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It's a pseud board. Midwits go there to pretend they're smart by linking to Caltech. Just like this place is full of PhDs larping as retards (there may be some exceptions)
I fucking [extra detailed human heart, red] science.
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Sorry, OP here. Wrong pic attached.
>why do astrophysicists think they are experts on astrophysics
>they probably thing the earth is round too, opinion dropped
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Nah bruh, there's no curve. I've already gone through all the equations and like, yeah there's no way we're living on a ball. The trig gets super complex and stuff but there's these guys that go through it all on youtube and dude if you watch all that and you still believe NASA and masonic ball earth lies then wow I don't know what to say bruh. They're lying to you, get the truth today and you can just watch it on youtube.
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It's the other way around. On /g/, you're going to be called
>dunning-kruger retard
for merely having a different opinion to other LARPer, which is usually followed by
>I accept your concession
when you inevitably get tired of posting actual arguments and call him a niggerfaggot instead
all the other scientists use our code. the data they collect is stored in our data centers. their analysis is processed with our computers. our compilers filter them when they have a contradiction in their hypothesis. the only scientists that can escape from cold hard realism of computational realism are irrelevant theorists. modern science would be nothing without computer scientists
tl;dr but I accept your concession.
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not everyone is a LARPer. the most genuine people here are actually frogposters
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you're not wrong
I'm glad people from HN are there to put is back on the right track. Thank goodness for the intellectual powerhouse that is HN.
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It's linking to an academic document on the subject. Do you understand how link aggregators work?
i think there's intelligent people there. i just hate the reddit-esque hivemind. here someone can say "fuck systemd" and "nigger" and pretentious busybodies can't downvote it away, the only recourse is to ignore or actually engage in debate
A term exclusively used by the legally retarded.
Caltech or HN?
>It's a pseud board
So are most sites on the internet, if you're not here to troll other trolls then you're using the internet wrong.
stuck in the 90s and shitty Startup propaganda
the fuck are you talking about
Read the comments.


Almost all of these assholes pretending to be as knowledgeable as a Cal Tech theoretical physicist.
The users there all see themselves as a future Steve Jobs and and write as if people are going to care what they wrote about 20 years from now.
i always love seething about HN threads because 95% of the criticisms people levy against it can be applied here two-fold and they will fail to see the irony. see literally the first post >>101419181

like seriously imagine 4chan is still the "where le smart people go to act le dumb" place on the internet in current year. maybe that had an inkling of truth in the late 2000s but absolutely not anymore. this place has been overrun with 80 IQ anti-intellectual types for years now and it only gets worse. i cannot remember the last type i read a post on here and genuinely thought "that's actually a good point"
epistemological crisis
I'm really struggling to see what triggered you so hard in this pic that you had to make another worthless thread about it.
for the exact same reason you think you are.
faggotry. plain and simple.
>i cannot remember the last type i read a post on here and genuinely thought "that's actually a good point"
You're in the wrong threads then. Not that this board isn't beyond retarded, delusional and terminally contrarian but there still are glimmers of what this place used to be, however rare they might becoming.
in english, doc?
Jesus fucking Christ I had a stroke there at the end fuck me.
Whatcha doin', Rabbi?
Can you actually elaborate on what the "faggotry" is in the image or is that the best you can do just a random outburst of nonsense like an upset toddler?
like 3 intelligent posts per week
>like 3 intelligent posts per week
Which is still more than I can say for basically any other place online outside of extremely gatekept ones.
>Why do these pretentious faggots think that they're experts on everything?
because they suck cocks, anon. so be careful spending too much time over there or you might start lusting after some meat pole too
nah, HN is actually unironically great for the comments. yes they have a paid janny and yes the autism is turned up to 11 there with novel-length posts but it's nice to read actual discussions instead of racial epithets every other post because the posters are too intellectually stunted to say anything else.
The only difference between HN, reddit and 4chan is here you're allowed to say nigger. The userbase overlaps massively (when looking at tech boards on reddit specifically) and it's all the same pseudo-intellectual retarded drivel just plus or minus the word nigger.
You can find better tech articles by opening google.com on your favorite browser, smashing your head on the keyboard, and then clicking I feel lucky than browsing HN. Orange reddit is overrun by midwit pseuds who sucked so much corporate nigger dick that they lost their gargling reflex.
>i always love seething about HN threads because 95% of the criticisms people levy against it can be applied here two-fold and they will fail to see the irony
/g/ is satire Incase you haven't noticed and no that's not just /b/.
Do you not see all the Maid phone threads?
Do you not see all the Arch Linux threads and really any Linux thread is full blown satire.
Hell, the sticky is full of LARPing and satire.
All you did with your homoerotic post is prove how retarded you /nu/days are.
This. He’s too stupid to get the joke that he likes to repeat.
Cope: The Post.
for this retard post I have infected your computer with homosexuality
/g/ here
you seem to be upset with our superiority
now if you'll excuse me I have to waste my life in a flamebait brand war thread
I was about to reply with a really long well reasoned reply but halfway through I decided that >>101420254 did it better than I could. Anon, you're fucking delusional if you unironically believe people here aren't just cargoculting and in the process exposing how fucking retarded they truly are.
>MFW the Hacker News has more daily active posters than /g/
>MFW the Hacker News only has intelligent mature posters
I can understand why /g/ has been a dead board for a long time!
is coffee good for you?
Despite that
The redeeming factor this place has is that you wont get banned by claiming something
Even if that post gets bombarded by shitposts you can still read some common sense or something useful from time to time
This is what I value most here. In the rare case I actually find something worth replying to beyond shitposting I can freely do that while I can still just as freely call a dumb nigger a dumb nigger and move on to a better thread.
I stopped reading HN when it became mostly a place for ads and repeating posts
While it might be useful for someone to read for the 1000th time about a patch for the zero day vulnerability of XXX its something pretty meaningless to read for most people
>schizoposting is satire
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Correct as always frogfren
It’s a highly refined art form.
>You can find better tech articles by opening google.com on your favorite browser
why would i when i can go to HN and have other people do it for me? also i don't know if you know what google search fucking blows nowadays.

