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Let me guess - you *need* more?
I need less. I think I'll just write all my passwords on a small piece of paper and put it in my booty hole.
I need less
You can't password-protect that book.
I've got all the protection I need
tech support for grandma would be a nightmare without this
The same group of retarded nigger faggots laughing at people who uses books or notepad for account/passwords are the same group of people that laughs at successful game devs like Toby Fox for writing Undertale with shitty coding practices while completely missed the point of what is the good ol' reliable just werks approach that is simplistic in nature.
kek last time I helped my nan with her computer I noticed she had all her passwords in a notebook I actually thought it was a really good idea lmao
Is there anything wrong with storing passwords on paper if nobody else lives in my house?
I have them just in case I develop dementia and can't remember shit. They're in my nightstand drawer.
these threads attract the dumbest mouthbreathing retards to ever crawl the earth for some reason
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anything else?
I guess I don't need even that but it sure is more convenient. Not having to carry around a notebook is nice for one.
If you want to log into something when out of the house it might be inconvenient to carry the notebook. Not to mention bringing it with you increases the risk that someone gets to it a lot.
Yes you can. Just encrypt everything before you write in it. Doesn’t even have to be anything really secure since your main concern with this is a nog who will not be able to decode even the simplest cipher.
A KDBX file copied to multiple USBs, drives, and my phone.
I store the master key in my head.
This is the safest method there is period.
You'll have to copy it again to all backup locations whenever a password is changed or a new one is added. And you need a really strong password for the kdbx in case someone gets the file.
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>picking the lock instead of just ripping the leather
smooth brain
Memorize a long piece of text, preferably of your own creation. I don't know how some autists do it, but I think the human mind, generally, is capable of this.
Use that piece of text as a One-Time Pad. Remember the position you got to, or just count how much you've written already. Do the calculations in your head. Write directly in ciphertext.

Now who the fuck can crack this?
>pick any random $1 novel
>turn to random page
>book mark it with "LINKEDIN, ANON@ANON.COM"
>high light random 6-12 sentence and use it as a password
it's literally this simple.
>oh no, my password book has been compromised
>better change all my passwords right now.
If you can't use the passwords immediately, don't leave a trace. Duh.
>laughs at successful game devs like Toby Fox for writing Undertale with shitty coding practices
Who's done that though? I've never heard anyone talk shit about that game or its code. I've only ever heard people mention the shit code as a success story and something motivational, not a condemnation.
YandereDev, on the other hand...
if you have enough time to:
>pick the lock with paperclips
>write down all of the passwords inside the book
>without getting caught
you will have enough time to just go in and change all of the passwords yourself. Or you could just take the journal. If they need a password journal for all their accounts they probably won't remember the passwords anyway, so they won't be able to change them without the journals.
old people already do this, they keep a notebook with their usernames/passwords and don't bother remembering anything, ironically these people are safer from data breaches than anyone else.
There's nothing ironic about this. Complexity has nothing to do with security.
>pick the lock with paperclips
It's an insult to lock-picking to call opening those book locks "picking". A first grader could do it in no time, and a lot definitely have (there's a reason those books are popular with kids only, not adults with adult brains).
>write down
>won't remember the passwords, won't be able to change them
Fair point. However, consider they might remember the password for one fairly important account - their email. And there's plenty of ways (especially with mail services) to recover your account without the password.
no but how are you going to find it?
The people breaking into your house do not have the same goals as people trying to hack into your accounts.
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Not with that attitude
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second best solution after an HSM.
Sadly not enough sites support HSMs
append the memorized password to each written password
No I need less. I memorized like 40 very strong passwords.
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Now you can. Girltech Password Journal features two layers of security:
>password protected outer shell
>invisible ink
Yes NEET, I do need more. Doing consistent backups of password paper is close to impossible, therefore if it will ever be lost, stolen or damaged, you will lock yourself out of your accounts. Not to mention that those passwords are stored in plain text. If you ever get a job, you will understand.
only works if you want to hide something you don't mind losing
imagine that people used cryptography before computers
These retards can't even keep track of a piece of paper, let alone remember a password for their password.
>Your house burns down
>No papers left
>passwords gone
Nothing personnel.
>teen girl needs voice activated password journal
>every page is a revised list of the cutest boys in her class
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Like hell you can't
>stacks of cash
>gold pirate doubloons
>fort knox gold bars
>a tiara
And the most important document of all; a passport.
*shines a blacklight at the keypad*
heh, nothing personnel kid
Memorize a simple cipher, store the ciphered passwords in the book
Girltech products aren't just for girls.
How many people's accounts are compromised because a hacker broke into their house and stole a book?

I'll wait.
LPL can probably open it in 1 second with a paper clip or a refrigerator magnet
1. It's limited to handwriting and space

2. It can be destroyed or stolen easily or lost(keepass database can be duplicated hundreds of times and still be secure with the master password)

3. It reduces security inherently because you are less likely to write down a long complex randomly generated password from programs like keepass, you have to resort to word string phrases like a seed password
>OP needs voice activated password journal
>every page is a revised list of the cutest boys in OP's class
the only password is your email password
every other password you can use the "forgot password" function to reset it to some gibberish that you don't need to memorize because you can use the forgot password function again
Not reusing passwords solves 90% of issues. Not using 'admin' or 'password' as password solves 9.9999999% of issues.
Girltech products aren't just for faggots.
>when you're lying awake at 3 AM and hear "click on 1, 3 is binding..." from the other room
Why didn't he just tear our the pages with criminals' names on them and throw them away?
>Error: Password not strong enough (must contain a number and a symbol)
How many times has your house bruned in the last years?
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my dad uses his old phone rolodex, seems to work fine for him
>>when you're lying half asleep and drugged at 3 AM and hear "cock in 1, anus is binding..." from the same room
That's what I do lol.
I reverse the first and last characters. Then the second Alphabet letter is replaced by the proceeding letter in the alphabet.
So if the password is 123abc, I write it as c23ac1. I just need to remember one key encryption method in my head and everything is foolproof.
At least until you develop dementia and can't remember how to decrypt it and then just get angry and throw the book away.
I kinda do the same with Unabomber manifesto.
Those plugs are really hard to unplug tho.
unlatch them first dumbass.

Made me laugh.
makes sense since user:password maps well to name:phone number
I've often thought about doing something like this. Just create a XX character password for each account, and pick 2 or 3 of the characters as dummy characters. So, for each password, the 1st, 9th, and 10th characters aren't actually in the password. That would surely be secure enough for the average joseph?
how do you extract that piece of paper?
ask his bvll to do it
>here are your recovery codes
>recoverycodes.txt saved in plaintext in the Download folder

I still don't get it.
God I hate you faggots.
As long as a thief wouldn't get access to my money with the passwords I wouldn't care.
Kek why would someone do that
>he can't run rc5 in his mind
brainlet detected
Cry more faget
I store my password as an underboob tattoo on my lucid dream gf (male)
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That's a feature.
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>Have old laptop
>Have it entirely offline, not even bluetooth and encrypted
>Store passwords inside another encrypted contain on it
>Turn it on next to me whenever I need my passwords
Really is that simple
I don't lock my front door because I might forget the key
honestly pretty good for the average nigga
If anyone touches the book they would see Ryuk.
>cuts front cover around lock with scissors
Well, on the bright side, no one else will take their crypto. If they ever find the note, that money should still be there waiting for them.

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