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What was the use case?
You can put a sticker on it and map it to something useful.
I use it to turn off my remaps being on/off
Text going by too fast, so you hit the break.
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>What was the use case?
>you hit the break
the key says scrol log though not break, that's the key next to it
It locks your scrolls, retard
That's for breaking programs.
Way worse is the Number Lock key. I don't know who or why anyone would use the number pad as directional keys when the actual directional keys are literally just right next to it. The number pad is for crunching numbers, period. At least the scroll lock is useless whereas the number lock is an actual hindrance, so many times I start to to type in numbers only to realize all I did was move the text cursor a bunch of times.
yes that is why you hit the break, not for text scrolling that s for the scrol log
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numpad nav predates the separate nav cluster
it was used to toggle between moving the cursor/selection and moving the view area.
>boomer STILL does not know how to use numlock
Yeah but they should've gotten rid of it after directional keys became the norm on every single desktop and laptop keyboard but over forty years later it still exists.
I'm Gen Z, I think a boomer would actually be the one to know how to use it.
*is, if you actually use your computer for work.
I have a kvm that uses it to switch between computers.
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>on every single desktop keyboard
it switches between scrolling the screen and changing the cursor position when using your arrow keys, for example in Excel
what don't you understand?
I have the urge to make a fantasy game one day where this is exactly what Scroll Lock does, mainly to troll the mini-keyboard users. Pause will likewise be the only way to pause the game.
An ancient relic of the DOS era, just like pause break
You'd better come up with a pretty good reason for why I'd want to lock my scrolls. Also, I like the way you think. I'd play it.
That's not a real keyboard
you use it when you accidentally hit it and excel acts weird.
Prevent teletext printer to run out of paper from mischief
I like it more when direction buttons are arranged with circular symmetry. Circularly asymmetric directions are the first step to nonconservation of angular momentum, and nobody wants that. Symmetry-wise, even hjkl is less awkward than <-V-> and then suddenly bumped ^.
only 10 F keys?!? how the hell would you maximize a window?
In excel you scroll the whole spreadsheet when using arrow keys instead of moving to the next cell.
What about that pause break button? I never once got a fucking break when i pressed that thing. Its some concentration camp "work sets you free" bullshit
Turns off automatic scroll.
Primarily, this means appearance of text don't make the screen move to the new text.
But it has been used in other scroll-related ways, such as to switch movement key behavior between movement of cursor and scroll.
to prevent them from being stolen of course.
Maybe they constantly try to run away because of wild magic emissions and it makes any mage in this world a glorified tard handler for scrolls?
Windows +
Back in DOS days it worked as a flow control key for console output. But today it's mostly just used for controlling scrolling of Excel sheets.

Also if you set the registry key to enable it, you can use ctrl+scroll lock to cause a BSOD. It's a leftover developer feature for testing the kernel crash handler.
In Worms Armageddon it stops the screen from moving whenever something happens off screen
it sends a non-maskable interrupt, you unfunny faggot
I can imagine OP wouldn’t have stumbled over that. I last used Scroll Lock on a Linux or FreeBSD machine without X, but if you’re SSHing in from a graphical terminal you won’t need it.
Ok cool now tell me about turbo key
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Isn't it redundant when there's "page up/down" keys?
when Intel made new CPUs they were faster than the 8086, but some old DOS games depended on the specific clock speed of the 8086 so the turbo button was added. by default it's in turbo mode which lets the CPU go as fast as possible but disabling it makes the CPU as fast as an 8086 so the games don't run at hyper speed
There was a TSR for DOS (or was it part of some ANSI driver) that had screen scrollback mode enabled by scroll lock.
it literally says what it did on the button in your picture?!
With scroll lock toggled on, you can pan one cell at a time. With Page Up/Down you pan an entire page plus you can't pan right or left unless you hold down the ALT key at the same time. If you only want to pan left or right one or two times ALT+Page Up/Down could be faster. If you're doing it a lot or want fine control per cell instead of per page, toggling Scroll Lock is better.
>you will never experience the alternate reality where Hideo Kojima is the mastermind behind the Elder Scrolls
it hurts
I still use it to kill scripts on Windows since sometimes Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z won't work
It was considered useless in 1999
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>What was the use case?
>i never played a rogue-like
Why would MS Excel need its own key on a keyboard
Which gamers are using the number lock key? Most people today play with a controller.
>article written almost 25 years ago
Stops scrolling
>removes the key
>keyboard at ICBM silo stops working
>replacement doesn't have the key
>ICBM explodes on launch
Many such cases
Because Excel is wildly popular, especially with money folks, which makes them more important customers than those of us dirtbags that fiddle around with FOSS toys all day.

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