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Thoughts? We are entering alpha soon and this DE looks promising.
>what if gnome but with an extra menu
why is it taking them so long it's just a couple of menus
Pop OS makes me hungry for some reason
>I love Corn Pops
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>Corn Pop... I need you for one last mission...
complete waste of time
They wrote a desktop from scratch only to end up with GNOME again?
If you know how gnome extensions work, and what the future holds with gtk4, youd know that this DE is absolutely necessary even if it looks similar. Besides, no one has a problem with all other DEs basically looking the same as windows... so that it looks like gnome is a moot point
>Besides, no one has a problem with all other DEs basically looking the same as windows
You can change them to your preference, the issue with GNOME is not only that it's a barren fucking design nobody but autistic retards enjoy, but you can't change it. At least not without overloading it with several third-party extensions.
If Cosmic lets you get a Windows-like workflow without bullshit, then it's an improvement.
the only people bitching about this are gnomesisters who know its going to fuck their shit up

>but its just like gnome
its gnome, but better, developed by non-insane people and not anti-user. gnomesisters know this is a death knell.
>the issue with GNOME is not only that it's a barren fucking design nobody but autistic retards enjoy, but you can't change it. At least not without overloading it with several third-party extensions.
It's almost like it was intentionally designed to be barren and that's the whole point of extensions...
No that can't be right. GNOME is le bad and hates customizability, /g/ told me so.
>extension to add panel
>extension to make menu not look like ipad
>extension to be able to customize clock
>extensions to make nautilus not suck dick
>all of which can break when you update gnome
How about I stop complicating things and just use a desktop environment with features?
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>we are entering alpha
Just make a modern XCFE. if you hate windows you can make the basic experiance look like iris or some other unix trashware but for the love of god stop trying to be crapple.
They wrote it because GNOME/GTK devs as usual have a stick up their ass and fucked over their extensions and customizations they made in Pop Shell. They were asking for basic features only for Gnome devs to wontfix them. They even had a whole Twitter fight with them (some if the tweets are gone since Gnome is filled with fags that left when Elon Musk took over Twitter). Gnome devs like ebussy and Chris/brainblasted started seething when System76 said they would make their own DE and not use GTK.
Gnome uses Gender Tradition Kit (GTK) and sucks balls in every aspect, the new cosmic will suck a lot less because it's based on a better toolkit.
Here's a news flash for you anon. In KrashDE, Xfce, MATE, or whatever your favorite DE of the month is, all of those things are discrete components too.
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>Gnome devs like ebussy and Chris/brainblasted started seething when System76 said they would make their own DE and not use GTK.
And it was glorious.

>Gender Tradition Kit
Unexpectedly conservative of them.
I hope they won't delay the release date after all the hype. I hate GNOME and KDE Plasma.
I want everyone to shill COSMIC on YouTube and Plebbit just so I can see GNOME devs seething about it.
not even ALPHA yet? you're - you're delulu aren't you?
Plasma good
Shut your troon hole
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All of Pop's custom gnome extensions were/are shit.
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>still no proper push-to-talk support under wayland, even on KDE
cosmic is my only hope for desktop linux
No, they made gnome way more usable and intuititve and with easy tiling
I said I was gonna install Steam
But then Pop! Goes my OS
Why would I want my floating window manager to LARP as a shitty tiling window managed?
nta but why would you care if someone else does, just disable it
Zero config, just works, and toggle-able
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Retarded company trying to reinvent the wheel instead of contributing to KDE, which already needs developers for bug fixing, commits and valve is already working on KDE anyways.

Fuck popOS and fuck system76.
Qt is horrible, and the KDE libs are even worse. The reason KrashDE has so many bugs isn't due to a lack of resources, it's the piles and piles of nightmare C++ spaghetti code.
if you have to beg random devs to fix it, it's a shit project already and should be abandoned
I'm using KDE right now, and I'll come back to my computer overnight to a black screen that says the screen locker crashed.
If rust makes this harder to do or makes it easier to spot WHY it happens, I'm all for COSMIC and will kneel to the Rust bvll.

