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By now, everyone is aware that I am blacklisted from a career in software because I have my "bachelors degree" in "computer science" from WGU. You all already know about Scott Pulsipher, the head of this organization who steals pell grants and military tuition dollars from soldiers, so enough of discussing him and his satanic ways. My question now is, are there any jobs that exist that one can do with a "degree" in computer science, as opposed to a degree? I am no longer eligible for grants as the government perceives me as having an undergraduate degree, even though I do not have one. I need a career that will still allow me to move out of the hood forever, even if I am blacklisted from software. Has anyone here gotten past the blacklist?
Someone could give you a nepo job tommorow and you'd still find some way to fuck it up and blame society.

Sorry you're too dysfunctional to participate, better luck next klife.
you can get a job without a degree, just don't list that shit in CV
worst threads all week btw
Schizo thread
How do you know that? You aren't sure what I would do if someone gave me a job, I would actually likely be a top performer.

No, that will lead to being blacklisted in IT/software.

Not schizo
just pretend you're trans, guaranteed job
Post your code/github and let the masses decide if youre worth anythi g
how the FUCK is this school still accredited when their entire business model encourages people to blast ritalin and plow through the entire curriculum in a single semester.
Jesus christ you post on here a lot.
>No, that will lead to being blacklisted in IT/software.
if you are already blacklisted what do you lose from trying?
I can't do that

I don't have much to show right now, I'm actively working on some things

They use MKUltra to trick everyone on reddit, acting like this is a school

Because I would still be blacklisted if I removed the "degree"
>need accredited degree to be considered for job
>oh but not from that school, it's too cheap
>you are blacklisted

do americans really?
it's easy, just say your're nonbinary and use a different name for your resume and wear some makeup and a hoodie and maybe a trans bracelet or something to the interview, they literally can't deny you the job because they'll open themselves up to a discrimination suit.
It's not what I would have liked but you have to play the cards handed to you.
They really do. And I think the American public needs to know that Scott Pulsipher, president of a non-existent school named "WGU", was actually Jeffrey Epsteins #1 boyfriend and his #1 fuck buddy, believe it or not. They were on that jet together, on that island together, sucking and fucking each day like there was no tomorrow. And I think the American public would be really interested in that.
For now I'm physically blacklisted from actually speaking to any recruiters, and even if I did get an interview and did those things it probably wouldn't help me and I would just feel dumb after they still said no. If it would work I would 100% do it
Use a different name, stupid.
It doesn't have to be your legal name.
The "degree" though. It's metaphorically branded into me, making me blacklisted even under other names. Without it I am still blacklisted.
Nobody even checks your degree until at least the second or third onsite interviews, literally who gives a shit.
Without one you are blacklisted from being spoken to, with a "degree" from a non-existent school, you are also blacklisted. They do this with software, it isn't 2020-2022 anymore.
This is like a support thread for ex scientologists who want to know how to move on and find meaning. If you got your "degree" and somehow had a career in software or IT afterwards, what did you do to run away from your past and start a new life? What do you even do in this situation
>get "degree" from scam school because you're incapable of putting in the work to do a real degree
>employers won't touch you

I was told it was real, Josh Madakor works at microsoft and he is the main one who recommends this. There is an MKUltra psyop on reddit to trick people into thinking it is a college. I am both warning people who are on this board saying they are doing this and asking how you move on after being branded with a "degree" that blacklists you from software. Perhaps someone else here was in the same situation and found a way to move past it
To add to this, there was literally someone on this board saying that they "attended" WGU and that their parents are "professors" here, that's how deep this goes.

I've already spoken all about Scott Pulsipher and everything else at this point, and I don't really care to go deeper into his theft of pell grants and military money, or his friendship with Epstein. I guess at this point it seems my option is to enroll in community college, then transfer to university and take another 3-4 years to no longer be blacklisted and finally have a career when I'm 25, which seems somewhat promising since life can be kind of long sometimes
well then take this as a hard-earned lesson. if it sounds too good to be true, it almost always is
You can apply for any job that requires an undergraduate or post graduate degree so long as it doesn't specify which type of degree. You can easily find a remote position making at least $100k you just need to do some digging and accept that you might have to work some bullshit salaried hours for the first 1-3 years before you land somewhere good.
Yes we need to be invaded by a civilized country and have a new form of government installed
literally just get good at lying on your resume
it seems you are beginning to understand how fraudulent the system is
its even worse than you think
It is a lesson. I just don't know if I have what it takes to spend 4 years, plus I lost any ability to use my pell grant again after receiving a "degree". I think I will just make software in the basement and be relegated to not having a career but still be a message of caution to anyone here who tries to do this.

