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It turns out that FP is really good for concurrent programming because enforced immutability gets rid of lots of concurrency bugs. As a bonus, haskell is also performant and is one of the few languages with a good implementation of STM.
>really good for concurrent programming
Unfortunately it isn't good for any other types of programming. Except for haskell compiler - it is apparently pretty good for writing haskell compilers, so it's got that going for it
>haskell is also performant
It wasn't bad 30 years ago, but it's lost ground rapidly since then
Okay, show me your concurrent Haskell code.
> Unfortunately it isn't good for any other types of programming.
As in, single-threaded programming? It’s still great for that, but the advantages are a bit less pronounced
funny way to spell "mediocre" but ok
Oh please. OTP or die.
>haskell is also performant
show me haskell's speed in the 1 billion row challenge
why did they choose the half life logo

im calling valve
>if we program inefficiently like a nocoder mathlete, we can get rid of concurrency bugs!
skill issue
Anons, is there any functional programming language that can at least be in the ballpark of the speed of, say, C++? Something that enforces FP like haskell but also balances speed. Rust dickriders had hopes it’d be a proper fast FP language, but idiomatic rust solutions differ quite a bit from the FP solutions, and may even be faster than the FP version
elixir doesn't have strong typing or ghc
all the nocoder mathematicians i've worked with use python though
maybe ATS or something. there's also "low-level haskell" if you're into that sort of thing (i think anduril uses haskell in this way). another possibility is using an FP language like haskell to spit out generated low-level code (nasa does this with copilot and ogma)
>it is apparently pretty good for writing haskell compilers
parser combinators are underrated i wish i understood them
Drop hasklel. Concurremcy on haskell is a joke.
Learn Erlang instead.
Unfathomably based
My discrete mathematics professor who does research in logic used to teach haskell (presumably to math undergrads).
Also he always made a point of telling us how recurrence relations is similar to how haskell actually computes things.
Haskell is usually only like 2x or 3x slower than C++, i e. same order if magnitude in execution time. Not bad considering how high-level the language is.

Are you guys just all working on game engines or high-performance web-servers? Sometimes I laugh at guys who worry about the efficiency of if-then statements when the write their little python business logic script.
just copy everything all the time!
that uses more power, and that bad for the environment
not to mention performance
I laugh at guys who write business scripts in haskell and discover the pain of maintaining such scripts.
as opposed to other languages where maintenance is painless?
haskell is probably better at reducing copies though because it comes with efficient persistent data structures
This is now an ERLANG THREAD!
erlang is just prolog without backtracking

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