>/g/ is satire
yeah maybe 15 years ago. unfortunately pic related happened and now it's no longer just ironic shitposting. people are shitposting because it's the only way they know how to communicate. being able to say "nigger" used to just be a neat feature of 4chan. nowadays you say it when you can't refute a point because you're a mental midget.
There is a pretty big distinction for people doing it for the lulz and actual schizos. If you were on /x/ a decade ago it was mostly the former, now it's the latter
I don't think they're pretending, you'll find some eggheads there and on slashdot as well. They usually show up in the comments when it's some science related stuff and not your usual tech garbage article. If you want to see some severe Dunning-Kruger, I've got the place made just for you
yeah but you just posted animebait which is something attention starving jewish faggot types do, so i am discarding your opinion with heavy prejudice.
/sci/ is just /pol/ in blue. Wasn't an active board before the raid so the retards found it easy to claim it for their own agenda.
This is what a lot of people don't understand, there is a subtle but ultimately enormous difference between a high effort shitpost and just genuine mental illness. However in the end it doesn't matter anyways since >>101420411 is right.
Come on, there occurs very little debate on 4chan let alone /g/. All counterpoints or counter evidence is always responded to with “da joos”. Science is jewish, media is jewish. Except for the science and media I like, it’s le based.
>Come on, there occurs very little debate on 4chan let alone /g/. All counterpoints or counter evidence is always responded to with “da joos”. Science is jewish, media is jewish. Except for the science and media I like, it’s le based.
Science and media is jooish, tho (see modern physics theories and all major news networks). The only real science that ever existed was that of the white man.
/sci/ operates on chud science. it's a brand new field of science, you wouldn't understand.
>/sci/ operates on chud science. it's a brand new field of science, you wouldn't understand.
Ackyually chud science is a throw back to traditions and mysticism. It sounds more to me like you don't truly understand
i don't even like anime, i just knew if i posted it i'd get a lot of replies. look at the file name, i fucking screenshotted something from google. thanks for the (You) dipshit
>I was pretending to be retarded and gay
NTA, however pretending to be those things is being double those things

