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Talk me out of it.
Samsung phones are e-waste in a year.
Also, be prepared to hire a lawyer if you ever need to do a warranty claim.
>AI Phone
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Girls within 10-mile radius of you would get it. Disregard this warning if you're a massive raging faggot.
Wrong. Still rocking my S10, and it's as good now as it was when I got it. No need to buy a new phone until the fucker breaks.
No lineage
No graphene

Looks like you'll be confined to the absolute bloatware of the stock image or random images from XDA that might work 50% of the time.

If it's ai you're after, then by all means, buy it. Can't talk retards out of doing retarded things.
You have to disable many "features" like the niggerlicous double-tap power on so you don't nutdial glowniggers
Fellow S10 enjoyer here. Not gettin out of this chair. Does suck we're stuck on 4G, but a worthwhile sacrifice for the headphone jack.

It’s an Android device, so I can’t convince you to do shit.

>Sent from my iPad
The lack of 5G is the only downside, but I'm on Wi-Fi more than anything. I rarely use data since everywhere has free Wi-Fi.
do whatever the fuck you want with your money, life on this tiny rock is short
it has no microsd slot
128gb is all you get, because they expect you to use the cloud for everything else

I was also very close to ordering one, but no microsd is a dealbreaker
Is there a single non 5G non AI samsung on the market since the s20 FE (that ive been using for 4 years and many more to come)
mah nigga
I will not purchase a phone that doesn't have an SD card slot and a headphone jack
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>S23 Shit Edition
>450 for this pile of shit
Jesus Christ just buy a OnePlus 12r it's the same price.
it actually has a bigger screen, bigger battery, is cheaper, too bad samsung made some other really stupid decisions

can I custom firmware it? cause there's no way their spyware os is going to be my daily driver
wait for the next iphone
the next android flagships come in spring 2025
lol samsung phones are rock solid.
went from s1 to 3, to 7 to 10 and now 24. Always changed because i wanted the brand new thing, never due to failure on the phone.
I do miss the headphone jack but very occasionally.
sorry, im not going to book a lobotomy
What is it really going to do for you that something for <$200 can't?
>only ip64
commit selfkill
>S23 Stillshit Edition
The "AI" bullshit is only free for like the next year, they are going to make you pay a subscription or something to use those features within 2 years for it.
both are ip68
just admit you lost
Best argument ITT.
it's samsung (chink made)
not him but he has a point, there are iPhones and there are whatever chink phones, Samsung is a whatever chink phone + overpriced, nothing in your Samsung phone is better than 200$ Redmi phone
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You can probably find an s22 for cheaper. There's literally nothing new between the s22 and s23, or even the fucking s21 and the s23. They act like that circle to search it or AI shit only can run on the new phones, meanwhile my old s20 FE has access to circle to search (I think the Samsung developers forgot to exclude that phone from it lol). If that piece of shit can support it then anything can support it. All of their AI shit requires it to call a remote server anyway so it's all bullshit. You're a dumb fuck with too much money to waste trying to justify consooming what else you wouldn't need a second opinion from strangers.
I pity anyone who would ever want to date a girl who cares about what phone they have

>Samsung phones are e-waste in a year.
also they are bloated and locked down to shit to prevent you from doing any kind of useful repurposing

>implying there any phones that aren't
Do you want to look poor?
>128 GB
>no expandable storage
It's pretty much just a S22+ with slightly better camera's, and like the S22+ it has sd8g1 so expect the battery life to be not that great, pretty much a "jus werks" phone.
there's your reason
the poorfag model, why?
>whore repellent
yes please
>like the S22+ it has sd8g1
oh what the fuck why would they do that
I have an S22U (definitely SD even if it was bought in yurop) and for a 5000mAh battery it is rather disappointing and whats worse is it takes an eternity to charge
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there's no /spg/ so might as well ask here.

anyone ever replace the screen on an s20fe? easy enough or is everythign fucking glued together with thermite and will break unless you've done it a hundred times?
>Fedora Edition
>oh what the fuck why would they do that
Common belief is they had a lot of surplus chips they wanted to get rid of, so they just stuck them in an A55 frame and sold it cheap
you can get a regular s23 without the bogged down specs for like 350-380 in excellent condition.
Shit deal. I was able to find the regular S23 with 256 gb for $50 less than that months ago.
i have literally had sex with over 40 women in the last like 6 years and i have never had an iphone. it means literally nothing if you're attractive.
Kek, I didn't even see that
>talk you out of buying a $400+ chink made niggerlicious fed tracking device whose worth will decay about 90% over 5 years and will most likely end up in a landfill
Now time for that slick one word rebuttal.

