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>breaking again
Did you actually think you'd get away with stealing from the world's largest and wealthiest technology company of all time? Honest question. Did you see yourself in 10 years still using unauthorized third party clients to dodge ads and steal bandwidth?
No, you will lose in the end. That's all there is to it. And the sooner the better so everyone can move on and start building something new.
It always breaks you have to wait for the update. Meanwhile pipepipe is working as of yesterday. It was broke for a minute too
I just installed pipepipe after hearing about it for the first time in your post and it is broken.
Working for me. It wasn't before. I'm not sure I have the latest update. I only use it for playing playlists in the background so maybe something else is broken I'm not aware of. As for newpipe this is common it used to break a lot more. I think they always have to patch something when YouTube changes
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I just checked, mulftiple channels, everything's working
Works for me, stop spaffing your pants and posting a thread everytime you have a little problem.
Just update, they already fixed.
Also, stealing from corporate that don't give a shit about users and creators it's totally based.
Youtube is an actual thief profiting from piracy. Worse, they push degenerate products like drugs, mingling them with quality to confuse them to the customer.
Yes, it failed again today for me. The video started playing normally but after some minutes it crashed. I'm running the latest version.
Works on my machine
>what is A/B testing
Bravenewpipe just werks
Works on my machine.
Not my problem.
I've installed via f-droid, the last update was 3 months ago. Is there any other source where I can get the latest version faster? It's broken for me as well.
Who cares, there are better options
>Verification not required.
it's slow
how much will it cost me to host my own instance?
I'm using tubular and it works. It's a hydra, you can't kill it. You can't force me to watch ads, you will not program me. I will
>block ads
>hide video ratings and comments

And there's nothing google can do. The moment they implement a final solution and I can't watch videos under these conditions any longer it's the moment I will stop watching youtube.
It's there any alternative working on f-droid? Right now I'm using Firefox with ublock
Just use a Russian vpn, youtube doesn't show ads there
this faggot watches ads for free lamo
Newpipe has an fdroid repo you can add in.
>revanced acting up now too...
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Works on all my machines
I don't even care anymore, other than how-to videos and try on hauls youtube is garbage
Tf you mean? It works fine after the latest update not that I really use it much I mostly use YouTube Revanced.
I was watching a video on it a minute ago it works fine.
I'm getting throttled on new videos, last time this happened I had to make another patched apk
Switch to revanced
I haven't updated for months and it still works for me. Every now and then something will break it like videos infinitely loading after 1 minute or not playing at all but it doesn't happen that often and when it does they always put out a patch soon after.
Thanks faggot
It's not alternative to Invidious, it's a phone app. OP is talking about NewPipe, not Piped.
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Not my problem. I use the superior fork with SponsorBlock and ReturnYouTubeDislike.
>Boot up NewPipe for the rare, occasional use on a phone
>It's always broken and in need of a manual rpk update
They updated their app 2 days after Newpipe...
They had the same problem but longer than Newpipe.
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f-droid (point) org
download and install f-droid
search Seal in f-droid
install Seal
search Orbot in f-droid (may need to enable a repo)
install Orbot
open Seal settings and configure a custom command (Appendix A)
open broken NewPipe
find desired video in NewPipe
hold on desired video in search/feed until menu
Share > Seal
select the custom command and download
enjoy your sponsorblock-cleaned mkv downloaded over T0r after some time!

May need to refresh Orbot if it fails (or change exit country). This also works for most video hosts like Rumble, BitChute, X, etc.

(Appendix A):
Custom Command name: T0r (or whatever)
-o "%(id)s.%(title)s.%(ext)s" --proxy socks5:// --restrict-filenames --trim-filenames 64 --sponsorblock-remove "sponsor,selfpromo,interaction,music_offtopic" --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0' --concurrent-fragments 10 --remux-video mkv --socket-timeout 300 --retries "infinite" --retry-sleep=1
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>works for most video hosts
OP is a faggot
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C'mon, be a downloooader chad and do the above; don't be a sexually filtered itoddler paying for premium!
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youtube stole newpipes devs lifetime becaue they were too incompetent to build a proper downloader, background player and combo app that combines several streaming services into one central hub (the app)

youtube owes the newpipe devs money

hard fact. cope, mozilla. the open source community owes you nothing.
werks on my maschine
Using revanced till issues resolve
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Suck it, there's revanced, tubular, piped, grayjay and freetube on android. I will not be watching the ads, and you vill be happy.

NewPipe is dogshit and still has a UI permacrash if it attempts to load the next video in a queue while the network changes during sleep that requires reinstall (and loss of data if you don't back it up via an app) to fix, I've brought it up multiple times on their github and they deny that it's an issue, fuck em.

you can use youtube and rumble over tor? wtf
Tubular (https://github.com/polymorphicshade/Tubular) works on my machine
Does youtibe vanced still work?
SmartTube was also down for a couple days. It's also working again. Google can't stay ahead forever.
It's the shame shill idiot spamming this nonstop on this board.
>Note that this does not fix 403 errors in the middle of YouTube videos, i.e. #11191. That issue will be addressed in another hotfix release as soon as possible.

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