So your basically a double nigger faggot
>i cannot remember the last type i read a post on here and genuinely thought "that's actually a good point"
that was yesterday for me
if you're a pussy who can't process data quickly just use some filters
I am pretty sure that ALL tech sites, including /g/, are 80%+ Indian.
/g/ is easily the dumbest board proportional to its subject matter, rivaled only by /sci/ and /his/. The majority of traffic is generals about distro shitflinging, the job market, or some other retarded garbage, and the rest is lazy bait threads. Any sort of insight you’ll find on this place will be found by just searching the archive and mining keywords.
I find that to be the case with almost every tech site. /g/ is exceptionally retarded, but honestly every single public forum for tech related topics is a cesspit of midwit retards. I feel like ~80% of the discourse relating to programming languages is non-programmers.
sounds like you're jealous of my reply-getting ways. thanks for another (You) dipshit.
>I feel like ~80% of the discourse relating to programming languages is non-programmers.
gee ya think? every rust thread is guaranteed to be an incel screeching about trannies. it's a law of nature at this point.
to have* an incel
yeah but that is true even outside of /g/
every single javascript forum is just retards arguing about react
See what I mean: >>101420516
Tech just attracts midwits like nothing else probably because the barrier to entry is way too fucking low nowadays. Any retard able to string together half a dozen frameworks and a few snippets of shitoverflow code thinks he's hot shit and when they find out they don't even understand the most fundamental basics they start screeching, in /g/s case about trannies.
I have 18+ years professional experience with AI/ML, you cannot even begin to imagine how much effort I put into avoiding any thread mentioning it post GPT/SD leak hype. Seeing a bunch of knuckle dragging troglodytes screech buzzwords they don't even understand at each other actually comes with the risk of me dying from second hand embarrassment.
what's OP mad about this time?
>the most genuine people here are actually frogposters
genuine retards you mean. retard.
Hello everyone I am from HN and my pronouns are retard/retardess
Thanks, we would've never guessed!
you'll fit right in here
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i dont get it. people have been saying this for years and using that meme for years
>4chan is dead now
>HN used to be good
>etc etc
>shitposts are now actual unironic retards
i have a feeling people who say this exaggerate, and that retards were always part of the fabric of internet discourse. maybe its true, i dont know, i wasnt around when these things started, but in the years ive been here i haven't noticed a decline, its just the same autistic screeching its always been
Castrated trannies reddit lite site
>but in the years ive been here i haven't noticed a decline
I really don't want to start off by implying any bullshit about you and just ask directly since when have you been here exactly? As in on 4chan in general and /g/ specifically.
>t. filtered by regex
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>i have a feeling people who say this exaggerate, and that retards were always part of the fabric of internet discourse
you want the real reason this sentiment is so pervasive? it's people getting older. everyone and i mean EVERYONE at some point has gone "[thing] used to be so much better. what le happened?????" what they actually mean is that it was good when they were younger and because they are no longer young that it is now bad. just look at the incessant seething over zoomers. it's all butthurt milliennials whose hairlines are receding and who are upset they're no longer the center of attention. we're going to see it again later in the decade when core zoomers starts hitting 30 (and honestly i can't wait for that meltdown because they are going to record all of it on tiktok).
Thanks for the q.e.d. I am using regex (amongst others) you absolute fucking nigger.
i'm calling OP's post faggotry, you ninnie. there's nothing in the image that actually necessitates a whole ass thread for his schizophrenia
got it. i recent my statement then.
>this place has been overrun with 80 IQ anti-intellectual types for years now and it only gets worse
You can just say "Indians" it's ok.
HN is like any upboat site: the median opinion is enforced by consensus. Nevermind consensus is by the average for the average.
found 4chan in 2014, watched it blow up with the 2016 election. back then the main contrarian take was anti-feminism. it was all over the place. ive seen a lot of oldfag posts about how election tourists and reddit refugees ruined 4chan.

ive also seen a lot of oldfag posts about how racism/sexism used to be ironic but isn't anymore, and how everyone is more hostile. i dont know how true that is.

i used to take these post more seriously until i started seeing posts saying the same things, but instead of 2015 being the turning point it was 2020, or something else. at that point i'd been here long enough to know there hadn't been any drastic change.

the only things i can say for certain is that /r9k/ used to have more incels, and /pol/ used to have less bots.
> this place is full of PhDs larping as retards
Found the retard larping as a PhD
>HN is like any upboat site: the median opinion is enforced by consensus
that's true to a degree. HN is far from being as bad as reddit though. you're not going to have your comment deleted for wrongthink. any time it's an article that deals with woke shit there's plenty of highly voted comments that speak out against it. the problem as i mentioned earlier (well, problem to many users of this site) is that you have to be able to express your opinion without racial slurs being every 5th word.

