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>encrypt thing using public key
>send to recipient over any insecure channel even social media
Come on private communications have been solved decades ago

People complain about privacy because they want to post things loudly in public like virtually shouting at a bar and have the security of staying at home
Just don't do crime, and apparently Obama fixed that
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so true
Drone strikes are not in my threat model
How does she know that the message was really sent by you (not by someone posing as you)?
Also, are you sure you used her actual public key, and not a fake one published by a spy?
>How does she know that the message was really sent by you (not by someone posing as you)?
Authentication, like with MAC or AEAD

>Also, are you sure you used her actual public key, and not a fake one published by a spy?
You have to get a public key through a trusted connection with her, but it's not impossible
app that basically overlays pgp messages on top of normie apps like whatsapp: https://www.oversec.io
>samefagging so shamelessly
kill yourself and fuck your degenerate tranime shit
i have instaled kleopatra a decade ago and used it a total of 2 times
So that's why (((they))) tried to kill Trump.
And how do you get that public key, exactly? Over that same insecure channel?
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>People complain about privacy because they want to post things loudly in public like virtually shouting at a bar and have the security of staying at home
Yes. Problem?
The lack of accountability on the internet is what turned places like /g/ in advertisement/propaganda hellhole. Amongst other issues.
Are you going to pretend you enjoy being forcefed propaganda?
I don't think you are able to form a coherent line of thought while you're in that ecstatic trance deepthroating the boot.
Do you enjoy seeing the same shitty Chinkpad advertisement spammed 5 time a day, every day?
Are you happy when some shill rehash the same 'sponsored content' about some Apple non-issue?
>having my online posts connected to my identity is good because it stops chinkpad advertisements on 4chan that i'm extremely upset about
Ok, this is clearly one of the countless NSA bots rather than a person. That's not a coherent, human line of reasoning.
There such a thing as 'confidentiality', existing alongside 'authentication' and 'non-repudiation'. You can be held accountable by the courts of law for your 4chan's post without being doxxed to every other 4chan user in the process.
Notice how when the bot gets exposed it starts sharting out purely generic NSA threats. kek
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>Not the potentiality of the program, but how the program is actually conducted.
>"potential doesn't matter" says the fed as he points a gun towards you
>"I am not actually going to shoot" then he switches from safe to semi-auto
>"trust me bro" he aims down the sights

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