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Deep dive:

Don't buy Intel CPUs
>Crashes while playing games
Good. Get real work done
I only buy prebuilts and last one I got is that KF version, what do
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>Handbrake (video encoding)
>Fucking Visual Studio
Sure...only games.
>Handbrake (video encoding)
>Fucking Visual Studio
Wow its even better than I thought. Get real work done
>*saves to disk*
Oh boy I'm glad I got work done at SIX GIGAHERTZ!!!
/ \
: )
so current-heads suffer and waste time watching those movies, what a discovery
You have ONE fucking job Intel. How are you this bad at everything?
gaymers deserve to suffer
See >>101419583
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This is what I was saying three months ago on this board and everyone was bashing me for it. Intel's 13th, 14th and probably 15th gen CPUs are degrading, faggots !
Even better as benchmark autists should suffer double. when did Intcel become this based?
>Video encoding
You ok, retard?
be careful running your dickbeaters too fast over your cheeto encrusted keyboard or you'll trigger another crash hahahahahaha
Good thing I don't have an Intel CPU :^)
Good thing intel fucked up the next generations naming scheme to make it easier to forget this fuckup and intel completely.
>tfw I don't know how to :^)force
i just have to pair my $1000 cpu with a bottom end gaymer motherboard that can't supply the rediculous power required for the ultra hyper thread boost gaming mode 7 GHz ok sweetie
Core 2 Duo doesn't have this problem.
It's probably voltage and not power. That hyper mode is only for a couple of cores. Top end gaymer motherboard with manually configured all-core OC that ends up disabling that feature might work out more stable actually.
fanboys get what they fucking deserve: diarrhea all over their face from the company they shill for
i still remember the intel shill here claiming everything is fine with his 14900K 4090 rig and everyone else warning him of this problem was retarded
what a dumbass his cpu is gonna fry and so will his gpu

to all the goyim that fell for his bullshit refund your intel shit if you can and wait for AMDs ryzen 9000 series release to build a new more energy efficient, stable and faster PC

the 9000 series release is gonna make the 7000 series cheaper
you might snag a 7800X3D (14900K performance at half the power consumption and price) for a good deal
>It's probably voltage and not power
it's voltage and current, which works out to 60 W on a single core
that's a lot for such a tiny area
Having so many backdoors built in must use a lot of resources.
>fun is bad, you have to spend your life toiling away for Mr. Nosenstein
getting real work done means joining the marines and shooting boats
The problem still occurs on server grade W680 motherboards that use fully stock voltages and underwatt the CPUs to reduce power usage. It's not voltage, current, or power.
>that use fully stock voltages
yes, those are the problem
>underwatt the CPUs to reduce power usage
single core boost won't hit any power limits
dumbfuck baiter
There not issuing refunds or rma's
also compilers...
Sucks how it's not safe to be an early adopter of almost any new tech anymore.
I know someone's gonna try to look worldly-wise by saying "t'was always thus", but nah. Early adopters often had to put up with some jank, sure, but there wasn't any serious risk that the product would simply be nonfunctional. That seems to be common now.
To be fair, what would they do, replace it with another faulty CPU? They're basically up shit creek without a paddle, there's no winning option left on the field for them. They can't replace them with anything, and the defect rate is so high they'd have to do a full recall which would be enormously expensive and a PR nightmare. So instead they're going to stick their head in the sand and pretend there's no problem until the lawsuits start pouring in.
>To be fair, what would they do, replace it with another faulty CPU?
well, they could always send you a 7950X
But then you'd need a new mobo, so you still aren't made whole. This applies even if they send you a Lunar Lake CPU once those come out.
then it's time to kneel to AMD's superiority and port zen 4 to LGA1700
You mean being shot at on boats.
>can't supply the rediculous power required
One of the OP videos mentions game servers, which do not overclock and use very standard motherboards, facing the exact same problem.
Why are people blaming intel for this one? We only had to implement Thermal Velocity Boost because Zen 4 was too fast. Clearly AMDs fault.
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it just works, i had it since late 2015 running at 4.7 ghz. stable innovation brings stable working products
Don't care, still going to use my 8th gen Thinkpad because nothing better has come along.
Does this affect laptops processors too?
No, only high end (high voltage) server and desktop SKUs
13900H is allegedly affected
rule of thumb, if it's raptor lake and it runs at high frequencies, it's going to kill itself eventually
probably not. laptops only boost to 157W while desktops go to 350W in stock settings
Ah phew, I bought my younger brother an i7 laptop for uni recently. Hope it doesn’t die
This post is antisemitic
13900KS at 6.1Ghz here for over 1.5 years.
Given all the available data + some enthusiast groups with zero problems (all core overclocks day 1).
It's safe to assume that the single-core boost pushing 1.5V+ is the culprit.
Intel can't do anything about it because they advertised said boost clocks, lmao.