>i dont know how true that is.
it's 100% true. in the 2000s this site was primarily younger gen X/older milliennials. for the most part they were normal people, they just had weird interests. were there the stereotypical neckbeards? of course but they were the minority. 4chan was just a place to blow off steam. again as i said earlier in this thread here >>101420411, saying "nigger" was just a feature of the site and not the primary focus.
/r9k/ is unrecognizable since the pink pill spam shit. A board dedicated to unique posts has turned into one with generals about having sex with your mother and being a “female robot”.
Yeah that makes sense and funnily enough was pretty much the era I figured. I've been here for far too long, long enough to remember when this place was actually good™. You know back when it was still /g/uro. But /g/ as in the "tech" board has been as retarded as it is today basically since it became the tech board give or take a few degrees of retardation. Sure there are phases where /g/ is noticeably more retarded than usual but the real major difference I'd say is that we now have generals instead of 20-60% of the catalogue just being dead threads that belong in /sqt/.
As for /r9k/ it was much different before the supreme gentlemen had a rough interaction with a door, but after that I can't argue that there was a steep drop in quality but that incident just killed the entire fucking board. I haven't been there much since.
But yeah the $currentYear - $x is when the board/4chan died shit is mostly just cyclical since few people have actually been here long enough to witness more than one or two culture shifts on any given board and see the broader trends. There were phases when /b/ was good, there were phases when /g/ was good, hell there were phases when /bant/ was good and so on and so forth. Perspective on this in my experience mostly differs depending on how early people first found 4chan. In my opinion this place isn't even a shadow of what it used to be but what we have is still better than anything else I found out there which is why I keep coming back here every now and then.
Damn what a pointless rambling blogpost.
>Just like this place is full of PhDs larping as retards
Imagine if /g/ really was just a bunch of tired uni professors and top researches calling each other niggers and posting anime desktops to escape their mundane lives kek
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back in my day 4chan was liberal because that was counter culture at the time and meant legalize weed not troon out. ron paul was the goat. get off my lawn
>weekly melodramatic oldfag lamenting thread
this is literally what /lit/ was at its peak (2012-14)
I don't think its oldfags, its some guy really unhappy with orange reddit.
the majority of actually succesful oldfags rode the wave that was a pre 2019 CS degree and left this shithole. What we have left is a bunch of sad old troons unable to move on from peak 4chang, where saying nigger was AKSHUALLY not meant in a racist way.
I don't know anon sounds like you're bitterly projecting again.
>Verification not required.
>succesful oldfags rode the wave that was a pre 2019 CS degree
nope. still here sadly. if anything since i started WFH i've been browsing this place even more. when i first started browsing 4chan at 19 i came here like once/week if that. now that i'm 34 i'm here all the time. fucking hate it. i need a hobby.
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>tfw retard larping as phd larping as retard
go back
Oh cool. I'm a PhD larping as a retard who larps as a PhD. There are levels to this game and you're not on mine.
im steve
>HN is far from being as bad as reddit though
All upboat sites are the same, functionally.
The only thing that changes is the cohort using the site. People copied Slashdot in the nerdsphere. Slashdot had user karma and comment voting. A few years later after the sites that copied Slashdot sprung up, Slashdot's own founder was throwing in the towel because the site had gone to such irredeemable shit.
What changed? Did the thread voting system change? Did the karma change? No. What changed is the selection of users enforcing groupthink in 2002 was radically different from the users enforcing groupthink in 2011.
Is orange reddit worse than reddit proper? Probably not. But is its cohort now so large and mainstream that it's been rendered stupid by an influx of much more average people? Of course it has.
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Diagnosis: heckin based and valid
This, but "ironically"
most of the smart ones went over to lain years ago.
>that /r9k/ used to have more incels
thanks for making me feel old. I still remember when it wasn't yet full of incels. In fact I stopped going there once all the incels came.
This is literally the most niggerlicious and retarded board on the planet. Nobody on this board has a degree or a job. Everyone is a fucking inept sub-85-IQ nigger. Nobody here has their own ideas or opinions. They can only ape what they've seen others say. Arch is their favorite distro because they saw a bunch of people circlejerk around it in some general on here. I think you're one of the niggers. You have to be if you actually think people on here are smart and just pretending to be retarded.
I would go over to Lain but I am, very seriously and unironically, violently homophobic, and I know that the Lains over there wouldn't like that. I don't want to contain it, so I just stay here where I can call everyone who slights me a tranny and don't shit up their chan and culture.
I think the sharty faggots have a modicum of point when they mock oldfags; the language and memes different, but honestly the people here were never very intelligent, and if you go with the flow and appreciate the culture as it washes over you, there's still fun to be had and things to learn.
lain does not contain any boards where your sexuality would matter. You can be as anit- or as pro-faggotry as you want because it wont matter.
Its like an extended /g/ board mostly, with /diy/ /lit/ and /drg/ maybe not being quite on that topic.
I mean that if I catch a whiff of tranny I will break out the mockery because I am an irreverant asshole. My brief time lurking on Lain leads me to believe they don't like that much.
i did not encounter any troon over there. In fact, I did not even encounter any man or woman over there, because its an anonymous image board where the topic is tech and not gender
I tend to associate people I disagree with with things I personally hate so it is easier for me to attack them with an irrelevant strawman. It's a core tenet of a true to the heart retard who can't refute properly.
Personally I keep my deranged shitposting to 4chan and post respectfully on lainchan. But you may be too far gone to accomplish that....
Thank you for voicing out my inner monologue for me, I didn't even have to type all that out.
I did, but it's been awhile since I lurked. I'll check it out again.
>>101422555 (nice trips!)
Just look at the number of You's it got, aint no one with no 85 IQ gonna get y'all worked like in them here parts.
>(there may be some exceptions)
I feel this is a key proviso being frequently missed.
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I've noticed this pattern a lot:

