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>C-s Nix
>0 results
how the fuck do you faggots not know about this shit
t. posted from my nixos machine
i use nix on mac os btw
What's better, NixOS or GuixSD?
>undocumented spaghetti dogshit memelang vs another gnu vaporware
hilariously enough, as long as you use nonguix, its that.

t. tried both

Nix is unabashed trannyware at this point. The documentation has quickly reached legendary status within the open source community for how bad it is, and in my experience that is well deserved. The system is systemd bullshit that breaks the filesystem standard just to work. The whole thing has a use case but its not the desktop, and its been shilled to the fucking gills for the last two years or more.

Guix is a much more thought out system. The documentation is....average I'd say. No systemd, and if you use nonguix, you get all the software you'd need, despite stallman not liking it.
jesus fuck, OP, you're even worse than Harefag or Tinyfag. Get an ad, a blog, or a life
what is a tinyfag?
will switching to nixos help my transition?
Are you going to make threads about your dead distro every day now?
>documentation bad
At least there's now nix.dev, which is "official", and pretty useful. Just today I managed to package some obscure terminal, with all the patching required. If I (a retard) can figure it out with the aforementioned docs alone, it can't be that bad.
nix is basically arch without the troon acking or dependency hell
Is nix bad for a 1 month old Linux user? Or is it good because i don't know typical Linux too much yet, so i won't have to relearn as much of what seems a very different distros and instead it will all be new as most distros are to me now.
Is it good to use for people new to Linux?
>No systemd
Dropped immediately
Stop wanting the grass to be greener and just use your puter. If you, at some point in the future, have a good reason to switch, start thinking about it then.
>Bait Thread.
Just make a Guix thread retard.
>not know
we know, but we don't care
please fuck off with this tranny os that has a gorillion broken packages
unlike your transition, Nix can rollback
there are no broken packages unless youre a windows nigger cattle running a VM
declarative is the future
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I like to piss off trannies on Nix's discourse. It's my third account, but I just can't help.
>I like to piss off trannies
/gif/ that is the board you seek. Lix that is the distro you too.
Have the Nix people stopped chimping out yet
thoughts on nix on debian?
I know about it, I just think it's fag shit.
Works but once your home manager is setup, you end up wanting to try nixos anyway.
You can catually replace systemd with s6 in nixos if you happen to be averse to systemd like me
buy an ad
>Is it good to use for people new to Linux?
if you are a software developer sure, otherwise it will be a nightmare
tranny garbage
We know, it's just shit that's gonna remain shit until the documentation stops being a total meme.
I've got the feeling Nix is just an Arch replacement for all those people who are mad at Arch becoming mainstream. I bet it has some obscure or complicated way of configuring the system just to achieve the same results you can get with a couple of commands or even clicks in any other actually functioning distro and I bet it's even easier to break than Arch ever was.
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1.97 MB GIF
>bait bait bait

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