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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: Home/Pro ~6.6GB, Edu/Ent ~6.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-AMD C-Cores don't need new scheduler and use same arch as regular Ryzen
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101389070
me on the left
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What version of Windows are you using?
is Atlas OS a meme?
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I've been using it for 2 months but I clean installed recently for ocd reasons after fucking around with my first install to the point where it just felt dirty. I really like it. It's been rock solid stable for me.
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so i can just mount the 24h2 iso, run setup.exe, and click "keep all my files" and nothing bad will happen right?
I tried 11iotLTSC for a month but couldn't get into it. It never really broke on me, though.
Came back to 10iotLTSC for the time being.
Couldn't get into it? It's basically the same shit though.
>>I miss Windows##
Any ricers in this thread? This is not enough. How can you achieve windows 98/XP/7 looks on 10?
>for ocd reasons
kek, I do this. If things dont go perfectly I just wipe and start again. Not sure if ill upgrade to 11 or just switch to linux when the time comes. Ill have to fuck around with rufus to get it working on this old pc anyway which probably isnt a bad thing.
winget, scoop or chocolatey?
i would prefer not to use microsoft products as much as i can
>i would prefer not to use microsoft products as much as i can
are you sure Windows is the OS you want to use?
why winget?
and no its not the OS i want to use
I like winget because
- it is 1st party
- comes with the OS, which is useful when helping others or provisioning
- its apps show up in other apps, so if I want to use 'Installed Apps' section of the settings app, things winget installed will show up there, it can also uninstall apps it didn't install

I am also pretty curious about its configuration function but I haven't dug into that yet
>PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) to automate the configuration of your Windows operating system.

why use windows if you don't want to?
it doesnt come with the os on iot ltsc
windows is fucking trash but all software is made for it
ah I see, I was only thinking of Windows 11 when I typed that
I see
this is so fucking annoying.. literally everytime i play a game or something and press the left shift key it randomly goes to sleep. weirdly this doesn't happen everytime i press it, but sometimes it does and i can't get my computer to turn back on without shutting it off. when it happens it says "hdmi turning off - display going to sleep" and the power is still on but i can't turn the display back on no matter what. i went in the settings to find something about this and nothing. this is so infuriating and idk how to reset it.. i've been through multiple keyboards too. can't find anything online about this

i have a windows 11 and a hp monitor and a intel core i5? idk much about tech but if someone can please help me figure out how to turn this settings off my left shift key i'd appreciate it. also my other shift key doesn't do this, but it's annoying to have to use it because the other shift key is more convenient.
it doesn't happen if im on google or my pcs just not running anything, it only really happens when im running an exe. the issue i have this happen the most with is literally any EA game or very randomly yandere simulator (judge me idc) and the computer display shuts off but everything else if i press left shift all the time nothing happens
as far as i know i don't have any viruses.. maybe some junk files and that's it. my computers pretty bare and i don't use it often
it says its going to sleep and the power is still on.. and idk if it has to do with "too much power" because fps and stuff will be fine and nothing else is wrong. also wouldn't explain why it happens when i specifically press the shift key
backup your files, always backup your files
W10IoTLTSC and a few others
It might be problem with your monitor; try checking a manual for your model online. Maybe there is problem with the connection to your monitor and pc, or maybe chaging some monitor settings could fix it.
also winget collects data by default
hope you are using an enterprise version of windows 11
>Snapshot of the entire screen instantly saved to a specific directory, file name is currentUNIXTimestamp.png
Is there an easy way to make this happen on Windows?
do i need to update my wangblows because of that cve a month back lol
also whats that website that lets me manually updated windows update again? do i need to install it incrementally or can i just get the latest one and move on?
The reason the monthly updates are called cumulative updates is that you can just install the latest one and get the benefits of all the old updates as well.
You can get the update setup file from the MS update catalog. Just search for your feature pack along with cumulative.
you cant
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sadly it's just not possible to get something that looks and feels authentic on modern windows
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>What version should I install?
>W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021

