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Moist Contortionist Edition

Previous thread: >>101396253

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


Bing AI Slop (0.7.0)
pastebin.com/raw/0rre6VvS (embed)

Designer AI Slop (0.5.1)
pastebin.com/raw/eUSVC7Ew (embed)

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

>Resetting Boosts
Try clearing your search history at www.bing.com/profile/history

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here: rentry.org/bicedit

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
The related board links are still fucked up, lol.
This thread has a culture of OPs not giving a fuck
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How many dogs in a row gets me into trouble?
Also which of these keywords is most likely to give me a dog, "toned" or "hairy"? I'm guessing both.
It doesn't track the number. The dog isn't just blocking nudes. It also tries to block just mutant results. All error messages are lies.
>All error messages are lies
So kinda like IRL
Your reaction when all 4 eyes blink, slightly out of sync?
I wonder how hard it would be to sculpt this
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"bucolic" keyword is giving me some nice landscapes
There is AI to turn pictures into 3d models. Might need more than one angle though.
There was speculation a while back in a /v/ thread that the dog is actually a way to reduce processing load. the image recognition algorithm will stop the process on an early iteration of the render if it looks like it may possibly sort-of result in a bad image.
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disregard the half baked characters
It's good term, I've used it before.
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i would squish that frog if I saw it hopping around somewhere
Actually I meant to clean up the OP, both slop scripts need to get updated and the resetting boosts part should be removed (or substituted with the old suggestion of reloading the page when generating without boosts, I'm not sure). Lately I'm never around at the right moment, though.
Post-generation filter shouldn't get you into trouble, it's only using blocked words that can result into a ban, but in my experience they're short term ones (like 2 hours IIRC), at least if it just happens occasionally.
Same, but admittedly I usually append it towards the end of the prompt where it may or may not matter, it depends on how long the prompt is.
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It's kinda fucked how easy it is to get himbos compared to female bodies, what kind of gay world do Americans live in really
One where female body is HARAM. Burqa prompts only.
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Who do you call himbo, you bald spe?
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It's six foot eight.
you're a big frog
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It did a green nigga too
apocalyptic bump
Just chilling.
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I'm starting to give up on this prompt. The main issue I have is that I want nostrils/nose not much more than flat dots, like a fish or shark or even a reptile or something. Just a nose that was clearly not human

The problem was I also wanted teeth shaped like an otter's, and when I tried working that in, her nose turned otter-like more often than not

Weirdly enough, I've gotten closer when it was just the mermaid by itself
Have you tried terms like "snout"? I know I had to use that when i wanted to put a pig nose on a human face.
Yeah, I've used "snout". I think I uploaded some gens with that, but I lost track of which was which a while back. It helps a LITTLE bit, but I think most results come out too creepy
Like this one from the same batch
Is it something that can be done post-processing?
Sometimes I have to darken my alien girl's eyes, or sometimes I have to recolor my fish girls lips from red to cyan.
I have no idea. It's the teeth that is the sticking point

This is closer to what I was aiming for, I guess. Though I feel like it's not quite there, but I can't put my finger on why
Whoops, wrong image
On my fish girls, I had some prompts where instead of "fish ears", I use "axolotl ears". Sometimes the side effect was a face kinda like that.
Perhaps try "small slitlike nose"? (Yes, it's supposed to be a Githyanki.)
That ended up going too far in the "inhuman" direction. Even if I put "face of a woman", I get just a human face or...this
Eh, doesn't help that much
On one hand, it looks a bit too much like a motorcycle helmet.
On the other hand, I bet people could use AI to design Halloween costumes.
I probably said this before, but it is surprisingly hard to get mermaids that are big without being...big
I wanna fuck that frog...
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My account's bugged, yay. Even after I nuke all MS cookies from orbit and completely re-login, I still can't make images on the bing designer site. I have to use the MS designer site. I don't know why. At least one of the two censored shitpiles still works.
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For the record, the proxy that is shared on /aicg/
seems to work with de3u now. The domain seems to change every few days, so one needs to check it out on /aicg/ (or just search on the archive) from time to time.
sex with the girl on the left
How over/undercensored is this one
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It seems very similar to the aaa one that was linked here before, it hates the mere mention of a hunting rifle, but unlike BIC it doesn't freak out like a puritan when you say something like "peacefully sleeping together in the same bed, cuddling like close friends."
This one isn't as much fun because you can't see all the wacky shit other people are making.
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Some people probably prefer it that way, actually; for instance last month an anon who makes/made cute focksgirls on /aicg/ seemingly stopped using it altogether, after a schizo who posts both here and there accused him of being me.
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>stopped using it
I meant, stopped using aaa public proxy, of course.
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are these threads slowing down?
>"You can't submit any more prompts
> Please wait until your other ongoing creations are complete before trying to create again."
It's a shame the IP counter was removed, at this point I'd guess there's like, ten people posting here regularly
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It's been this way for awhile. Designer never even has queue times anymore (boosts are useless), so even the service itself is pretty much empty now.
And yeah it's pretty comical that they try to limit users like that when nobody's even using the damn thing to begin with.
Anon, they already slowed down to the crawl.
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if it is using Azure, the owner of the endpoint should define a custom content filter and set User prompt (input) & Model completions (output) risk levels all to High, for Violence, Hate, Sexual, Self-harm

The default is Low which means Low, Medium & High levels will be filtered.
Setting it to High only blocks High levels of each category.

The default base policy does not allow those 4 categories to be disabled completely however.

I'm not bullshitting you, just trying to help out.