>>talk you out of buying a $400+ chink made most advanced KIOSK niggerlicious fed tracking device whose worth will decay about 90% over 5 years and will most likely end up in a landfill equipped with the latest (((AI))) that will identify whose butthole exactly is fardding and shardding
>Only spending 450 buckaroonies for a phone
Maidenless behaviour
Might as well shell out 2k for an iPhone
What are we doing when the battery shits the bed sirs
>everythign fucking glued together with thermite and will break unless you've done it a hundred times?
Every new phone is like that
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>Talk me out of it.
Anything ZTE Nubia Red Magic starting from 8S Pro and further:
What the shit is this post

S21 and S22 suck ass because they have shitty samsung fab housefire CPUs

S23 is substantially better than S22, and S24 isn't much better than S23.
>AI Phone
>so they just stuck them in an A55 frame
It's an A55 frame?
So smasnug basically figured out what Apple did with the SE iPhones?
>S21 and S22 suck ass because they have shitty samsung fab housefire CPUs
Only on the fucking EU is this the case
Maybe some SK models had Exynos too but S22U for sure only had it in the EU
Went from a s10e to an xperia 5 iii but besides the battery being better, the rest is worse imo
Just ordered a s24 because my xperia is starting to die after less than 2 years, sucks there's no headphones but we can't do shit about it now
Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 in s22u is Samsung fab housefire shit, it wasn't made at TSMC and isn't a good CPU
>can't unlock bootloader
>google spyware
>samsung spyware
>100 bloat apps installed by default that can't be uninstalled
imagine ever wanting to use an android phone made by samshit
>Talk me out of it

Here you go:
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Ahh, I get it. But it's better than the fucking Exynos.
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It has the S22 series SoC. You're better off buying an S22 Ultra.
Malware soup. Apple 4 life. Samsung is just as locked down as Apple these days so you may as well get the benefit of the security.
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>no custom ROMs
>awful oneUI experience
>network traffic is an endless slew of samsung telemetry from every app, making google's telemetry look like a privacy focused rom. The constant pings fry your balls, your data plan, and the device's battery
>no root
>no bootloader unlock
>no way to block ads and trackers in each app
>if you set an alarm via bixby the default sound is waking up to TRUMP NEWS
>OS magically gets slow and chugs after each update, with forums crowded with people trying to downgrade
>naturally firmware downgrades are blocked
Just buy anything else. Normalfags like you are the reason why samsung lived and LG/HTC and the others died. Stop being part of the problem.
s10 chads stay eternally winning
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every ~4 years when I upgrade my phone I look at the alternatives to samshit
>apple completely dogshit and off the table
>google shits the bed every single year
>every other android manufacturer is an even bigger meme than samshit
>just trade in for another samshit when the latest model goes on a big sale
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You would serious drop $500 on a fucking ANDROID device?

I'd rather buy an old windows phone over this shit.
>talk me out
Only get if it has expandable storage. $450 with only 128 GB is weak.
>Also, be prepared to hire a lawyer if you ever need to do a warranty claim.
No need for that. Samsung makes you sign a waiver during the setup process that you do not sue them and instead you will go through their appointed mediator.
Replacing the battery because I'm not a fucking retard
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Google Pixel + GrapheneOS + Knowing = no mass surveillance.

You won't listen. Enjoy your goybrick.
OP is just too poor for iphone but still wants to show off he's not poor. Or even worse - he fell off for AI meme.
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you can get a regular S23 with that money

>either SD 8G1 or Exyshit
lol, lmao even
>tensor G(oy)
Hardware malware
OnePlus 12 exists. Samsung shoves ads down your throat every day. Worst purchase of my life so far. Plus the titanium becomes brittle in a short time causing it to bend and crack.
Proof that this is my phone. I hate Samsung so much now it's insane. There's no way to disable the ads either. They just pop up every goddamn day. I'll be in the middle of doing something and BAM pop-up for whatever bullshit that they want me to buy. Some game some faggots want me to play so I get addicted and give them endless money or some shit. It's the worst experience I've ever had with a phone.
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I mean fucks sake I got a t*ktok ad while typing this. No fucking lie and sometimes like now when you swipe it'll open Samsung app store to the goddamn install page instead of closing when you tap the X.... Don't buy Samsung if you value your sanity. It's such a piss poor experience...
i got the S22 myself, very satisfied with it
the main killer feature im using every day is dex im typing this post on a keyboard on a desktop screen right now on my phone.
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>S21 and S22 suck ass because they have shitty samsung fab housefire CPUs
And the 23s don't?

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