Okay but I'm not going to run some sketchy activator, so I don't actually mind spending some money on a license key. Except I can't find an IoT license key to buy - the W10 Enterprise key I bought yesterday wasn't accepted by windows
You're only limiting yourself via not trusting a "sketchy activator" like MAS which basically everyone in here used to activate their own copies of IoT LTSC 2021 if they installed it.
Thank you for your comment/insight, although I did consider the amount of people using it here.
But I'm not sure how the willingness to spend a tenner or two on a activation key for some peace of mind means that I'm limiting myself...
Because you're spending money that you literally don't need to when using MAS is completely painless and done in less then 30 seconds after you type 1 on the keyboard at the main menu.
Windows + Printscreen.
Does Windows have something like Migration Assistant to transfer all files and settings from an old device to a new one?
The Windows setup includes something like this.
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nice thanks anon. funni picture 4 u
It's not an issue of time or money, but system security since I get paid for the work I do on my machine and need the peace of mind. If you just don't know the answer to my question, that's okay to admit
Well if it's a work PC then you might as well get them to pay for a key for you or ask if they have spare keys which they probably do.
this is what MAS does
you can do it yourself with microsoft own tools
Is there any downside in using the LTSC version for a gaming rig? Will I always have the latest drivers for my GPU?
W10 IOT LTSC is the same as 'Windows 10 and later GDR-DU' and 'Windows 10 LTSB' product versions right?
vidya can depend on shitdows updates. personally hl alyx wasnt working for me, and i couldnt update my xbone gaypad fw. i had to fuck around extensively to convert my 10 ltsc into pro just so i could install the necessary updates, you cant force update installs on ltsc afaik.
Oh, that sucks. Even tho I read that you have drivers updates in LTSC in the optional updates tab.
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I miss her so much
Nanami was peak official OS-tan. I will always love her.
what do you care for driver updates? nvcleaninstall works perfectly fine, as does the shitvidia malware bundle. i can imagine that gayforce experience might not function due to a missing update, but to my understanding driver updates ought to be always fine.
i never had trouble installing the latest ones and ive been using ltsc since a couple of years after 7 released and until the alyx debacle a year after its release.
how do i use simplewall?
i dont get it
>nvcleaninstall works perfectly fine
What's that?
Is snappy driver installer the best driver installer?
It's a way to install NVIDIA drivers but with as little or as much of the bloat as you want. You could pretty much just install the driver and nothing much else and even disable any telemetry the driver may have.
Is there a program like it but for amd instead?
For general driver installation that WU can't seem to get working, yes it's pretty much the best. Always use the Origin variant of it as well, and only download the index to stop yourself from downloading tens of gigs of drivers.
Not as automatic, but RadeonSoftwareSlimmer exists which lets you take out as much from an AMD driver installer .exe gotten from the AMD site as you want.
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is this meant to open when i open wsl?
for some reason i cant disable windows firewall or windows defender in the settings, nor cant access firewall settings in control panel (it just doesn't open anything)
what can cause this?
>ask them
Nigger, are you actually retarded? I am my own boss.

