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What went wrong?
Good support for modding but poorly positioned for the rise of indie devs. Many of the largest devs wanted to or were told by their publisher to go for a different, possibly inhouse, engine.
It became woke
For something that started out in late 1990's its naturally on a league of its own.
I don't think I've played any games on this engine except unreal tournament 2004
nvm I have played deus ex and fortnite
Nothing, lot's of big developer studios have been overrun with diversity hires who cant work with the inhouse engines they have.
So unreal engine comes around and the SDK has so much handholding that even latisha and patel can make games on it.
So a lot of big studios will throw out their inhouse engine and get unreal engine.
Recent example of this is CD project RED, pretty much everybody who worked on the engine for witcher 3 and cyberpunk has left and they decided to throw out the engine and go for unreal.
What do you mean? It's probably bigger and more popular now than it's ever been before.
What's this tranny talking about? Is this guy just mad that people migrated to UE instead of Godot or what is this about?
Games are also needlessly fucking complex these days so they do need the handholding of unreal to set things up
there is little reason for a company to bother spending the extra R&D making a world class engine when this one exists
chinese and blackrock money telling them how to think and operate
>showing the world that intel cpus are an unstable mess
best engine
That's how you end up with all games playing the same and looking the same.
It's always so obvious when you play a game on the unreal engine.
Oh is this the survivorship bias thread?
NTA but bias doesn't matter when all the games have the same flavor of shitliness, whether you love unity or unreal or hate them it's really easy to tell when one of those engines are used in a game.
It's just a shit engine. If I see UE anywhere in trailers it's an instant turnoff for me.
>inb4 le devs are lazy in regards to optimization
even Epic shit themselves can't properly optimize their first party games
If you cant tell the difference between gamebryo, source, unreal, unity, frostbyte, etc..... you dont belong here.
CD projekt red is staffed by europeans so the codebase was probably shit anyways
Have you been living under a rock for the last 3 years?
Listen newfag, while the games that run on the engine have no business being discussed here, the engines they run on do.
Your literally went in to a thread that's about a game engine, you absolute retard.
Just checked the games on unity, I would not have guessed that "Metal: hellsinger" was made on it. Same with Outer Wilds.
The fuck are you talking about?
Oh shit, Ultrakill is unity too, cool!
It is literally the most powerful engine available right now, has an extremely forgiving license for indie game developers, is open source and the developers provide an enormous amount of free content and code.

Literally what is the problem?
It's built for movies, not games.
Good looks
Nothing. There's nobody more based than Tim in the game industry.
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UE is the only thing that is keeping Epic's reputation up.
Its a genuinely amazing piece of technology. Have been following it since 5-EA.
Before that the last time I used UE was UE1 for x-tra kool Unreal levels in middle school
no one is going to bother making mods for an indie game, so for 2d stick to godot or lua or [insert framework]
>frame pacing issues
>shader comp stutter
>runs like shit
every unreal game has been a technical blunder
Too many talentless faggots saw the money to be made making FOTM trash and Epic Chinks showed them a pathetically low effort way to produce it.
I'm not a game developer but I do use it for my 3D animation work. The quality you get with Lumen and Nanite is exceptional for the rendering speed you get on a single GPU. I don't have a render farm so a real-time rendering workflow has proved invaluable to my workflow. Animations that would have taken me many hours to render can now be rendered in mere seconds.
you can't even begin to comprehend what tools are offered (for free) to anyone who wants to use it compared to what game/cinematic devs had to do 10 or 20 years ago. "what went wrong" is a just a skill issue on your end
it DEI'd
Gabe Newell is way more based than Tim Sweeney as the head of his own company
Not running on my 8gb ram laptop
It runs and looks like ass and it takes 100gb+ to compile from scratch
It is an amazing software package, it probably has the best real-time renderer in the world. It's a real shame it is not FOSS (source available != libre). That's really the only thing about it that I think is "wrong." I wish Epic would encourage people to learn to make their own assets as much as they do to just get them off the asset store, but that's not really a software problem so much as it a marketing/culture problem. With as huge as Epic is, they could make an entire semester worth of modelling videos taught by really talented artists.
all the games look the same.
Their engine was shit though. Witcher 3 ran like shit even with being hit with a wave of downgrades from the initial teaser trailer and it had lighting issues everywhere with light leaking through sealed geometry. Cyberpunk sort of speaks for itself. Everything was broken and took years to get it working at below the level they initially promised in marketing. The raytracing and pathtracing isn't even worth speaking of because nvidia sent "consultants" to help them, aka they sent their engineers to implement the latest version of their RTX library. Yeah, I'm sure those dumb slavshits just figured out how to exactly implement ReSTIR exactly as described as in nvidia's research paper
Stopped making UT. That always bought in enthusiasts including programmer types.
Just because you're too stupid for simple memory management does not mean Unreal runs poorly. Performance is relevant to backend optimization.
people using it for gaymes
>every unreal game has been a technical blunder
There was nothing wrong with the original Unreal, Unreal Tournament, 2004.
Light textures look dark
Any modern game developer can make a game looks like this. It is not impressive now and it was not impressive 4 years ago.
Tell me how the fuck Pikmin 4 looks anything like Tekken 8.
DEI, libertards, gays and fags, groomers and pedos, niggers. To sum it up: jews.
Killing off the Unreal Tournament series
What an AI bot statement
>What went wrong?
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>mfw tim is more acoustic than john and michael

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