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I have over ten years of experience in this field. I have an associate's as a network engineer. I have done everything from IT sys admin work for a small business, to being a NOC analyst, to basic tier 1 help desk, building and deploying machines to now being an actual network engineer.

I hate all the off-hours work and the pay isn't that great, I want to get into something that pays better for the amount of work I do.

But everything I apply to it's like I can land an interview, but I either get no offer or they try to lowball me.

And recently one that had a pay range listed of $21-31/hr for tier 1 help desk, I applied and they replied saying $22/hr starting. I countered with $25/hr and they said no.

The position was relisted and I applied again, then get told that they hired someone.

So wtf are people so god damned desperate now they'll accept shitty pay? This is what drives wages down and I'll bet it's probably some god damned pajeet who doesn't even belong in this country.
Time to get a real job and contribute to society anon. We had our time and it's gone now.
What kind of job is a "real" job? I used to work construction and it sucked dick.
In the grand scheme, 22$/hr is very good, you know?
The average salary, worldwide is less than 10k USD per year.
Maybe you should come to term with the fact the rest of the world doesn't owe you shit if you don't work harder than everyone else? And that your work is not exactly hard to begin with.
If anything, you are already very lucky.
wew lad, bad time to be an hourly employee
>Why is it so fucking hard to find a job in tech right now?
you can thank your governament for the millions of imported pajeets that will take any job they can find because in their shithole country 1 dollar = 6 gorillion poollars
you better lower your standards and take the best job you can find while you can find them otherwise you gonna starve
too many pajeets employed by tech, its like 90% pajeets now compared to 40% a few years ago.
You just have to wait a bit for the companies to fail and the survivors will start to rehire white/asians
You are jewish.
> try to ask software devs for a simple reporting feature
> All cry about needing vacation time for their tranny operations
> All technical analyses are never complete according to them
> Always bitch about business
> Ask the sysops guy
> He takes a look at the question from business
> "Ok"
> Don't hear anything from him for a day or two
> Suddenly shows up at the meeting saying he completed it
> made the feature in two days while java devs requested 2 months as they were still arguing how many micro services it would need
> "Sorry it took so long, I was a bit rusty"
> Wrote it as a postgresql procedure that exported it to a shared drive as requested
> Java devs immediately complain about not following design principle #473910 and whatabout
> Dude just ignores them and leaves the meeting
> Business happy, tranny devs angry, sysops dude doesn't care

Why are all devs so fucking useless
what price are you willing to pay
Ok doomer.
People tend to compare their life to that of their relative peers, not to that of starving subsistence farmers hounded by warlords and bandits. Doing otherwise can be enlightening, but if you're on 4chan, odds are it's not gonna help you set realistic expectations for your actual situation.
>too many pajeets employed by tech, its like 90% pajeets now compared to 40% a few years ago.
i thought the DEI meme was supposed to water down how many of one race is in a company?
this ruins so much shit in business. the bureaucracy. making shit difficult just for the sake of being difficult to justify manager's jobs.
anon you're not going to get an accurate picture of what DEI measures actually are and aren't from this site given that this board is 80% seething white nocode NEETs
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they dont care when the outsourcing is that cheap
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Stories of the lower classes always fascinate me. Can you live as an adult on 25/hr? I was making 32 at my internship.
Networking is a real job anon, it’s how we communicate, pay and protect ourselves if Russia suddenly launches rockets. Shut up about the propaganda you have believed.
take the gov job pill anon... stability for life
>be a good obedient goy and work until you die like a good goy
> Wrote it as a postgresql procedure that exported it to a shared drive as requested
its not
they just dont want you
Become a hacker and start extorting businesses.
Good morning saar. Designated shieeeting street is that way saar.
>you are lucky to live paycheck to paycheck
and what did he get in return for it?
the software engineers are smarter, they know the business has no loyalty to its employees and the only way to get what you want is enforcing the power imbalance. the sysadmin is a brown-nosing scab
senior devs always default to pushing back as a kneejerk reaction because they spend years dealing with retarded unreasonable requirements/deadlines. Experience also makes them fall to Hofstadter's law
>It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law
a lot of them repeat this adage but don't really understand what it means and why conservative estimates for everything makes them look like lazy useless cunts with a stick up their asses.
it's a report tool anon, not a fucking video game. You can crank that shit out in a day and it can be fun. Sysadmin probably enjoyed doing that and yes, scoring goodboy points is useful when done in moderation.

Are you supposed to get a big bonus for writing a query?

Software devs are becoming first line helpdesk idiots. If nobody gave them a technical analysis with a Jira story to tell them to breathe they would die.

They complain they do not get involved in the business process and when you include them they complain that those are useless meetings and they just need a business and technical analyst to chew everything for them.

They circlejerk all the time over these super 10x programmers or whatever they are called but fail to notice that they are nowhere near them purely because they can hardly solve a business problem without twenty analysts holding their hands.
SAAR, why u insult our currency, trust me we will be superpower by 2069
imagine unironically believing that it has anything to do with equality and not pulling as many jeets, niggers and women because you can pay them less
by the rate they're taking your jobs and with the absolute state of the US rn I think have more of a chance lmao

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