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>string arguments start with single hyphen
>order of arguments matters
>ambiguous switch names like "-ss"
>billion synonyms for a lot of arguments
>switches with the same name can do completely different things depending on encoder/order
>tons of undocumented switches
>options get deprecated every other update
>30 different qemu binaries
and what argument syntax does /your/ video encoder have?
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You have never written software so you dont know but a lot of software starts as a passion project that you build on and you learn things along the way and add more and more things. Ffmpeg can do a billion things but it could only do very simple things with few codecs in the beginning. You cant just change the interface later on as that would break things.
>seething filtered midwit
>filtered is when someone criticizes my e-father
you need to be at least 1% of his IQ to use his software
im sorry you had to learn this way
The ffmpeg command line interface is unironically retarded. The API is even worse, because it's oddly geared towards the command line interface. They're literally passing "dictionaries" with string key/value pairs around, just because the command line tools need them.

Fuck ffmpeg.
atleast his software is exceptionally great. unlike most loontroons
just use cvrt
werks on my brain
that's got to be a headache
I dont use either from the command line its too much of a nightmare
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how the fuck can you be so productive?
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>They're literally passing "dictionaries" with string key/value pairs around, just because the command line tools need them.
there's literally nothing wrong with this
that kind of stuff is pretty much inevitable for long-running highly-complex projects like qemu and ffmpeg
not everything has the luxury of making all the options once and never needing to change or add any later
not true
>they're literally passing json around wtf
Yeah thats pretty normal
It gets bad when you actually want to pass enum values, pointers, or anything else. There's no type safety, there's no nothing. It's an awful API.

Even JSON would be a step up. Are you a webshitter by any chance?
Yeah gstreamer is way better at that
be glad you dont work with this other nuclear trash fire
>logging wrongly goes to stdout
>behind a non-intuitive combination of options you can make it go to stderr as it should. Just combine --quiet --verbose, duh?
>the filenames of files it creates have some characters replaced with unicode lookalikes because Windows doesn't support them, yes even on Linux.
>--ignore-no-formats-error prevents the error but doesn't prevent the error exit code
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>logging wrongly goes to stdout
>It gets bad when you actually want to pass enum values, pointers, or anything else. There's no type safety, there's no nothing. It's an awful API.
There is no real need to send enum values, pointers between the various components.
Yes there is, retard.
>Even JSON would be a step up. Are you a webshitter by any chance?
Are you okay buddy? Do you know what json is an acronym for?
It's why I suspected that he's a webshitter, retard.
> got lost in 2 posts
your brain is a smoothie
You're a shitpost bot.

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