People are weird and keep trying to dunk on me. Imagine being a brand loyalist.
My pc is fine
Yeah like a brand loyalist and Intel shill like you would say the truth for once in your life lol
What is brand loyalist about my post?
AMD nigger lmao.
They had to overclock the shit out of them to beat AMD and now they are paying for it.
Apple won again.
AMD won. ARM won. Crapple won. Snapdragon won.
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Visual Studio is not real work. Real work is done with your hands and buckets of sweat. Or Excel spreadsheets.
Haswell was actually one of the rare few modern intel uarchs designed in the USA
Yup intel played themselves this time
The AMD nigger lmao. See? I knew all Intel loyalists are liars.
Yes, you are an brand loyalist AMD nigger.
But I am not a liar. A rat. A roach. That's the difference between you a snake and me an AMD Chad and Lisa Su appreciator and Jim Keller worshiper.
delusional retard lmao
i just buy whatevers the best at the time every 2 years

I find it peculiar we have gone from common understanding that CPU's were the least likely component to fail in a PC to this shitshow where both major vendors have exploding and degrading parts.
Which is funny because the best for the past decade has been AMD.
Moore's law is dead and silicon limits have been reached despite new FET tech being developed to continue using cheap silicon and not pay genuine gorillions of dollars to switch entire industry + RnD + supply chain to another more suitable material.
No, Meme-V or other RISC architectures like ARM wont save you, only delay the inevitable and also give you shit perf while at it than bloated x86.
This thread reeks of antisemitism
Wait, people still buy Intel? LOL
hey >>101424286
I'm buying one now for the class action lawsuit
Last class action lawsuit was the 970 3.5 and Nvidia just gave people like 30 bucks lol
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I just bought a bunch of Intel shares thinking they are of the cusp of fucking delivering, bros...
I don't even like these retards and I have a Ryzen. Holy fuck, man
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Aaaaa I'm going to kms
Who the hell wants to be a zogbot in this day and age?
that on the cusp of delivering is about the not yet in production fab node
the things breaking rn and the extremely extended 14nm ++++++ cpus that should never exist to begin with
Yeah, but it doesn't bode well for the immediate future.
think of it this way
if intel cpus were ever gonna catastropically fail it would be the old zombie node cpus pushed to the limits to compete with amd cpus using tsmc just before the new competitive node
Are you neck deep into them too? May the Lord have mercy of us
Intel has actually managed to stay admirably competitive with the limitations of their fab failings.

AMD has such a huge advantage using tsmc yet people still keep buying intel for some applications, some even buy it for their gaming rigs despite the 3x watt use.
When the intel cpu division gets to use an actually good node they'll rape amd straight up.
I'll print that and read everyday before I sleep from now on. Shalom, you nosey bastard.
Intel 20A only competes with N3E on performance while its density is trash and power is worse
Server boards boost to 1.5v+? cpus on them have the highest death rate
its not just a transistor density increase
backside power delivery and the gate all around are gonna impact things too and it's interesting to see if 20A does it better than samsungs or tsmc
I don't know. Wendell didn't give any info other than that undervolted + power limited.
I've just tried it on my consumer MSI board and at 65W it still boosts to 6Ghz on a single core.
If this happens only with UE5 games, why isn't it considered a UE5 bug?
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>AMD breaks records
>Intel breaks
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I've had my 13700K for a year. Undervolted -0.085v adaptive, adjusted LLC, retarded OC features disabled. Load VID varies between 1.22v (all-core) and 1.3v (peak single-core, usually ~1.28v). Replaced the ILM so it's not bent by the stupid socket either. Air-cooled with a PS120, max ~85ºC in the summer, max package power 214W. No throttling, only limit is V/F. Scores just under 31K in R23.