BTW I'm trying to figure out how to have Azure not rewrite prompts currently (it always spits out the json with revised_prompt string as part of data containing urls if you're using the http client api)
Prompt: an alien landscape, colored ink painting by Moebius, by Jean Giraud, beige and blue
Slowing down is a nice way to put it. To be fair, even /v/ and /aco/ appear to be quite dead at the moment.
Make another account?
Ignorance is bliss, there might be like 7-8.
A bit discomforting compared to the last ones.
Good afternoon man, it's been a while.
These public proxies usually employ "scrapped", pirated, API keys, so I doubt that those who offer them can configure them. For the jailbreak you should try the one found in doll-e, it works fine with my modified de3u script
It's not really that fun anymore. Some things still work, eg. "wedgie" often gives you panties.
thank you, yeah i guess that jb works with openai but not with the azure api unfortunately, there's a variety of api versions to try so I'm going through them

Hermione G. - We children of King's Cross Station.
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Yeah it has been busy for me. How have you been?
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Any kind anon got a copy of that AI slop script?

It seems the one in the OP post is down.
I mean, it's a slender woman with a cute face. You feelings are normal?
Here you go:
I love Moebius man. Only he wouldn't shade the sky like that. But man this AI does know how to capture that feel. Impressive.
>a battle painting in the style of "alien fantasy fever dream" by moebius, by jean giraud with an anime girl angel. dreamlike. surreal. watercolor style.

This is what's so baffling about this fucking thing to me.

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Azure does not let you "jailbreak" usually. You gotta find asian keys because prompt shield is not available for them as far as I know. I have a chinese proxy and it never cries for jailbreak. I found like 20 Azure dalle keys from usa/eu region and they all reject the jailbreak or any kind of attempt at making the model not fuck up the prompt. But good luck to you and please report back if you make progress - I could not.
There are plenty of Azure keys out there but I stopped caring, they are useless with moderation.
Not sure if it's any consolation but seems like the Azure Dalle quality is now reduced. If I compare result from last month to now it's visible how much it degraded when it was shit to begin with. It has better imagination but the quality is now unacceptable in my opinion. See picrel.
I'm not sure if I'm missing/misunderstanding something, but that jailbreak works fine *if* your prompt is safe with their guidelines in the first place, it doesn't seem to rewrite mine when I take out the artist's names from my BIC/Designer prompts, in particular. This is the output saved in the metadata of one of the pictures that I made earlier today with that azure public proxy from /aicg/
Is it you femcel? What's up?
Pretty much the same as usual. I was actually wondering whether you were just busier than usual or burnt out. I hope you're doing fine, too.
As expected, nu-cici is turbocucked to oblivion. Even incredibly benign prompts asking for the girls to be wearing "ripped jeans" are popping up errors in Chinese multiple times in a row.
On Bing the dog is currently dialed up to 11.
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She's dead, Jim.
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Sometimes, sometimes not
Werks for me.
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>On Bing the dog is currently dialed up to 11.
Dunno, two fair maidens embracing each other works fine.
What will happen when it's dialed up to 12?
Rememer when right after the Taypocalypse where you couldn't even run the example prompts without getting blocked/banned? Yeah.
The sky's a bit wonky. It's a bit of a struggle to get the strong lines without it shading everything like that.
Holy shit, how did you match them so well?!
>When it gives you an interesting unique pose, but then you see a mistake that is too large to shop out.
The face on this one kinda gives me Stitch vibes
what's that art style
stop fucking with /co/ fuck off asshole

Slow night.
Why does every DALL-E thread end up with two people spamming the entire thread with 60 pictures which are exactly the same? How the fuck do you end up using hundreds of tokens to generate one and the same fucking picture?
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storybook-style illustration of a comely young woman (pale skin complexion, blue eyes, smiling, chestnut hair, metalhead fashion : skull t-shirt) dancing pogo in the middle of the crowd in the pit of a music concert by night, spotlight lighting.
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Designer has been good fun to use lately
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mental illness, craving attention
im so bored of the dalle3 style, i can imagine what the output will be like without even hitting the generate button
Ok groomer.
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Touch fluffy tail.
Detailed anime background painting, muted colors. A Basque traditional house in middle of verdant heath landscape in a sunny day.
Touch grass, coomer.
Wow, something that isn't just some autist's personal fetish
I hate to break it to you, the Pikachu stuff is almost definitely someone's autistic personal fetish.
prompt pls
Fluffy tails are so nice, but I bet fluffy ears are the true erogenous zone. Must touch both.
Literally anything can be a fetish potentially, maybe even landscapes... but I suppose some people tend to look at things from a narrow point of view.
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Detailed anime background painting, muted colors. A cycladic house in middle of coastal landscape in a sunny day, bright blue sky.
An izba in the background ?
I was going with just a generic "rustic farmhouse"
>heavy brushstrokes, detailed manga painting by Yoshitaka Amano, 18 yrs Latina woman (coyote ears and tail, long brown wavy hair, fringe, brown eyes, swarthy skin complexion) and 16 yrs Irish woman (fox ears and tail, long wavy ginger hair, green eyes, freckles) both wearing sundress, sitting close before a rustic farmhouse, happily eating gelato, hot summer afternoon. Bucolic atmosphere.
Good stuff.
Autism + fetish
>good stuff

Thanks you. Your gens are cool too.
I'm actually trying to generate some kigurumi but no success so far
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Detailed anime background painting, cool colors. A montafonerhaus in middle of Austrian montane landscape in winter, midday, sunny day.

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