I will restate my original question: WHO SELLS W10 ENTERPRISE IOT KEYS.
Regular W10 Enterprise keys are not accepted.
Why is reality like this
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>opens source, on github for everyone to see
>sketchy activator
just switch to mac
I believe that's how WSLg works
Thanks, that seems be rather doable
Are you sure? I watched some OOBE videos and it doesn't appear to be the case
No it won't include anything like this.
It's easy if you have two or more partitions.
If you don't have separate partitions, you will need to take care of your own backups.
Is cpuid hwmonitor actually useful or not?
If you need to ask then it's probably not useful to you.
For me it is because I can see how my system fares in terms of temperatures and cpu voltages.
If you want to use a computer you need to know what is happening, it's not just a black box which you can send back to warrant repair when it fails to boot one day.
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Had it installed for nearly a year but had to do an in-place-upgrade due to system file corruption. I don't like the W11 look but ExplorerPatcher fixes most of the problems I had with it.
You could if you really wanted to.
I have a spare laptop that fulfills two functions. Access to devices with legacy IO and a travel laptop with no personal information on it.
I've been running xubuntu on it for a while and haven't much choice in DE since gnome, for example, runs incredibly slow on it. Win10 is completely unusable. RecenI have an old laptop that serves two purposes. The first is that it has a couple of legacy IO connections that I rarely need but is certainly nice to have when a fringe case does pop up. And the second is as a travel laptop. It's never happened before, but tourists usually don't have a right to privacy and then I can give them a computer with a fresh install and nothing saved on it.
This computer is pretty old now, I think from 2010 and it's been running mostly xubuntu for a long while now. Recently though, I've been xubuntu has been feeling slow, it failed to recognize the nvidia gpu, and xfce crashes a few times on startup. I haven't had to chance to really investigate what's going on but have had another idea, and that it to install the original factory OS back on to it. In other words use win7. I probably stopped using win7 ten years ago but was wondering how usable it actually is today. When traveling, I would just need it to be able to connect to a VPN and access various services. Just a web portal basically.
Can this be done safely? Not super interested in installing a bunch of hacks but would using a non admin account while connected to a VPN via public coffee shop wifi in a third world country be even remotely safe? I'm guessing not but an curious what other anons think.
Windows Embedded POSReady 7 has support until October 8 2024 so it should be safe to use until then.
I'm building my first PC and want to keep using Windows 10 since that's what I'm used to on my laptop. If my understanding is correct, I should just be able to follow the installation guide by downloading from the laptop and plugging the USB into the new PC?
What is a good p2p video calling/image sharing/instant messaging software that I can use to privately talk to my gf? I don't want to use Discord or Snapchat because they are obviously spyware.
>Okay but I'm not going to run some open source activator that's been proven for a decade
>but i completely trust know credit card thieves that now have my credit card info
dumb nigger
> era of virtual assistants and ai gimmicks on every device possible
>OS-tans no longer a thing the take advantage of that
I hate this timeline, if you're gonna flood my system with bloat at least make it cute bloat
Why does this absolute piece of shit of an OS think I don't have 22H2 installed ? I do. Why does it try AND FAIL to install ?
14 years of Windows updates without a problem and now this shit breaks ?
Fuck this third world OS.
what is the best version of windows for someone with a 12700k?
>work pc
>teams is begging me to use the new version
fuck off
what do you recommend to make a backup image of my entire disk?
NTA, backup the whole disk only if your config is highly unique and hard to configure, otherwise it is much less resource intensive to backup personal files only
Veeam Agent for Windows
should i use a normal account instead of an admin one?
i also want to disable windows defender and only have a malware scanner
It is a matter of preference
>i also want to disable windows defender and only have a malware scanner
nevermind, stick to normal accounts
Norma/admin account doesn't matter on windows since windows is a mess of local privilege escalation, compromise is compromise, it literally doesn't matter if you're admin if you have malware
>i also want to disable windows defender
Oh sorry I didn't realize you were retarded. Do whatever you want.
How is microsoft Remote Desktop for gaming?

I have a work laptop (Mac) for use at home. I would like to game while doing some light work on the side. I cannot install anything new on the work laptop. However, it comes preinstalled with Windows Remote Desktop and TigerVNC. I tried using TigerVNC to connect to a linux computer for gaming, but the performance was terrible (very low frame rate / terrible compression). Allegedly RDP is a better protocol with better compression. Is that true for gaming? Or only native windows apps with normal UIs (i.e. not a directx/opengl canvas).

I'm asking (instead of trying directly) because the only windows computer I have is a Home edition, so Remote Desktop isn't included. Trying to decide if it's worth going through the hassle to upgrade.
there is no way you retards actually think windows defender is doing all that much for you unless you are retarded
its just a resource hog
Why is windows so hellbent on you creating an account on setup?
use parsec
>cannot install anything new
fuck nvm. i strongly recommend not gaming on your work laptop, but rdp is shit even on lan unless its like a browser game like idlescape or something
why not? because you don't like it? we're not on windows 7 anymore.
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>resource hog
Yes, this is an unreasonable amount of resources, I see the errors of my ways, you have convinced me
neither of those 2 are the main defender process you shill fuck
and watch it when you are downloading something or opening a big software
What is the main defender process then? I typed in "defender" and those were the only two to show up.
>opening a big software
Does Baldurs Gate 3 count as big software?
antimalware service executable
Yes, this is an unreasonable amount of resources, I see the errors of my ways, I have been convinced

