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That's the last straw, I'm switching to Linux. Which distros aren't run by racists?
Void had some 'black lives matter' reddit posts.
how much do you wanna bet it was because picrel got in an argument with some jeet in the break room
Devuan, Slsckware.
get slackware
I don't get it.
It's insane how other business important divisions are the ones getting laid off first instead of DEI niggers
lowest effort bait
so low effort its almost insulting
I'm not buying a subscription to read that slop
except it's real
Oh neat, it looks like the world is healing. Microsoft has always been a bunch of greedy bastards, so they follow where the money is. If the money says DEI is dead then that's probably the case.
are you retarded?
you don't need a sub to read it
yeah i know
i was saying bait abt your text

ill be entirely honest with you:
i wasnt sure you werent an /lgbt/ourist until your last post
I got that part, but what is happening in the image? Is someone fishing with a block of wood?
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They fear the president
yes. and you would be surprized how effective that was
I'm not OP tho
I fuckin LOL'd when I read this

... email sent by the team's leader to a significant number of Microsoft staff last week, in which the lead also accuses the company's executive leadership of "investigated and evidenced discrimination, harassment, and toxicity."...

I I was a MS exec I would have written back saying "Oh please you sound like you're dressed up in a pink sequined tank top and frilly panties, just go please and dont let the rotten vegetables hit your ass on the way out"
what the fuck is a DEI, why do people use acronyms all the time
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>accuses the company's executive leadership of "investigated and evidenced discrimination, harassment, and toxicity."...
so, in other words, he didn't watch "star wars" acolyte?

diversity, i am gonna chop your legs off, and inclusion
ok my bad
> Microsoft of all things becoming based
Shit, never thought I'd see windows become the "come home white man" OS
Nevermind OP. What distros ARE run by racists? That's the question.
they did their job and so they are no longer needed
should have learned to generate ebony AI porn
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Mint is antisemitic.
Honestly if I had to cut off my dick and pretend to be a woman in order to use Linux, I'd probably do it. Weighing the value my dick has provided me thus far with the value Linux has, it's an easy choice.
This is unironically retarded because many Israelis hate their current government for bombing hospitals in gaza.
Post in pic seems to be from 2009.
nature is healing...
>taps the sign
If you fall off the bicycle seat the lure pierces your balls?
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What do you mean, MS literally fired the racists.
It's not like you're supporting them just by having it on your PC.
They're only doing this because leftist golems are turning on their jewish masters. Bill Ackman, a jew, lifelong democrat, and activist investor who helped make ESG and DEI what it is today, turned on those policies and start espousing pro-republican views, like criticizing dems for being weak on the Israel-Palestine issue, supporting restrictions on porn (he's the one who got credit card companies to start banning porn sites from CC networks), saying ESG should actually be used to instill strong morals in the west, and attacking DEI policies and say he's going to use his trust fund to fight it in corporate america. Jews are like snakes made of fluid, they change shape constantly based on their environment in order to better destroy societies. They did the damage, but once their own attack dogs turned on them they turn back to the dimwitted and hapless republicans for protection and start attacking the very jewish policies they created.
>They're only doing this because leftist golems are turning on their jewish masters. Bill Ackman, a jew, lifelong democrat, and activist investor who helped make ESG and DEI what it is today, turned on those policies and start espousing pro-republican views
Why? Because (((they))) realized they can't defeat trump?
No, because leftists started openly criticizing Israel and Zionists. It started in the mid 2010s but after the recent conflicts between Israel and Palestine they started going at all out and even white leftists have been chanting "from the river to the sea" and calling out zionist shills, which has the jews spooked and running into the open arms of republicans. At the end of the day, all jews are inextricably linked to Israel, they're all zionists.
Wokies are doing to jews what jews did to whitey. The parasite has acquired a metaparasite.
>a DEI team
not enough
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>Microsoft laid off a DEI team
>no longer business critical
kek, they got the embrace, extend and extinguish treatment
Looks like they realized that hiring people based on race rather than best merit made their team even worse. Would've known??!!
I’m sure THIS will make their products good
god he's so based
and this
>*many* Israelis hate their current government *for bombing hospitals*
is officially wrong
with polls and everything to prove it
aka pro-hamas propoganda from muslim organisations like the BBC
Microsoft... is... healing?
>because many Israelis
they're not israelis anymore, they've fully assimilated white US women now
Men who run the world use Windows.
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openSUSE respects trans folx, so it's the best
>Which distros aren't run by racists?
depends, are you a prog cunt thinking that no political stance is the same as being far right?
if so, fuck off
if not, most of them
Imagine having a Gompa as as lastname.
>no longer
It never was. Anyway, this is scary, because it means Microsoft might actually get halfway competent.
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i mean you're obv a shitter but
If you haven't left already then whatever man have uh... fun, yknow; with the state of windows and all
We're on Windows11 now, bud.
this actually convinced me to install windows 12 on my computer.
but that's not bait, tis just a fishing float made out of wood
>FOSS is not technical but sociopolitical and philosophical one
So all the GitHub repos are philosophical? Am I asking a stupid question?
One can only hope Microsoft begins to heal and get back to it's white male roots... I'd even buy several copies of Windows today if I knew it would save the company.
>Mint is antisemitic
It's pro muzzie though.
Is there a linux disto run by real racists, who against both palestine and israel?
I don’t care I just want the Jews and all their brown gollums out of my country.
Suckless seems pretty based although they don’t have a distro.
Alpine has always been apolitical.
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