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>decide to learn python
>ooohhh free jewtube tutorials
>watch and follow along
>4 hours of the basics + exercises, finished in a day
>go to sleep
>wake up
>retained nothing

>mindlessly watch content
>cram as much of it in as you can all at once
>take zero notes
>apply nothing that you learned
>write no actual code
no one ever taught you how to study, huh...
>expects to retain 100% of a thing you saw the first time
Now I know why some people can't learn languages...
your skin color is probably like that pepe
If you want to learn computer science through youtube you should watch Harvard CS50x.
You can't watch it without practicing and expect to learn.
After every lecture, take what you've learned and write something new based on it.
The CS50 problem sets are fairly easy if you followed the lectures.
Only use chat bots and search engines to ask questions about something you've already written with your own hands.
If this sounds too hard, give up now and do something else.
Otherwise, you'll end up in "tutorial hell" where you're just consuming content to feel productive.
You need to practice what you're learning again and again to retain it.
Quick look at it starts with C. Is that mandatory or can I skip it?
Don't fucking skip the C part you zoomer cunt.
Try to make something interesting to you with it and draw upon as much of the stuff you learned as you go. Frame it as fun if possible and try again until you "get it"
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Is pycharm worth it?
Oh, that peppy looks like he's ready to charge his lazor, lol!
Is it possible to make a feasible emulator of such coonslows as Sega Saturn, Basedny PSOne, PS 2, or Sega Dreamcast, on such braindead-failsafe lead-by-the-hand languages as Python and Ruby? Will this be much easier or harder than, say, writing that on C++ or C#?
Dude it's going to be harder to do literal systems programming with a none systems language.
Don't mind complex things, just Ignore it until you really need it.
You can make shit_functionality up with variables and functions and copy-paste of library, without class or other abstract things.
It's okay and it works because Python is great and the community it huge.
Why the fuck do you want to learn python basics when LLMs can already write them for you?
start with the GB. it's already a big challenge
Literally never gonna make is lmao
Why is it so common for retards, shitskins and other third worlders to use video tutorials? Not even joking, this genuinely confuses me.

Recently I was trying to help my friend learn OpenCV, I sent him a link to the Python documentation on their website which contains some really good tutorials. The next day he told me he tried learning by watching some YouTube videos but gave up after a few hours.

Obviously you are not going to learn anything from a fucking YouTube video tutorial. Partly because anyone who knows what their doing would choose to teach in literally any other format (textbook, documentation or text-baed tutorials). The only reason people make YouTube tutorials is because it gives you a built-in audience and monetisation. People aren't making these tutorials out of love of teaching, they are doing it to make money. That means the tutorials are made by retards and designed to appeal to other retards.

If you are serious about learning anything, download a fucking textbook. Failing that, read the documentation on the website. Or at least find someone who cared enough and is competent enough to set up his own website for the tutorials.
documentation is confusing as fuck to the absolute beginner
>If this sounds too hard, give up now and do something else.
it's still crazy seeing everyone switch up from the attitude of "everyone can learn2code, it's real simple" to "some people can do it, others will never succeed and they should find something else". What should that something else be when software and shit is eating up the world, and computer autists are the ones deciding everything, even stuff outside of their domain?

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