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>mini PC
>24-inch FHD LCD
>wired mouse and keyboard
>2.0 stereo speakers
>Linux Mint

I'm so comfy, /g/uys
Looking for a desk with the capability to hold 3 monitors. Any recommendations?
I would've gone with Mint myself, but its installer (and other Ubuntu-based distros I tried) always hang up and stop working after proceeding from the screen where it asks if you want to install multimedia codecs. It's happened on multiple machines too. I dunno if it's due to my devices' BIOS settings or what, but frankly that's an annoying issue to have to navigate around for "it just werks" type distros, and I didn't have the same issue trying other distros.
Honestly, this is the right move.

Come home, white man.
Based Logitech Keyboard
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>mini PC
You should take the chad SFF pill.

>enough card slots you can pack serious power into it like an 8gb GPU and up to 64GB of memory on alot of models
>you can spend $10 on fans and print some air flow ducts to handle heat build up
>base models are like $100 on Amazon
>you can literally carry it around like a boombox if you want

Pic related, it's me and my bitch. I took the optical drive out, put a 12v blower fan, and installed a custom vent. I can play Squad, have a YouTube stream going and have like 2 other heavy applications going without even thinking about it.
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>I took the optical drive out
Based white void poster.
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Starting a /bst/ thread with a stock photo should be a bannable offense.
Open with an actual battlestation pic, you fucking nigger. Holy shit.
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pics or gtfo
based gun owner
love yellow kirby
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hello again people in my puter
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Old photo. PC is done now.
The finished pc
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Gondola spotted
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Setup with RP5
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Tell model & spec, please.
>Imagine needing more.
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What are you hobbies? Also, favourite dish/cuisine?
Where's your CPU?
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>tinkering with old computers
>making dumbass kemono wallpapers
>sprite art (don't do as much as I'd like these days sadly)
>learning about Internet-related true mysteries and crime, it's a fascinating and relatively novel field to me
Favorite Dish/Cuisine
>my foremost go-to is a simple grilled steak with a bit of lobster mac-and-cheese on the side (or just fries if they have no mac)
>...but my guilty pleasure every once in a while is a chicken-fried steak with a couple biscuits, preferably with white gravy and preferably on the side instead of pre-soggying my steak
>Where's your CPU?
In my computer, I should imagine.
Nice, ney, very nice. Best wishes, Anona.
Wishing you abundance of joy, tranquillity and health.
always the best battlestation this thread has to offer
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Today, I will remind them.
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Rate my autism:
>Trogdor MPG Trident 3 10th (Literally just Trogdor's Xbox)
>Trogdor Optix G24C (Fell for the curved meme, but it just werks)
>Stolenseries Apex Pro keyboard (Onboard memory, works with steelseries 3.17.2 before GG shit got added)
>Stolenseries Rival 600 (Same as above, fuck Steelseries GG)
>Same speakers as OP except they have the new soulless "logi" on it instead (It wants to steal your picnic)
>Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC from /fwt/ (Linux Mint gets really fucky with MSI anything and NVidia sucks on Linux)
>A Pokemon Shining Legends mat from an expensive collection used as a mouse pad to trigger the collectors (because fuck you, I'm special)
>Wooden chest used as a desk (Because I don't give two shits and a fuck)
>Shitty power strip attatched to the side for easy power (Because I'm a lazy fat fuck who doesn't give a shit)
>Shitty Wally World blue USB lights I got from a thrift store attatched underneath the chest, not shown (Because why not)
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With lights out
how is using your computer laying down?
holy cope
who the fuck is this so I can look him up
I'm a 300 pound fat fuck, and although I can sit in chairs just fine, my feet swell up because the seat pushes up on the back of my upper legs, restricting proper flow. My shitty queen size spring bed is comfy, but the group home house I live in is a fucked up hell you would never want to get stuck in.

Be glad you aren't in one, I envy those who live on their own, even if it's tough out there. I long for the day I get to experience life again, I miss being out there, brimming with life.
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I suck at taking pictures. It is what it is.
>t. terrorist
>he'll have zero (0) virgins in the life to come
Many such cases. Sad!
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I decided 2 things

>moonlander keyboard is too distracting, so I will permanentlt replace it with logitech mx mechanical mini
>window behind me caused glare and lighting issues for video calls, so I will sit on the other side of the table
Jesus the Christ is KING OF KINGS
having 3 monitors is bloat in the first place.
Your reward for not eating pork is being an eternal sex pest... lol
You say this as if pork didn't taste like cardboard anyways.
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Christ is King.
Infidels begone.
Probably because no one from that society knows how to cook it. If there's one thing to be thankful for when it comes to globalism is that the Han Chinese have been farming, cooking and eating pork for millennia and have got that shit down to a T.
I was born and raised in Southern Europe, of European descent. Prosciutto/jamón ibérico taste nice. But that's it. A pork steak tastes like cardboard. I never got the point of drinking either, but that's just me.

>worshipping a man

>worshipping a torture device
This photo is old, he's still using a specialized setup.
Merry morning, officer.
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>Star Trek posters
Incredibly based Trekker. The rest of your setup is nice too.
Back Pain: The Battlestation
Wow, a female poster!
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This General sews chicken is too spicy and I'm going to die

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