No instability, no signs of degradation that I can tell. I hope that doesn't change, but so far I've been happy with it.
>everyone's a jewwwww

Have sex incel.
the (((jokes))) write themselves
>>everyone's a jewwwww

>Have sex incel.
uninstall the spyware launcher and play a real game then it will not crash.
Okay snowflake
oy vey why is this antisemitism allowed?
>refund status: 404
At this point it's only natural for such a complete self-destruction to end up with AMD somehow managing to self-sabotage an already secured win.
It's AMD, I wouldn't put it past them.
9000 series leaks are showing fantastic gains in temps and performance so unless intelaviv orchestrates another cohencidence AMD is fine for this generation at least
I bet the bending ilm is the cause of the "bugs". I would bet my house on it actually.
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Did you see the latest AMD GPU leaks? There was a thread here a few days ago showing it being like 5x faster than a 4090 in calculations per second.... If it's anything to go by, both Intel and Nvidia have something to worry about.
I'm sure we would have heard something more concrete or more leaks if that was to be real
Time will surely tell. That's why I didn't bother to save the image. One can dream. I'd love to see Nvidia shit their pants.
>5x faster than a 4090 in calculations per second
yeah no
probably just some dork editing the image to rile people up
I was thinking about this too. worth asking on enthusiast forums whether people with contact frames are seeing the same issues
If you haven't realized we have a bunch of resident intel copers on here by now, you deserve to be bashed
I am also thinking about getting a 14900K for my Excel workload.
holy fuck what year is it? are people still falling for the memes?
>9600x $350
>9700x $500
>9900x $700
>9950x $1000
Let's go
That thread was about performance measurements of the datacentre MI300X beating nvidia's 2023 H100. Not a leak.
But its not surprising considering the MI300X uses >3x more silicon than the H100
Back to 2500K hell yeah!
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Sounds like a winfag Fortnite zoomer issue. Not my problem.
I remember the Zen 2, 3, and 4 "leaks", 90% of which turned out to be fanfiction.
Im still waiting for that $200 5ghz 8-core ryzen...
Why would someone need more than a 13600k for gaming with an intel cpu, /g/?
Don't forget the motherboards; they'll have a Gen5 link to the chipset. Maybe both of them. Finally reaching parity with Intel PCH bandwidth isn't cheap. :^)
Intel shills getting BTFO. You love to see it.
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How is this not a software problem?
datacenters are not using consumer boards but W680M which are very conservative on voltage and you can't even turn on XMP on it

