found.
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Thank me later
-- battery.lua
local utils = require 'mp.utils'

function get_battery_level()
local command = {"sh", "-c", "cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity"}
local result = utils.subprocess({ args = command })

if result.error or result.status ~= 0 then
mp.msg.error("Failed to get battery level: " .. (result.error or "unknown error"))

local battery_level = tonumber(result.stdout:match("%d+"))
if battery_level then
mp.osd_message("Battery level: " .. battery_level .. "%")
mp.msg.error("Failed to parse battery level")

mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+shift+t", "battery_level", get_battery_level)
Yes or no?

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