Not possible sadly.
I don't think humans are reading my resume, once you are blacklisted recruiters no longer read what is on it, you are physically blacklisted with either no degree or a "degree" like I have.
the way you carry yourself in this thread says you're being blacklisted for other reasons you're not mentioning
I'm really not. Also, recruiters don't have time to see anything about the way I carry myself because I am not getting interviews. I just use a typical resume format that would usually get callbacks, but I am never contacted because the "degree" physically blacklists you. If I was actually proceeding to interviews then being blacklisted then I would agree with you or at least entertain that notion, but they aren't able to see anything about my personality at the phase I am being blacklisted at. Also, me telling the truth about a fake school that has a lot of dark secrets and satanic rituals going on isn't really strange, it's a truthful word of caution to people who want to do this. It is especially to warn people who are using their pell grant that can only be used once on a fake school that doesn't actually exist. This is more common than you would think, so if you think I'm retarded for this then look at the people on this board who are doing this.
Your resume gives off schizophrenic vibes like your posts do
No, you need to take your meds
Your claims about dark secrets and satanic rituals are schizophrenic unless you can prove it
>. I guess at this point it seems my option is to enroll in community college, then transfer to university and take another 3-4 years to no longer be blacklisted and finally have a career when I'm 25
dude what. you're like 21-22? stop pretending like it's over
That's not really the big picture issue. I'm just warning people and asking what others may have done when they realized they got a "degree" that is actively fighting against them
post your resume with the doxxy parts removed if you don't want to become that resident schizo that spams 10x a day and doesn't take any advice given to them because they just want to vent and complain and blame everything on magical happenings and not their mental retardation
In a sense it is over in some ways. I'm 21, and the people I know acted when they were 18 or even before. I don't feel like having a career when I'm old as fuck and all fucked up. You can think of me as the elder who gives advice to people so they don't make his mistakes
Why do you think that changing the resume will help if there is a "degree" on it that is actively blacklisting me, yet removing it would equivalently blacklist me
because your resume probably flags to everyone that you're a maladjusted schizo that will probably shoot up the workplace after he imagines you called him the n word in his dreams or some shit
I'm giving you my assurance that it doesn't, it 100% doesn't give off that idea. You have me all wrong and misunderstood, I'm not like that. I have no disorders, I take vitamin d and fish oil and exercise and my brain works completely normally.
normal people don't talk about the managerial class participating in satanic rituals and conspiring to blacklist anyone who writes WGU on their resume for reasons unknown even to you.
It is simply the banality of evil, I'm not making the case that managers are out to get anyone. I made the true case that it is simply a sheet of notebook paper with the text "degree" but it is not actually a degree, and the managers understand that so they blacklist you. I was just sharing that I was tricked by the MKUltra psyop into getting a fake "degree". It isn't that they specifically blacklisted me, they blacklisted everyone with it on their resume. They aren't necessarily happy or sad to do it, it's just the way it is. If I was schizophrenic like you were saying I would instead be saying that I was specifically a target, but I don't feel that way, I know I'm not specifically being targeted. You can look at any other WGU "graduate" and see that they are blacklisted, you can see this for yourself
>i'm not saying WGU is a fake degree, but it's fake and all managers are conspiring to prevent me from getting a job cus I have a WGU degree

You're a high functioning schizo but you won't stay that way for long if you don't nip this in the bud right now.
It isn't a degree, it is a sheet of notebook paper. Do the research and come to your conclusions, we were played each step of the way. Our task now is to figure out where to go from here now that we know that
>goes to diploma mill
>why isnt my diploma good i paid enough for it!!!
There are tons of people who were dragged into this MKUltra bs, it is all over youtube, reddit, and this board. It's not so surprising that it happened to me, I just realize it now
>no github
>went to a school that markets to
>>experienced professionals and
>>people who already have skills and just need to check a box
>is neither of those things and refused to accept that is why he is being filtered
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OP is giving schizophrenic and bipolar vibes right now. Why are you blacklisted when I googled the school there was nothing about their students being blacklisted and the university is accredited, now I know being accredited doesn't mean you leaned shit. I knows cause I was the same and I leaned next to nothing on my computer information systems degree, nevertheless that does not mean you are blacklisted.
>its not my job to educate you

thread closed
Still wouldn't call it over. I'm the guy from your other thread who also graduated WGU, I'm 24. I think in hindsight literally any of the other IT degrees than CS would have been better than CS since you get certifications that can just be put on your resume without the WGU degree title. I also think we're blacklisted. I strongly encourage you to not give up hope. I got into the Georgia Tech MS, and I'm positive that an internship will be available.

