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It's official, Consume Day Prime is here
Share your best d̶e̶a̶l̶ scam finds here.

Is Amazon even trying to hide it anymore?
it's always been like this, why do you think amazon tried to sue places like llama^3 out of existence
A competent regulator would fine everyone involved to the edge of going out of business.
Regulations is never a good thing
I haven't bought something from amazon in 3 years. Prime is literally a scam. $200 a year to buy overpriced shit spending $50+ a month.

Temu is my go to now. I just got these big towels for my bathroom cost me $3 and a bunch of USB 3.0 sticks for cheap
What's going on here, are they raising prices so they can "lower" them tomorrow for their so-called sale?
Temu is even worse. I'm so over cheap trash. I just want something decent quality and long lasting, and I dont mind paying more for it
>I just want something decent quality and long lasting, and I dont mind paying more for it
Your only option going forward is to design and build it yourself.
for tech giants, fines are just the cost of doing business now
Well yes.
What's the difference between this

and this

One has AppleCare included, but it doesn't show the price for me because I'm not a burger, and I don't feel like turning on my VPN to check.
>Why is every person in the ads for that watch black?
Its nice if you live somewhere stupid out in the sticks.
I have one grocery store like an hour from me and I nearly cried when they finally began stocking corn tortillas.
Retards is a basic Amazon kindle a good purchase? I want to have my drawing books and shit accesible while I draw in a separate device and on the go.
Mostly that and manga
You're not just going to drop a giant torrent's worth of drawing books with the intention of learning but then never read them ever again after trying only a single page of the first book you opened, right?
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>Yet another economicoterrorist thread.
It's just so tiring.
Aren't you poor bum supposed to scrap shit on the floor to afford living or something? Instead of spreading your dangerous propaganda on the internet?
No I actually use them
Having to work with my massive Lomis "Figure Drawing" gets annoying at home and I can't prroperly do it outside because the phone screen is too small and I don't want to waste my tablet's drawing area in a PDF.
Then you don't need the kindle.
If you're outside of your house then you are surrounded by way better references than what any book can give you and loomis should already have taught you how to deconstruct people and objects.
If there are people then you should do gestures, not read some stuffy ebook.
> are they raising prices so they can "lower" them tomorrow for their so-called sale?
This is not allowed in the EU since near the discounted price you have to display the lowest prince the item had in the last 30 days. Thank you based EU
Soundbros, should I pick up some Sony XM4 for 166 yurels or Sennheiser Momentum 4 for 250? Pretty massive difference.
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Fact: The Boston Tea Party was Economic Terrorism.
The Founding Fathers of the USA were the 1776 equivalent to the Houthis.
Get the XM5s I love my pair and they're $225 rm
>zero electronics I want on offer
>zero books I want on offer
>zero appliances I want on offer
>the things that are on offer aren't real offers

>buying books
>A competent regulator
Lol, right after a flying pig
>hurrdurr gurrrrrblurblurblub
go charge your kindle
Literally every item on my wishlist is discounted to a higher price
>vacuum robot I had in my cart for weeks is 20% off
>make the fatal error to scroll through the specifications again for 30 secs
>deal ended
Fuck them jews
>catcha GYYM
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I bought an electric mini screwdriver.
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Yes. They 10x'd the price of their trail cam just to say "92% off!"
>to the edge
Nah the punitive damages should be so high that their children's children still pay off their debts.
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>demand's going to increase
>increase price preemptively
>evil because big and powerful
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Bought two WD 20TB external drives to shuck for $277 a piece. Seems like a very good deal to me. On diskprices.com the only things cheaper than that are extremely sketchy.
Bros... fikwot or fanxiang or lexar NVME? They're the only cheap ones
Rare EU win.
Bought one. Considering buying another.
I record a lot of gameplay when I play games.
20 TB will last a very long time but I might just get another in case the prices go up.
this year's been awful
only good shit is in amazon fresh and some kitchen appliances
>Amazon resale
enjoy your literal brick
fag shit for gaylords tbdesu
it is when jewish criminality is curtailed
This just results in all deals showing as “save 3%!”
wuts the price tracking extension
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>0 deals on my wishlist
What's the point now?
Raising prices is allowed.
Having a sale is also allowed.
The market will fix this!
Imagine not having a nice library of real books.
I just bought 10 lbs of programming protein powder and a Fosi K5 DAC amp.
It's a bust as usual. /r/buildapcsales isn't scraping a lot of worthy sales either. Cyber Monday will be no different.
I lowkey want to embezzle like 20 million. Hit the prisons for 15 years or whatever. Then live like a king.
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even the normies are no longer fooled
I'm also experiencing this.

Looks like Keepa
The XM4s are great and I'd take them over the Momentum 4s even at the same price point
That's not a good deal at all
is this clown serious or is this some elitist bs?
Illegal in Australia and companies do get pinged for it.
Is there no rule against this in the USA?
where do I get this 1 TB flash drive for only 125 pounds? Even after converting to burger bucks and the price fuckery, this is still a good deal imo assuming it's not one of those scams
>jew lie
nvm found it.

Is it really this price?? that sounds too good for a 1 TB thumb drive. It sounds like a less mild "16 TB for $5" scams
it's not allowed in the US either
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I bought some bamboo shirts that I missed a sale on a few weeks ago and I might two or three 16TB drives that are about $20 cheaper than the last time I bought some, but other than that, there's not much in my saved items that are actually on sale.

I might also look for a webcam or some other camera to play around with the new Stable Diffusion Live Portrait hotness.
what is llama3?
No there are entire stores that have everything in their store constantly at "50%" off.
Who do you think the (((regulators))) are, anon?
Is this the worst prime day ever? Not even my basic hygienic shit like have a proper sale.
>in Australia
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>Is there no rule against this in the USA? >>101436848

Anonymous 07/16/24(Tue)22:15:12 No.101438204

>>101437909 (You)
>in Australia
I've been monitoring prices and I found legit good deals in some other Amazon sites like Amazon Japan. Depends on the product, some were cheaper in May, some were cheaper years ago of course.
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