>post fact or contradictory opinion or suggestion politely
>some anon spergs out immediately with insults
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Same reason you and so many others on /g/ do. You're pretentious pseudo intellectual arseholes with shitty fucking opinions and like arseholes you have to let your shitty opinions out sometime.
jblow gave investing advice on there
Do you think there is a coordinated agenda to make this place as unappealing as possible to use, or is it just mouthbreathing retards that infested every board?
Techfags are very prone to this type of overinflated ego. I don't know why really.
wait...the retardation here was unironic?! I thought we were just shitposting!
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There's a coordinated effort to get you to take your meds.
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OP here, posted wrong pic.
>i did not encounter any troon over there. In fact, I did not even encounter any man or woman over there
autistic retard
lainchan is faggot central with censorious faggot mods
It's kind of how for a while economists all made these podcasts about every topic imaginable. Because economists thought they understood *everything* just because they did an intro course on statistics.
It's the most midwit of internet discussion forums. The typical poster there has an IQ in the 110-120 range but thinks they're a genius with special understanding of almost everything. They're incredibly sensitive about appearing to be virtuous by the standards of the dominate cultural trends as promoted by the media. Above all else, it's a board of people whose entire identity is wrapped up in appearing to be smarter than the average person, who they hate intensely.
Some of that applies to this place too but I believe the intelligence range here is wider, with plenty of posters of average or even sub-average intelligence but also plenty of well above average. Midwits are here too but they don't dominate anywhere near as much as they do on HN. My guess is that intelligence here is a bimodal distribution with a slight dip in the midwit range while HN is a bell curve with a mean of 115 and a SD of 5.
>open youtube
>new video about china economy is doomed
>open up video
>after some stock footage a teenager with pimples starts his explanation

everyone is an expert.
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do you understand how news propagation works on forums/social networking sites, right?
That poster literally works at cern. Fuck off faggot op.
i don't think it's just about intelligence, which you allude to when you talk about their desire to be seen as virtuous by media standards. they have a different ideology for genetic reasons so they behave pretty different from us.
that's a result of autists having unrestricted internet access in addition to having very limited social interactions by which to temper their mentally stunted temperaments

again, all criticism that can be doubly applied to /g/
Keep calling it "satire" if that helps you cope with being a brainlet on this board.
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How the fuck would I know? Look, gangster rappers aren't gangsters, okay?
marze is a widely hated faggot on irc.
I only have a bachelors, but otherwise true.
The answer might surprise you
Funny post. It caused me to actually try and count the irony stack, and it hurt my brain so I gave up.
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Extreme cope. This board is an ivory tower for social rejects to lord upon others in the one realm they may be superior: niche tech info. Its all these faggots have, just let them think they are great.
>an ivory tower for social rejects
fantastically apt description. the amount of seething here over "normies" that largely boils down to their inability to conduct a normal conversation without clamming up is insane.
>niche tech info
>this board
Where? Which thread?
danluu is the most pseud drivel I've ever seen, and I ONLY ever see him on hackernews.
Last time I pointed out that all Linux kernel developers pushing hard for Rust in the kernel are actually on Microsoft payroll my comment got flagged.
Can't make that shit up. The place is pozzed as fuck.
>other website posts link to article that is actually technology related
>/g/ - politics, twitter, elon musk and ltt gossip cries, throws a tantrum, and makes a meta thread whining about other website
>it's a fappening/gamergate/electiontard
So you have no clue what you're talking about because you've only ever experienced this site at its lowest points. You've only seen it during the era where a focus on culture wars and srs bsnss was the norm, all memes were just variants of frogs, wojaks, and gigachads, the userbase was opposed to the very topics this site solely exists as a result of, and shitposts got taken seriously enough that entire swarms of literal downies feel they're in good company. You weren't even here when /x/ was about spooky and paranormal stuff rather than /pol/ conspiracy theories, christianity, and retarded new age cults.