I became redpilled using KDE and also seeing my printk buffer being full of General Protection Faults in the AMDGPU driver. Rust won. Fuck off you C and C++ tranny apologists. I'm tired of broken shitware.
why not kde sis
kde just werks and has less problems than other DEs
Based System76 not contributing to the steaming piles of garbage known as KDE and GNOME.
>just another fork of gnome
>contributing to KDE
They don't deserve it. Plasma has been broken for way too long.
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not even fucking close.
It's literally a wholly new compositor, toolkit and all.
System76 devs are insane rust fanboys, they were searching for an excuse to scam their boss into letting them make a full rust DE for a long time. When gnome released 40/libadwaita, they finally found that excuse. Anyone who tries to tell you it was over actual technical reason is bullshitting you, system76 devs would rewrite their mothers in rust if they could.
excited to see it released. I saw a preview and it looks nice and snappy.
I tried to install it from aur (cosmic-session-git) and after ~30 minutes it failed with a git lfs error. Why the fuck does it take so long time to compile? its written in rust and has to compile 3000 dependencies (quite literally). I can compile xorg server, picom and dwm in seconds.
If they don't get autistic about CSD like GNOME then I will use their desktop.
Yup. I like the idea of a new DE, but this is going to fail so hard...
after my experiences with plasma and gnome, I'm fully behind them
I actually just recently tried out kde, with the latest kubuntu. And oh boy what a bloated mess. And I want to like it but the constant bugs I run into just put me off. Cinnamon, xfce and MATE are the holy trinity of DEs.
>gnome keeps breaking our extensions!!!
>i know, lets rewrite gnoem in rust and hardcode our extensions in
You can go through the last 10 years of /g/ archives and you'll find daily threads complaining about how Gnome development is painfully slow and basic things never get fixed.
Gnome is currently the most used linux DE, and for that reason many companies (or maybe just redhat, not sure) have people whose job is specifically to improve Gnome. They still don't get shit done.
Doesn't this look like the sort of situation when someone taking things into their own hands and writing a new DE is maybe a good thing?
I personally don't like the cosmic DE either, but I'd rather have new DE options now rather than wait 15 more years.
>Gnome development is painfully slow and basic things never get fixed.
Give an example other than the file picker meme.
Finally a DE free of trannies
>written in rust
>free of troons
A proper stable API for GNOME shell extensions
It doesn't even have a proper system tray.
What makes you think examples are a metric?
There are several proper system tray extensions.
Why dont they have it natively?
No use case?
A system tray is not essential for GNOME to function, and therefore abiding by the project's minimalist philosophy should be moved to an extension.
No use case. Not a metric. Closed and won't fix.
It looks even more like a toy than Gnome
I'm using KDE and everything works perfectly. Let me guess, you're on Debian or some other shit distro?
no. I'm using Fedora *tips*
Make a thread when the Alpha is actually out, there is nothing to talk about before then other then.
>looks exactly like gnome
By the time they’re done all the major issues with GNOME will be no more, considering Nautilus as a file picker, DRM leasing, and better HDR are coming next version now. I guess that’s the best legacy for this soon-to-be-abandoned DE; it forced GNOME devs to actually do something, maybe.
Switch to an Atomic version. You probably fucked up some dependency somehow, but with Kinoite that can't happen.
uh it's just gonna be another DE and it doesn't matter and you can use gnome or some shit instead?
Incredibly correct. Ebussy and Co can seethe into oblivion and rightfully should
>A system tray is not essential for GNOME to function
Neither are workspaces but for some reason they keep forcing them down my throat.
My brain is baked from consooming. Can you point me to a video review of it?
We need something new to shake things up. The current state of Linux DEs are abysmal.