Probably even more embarrassing is I actually went to a brick-and-mortar school and got a four-year degree, but it was in philosophy. (I wanted to pursue law at the time, but gave up like a pussy)

It's going to be alright brother, I know I fucked up twice - but I what's done is done. You need to move on, and if SWE is what you want to do (I'm assuming because you got a CS degree) then you will have to prove yourself outside of the blacklist of a degree. It's that simple. I believe in you anon
Have you ever stopped to ask if you are worth a shit?



Op is mentally ill, where are the mods to ban this schizo? Spamming is against the rules
No, you are schizophrenic.

It physically blacklists you

Yes, and I am

You are the schizophrenic one and you need to take your meds, I am sane. I take vitamin d and fish oil and exercise, my brain works perfectly and normally.

Nice I'll try to prove myself, do you have the CS "degree" or another one?
>do you have the CS "degree" or another one?
State school BA 2018-2021
WGU BSCS 2022-2024 (It was really one year but I started Dec 2022 and graduated Jan 2024)

I chose WGU because it was my cheapest option and I couldn't just get into a good MS program with my BA. I could have done a CS post-bacc, but honestly I was in a rush to just get qualifications and wasn't thinking at all.
>take vitamin d and fish

You are unequivocally 1000% guaranteed a turbo autistic virgin.
Do you know Perl, OP? I might hire you.
Actually you are, not me.

Admittedly no

Nice good luck with OMSCS
>I don't have much to show right now
then congrats, your degree is worthless and you wasted your time
good luck next time
There won't be a next time
schizo thread
even the rambling overwrought writing style outs you
No, you are the schizophrenic one here. I take vitamin d and fish oil, I exercise. I see things clearly and normally.
i've read two sentences from op and wouldn't let him work for me for free, never mind for pay
why do you think vitamin d and fish oil disqualifies you from being schizophrenic?
And why is that?

I'm telling you I'm not schizophrenic, you are
I think you're just retarded with no projects or applicable shit, same as bootcamp fags. I have a BS from some small shitty university but got tons of offers due to looking good on the resume
>the hood
just check the box that informs them that you’re a nigger instead of the refusal-to-disclose one
you’d literally be getting LinkedIn pings from random jewgle and FAANG recruiters.

>physically blacklists
fucking lul
if only there was some other box you could check that’d auto-caucasian-list you instead of niggerlisting you

>you'd still find some way to fuck it up and blame society
also this

>The "degree" though. It's metaphorically branded into me, making me blacklisted even under other names
this thread was giving me le helpless babby that can’t feed himself and just can’t stop punching himself and blames society vibes,
but this really cemented the “cabal out to get me” / “gang stalking” vibe of a proper schizo thread for me
OP is worse than a bootcamp-nigger imo

>OP reads nonsensical r*ddit bullshit right at face value
>falls for diploma mill scam
ok but I assume you also think your posts don't give schizophrenic vibes so you're probably not the best judge lmao
How many other people got a degree from WGU and can't find a job? Were we wrongfully targeted? There could be a class action lawsuit
Your use of language is identical to the gangstalking schizos.
>spawn in niggerica
>get memed into wasting six figure $ and years of life
>literally set up to fail
>reasonably stressed as fuck
>make the mistake of asking 4chan onions guzzlers for advice

Terminal fucking brain rot everywhere in this thread. You niggers are the reason chinks will buttfuck the west within the next 20 years tops. None of you trannies have actual jobs or are honest about how you got them. How do I know that? Because nobody has mentioned a single real reason OP is getting no interviews. Finish your onions and go back to rewriting your ruby interpreter in rust or whatever it is you coons do. You're probably not even out of college yet.


