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File: setup.webm (2.91 MB, 406x720)
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Please rate this setup :3
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Trans AF would fugg :3
did xhe fuck the horse man?
Cute as heck, princess!
needy streamer overload ruined a whole generation of women
Those aren't women
not welcome
Yes they are, chud
What color are your programmer socks?
How often do you dilate?
then go make me a sandwich you dumb whore
+ tf are you doing on a men s forum
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inch'alah i will fix you...
... with a belt!
>lucky star, saya no reddita and needy girl overdose just combined together
You're poser. I bet you've never interacted with any of these media, or at best you only have 1 hour of playtime on NGO
Go back to tiktok you worthless piece of garbage
That game is an acknowledgement of the ruined generation, not the cause.
Pretty good, i like it. Wouldn't use it myself tho, as it screams tranny and daddy issues.

Btw, what's the program you have for that mascot playing around?
Basically this. Algorithms are really making for some strange, anachronistic combinations.
its the opposite.
a whole generation of women was ruined it made needy streamer overload
You will never, EVER, be a woman
only based because wonderful everyday is installed. kino kamige, but you're a troon so I doubt you understood it.
least pedophilic /g/ user
I give you 3 points for the anime
I give you 2 points for the rice
However I deduct 5 points for league of legends
0/10, nice try though. You'll get em next time champ.
get out
adding points for tranime but removing them for league of legends is crazy
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lgbtrash / 10

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