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>password managers are totally secure and reliab-ACK
didn't read but 100% user error
if it was any other real password manager and not passwords.txt in the (((cloud))) he would be equally fucked
im gay btw
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you are correct OP, anon couldn't access the database because he lacked the credentials, and had no way to get around it
As advertised, secure and reliable
now hang yourself
>Effectively storing 70k on a napkin
Rip bozo moment
Just memorize an 8 string phrase in your head that is catchy, and write it down and put it somewhere safe.
>password was 180-190 chars long
in 10 years, he can probably get it back when quantum computers break current encryption
The 180-190-long passwords with random characters only your browser or apps can know is the problem.
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100% his fault
Just don't lose your master password fool.
how is it a problem? you only need to remember one password
Never saw any use for them. I just keep myself signed into everything on desktop. For mobile access I tend to use passwords which make sense to me and I can easily figure out which one I used.
Writing it down defeats the point. Where can you realistically store a passphrase that it will be secure from both private and state agents?
Tattoed on my penis.
Not a pw manager problem. It's a PEBKAC problem.
sounds like it's working as intended to me
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>steals your accounts
nothin personnel, kid
Bro thinks he's in Prison Break
>"I lost the physical paper note it was written on."
It could have been a piece of paper, it could have been engraved on a plate of 2-inch thick steel. If you lose that shit, you are an idiot and that's the bottom line.
>bitcoin wallet on my cellphone
>paper with seed phrase hidden in my bedroom
good enough for me, have about 40k
>lose phone
in your head
write it in a book
There are hundreds of books on my shelves, you know no tanned thief will give them a second glace and I doubt it's standard practice for any fedboy to go through every book of a perp page by page. what would the odds be?
quantum computers only effectively half the key length afaik
>house burns down
>all your assets are destroyed
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quantum computers arent real because quantum mechanics is a fraud science
"half the key length"? theyre supposed to be able to test every key instantaneously using parallel universes. but thats obviously fake so they keep inventing copium like error correction and simulated annealing to continue the infinite money grift. just look at this thing, does this look like a working computer prototype, or a shiny toy for investors to gawk over?
i hate modern science fraud!
even if it's useless I think it's kinda cool solely because I hecking love science
can't keepassXC fix this?
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this is what enianc looked like btw. messy, unassuming, practical. its was made for real work, not photo-ops
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it was his fault Xd
>It's the password manager's fault that I used a long master password that is impossible to remember and lost the piece of paper that I wrote it on
No. This guy's threat model is pants-on-head retarded, literally nobody should do this
>doesn't back up everything he needs
That would mean crypto would be useless since it relies on encryption too.
>not using a long but rememberable passphrase that you can instantly remember because of the context you gave it when setting it up for the service you used it for
>not at the very least having multiple backups and points of failure for your keys if you are going to use random bullshit so this very thing doesnt happen

what's more likely is this nig stole the computer in a targeted attack against someone he knew personally that had crypto and is just trying to crack his db
also op you disproved your own starting statement with the very picture you posted
if you dont have the master key you arent getting in
sounds pretty secure and reliable

user error
For one second I thought keepassXC was compromised or something, turns out it's just one extremely dumb retard in action. I hate this board, fuck you OP
You don't deserve computers if you can't remember one or two master passwords
How can keepass compete with online password managers? I needed to log into something on my phone and had to wait until I came home to do it because there's no app on my phone. With nordpass it's easy.
I don't know about iOS, but there is an app on android called Keepass2Android which works with keepassXC databases. That's what I use, along with syncthing to keep any changes and updates across my phone and PC
Sync your database file via a cloud provider

and all of that in conjunction with Aegis for 2FA codes

KeepassXC + Aegis encrypted backups of 2FA codes + syncthing and the occasional physical storage backup like an USB drive, and you can be your own online password manager. If one device fails or shuts down you are never at risk of losing sensible access to your accounts and data.
good old "just one backup" fail

one on paper
one on physical
one pure electronic
I was in that thread. OP's justifications were pants on head retarded
Fake and gay story and still safe
I'd rather have everything in one kdbx, fuck this I'm lazy
> lost piece of paper with password
> blames the password manager
Keepass + syncthing?