You're not getting interviews because you're sending your resumes to ghost ads. Most job ads exist for compliance purposes, and the few that don't have a completely broken filtering process due to the saturation.
It's not just your degree that's worthless, most of them are. Nepotism is how you get 99% of your jobs. College wasn't for learning, it was for acquiring contacts. Now nepotism isn't a bad thing in this field, you literally can't tell whether someone's good just from a resume and interview, and nobody has time to dig through someone's github repos.

Bunker down, do some part time shitwork, keep working on your side projects and try to meet people in your field. Get gud, make something impressive and then ask around for a job. 98% of people can't actually program, it's a genetic filter. If you have magic in your blood, people will beg you to work for them, then do anything they can to keep you because you're literally guaranteed to quit and start a competing business if they don't. Not a single cent I've ever earned was gated by a resume.

Take the clownpill. Realize that you live in the age of the scam, everyone is stupid and nobody has any idea what the fuck they're doing. Learn to navigate the sea of bullshit, and you'll live like a king.
if WGU was a one-way ticket to getting blacklisted from the industry, you'd hear about it all the time, it doesn't happen.
One person whose mind is slowly deteriorating does not constitute a trend or an organized effort to ruin your life.
Listen to this anon OP
Who the fuck knows how resume filters work, maybe you do get blacklisted. Not by a conspiracy but by some retarded dot product machine SaaS running in pajeet's nonexistent loo that decides whether the herpes-ridden face of Ledasha from HR even gets to read your resume.

At least dude is asking questions and applying his imagination. This isn't schizophrenia, it's the uncanny valley of developing intelligence combined with a crisis situation and lack of a support network. Believing weird shit is a symptom of a deficiency of reliable information sources, not mystery brain demons. You, on the other hand, literally believe in the 20th century equivalent of demonic possession. I'd hire OP over you, if you believe in horse shit like "mental illness" you probably also believe that Rust is good technology, or that dot products are going to take everyone's jobs any second now.
didn't read

wear a dress and apply for dei openings
>No, that will lead to being blacklisted in IT/software.
no such thing exists
this is my new favorite schizo thread pasta.
>computer information systems degree
what do you do and is the market bad?
t. graduating soon. CIS as well
if this isnt bait i want to be in an xbox lobby with you to see how you react to all the kids whose parents work for microsoft
It's not schizo
your self pity is pissing me off
>unmedicated schizo reamblings
That's only IT major courses, which constitutes about 1/3rd of the degree requirements. They still have to take about 120 credit hours of English Comp, Lit, anthro, and a dozen or so other "core" classes. It's all easy shit so they should be able to blast through a lot of it quickly and WGU is quite generous in how many classes can be tested out of due to "life experience" and a two hour exam. Nevertheless, the image is deceptive without mentioning those core courses.
anon, you cray cray and need to take your cray cray meds
If I was given a job I would excel at it immediately, not fuck anything up. And I'm not black, I'm white.

We may have been
No it's not



It does in fact exist, and software is doing it right now.

That's not what I meant, there is physically a person in this board whose parents are truthfully "professors" at WGU and he "attended" there, his post wasn't bait or anything in the same way a kid would say his parents work at Microsoft. He was actually 100% serious. So that tells you how deep this MKUltra stuff goes, there is someone on this actual board like that.

It's not pity, physically read my statements

I will try this advice
Meds to you. I take vitamin d and fish oil and exercise, and many other things. My brain is working normally and I see things clearly.
>vitamin d and fish oil
dumb retard
You are the retarded one here who needs to take your meds.
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I'm blacklisted from visiting doctors.
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The only smart post in this thread. Everyone else here especially the creator of this thread is a fucking stupid cunt, if you are currently reading this you are a jit