and after all that they still experience multiple failures
Because it's a problem with the cpu itself.
Now that problem may be firmware, but people more knowledgeable than me have been saying it's likely that they can't fix it with a firmware update.
The decompression software used in UE5 crashes a lot but 96.9% of these reports (filtered to desktop cpus) come from i7 & i9 13/14th gen cpus
The last 3.1% includes all other cpu models from amd and intel.
so say, a 14th gen i5 should more or less be in the clear?
this will hopefully be the end of this big little trash
I actually had one of these degrade and then later die entirely due to a Gigashyte motherboard. One of the voltages in the BIOS was displaying at 1.2V but it was actually 1.5V+, killed the CPU.
Very niche issue then
Issue seems rooted in the CPU generation, not the version of software used. Also seems to happen more frequently in Datacenters with 24/7 uptime so it appears to be a degradation issue; the software isn't changing but the rate of crashes goes up in the past 6 months since the CPU was purchased.
Bartlettlake-S 12 p-core is coming to lga1700 next year
There'd be no excuse to getting an estrogen CPU then
Intelbros.. this doesn't align with my deluded view, so it can't possibly be true. R-remember the 6 blown up 7800X3D because of a motherboard manufacturing issue.. AMDrones are so fucked
your cpu on estrogen cores lmaoooooo
last real CPU was 10900k
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Ah yes, the modern Intel mobile experience. Full performance only when laptop is plugged in because only then it can reach the ridiculous turbo TDP. On battery they won't reach top frequencies, ever. Which is still better than whatever the fuck Qualmeme is doing with their 120ms ramp-up times on battery.
I'm happy for everyone that doesn't have to deal with Visual Studio because of Intel avivs incompetence
why do they lie like this? Intel is usually the safer choice because their verification team doesn't suck total nigger dicks, but that's only because the meltdown burning really helped them fix their shitty verification team out.
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>tfw i9-12900k
I'm so glad I didn't bother upgrading after accidentally my motherboard.
They had to push their process to the absolute limit in order to fight AMD (and TSMC).
>muh 6ghz stock
turned out to be a grave mistake since the voltages required to sustain it also apply to the bing bus, and that's what is degrading in the highest end SKUs.
>They had to push their process to the absolute limit in order to fight AMD (and TSMC).
ya, but those are gaymer SKUs, not mobile slop bullshit or the lower bin'd non i9's.
And it's the gaymer SKUs that are crashing, aren't they? Basically i7/i9 K and K(y)S editions?
ya. Intel Aviv's verification team really dropped the ball on it and I'm not sure why. I really am not happy about it, but I don't think it's systemic to the whole product line.
gamer skus are 1*100-1*600
It's systemic to the whole product line in terms of the ring bus being vulnerable to voltage induced damage.
However under stock condition only the highest end SKUs will ever request too high voltage in order to maintain high clocks, so it doesn't affect the rest of the line.
On the other hand the reason might be something else, and everything is affected but the top is just now experiencing degradation with the rest to follow in 1-2 years.
you should have bought some paper and crayons instead because you have to be retarded to invest in something you dont understand

its "people" like you that made crypto kikes millionaires overnight
Maybe for poors.
yeah buy 12 ecores for gaming are you stupid?
Who cares about cuck cores? They are parked most of the time. It's the ST frequency of 1 or 2 threads that matters most.
if you think 700 and 900 SKUs are for gamers take the advice above and buy some paper and crayons

even for productivity a 7950X makes more sense due to its power efficiency
so buy a 14600k, disable fag cores and set all core to 6.5 lol
Yeah, class-action lawsuits are probably being prepared by lawyers as we speak.
>you'd need a new mobo
Wouldn't a 7950X and a corresponding mobo not actually even cost less than top-of-the-line Intel CPUs?
Of course they'd have to kiss their profit margins goodbye.
Just read Intel PR, they are targeting those at gaymers.
Also why would I buy a housefire CPU when I have a 7800X3D?
It's like you guys can only ever think in black and white. With complex opinions being anathema.
Don't forget to undervolt, enable mitigations and disable hyper threading for a safe and effective Intel© computing experience.
>To be fair, what would they do, replace it with another faulty CPU?
Offer either a full refund or a replacement of the CPU with a new revision that is fixed and doesn't degrade. Obviously the latter option would take a while, so in practice I'd expect most people to take the full refund and buy something else.
in reality you don't get shit maybe a "$20 off your next Intel® purchase" coupon
Yeah, probably. Glad I don't have one of those ticking time bombs on my hands.
Or $4 in mail after 5 years because of a class action lawsuit.
you gotta consider the low binned i7s would need higher voltage that can reach good binned i9 territories
might as well have Intel file for bankruptcy. they don't have money to refund 3 years worth of customers.
>jews are suddenly bad at creative accounting if a condition that isn't "big line go up" arises
tray cpus have a 1 year warranty
Oh jeezas you had me worried then, I thought it
was something real men had to be aware of but
looks like just a few kiddywinks are affected
>Arrow Lake configured to run up to 110C before throttling
They're still shoving power into the chips to try and compete, aren't they? Will they ever learn?
I used to believe that AMD were the poor man’s choice for processors when compared to Intel but it looks like they’re much better than Intel now, both in terms of performance and reliability. The only area where Intel can claim superiority is having better battery life
the fact that youre provided good value for your bucks doesnt mean its a poorfags option.
it would be like saying that makita is the poorfags choice when it comes to powertools (most construction pros in the west are gonna use makita bc its good value)
>The only area where Intel can claim superiority is having better battery life
But they only get this by mercilessly murdering performance when on battery. So does it really matter that you get better battery life when the thing downclocks to 2ghz if not on wall power?
No becahse your joke of a computer won't even try work fast on heavy loads
Librebooted core2duo gang rise up
Do you think this affects high end laptop chips too? Or just desktop chips?
Nobody knows. But given that all the non overclockable chips and i5s aren't crashing, it's probably fine (for the lifetime of the product at least, if it crashes in 10 years nobody will care).
The non overclockable chips aren't crashing because they aren't actually raptor lake, just alder lake. And we don't know that 13600K and 14600Ks aren't crashing, they could be but at a lower rate than i7s and i9s.
Intel processors are now the greenest CPU on the market now that they're biodegradable.
I mean 5800x is under 200 and goes up to 4,7. It's quite close
it boosts to 4850 MHz if you have decent cooling, but you're obviously not getting that on all cores
the new 5800XT should boost to 4950 MHz (assuming they bumped the clock by 100 MHz) which is really close
Intel haven't made many x900 non-K and x700 non-K CPUs since 9th gen so it's no surprise those aren't represented in the crash statistics
the absurd voltages required to sustain the 6 GHz boost also apply to the bing bus, and that's what is degrading in the highest end SKUs.
its pretty strange to have an outrage of this magnitude thats been going on for months since that nvidia "its not our drivers, its intel" and not have any real statements from intel