KDE is slow unstable pajeetware.
Gnome devs are so far down their autistic rabbit hole they are unable to comprehend any use-case outside of their incestuous circlejerk.
XFCE/Cinnamon/Budgie/LXDE/MATE and the rest are just re-skinned ancient Gnome GTK3 apps outside the desktop shell, two thirds are borderline abandoned.
Deepin is just Chinese MacOS
If you aren't using workspaces just go buy an iPad already.
If I was using an iPad I probably would want workspaces, but I have a proper desktop PC with two monitors. I don't need workspaces. I have plenty of space already.
You have no idea what you're missing. You've been on training wheels your whole life, it's time to take them off.
Okay, tell me what I'm missing ebussy.
Workspaces. I thought that was clear.
Guess I wasn't missing anything then, thanks.
Ok retard. I'm not gonna try to evangelize to you, I'm content to let you suffer.
>I'm content to let you suffer.
That's just the Gnome motto.
Not to mention that if a company for whatever reason want's to switch to linux and needs to upgrade. It would make sense to buy in bunk from System76 since they make the distro and also supply the hardware. It would be a nice revenue stream, especially once the company is hooked. If they are already using System76 machines, then it would only make sense then 10 years down the line they upgrade with more system76 machines. Making them a reoccurring customer.
I like having the built-in system tray, I wonder if Gnome will ever take off the training wheels on that.
They should train their own AI assistant for the final release. They can call it Cosmic AI.
To me, the phobia of useful features is just as bad as a glacial development process. And they have both at the same time.
It's a good thing I'm probably never using it again. Maybe some of their actual good ideas will leak into other desktops over time.
vr support, global hotkeys. But there are also things that they refuse to support, such as setting a window position relative to screen edge (all other compositors support this) since they refuse to make it possible for third parties to create notification daemons and things like that. That also means that steams notifications doesn't work properly on gnome wayland and it's impossible to create a nvidia shadowplay like overlay on gnome wayland.
>VR support
Use windows if you want to play video games
>global hotkeys
No use case
>such as setting a window position relative to screen edge
This is actually a good thing with gnome, you can place it anywhere you want without screen edges getting in the way
>since they refuse to make it possible for third parties to create notification daemons and things like that.
This is a good thing, notifications should be reserved for important system notifications.
Once again, Gnome filters the retards and their stupid ideas. This is why we are the most used linux DE and KDE and Cosmic will never be.
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I wonder in a future 8 hour retrospective how much of gnomes downfall is attributed to Bassi
I wonder with how many layers of delusion he copes with.
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Years worth of layers of rationalization means he will probably never come out of coping. If gnome gets overtaken by anything I doubt he will find any fault in himself or Gnome. It will sting doubly so if it is Cosmic that overtakes them since Gnomes poor management directly lead to the creation of Cosmic.
he's not wrong.
I don't want gnome to die. I want all the shitheads that think its a great project to have somewhere to stay so they don't infect other projects.
Gnome will never truly "die". Those "shitheads" are such firm believers in the project that even after it starts fading into irrelevancy they will still work on it.
Their GNOME with extensions was breddy good so I'm expecting for COSMIC to be great
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>imagine using a desktop environment in 2020+4
>imagine using a fucking GNOME clone
I don't care about the project itself because my WM and software setup is perfect and I would never change it, but I support it cause fuck GNOME I hope Cosmic kills it and also because it's an opportunity for Rust GUI development to finally become mature.
How the fuck do these delusional retards get in lead dev positions(or whatever position ebussy held) in the first place?
Ok tinkertranny
I support any projet that aims to kill gnome. the sooner we get rid of this cancer, the sooner the year of the linux desktop will become a reality.
it will NEVER EVER happen as long as this abomination is the "standard".
I'm a C++ dev but I agree with you, fuck my fellow Cucks++ who can't use asan or follow best practices, it's easy to not have memory issues in actually-modern (20 and beyond, 17 and below isn't modern anymore) C++
Maybe the fact that it defaults to wayland wasn't a really good idea for every single user out there.
Switching to that garbage will only be a waste of time and will lead to the same exact issue, it would be better switching to another, less garbage distro that doesn't have bugs no other distro has.
>Ask if the foundation allocates resources to one project
>Oy vey this is getting heated, I recommend slowing down goyim
The levels of mental illness and delusion aren't even from this planet, they literally spend like a million dollars every year and can't allocate like 10k to fix one of the main issues with GTK, or even pay the fucking developers who work full time there, but hey, those DIE programs don't pay themselves amirite?
Been trying the pre-alpha on my personal laptop for a few months now
Last time I tried the terminal emulator had some bugs with edges for some tui apps
Controlling sound for multiple programs using sounds at the same time felt clunky (the UI was big for what felt like no reason)
The file manager still needs love i think

Other than that im loving the tiling wm mode
The minimal UI that gets out of my way
And the lack of useless stuff that usually comes along with other de's
>the desktop they had nothing to do with was pretty great so I hope the thing they do entirely on their on is great as well
GNOME only gets anywhere close to good with extensions, so he has a point.
Cute tranny
That's called a Vtuber, grandpa. Please keep up with the times.
I'm disappointed it's CSD, the apps will look even more fragmented on linux now.
NO. The only things that are objectively good are the ones I grew up with and feel nostalgic about.
What do you believe is so good about workspaces?
Didn't they make the extensions I mentioned?
>>global hotkeys
>No use case
Im making a windows alternative to nvidia shadowplay. It gives the option to save replays at any time when you press a key. Global hotkey is a requirement.
>>global hotkeys
>No use case
Im making a linux alternative to nvidia shadowplay. It gives the option to save replays at any time when you press a key. Global hotkey is a requirement. This is why nobody uses obs studio on gnome wayland.
I think there's already OBS and GPU Screen Recorder. Does it have something additional
That screenlocker issue is caused by systemd deleting your xauth file btw. Years old tmpfiles design retardation that they blame on packagers, distros, and users when its clearly meant to push people towards enterprise Linux and keep normal desktop users out.
It's okay software that uses csd is trash anyway
why is it using temp for that?
it should be using $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
jesus KDE and X are such shitware.
why? KDE constantly draws the decorations off-screen all the time and it gets annoying and honestly for shit like foot where I could turn the decorations off altogether, it was much better. SSD sucks nigger dick.
Because i cant make it look like how I want and app of different toolkit will look like something from anotger OS
ya but ssd's just do fuck all. I legit don't get it. I'd rather have zero decorations.
I'm pretty excited to see what they can do.
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Rustchads, does this mean we are GUI yet?
always have been. when shitters said GUI's they mostly meant their nonfree shitware OS toolkit bindings, which are still dismal outside of like Win32 crap.
If you want zero decorations then you can have that only on SSD
My prediction is that everyone finds the Alpha doesn't remotely live up to the crazy hype the community has been building up around Cosmic and the whole thing is dead in 3-4 years a la Unity.
It's mostly aesthetic and consistency for me i might have OCD or something but im really annoyed by inconsistency like those. CSD is better in some way, like it takes up less space.

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