Webm related, it's you the faggot.
What are you trying to say? Nothing you just said makes any sense
I'm calm and collected, I don't act anything like that.
try taking your meds
You need them if you don't understand what I've been saying
who cares about some fucking blacklist, they shiny locked my pokemon games
quick rundown about wgu?
Western Governors University (WGU) is a private, non-profit online university based in Millcreek, Utah, United States.[7][8] The university uses an online competency-based learning model, providing advanced education for working professionals.[9] Degrees awarded by WGU are accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).[10][11] The university was founded by 19 U.S. governors in 1997, after the idea was formulated at a 1995 meeting of the Western Governors Association to expand education offerings to the internet.[12]
ok and why is OP blacklisted?
he isn't, he is just unhireable because he is has no real degree and is off his meds.
It is a sheet of notebook paper with the text "degree", and you can get it really fast. It might physically open doors to specific things like becoming an officer in the military or being a manager at the amazon warehouse, but nobody actually wants that. If you get the CS "degree" or SWE "degree", you are going to be effectively blacklisted, meaning your resume is going to physically not be able to be viewed by recruiters in any form. They will never physically be reading it, and Scott Pulsipher, the president, simply adds the money you gave him to his overgenerous salary of $2,000,000 per year. On the other hand, if you get any of the other IT "degrees" it may help you because they come with a lot of certifications. The "degree" will be a net negative on your resume if your resume is ever actually seen by a recruiter, but the certifications will allow you a job despite not having a degree. However, this leads to the question of why a person wouldn't just go get those certifications themself. The answer is that if grants or military assistance is paying your tuition and you got the cybersecurity "degree", you would actually be getting a lot of certifications for free instead of paying for them. At large however, this is a satanic evil money laundering scheme disguised as a school, and Scott Pulsipher is at the top of it.
Ignore >>101427612 and >>101427623
These people have no idea what they are talking about
Just apply to smaller companies? The ones where other engineers review candidates. Show them a nice portfolio and if you know shit you won't have troubles getting a job
ok so it is just a diploma mill?
Ignore >>101427641
He is off his meds
>went to school
>no portfolio
>doesn't do his career as a hobby
Maybe you're just ass and people don't want little fags who learned to code to make money and not because they want to.
Grifting lazy Zoomers get the rope.
Most diploma mills are for-profit, which immediately tells you what it is. There is an MKUltra psyop surrounding WGU. It is on youtube, reddit, and even this board, where people are MKUltraed into the idea that it is actually a degree. They are the #1 beneficiary of pell grants and military money, and the president is one of the highest paid education officials in existence. So there is this added element of money laundering and satanism where people are having opportunities taken away from them because they thought they were enrolling into college but actually gave their pell grant to Scott Pulsipher. At other fake schools like University of Phoenix, they physically can't take your pell grant because they aren't even eligible for government assistance. Also you can safely ignore all these people saying this is schizophrenic or just "meds" because they aren't even engaging with what I'm saying and they aren't able to because they know I am right and that they don't know what they are even saying. Once you get a "degree" from WGU you are physically blacklisted from the software industry

Still blacklisted.
>There is an MKUltra psyop surrounding WGU. It is on youtube, reddit, and even this board, where people are MKUltraed into the idea that it is actually a degree
this isn't MKUltra, it's just natural selection
>going to a private correspondence school
lol, lmao.
The only private schools worth going to are basically untenable without gibs.
Define "blacklisted"
I'm not sitting here saying that I deserve a job, you entirely missed the point. And I didn't go to school, I had my pell grant physically stolen from me and it was given to an organization that isn't a school. What I am doing is warning people and asking where they would go from here, as there are many people who similarly had their money stolen on this board. Every time someone says I'm dumb I point them in the direction of the countless people saying they are "attending" WGU on this website. There is an MKUltra psyop everywhere
You would have to be 80 IQ to get a programming degree anywhere because you can learn everything for free online and Github is all you need as credentials.
It means that my resume is physically not allowed to be even read by recruiters, and I am not allowed to be spoken to. They do this with software in the modern day.