I guess its difficult for them to suddenly start to investigate a problem that takes time to manifest in a chip in the field. Or they're just panicking and trying to figure out how to not crash the stock price with 2 gens of cpus being faulty and not performing up to what they marketed as.
>laptops only boost to 157W
are you serious?
you can read the specs on intel.com
>Or they're just panicking and trying to figure out how to not crash the stock price with 2 gens of cpus being faulty and not performing up to what they marketed as
it's this, i guarantee they found the root cause a long time ago but whatever it is (probably excessive voltage) would cause a massive performance loss if patched
It doesn't take time at all
Some chips are unstable under load from the factory like buildzoid's 14900k that crashes in r23 from day one, and that was a review sample from intel.
No, it is ring-bus and E-cores being the weak link. They don't handle the voltages that boosting profile demands for near 6Ghz. Not a coincidence it occurring on SKUs with at stock boos profile that goes in excessive of 1.4V to reach near 6Ghz. It is on the same node as previous Alder Lake chips which barely cross 5Ghz barrier at best with more modest boosts which never had any of the issues.
Intel literately resorted to hardcore factory overclock in response to Zen4 and thought they could get away with it.
>Get real work done

You dumb fucking slave lmao.
Should have bought AMD in 2016
$1.25 per share......
>intel CPUs degrade hard

>hmmmm lets push T-MAX from 100°C to 105°C for the 15th gen to milk every bit of performance, sure it wont degrade even more
AMDbros just can't stop winning
They always had parity for a while kiddo on the desktop front. On the workstation/server front AMD has a power gap in I/O connectivity.
You fucking wagecucks are insufferable
>They always had parity for a while kiddo on the desktop front.
Intel's CPU uplink is 8 Gen4 lanes wide, AMD's is 4. You literally can not max out a Gen4 NVMe SSD on AMD chipsets, because the bandwidth is shared with everything else. Only the next generation chipset will finally reach bandwidth parity, by upgrading to 4 Gen5 lanes.
>Laughs in AMD
I wondered when shit like this would start happening
>do nothing

Yeah 12900K's maxed out around 1.35v for 5.2ghz
Intel went full retard with 1.46v at 5.8ghz , 1.5v at 6ghz and 1.55v at 6.2ghz on the latest gens of cpu
blame /twg/, the worst general on this board.
then class action sue them.

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