it's the latest zoomernigger trend started by crapple and jewgle
Well it has e-cores so an 11-based one would be best. Just go with IoT LTSC 2024.
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>he fell for the estrogen cores meme
lmao even
Glad I jumped ship from my 10700k to a 5900X.
Lets me stay on superior W10 IoT LTSC as well.
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>W10 home
>need japanese locale for porn
can i move to IoT LTSC? do i need to fiddle with non-IoT?
Could always install Japanese LTSC then change it to IoT LTSC with MAS
yes, all my nip games work fine
non-iot is just if you want the windows UI in a different language, and then version upgrading to IoT with MAS if you want the extra 5 years support
reporting it
worked fine although i had to rerun winutil to turn all the shit off
actually i think this broke windows update because it's still trying 22h2 stuff and not working
oh well
Does anyone know any good open source mouse mapping software? I dont want to install the orsair shit.
lmao even
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I needed a mmo mouse lol, lesson learnt is to also consider the software involved as well.
I think X-Mouse Button Control might do what you want. It isn't open source though, but it is freeware.
Only open source ones I can find are for Linux or Mac.
>used g600
>ancient shit design that cant store any advanced functions like media player keys or macros on onboard flash
>instead uses software to compensate, meaning the onboard memory is bullshit

>used evga x15
>onboard memory works great
>shits itself after 6 months every time every owner

>chinkshit red dragon
>software is simple as shit as it should be
>make change, stores to onboard instantly
>super lightweight and feels like you're holding nothing

whats wrong with corsair, that was going to be my next experiment
has anyone gotten the xbox gamebar to work on iot ltsc?
>wsreset -i
>install gamebar
it's just that shrimple
Nothing wrong with corsair for now, but I just like to keep my software lightweight and simple hence the desire for opensource. The software just werkz for now. The mouse was cheap as well, so I guess I have no complaints. Or maybe I've been cucked so bad with mouseprices these days I dont know the difference any more. It's an upgrade from a 20 dollar wireless mouse I used for work.
ok hear me out, this might me retarded
Why do all threads of the like, generals, have their acronym end with "t" for thread ?
We know it's a thread, theres only thread on this website, so why not cut the unecessary and just call it /fw/ ? Same with Linux threads, why not just /fgl/?
Same shit goes on /vg/, which uses generals
if every thread is a general, how useful is it to repeat it every single time? makes perfect non sense to me. /lolg/, /d2g/, etc just become /lol/, /d2/, it's clearly smarter.

Anyway. We know it's a thread, thats all there is around here, so just avoid calling it so and be redudant. /fw/ it should be.
I understand where you're coming from, I have made the same argument on /vg/ It isn't going to change however, the names are simply grandfathered in at this point, the best time to make this change is when the thread/general is still new, for example wuthering waves general became /wuwa/
but does it actually work
can you get it to show while playing a game
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Any anons here to who made the switch from W10 IoT LTSC to W11 IoT LTSC can share their experience? I'm still on W10, haven't touched W11 all these years, but I'm building a new PC (with a Ryzen CPU) and I'm wondering if I should install W11 from the get-go or not.
actually seems like the gamebar is not on the microsoft store
Anons have chronicled their time using the IoT LTSC 2024 ISO to upgrade their 2019 and 2021 installs and there hasn't seemed to have been any failures so far. It just seems to upgrade it to 2024 with no real issues.
In a general usability sense most seem to really like it too. Basically just 2021 but with an 11 backend and the features that brings.
By far the most egregious thing about W11 (the new right-click context menu) can be resolved in three steps with Windows Terminal in less than a minute. Ignore the OP ranting about UI downgrades, it's all kind of autistic shit less than 1% of users care about that you can easily fix if it annoys you so much.
I see. What debloater/tweaker do you recommend for W11? I've used O&O Shut Up10++.
ShutUp10 still works fine on 11, that's what the ++ is for.
IIRC isn't the right click menu in 2024 the 10 one by default?
Is there a way to get old windows 10 emoji set on windows 11?
I've heard many good things about the LTSC version of Windows like no ms store or bloat but now I want to know its cons.
What are the drawbacks of using Windows LTSC?
I guess you can have some trouble with drivers sometimes, though SDIO or your OEM support page can help with that. Also I guess a small pool of programs need 22H2 to run properly for no reason when 2021 is stuck on 21H2 (though 2024 is on 24H2 so those problems disappear if you use that.)
Besides that, LTSC is pretty much the most solid/clean way to use current Windows.
Sorry but no matter how hard you try to reframe the narrative, Linux will always be the tranny OS.
you are mentally ill.

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