This is MKUltra, or call it whatever you feel like
You should physically read your prescription medicine instructions
>be you
>heard you can make money programming
>sadly 80 IQ
>go to accredited school which is the only way a pell grant
>phone it in
>no portfolio
>hee hee I bet this piece of paper is what employers want
>obviously I don't care about programming, I'm a C- student, and I have no portfolio so I probably stole this piece of paper
>WhY WOn'T ANyBODY HiRE mE!?!?!
>online university
if you fall for such an obvious scam, it is natural selection.
If you were worth anything you wouldn't need to put your degree on your resume lmao
Imagine going to school for 2+ years and not having anything to show for it beyond a piece of paper
Are you dumb?
I do care about programming and I'm going to keep doing it whether I am blacklisted or not, I didn't say I don't have a portfolio. Your portfolio isn't viewed when you are blacklisted. And you still think I was saying that I deserve a job
You aren't blacklisted, you have a shitty portfolio.
You are still saying this is a school. I got my "degree" in computer science in less than 1 year. The point is that I didn't go to school and I'm warning other people. You somehow keep missing the point
This. My mom did the UoP grind only to have a degree so she can be promoted. You only go to these meme schools because your boomer employer requires them to advance. You don't use them to actually get a job.
>It means that my resume is physically not allowed to be even read by recruiters, and I am not allowed to be spoken to. They do this with software in the modern day.
Smaller companies might not even have any recruiters, let alone do anything like that
You're pretty stupid to go to a school that isn't teaching you anything for more than 1 month. No matter how you paint this anon you're a fucking moron.
If op is really desperate, kneel to TekSystems and let them pimp you out like the used up wageslave whore you are.
UoP doesn't have an MKUltra psyop surrounding it telling people that it is a school. It isn't eligible for government assistance, and it doesn't have regional accreditation. There is an MKUltra psyop around WGU though
Anon you aren't getting callbacks because your resume is a piece of shit. How about you post it, censor your faggot name and details, I can't wait to see the piece of shit you use your present yourself.
modern problems require modern solutions. many jobs encourage people with no degrees to apply. Apply to these with a resume that overtly says "no degree", set your ethnicity to anything but white, and see if you get any bites. In tech, no knowledge is better than bad knowledge.
I know, and there are more people like that on this board. You are still saying that I'm painting this in some other type of way than me being a moron, that's exactly what I said, and they MKultra psyoped everyone into this
No, you are the faggot. Go fuck yourself
Lmao you're acting like I think people like you should have jobs. I hope you waste money and I hope you die. You literally are hurting everyone around you by being alive you leech.
>yet another schizo thread
There are plenty of scam companies that will hire you, fake interviews, and get you into positions for the cost of a major percentage of "your" wages. You'd probably fail at that. you'd probably flunk out of help desk positions too.
Haha yeah that's what I thought, "blacklisted" lmao. I bet your resume is a joke. I bet recruiters see it and throw in the trash and they do it without reading a single word because it's amateur and lazy.
Then fuck you
You are just making up random bs that no one gives a fuck about
No fuck you for spamming this shitty thread you mentally ill retard. Here's your lesson: you're a learn2code nocoder that has no portfolio and a shitty resume who is anti-social with no friends. 50% of getting a job is networking. 40% of getting a job is merit (proof you're competent, even more so in programming because it's fucking easy to actually prove you can code by having a digital portfolio) and 10% luck. You aren't getting callbacks because your resume is barren and looks like what a 16 year old produces and your portfolio is a series of tutorial projects any high school student can produce. I can tell this without even seeing it just by what you do here. Even if you had an interview I can tell you don't have basic people skills.
No fuck you liar, go fuck yourself. You don't know about me. Die and meet the devil bitch
You won't post your resume, that's proof enough. Anyways keep spamming so you get your permaban.
I'm not sharing it with you because you sound like a fucked up ugly ass freak who wants to dox me, and you don't have any constructive criticism to offer because you don't know what you are talking about. No one is getting banned retard
Are you incapable of censoring your info or is that level of abstract thinking beyond you?
I guess it's too far beyond me then, yeah. I forgot how
>wants a job in programming
As I said, a learn2code nocoder, it's obvious. Sorry, no one wants a forever junior 80 IQ programmer that should be stamping metal sheets in a factory.
This unironically happened to me too, I've been blacklisted from employment in my own country and had to flee to another
get your resume scored on some AI website and tell us
I usually hate thread spam like this, but this one makes me feel good about myself desu

It's an online non-profit school that should probably not be regionally accredited, but is. The IT degrees come with a shitload of certs. Commonly used by the military to get a degree while active duty. Also commonly speedran by people who have a lot of experience in their field but never got around to getting a degree.
I'm doing the cloud computing bachelor's right now. I was trying to finish it in one term but I don't think that's going to happen anymore, got a bunch of other responsibilities popping up and I am low on willpower.
It shouldn't make you feel good about yourself
We were both blacklisted, we were played each step of the way.
I will make sure WGU is dismantled and no one ever gets a "degree" again that blacklists them
blud still yapping about falling for a scam :skull:
>oh my gad bruh. who invited this kid????
WGU is unironically one of the better schools in that model due to being semi-public and not part of a greater university system that can use it as a cash cow.
I acted a little like this when I was his age. I kind of get it. But you're right, he's being a whiny pussy.
I was invited by myself and several other people on this board, so go fuck yourself. Don't like it then take it up with the people who invited me.