Personally, I use pass and my private gitea repo for syncing
yea i use it with syncthing
Password managers are superior to every other method of storing passwords and similar sensitive data but they are not fool-proof and nothing really can help you if you are braindead subhuman. This guy did not do any backups and used super autistic password that was impossible to store or memorize. The vast majority of people who cry about password manager are tech-illiterate spergs who do not do anything important on their computers.
>he can't remember 250 character passwords
I used to use Pass with my private git server too but accessing those passwords on iOS (~70% of my use case) when the passforios app broke due to some dependency that never got fixed.

So now I just use Bitwarden like a sex-haver. 2FA for important accounts reduces the risk from them getting hacked, and is a good idea anyways.
That's my point

You should still memorize your key, the first anon only mentioned writing it down as a backup
I'm using pass4ios right now and have been using it for years.
It just works.

> 2FA
I use 'pass-otp'. It also works on iOS.
they could break asymmetrical encryption, symmetrical is fine
this has got to be a bait thread
This was like ~2020 and I haven't checked if they fixed it desu. IIRC it only affected some versions of openssh (which apparently included the one my CentOS server had). I gave up after nearly a whole year of waiting.
I know it wasn't the pass4ios dev's fault, but like a nigga needs his passwords ya know.
I keep my database on my file server which also hosts a nextcloud instance. So I just point all my various keepass compatible managers to that.
fpbp /thread
have you tried not being a stupid nigger OP?
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>it's another "tranny pushing FUD about KeePassXC" episode
Must be a Debian maintainer.

If you went for the autistic 180 character long passphrase, I don't care. Why didn't you autistically repeat it in your head until it was a permanent memory?
nice try glowniggers
im using bitwarden and im wondering should i change to keepass since i see all the autistic cryptobros are using it?
>now i only need to remember one password instead of hundreds!
>ITT terminally online niggers that can't grasp the concept of writing the passwords onto a real life paper, immediately erasing any risk of some fag ever BTFOing you, or you losing all your passwords because of software malfunction
totally secure and reliab
totally secure and reliabuhbuh
totally secure and reliabuhCOOOOOCK
buck-buck buck-buck
who said anything about someone else's pc?
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I bought this safe
I lost all the keys because I am retarded

Ack! Safes are not secure or reliable
No NEET, your password paper is not better, or even comparable, to a decent password manager.
Your password paper can be easily lost, damaged or pickpocketed, and if this happens then you are pretty much locked out of all your accounts, since the vast majority of paper spergs do not do backups properly. Not to mention that you are storing them in plaintext.
>talks about quantum computer
>posts a mere quantum annealing processor
Sasuga brainlet
I just copy it to the phone every now and then... you don't create new (important) accounts every day.

The database is also naturally part of my usual backup routine. I dont have to do anything special.
why does it cause so much seething in these threads?
If you cannot keep track of a piece of paper then you do not deserve computers or oxygen.
because its pointless. its equivalent to buying old video game consoles for the sentimental value when in reality they've been made obsolete by emulators.
You say like this because you are a pathetic waste of oxygen yourself that doesnt do anything important in life. People that do have many accounts, cant afford loosing access to those and unlike you, they actually leave their place. Since you are unemployed subhuman, you can afford using a password paper. Simple as.
ah yes the piece(s) of paper so secure and convenient
retard. I have to manage accounts for companies
>0 encryption
>local password manager
hmm what should I use
>i wagecuck my life away, therefore i am intellectually superior
Yes, we are superior, because we have money to spend and we live the way we want, you live the way you can.
>i can cooonsume more therefore i live a better life
sad outlook
You willingly not choosing to use the objectively better method to store secure passwords is not me being intellectually superior. It's you being retarded
Yes, we can. I can travel across the world, go to fancy restaurant, enlarge my book collection and do other interesting things that you cant. The only thing you can afford is jerking off in front of a computer and inhale dangrous amounts of copium. But I dont expect a NEET retard to get it.
>he doesn't print out his database and store it in a safe
ngmi, keepassxc even allows you to export it
When your boss lets you, rumao. I guarentee you spend more time in front of a screen and I spent more time outside enjoying nature, while you wither away for a company and jerk yourself off over material possesions
>70k in crypto
So, nothing then
>can't get in without knowing the password
Seems perfectly secure and reliable to me.
>When your boss lets you, rumao.
I can change my boss at any time. You cant change your parents or find another goverment to get you gibs.
>I guarentee you spend more time in front of a screen and I spent more time outside enjoying nature
Top kek
> while you wither away for a company
the company pays me money that I can spend on improving my life and that of others. Meanwhile you can't even afford a can of soda without mommy/goverment.
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>it's unsafe and unreliable because ... I can't crack it easily
Supreme genius logic
Better get working on that resume faggot. Absolute slave mentality
I'm a neet and I use keepassXC
>Better get working on that resume
Sure, Its always good to have a good looking resume. Now ask mommy for more tendies.
>Absolute slave mentality
You do realise that you are completely dependend on the people that you hate?
>not physically writing your password down and hiding it (along with everything else)

