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Probably because you agreed to the license
yeah why is month/day/year still legal?
it isn't, the only international legal time stamp format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MS
Because :
1/ you agreed to the ToS
2/ you do nothing about your country's legislator corruption
=>Hence, it's your fucking fault.
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wintards are just as dumb as itards.
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>arch btw
Because you as users see this and decide to use it. Every fucking time. It is like seeing what happens when person gets raped and after that you think "that sound's good!". Then get mad once a month how getting raped hurts and you continue asking people to do it to you.
why would you tell me to kill myself? what is wrong with you?
>good DE
>meme OS
my rating: penis
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i am off my meds today
> loonix tranny talking
DIE cockroach
i'm heterosexual and fucked your mother. bitch is a whore.
>he needs to
sudo pacman -Syuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
every time he tries to install a new package to make sure there are no dependency conflicts as well as being forced to upgrade packages already working perfectly fine to buggy pieces of shit you can't opt out of.
the joke writes itself.
I've been thinking to switch to linux for years now. I run a business, sadly that OS don't have a lot of enterprise programs and apps.

also, why a lot of developers refuse to port their programs on linux?
what are you poor?
It's more human-centric to how we think of time and planning dates. Like many aspects of the english/imperial system, often moderate-sized units are more important to us in the immediate psychological sense than the very small or the very large.

If you want a more detailed explanation I can expand on this but I imagine you weren't being super serious.
>I'm a hobbyist with a sports team!! I love my sports team!! My sports team is the best!!
I just really don't understand why the working-class/welfare-class peons insist on having their "voices" heard like they have something super serious and important to say.
Why shouldn't it be legal, you fucking leftist retard?
and yet you replied.
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>It's more human-centric to how we think of time and planning dates. Like many aspects of the english/imperial system, often moderate-sized units are more important to us in the immediate psychological sense than the very small or the very large.
>If you want a more detailed explanation I can expand on this but I imagine you weren't being super serious or however the burgers are flipped.
The only valid format is dd/MM/yyyy
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No confusion with other formats, alphabetical order matches chronological order.
ISO wins.


join the ISO8601 supremacy
dd/MM/yyyy is the most human readable, yyyyMMdd is only good because of its sortable properties.
The format debate is dumb, what should really be questioned is why SEPT(7) OCT(8) NOV(9) and DEC(10) are the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th months
>dd/MM/yyyy is the most human readable
ugh disgusting
let me guess... you think "(given name) (family name)" is the most readable too?
yyyy-mm-dd and family name before given name makes much more sense
you have to give a foundation first and then specify the details
Because Roman emperors wanted to be included in the calendar, but they wanted their months to have good weather.
So they picked summer months, and pushed the existing months behind.
It's the usual: white people messing things up again
>Roman emperors
> Not windows 10
You've been watching too much japanese cartoons
looks very white to me
It's a Microsoft computer, Microsoft has all legal rights to it. It's all laid out in the EULA.
Because you don't own Windows.
What's the problem?
>why is it legal for a private company to sell a product with certain characteristics of which the consumer has to agree in a well detailed explicit contract
Fuck you regulator cock sucker commie nigger faggot. You don't like it? Dont buy you retard
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I always try Linux only to go back to Windows.
Then I discovered Ameliorated Windows and it made it tolerable. Won't think again about migrating to Linux until apps stop working on Win10
Yeah, I've been corrupted. Sorry, mate.
arch is the one place kde actually works you tard
probably a vm.
what do you guys mean? my pc shows that icon before connecting to wifi
>parrots the official retarded meme from textbooks
woah dude can you also explain why do ships disappear bottom first on the horizon since you're so fucking smart?
No it was because February used to be the last month of the year which is also why it is the shortest. July and August was always in summer but Augustus was the reason why August also has 31 days although it should have 30 if it followed the system. We just moved the end of the year to December later because of some religious shit, I think because the Christian year starts on 25. December or something.
The objectively correct format is YYYY-MM-DD. MM/DD/YYYY is just a version for when I don't give a shit about the year, which is often. Go on and jak me, my opinion is the right one.
You forgot the 'T' in the middle.

Obviously it's dd.MM.yyyy
ywnb japanese
Nah, I'm always aware of what month it is but I usually need to check what the day is because it changes every day.
He's right thoughever.
>international legal time stamp format
It was mentioned multiple times.
Because you agreed to it.
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If you don't know how to manage your own windows updates, you don't deserve to complain.
Winbuck status?
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not broken
Have you set up secureboot and installed SELinux/Apparmor? Most Arch babies don't even do that. Sure, they can get Arch up and running, but it's probably a lot less secure than another distro where these industry standard protections come installed out of the box.
vast majority of archbabies don't even bother turning on the firewall . all ports and incoming connections wide open. yet they think copy pasting from the wiki makes them smart and superior. complete fucking retards. they would be a laughing stock if every leunuchs space wasn't infested by them
I'm yuropoor and was forced to use MM/dd on my job (US company). Well, after 5 years I can say it's better than dd/MM.
No, you're retard. And how many times you brush your teeth?
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year is complete bloat

putting it first is utterly nonsensical
based, 8601 is objectively the best. it satisfies the dumb Americanism (months before days) too.
ports are only open if I run a program that listens on them. And if I run a program that listens on a port I damn well expect it to accept connections on that port. This is only a problem for wintoddlers that run endless random software they don't understand and need their OS to protect them from themselves.
>vulnerability in internet facing program
>arch babby gets pwned
then you keep the same international standard order and crop it down to what you find to be relevant
year not relevant? okay
seconds not relevant? okay
then you have the rest of it, in the only international recognized standard order

putting something out of order is what it's insane, baffling even
i'd respect someone that uses .beat time more
firewalls stop connections. If a program is "internet facing" then a firewall does nothing. And if it isn't supposed to be internet facing then why did you open it to the internet?
1. Because you're a faggot for having enabled updates in the first place
2. Because you're an even bigger faggot for connecting to the internet and then disconnecting so you could take a screenshot and post it for yous
3. Because you are a massive faggot for not heading over to /fwt/ to snag, install, and tweak the IoT Enterprise LTSC version like a reasonable human being
4. Because you just won the world guiness record for being the biggest faggot the world has ever seen for bothering to post a useless slide thread that contributes nothing to this board and you should go jump into a vat of acid so we don't have to hear from you again
same amount of characters (including spaces dipshit) as sudo apt install ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Disable it in group policy if you must. Why bother though?
Yes saar sorry saar enjoy your superior threads saar >>101438667

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