No it's not
I'm not being whiny, you are. I'm the elder who warns people before they make his mistakes. That's why I have the trials and tribulations to prove it.
>I am sane. I take vitamin d and fish oil and exercise, my brain works perfectly and normally.
Anon, I...
get the fuck off this board, nigger
>is like 22
>I'm the elder who warns
You actually don't know anything yet. You're not a real adult until 25 when your brain is finished developing. You're not a fully competent and skilled peraon until at least 30.
I don't sit around replying to myself, the post you just replied to was someone else. You think I'm that guy who cares enough to reply to himself. Fuck you.

That's what I said.

I am. And I'm warning a few people.
At each given moment I ask myself what Richard Ramirez would do, and then I do it instantly. I gave up on being a coder, I don't really give a fuck. I'm warning people who try to do the same thing by getting a "degree". And yes I'm still going to cause issues for the government and for many people.
You are competing with other bachelor degree recipients who have experience and a portfolio and were recently laid off, in a tight market.

I went the way of government and it is easy as fuck, open positions everywhere, infinite money, zero oversight, and clueless retards everywhere that think coding = smart. It took 18 months to fire a guy who did nothing but read news articles and say he's learning things... he made a single commit to our main tool to change "Introduction" to "The Introduction". He wasn't even fired, he was removed from my team and got put onto another team...
I would just end up sabotaging them and replacing their entire database with "Hello World" because I really don't give a fuck anymore.
I want to say fuck you to the government, that's my final mission that this has culminated into.
I'm looking for the quickest way to get into prison, I actually heard there was 0 bills in prison, point blank period.
I read for a living and your post is barely comprehensible. Have you considered that perhaps you have troubles communicating what you mean?
>can no longer receive grants because govt thinks I have un undergrad degree even though I don't have one

what the fuck does this even mean. Just go into project management or something or apply to junior dev positions. Make sure you're doing SOMETHING. That said this post smells like it was written by an ESL bot so good luck
English is my first language, I'm white so thank you I don't need any help. And I am doing something, just not something you would expect. My new occupation is causing issues for the government which will cost millions of dollars to deal with, the question is just how
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You're having a full-on delusional breakdown, if this isn't a LARP. You honest to god need to check yourself into a hospital, talk to a family member, something. Being unemployed sucks but life isn't Mr. fucking Robot. Take care
so 3 months total? woah
No, I take vitamin d and fish oil. It's you who is having a breakdown by replying to me.
he's an attentionwhore schizo (an actual schizo) that tumbled his way over to /g/ after his previous board wasn't giving him the attention he wants. I fucking hate these guys. they larp and spend all day replying to themselves to entice others and make it seem like their threads are important. it's a painfully common pattern among them. just hide his threads like the other countless anons have done and let the sad man ramble to himself until he fucks off to another board
for the love of god bring the ip counter back
You know what to do. $@ge in all fields.
Don't open your mouth again, we don't give a fuck.
Meds, you came from r9k to say this. I've been on /g/ for over 10 years
>physically blacklisted
Did you just learn this word or something?
If any part of your brain is lucid, you should know that even people with "real" degrees and plenty of experience are having a difficult time finding work.

I'm about 70% through the WGU CS degree, and while a large portion of it is bullshit speedrunning, there are some real classes that require a ton of studying (discrete math 1-2, computer architecture)
I would not recommend it for someone straight out of highschool, but I work full time and I'm not about to spend $30k at a university and go to night school just for a BSCS on my resume
And what are your plans when you get out of it? You are simply going to be in the same situation that I'm in at this moment. And yes, we were blacklisted. I did all of those classes, some of them were admittedly a little bit hard. And Scott Pulsipher still handed me a sheet of notebook paper with the text "degree" that is branded into me and physically blacklists me.
>for the love of god bring the ip counter back
i sincerely don't understand why interest boards don't have poster IDs. it would be incredible on some of the larger threads.
If it was here it would just disprove the bs he was saying about me responding to myself
>And what are your plans when you get out of it?
Continue my current job, build some projects to fluff my resume, network, attempt to get some kind of higher paying tech job that prefers a BSCS (tech sales, SWE, whatever). Getting a referral when the job market recovers seems like the most realistic path to a job.
>physically blacklists
How do you think this works? You think every HR team at every company has collectively decided to "blacklist" people with a specific accredited degree? On what grounds?
no one cares about your sob story. we just want to be able to have a sub-conversation without interruption.
I don't have a sob story, if that's what you have gathered from this go fuck yourself.