you're not important enough for thieves to come raid your shit and look for passwords, and if they were serious criminals they could just beat it out of you anyways
NEET opinion
>you're not important enough for thieves to come raid your shit and look for passwords
Your password paper can be pickpocketed, lost or damaged pretty easily. You also dont back those up, so you can easily lock yourself out of your account. Not to mention that you are basically storing your passwords in plain text.
>and if they were serious criminals they could just beat it out of you anyways
In this case you have to adjust your threat model accordingly and its not the case for the majority of people out there.
>password manager does what it's intended to do
>can't get in without the password
>can't crack it
Sounds secure and reliable to me.
That's how it is. The more secure something is, the more likely things like this are to happen. At least he'll sleep easy knowing his shitcoins are safe. (:
I just have a master password that is secure AND I can remember. I don't have it written down anywhere and I don't need to. stop being autistic.
if you are retarded enough to walk around with it in your pocket I guess yeah you can be pickpocketed

also my passphrase is in my head so, skill issue
I keep my password store from GNU pass on a private self-hosted git repository, and have 3 encrypted backups of my gpg keys.
It's basically impossible for me to lose access.
>if you are retarded enough to walk around with it in your pocket I guess yeah you can be pickpocketed
Most people have to actually leave their house very often, therefore the risk is real. If you ever get a serious job, you will understand why password managers are worth it.
>brute force
Do you think he would be able to crack the password before the heat death of the universe?
I can't stop laughing
been using a noteboon and a pencil for over 15 years now and it still hasn't been hacked/stolen
stay mad programfags :)
My password manager doesn't store any data.
those will just eventually migrate to newer encryption standards

oh really? interesting
It would be too small for you to read then.
total clusterfuck for the amount of accounts you'd be writing down, not searchable, not actually secure, very easy to lose. not convenient in the slightest.
but if it works for you, sure.
Where do you keep your password paper and how do you know someone won't steal it, or that a housefire won't burn it?
this and invisible ink.
OP is a retarded faggot. write your seedphrases on a piece of paper and put them in your safe
2FAS or Aegis for authentication anons?
this happened because OP was retarded.
i don't care what anyone else uses, but how do you access your passwords when you're away from home? do you carry your notebook everywhere?
>totally secure
Seems pretty secure to me considering he can't access it.
rule of thumb if i cant do something that requires me to log in from home then i shouldnt be doing it away from home
Will this really work
>i have to invent catastrophic conditions to justify spending money on useless software
no because forgot to subtract 2 from the lower bound
>spending money
anyway, shit happens anon, it's good to have a contingency plan beyond "don't worry about it bro"
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>it's good to have a contingency plan beyond "don't worry about it bro"
OH NO! All of your devices have been fried, your self-hosted email server LITERALLY exploded, your online emails and cloud storage are all pwned and your mom accidentally threw away your special widdle bowy notepawd!!!! And worst of all: The skeleton is coming out, AND you forgot your master password!!! What the FUCK are you gonna do?
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>spending money
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first of all my mom would never throw out my special notepad >:[
second, if I only had paper, that would be the only thing that would need to go wrong
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keepassXC is free
it's not always a matter of "shouldn't"
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keepassXC is literally FOSS as it can be
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>this makes the password managerlet seethe

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