There is a coordinated effort to make it miserable. Observe and notice how things that are off topic or tangentially on-topic to a given board get deleted if they're something fun that anons get together and have a good time with, such as animal webm threads on /v/, while tangentially on-topic or completely off topic and irrelevant things like political threads that involve anons getting angry and screeching at each other tend to stay up and archive safely after bump limit.
>posting science news to a links aggregator = being pretentious and thinking that "they're experts on everything"
what the fuck is wrong with people in this board? how neurotic do you have to be to think like this?
is reading science news supposed to be a bad thing now? did you even go to school?
>only place on the internet where you can point out the jews
>this completely buttflusters you
Sounds like the debate is alive here if you're still hearing things you don't want
there's no debate that's being had. you're just blaming a whole race of people because your simple mind craves simple answers.
I'm open to debate those facts, you're not. You are cancer to this site
your headcanon is not reality, incel.
christ no wonder i saw so many threads about IQ during LK99
Touch grass, chud
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Genuinely retarded.
Jews could be here in this post.
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Orange Reddit is fun.
I'm always fucking blown away by how much less retarded and more well behaved /k/ and /diy/ are in comparison to this board
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This place used to be smart and informed. But, not so much anymore. Actually, so was a lot of the internet once. I wonder what happened?
I think it must be that the boards with higher cost of entry have higher posting quality. To get a gun you must be 18 (and not a criminal). To do DIY you must own a house so you must be an adult (and not a young adult in this economy)
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>I have 18+ years professional experience with AI/ML
>This place used to be smart and informed
As someone with over 15 years of programming experience in San Francisco, I find this article absolutely riveting. It's a fascinating intersection of astrophysics and computational science, showcasing the extraordinary potential of high-performance computing [1].

In my career, I've witnessed firsthand how computational techniques have evolved, allowing us to model incredibly complex systems with remarkable accuracy [2]. The level of detail in these cosmic simulations—capturing the dynamics of accretion disks and relativistic jets—is a testament to the advancements in both hardware and software [3].

These simulations require not only theoretical knowledge but also exceptional coding and optimization skills [4]. It’s a remarkable achievement, considering the sheer scale and complexity of the phenomena being modeled [5]. This kind of work reminds us of the profound impact that computational science can have on our understanding of the universe [6].

Kudos to the teams behind these simulations. They exemplify the cutting-edge of what our field can achieve, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and expanding our horizons. It’s discoveries like these that keep the spark alive for many of us in the tech world [7].

[1] www.jcp-journal.com/article/2023-high-performance-computing
[2] www.acr-journal.org/2022-evolution-computational-techniques
[3] www.astro-journal.com/2021-modeling-cosmic-phenomena
[4] www.csq-journal.org/2020-optimization-hpc
[5] www.physics-reports.org/2019-scaling-complexity
[6] www.science-today.com/2018-impact-computational-science
[7] www.tech-innovations.com/2017-boundaries-simulation
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eight-chan /tech/ was good. This was always turd world central here.
that last sentence gave me aids, is this sarcasm?
christ almighty

at least be honest with yourselves, you're here because you can't be arsed to make an account anywhere else or got banned from reddit.
>how much less retarded and more well behaved /k/
/k/ is so well moderated that you get your posts deleted in seconds and get banned for posting images and videos of americans getting btfo, but, guess what, you can post similar images of russians getting btfo and nothing happens...
/k/ is glowie central, in a literal sense.
We are supposed to be fighting silicon valley yuppies together.
>the most genuine people here are actually frogposters
>most genuine people
nope. every single one of you on this retarded site is a bot
They are just looking for random distractions until the next big tech drama crops up.
/prog/ and the other text-only boards were good as well.
Because they tell each other they are all so smart, and those who believe that drivel stay on.
Those with a shred of intellect and integrity will, of course, leave.
>there may be some exceptions
Not the kind that shows intelligence is largely heritable and tends to correlate with ethnicity though.
The original preceptron is like 70 years old now.
I have never browsed this site but the top thread is about a google workspace feature that was implemented. Its a wagie tech forum i guess
Even the end was great, in hindsight.
now you gone and reminded me that n-gate no longer updates.

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