Good luck getting past the physical blacklist from having a "degree"
Good luck
You completely ignored the questions, you just keep repeating "blacklist".
What's your plan? Make crybaby threads forever? Go back to a "real" school?
Scott Pulsipher is going to give the money back, and I'm going to get my degree. I will cause some issues for the government and when I'm tired of that I'll just kick back and watch the show as I always have. Society keeps evolving backwards and I'm just going to chill out and watch it all unfold.
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holy shit this thread is sad lmao
just re-roll or something
I'm just the elder who tries to make sure people don't make his mistakes, don't worry about it
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>OP takes vitamin d and fish oil
>OP thinks this makes him sound of mind and reasonable despite everything he's posted
you're 21, go seek medical help while there's still time
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OP repeats the word blacklist as many times as possible as a psychological warfare tactic to imprint the association between the school in question and the undesired outcome of blacklisting as much as possible. OP's detractors spam "schizo" as much as possible to try to counter-associate the OP's attempt at creating negative associations against school with insanity. The schizoposters are clearly doing it for the sake of a financial interest, and thus are probably actual shills or sunk cost zombies. The OP who is doing it to undermine a financial interest could be a shill for a competing entity or a savvy anon with a bone to pick. Either way, this thread is a good example of modern information warfare going on in everyday society. There's no conversation going on, and instead multiple parties just trying to use verbal attacks to modify the social space, the same way a radio ad will repeat itself unnaturally and obnoxiously as possible multiple times to imprint itself into your subconscious.
didn't read, cute butt tho
tl;dr version is that 4chan has gone from trolls trolling trolls to shills shilling shills.
I don't have any angle other than getting my "degree" and being physically blacklisted.


There's no need for that, and yeah I take vitamin d and fish oil and I see things clearly.
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Do you research and come to your conclusions. I still have yet to hear a story about any anons who overcame the blacklist
The guy calling me a no-coder doesn't realize I'm coding minecraft plugins as we speak, I'm just blacklisted from being a professional
Oh, you're blacklisted, huh? Must be part of some grand conspiracy against people with "degrees" from WGU. Because the entire industry definitely has time to keep a special blacklist just for you. It's definitely not your fault or anything. And sure, Scott Pulsipher is out there plotting your downfall instead of, you know, running a university. Maybe instead of fantasizing about secret blacklists, try applying for jobs or gaining some practical experience? But hey, easier to blame the imaginary blacklist, right?
They do blacklist us, and Scott Pulsipher doesn't run a university.
80% of us are blacklisted for being NEET. You are in good company.
I know, we were all blacklisted each step of the way
Every single person was blacklisted
>By now, everyone is aware that I am blacklisted from a career in software because I have my "bachelors degree" in "computer science" from WGU.
Nah. Unless it is for CS grad school, even universities don't give much of a shit about that in their software developer jobs (it's not their main business but they have a few).
You're more likely to be blacklisted for being an asshole who can't work with anyone else ever.
Nah I was blacklisted for having a "degree" instead of a degree
Has anyone broken into remote helpdesk with their "degree"?
>By now, everyone is aware that I am black

Stopped reading there
this lol, these guys are hilarious
Maybe if you make something useful people would take you seriously. Not some shitty baby game mod.
>Fell for the "Lern2Cood" and "STEM shartage" memes
lol, lmao even
i dont think there is a blacklist
I just heard a homeless schizophrenic man at a 7 eleven rambling about being blacklisted, was that you op? There's no such thing as a "blacklist" btw
If they hire a lot of military people, organize with alumni, find the most Jewish lawyer possible, and class action sue companies for discriminating against veterans.
There is
Easier said than done
No one said that


Already made something useful

I didn't fall for it, you did.
Skill issue
>t. programmer with only a high school diploma
I also only have my high school diploma and am a programmer, just blacklisted
people have been speedrunning online courses since 2020
>be op
>paranoid schizophrenic
>submit some incomprehensible schizobabble resume that mentions taking vitamin d and fish oil and seeing clearly
>get rejected
>plot revenge campaign against some university

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