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>you have 2 choices for a completely secure private laptop

>option A
>a macbook designed by apple in california
>backed by thousands of engineers and security experts
>who all told the FBI to fuck off

>option B
>a used cum encrusted stinkpad
>a """""""secure""""" custom BIOS modified by a handful of NEETS that havent been employed since last century
>a """""secure"""""""" distro by another handful of incel NEETS who work on the project in their free time (all their time) for no pay and never audit or bugtest anything they release (you pay with your tiem betatesting rather than money upfront)
>pretend they're better than billion dollar security researchers like cellebrite

why would any sane person pick any option other than A?
I trust neets way more than I trust a faggot CEO of a trillion-dollar company. literally and unironically. Autistic neets have principles, Tim Cock cares about shareholder value, not my privacy.
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>said the freetard NPC that seethes 58731 yous every pro-windows anti-linux troll thread that jay posts
is that JLI made with AI?
Science has gone too far
where can I aquire bait thread training? Has anyone made a field guide to the catalog yet? I know some basic derailment and op instigation techniques but want to take it to the next level
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>>who all told the FBI to fuck off
Yo they didn't you illiterate shill. Apple actually gives a shit about security and protecting the data stored on the devices (at least for iPhones, I can't see the same for certain about iPads or MacBooks). It's not that they didn't want to provide the information, they COULDN'T because it was designed in such a way that even Apple themselves could not unlock the phone without the password.



Please kill yourself. I mean that in the upmost sincerity. You do not deserve to be considered human.
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>a macbook designed by apple in california
Manufactured by street shitters in Karnataka.
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>backed by thousands of engineers and security experts
backed by thousands of poojeets you mean
anyone got the OP webm that was deleted?
I have it
no it's impossible
It's still on the server
See >>101437188
thanks anon
shit bait
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MacBooks were secure until Tim Cook took over. Apple joined PRISM in 2012, after Jobs died.
option C is better
buy an ad, retarded shill
>why would any sane person pick any option other than A?
Because they're white.
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You can't verify that Apple gives a shit about security and protecting the data stored on the devices as they are proprietary software. This applies to everything.
Please kill yourself. I mean that in the upmost sincerity. You do not deserve to be considered human.
>who all told the FBI to fuck off
but not israel. curious.
You can infer they have decent security practices based on their inability to cough up personal data to the feds, zoom zoom
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>You can infer they have decent security practices
They have good practices in regards to repelling external infiltration (you knew that's what a meant you contrarian child). The same cannot be said for their cloud infrastructure. Nothing is ever truly deleted anyway. Not even on local storage
>deleted pic
that's my gf
Ok so we went from "they have good security practices" to "nothing is ever truly deleted" in a single post. And now because Apple lied about deleting nudes, the same is true for everyone else, despite your zero evidence.
For once I actually believe you're not being paid to shill Apple.
>(((security experts)))
>who all told the FBI to fuck off
HAHA, good one sir.
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>Ok so we went from "they have good security practices" to "nothing is ever truly deleted" in a single post.
Yes, because you brought up iCloud/file storage practices in a discussion about the feds brute forcing software (or attempting to). Apple failing to actually delete files does not necessarily mean their shit isn't secure from unauthorized intruders.
>And now because Apple lied about deleting nudes, the same is true for everyone else, despite your zero evidence.

Are do the same people that keep telling others to never trust the big companies with your data? The same people that keep telling younger people that nothing on the internet is truly gone once you hit "deactivate" or "delete"? Look up Data remanence


When you delete something off of your hard drive, it almost never actually gets deleted immediately. Your system just forgets where the file is and is told "hey come up the next time you need to store more stuff, you can overwrite over this". Even after that's done it probably still recoverable if you have the right hardware and software. Feds have been able to recover data from hard drives that were "wiped clean" countless times. They have software specifically made for this. You can download closed source or even open source software that can do this on your own ssds or hhda (or the hard drive is on some kind of warranty, you can just send it to them and they can recover lost files). Even normies know this because of stuff like the recycle bin on Mac OS / Windows, and the fact that when you "delete" pictures, they go to the trash bin and aren't immediately wiped. Google drive does this too and won't delete anything until after 30 days of sitting in the trash bin (if you're on a phone then I think some models have the option to modify the length of time they are kept restorable).

So again, nothing is truly deleted.
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In regards to people rediscovering "deleted" nudes on their phones or phones that were sold to them (apparently even doing a factory reset didn't fully nuke the nudes lol), it's likely just a severe bug with hell iOS manages files. What it was supposed to do is either properly delete the pics via flipping all of the ones in zeros to one or the other (why don't they just do this? I don't know. Some books-smart people just lack common sense) or tell the system that it is allowed to overwrite over the chunks the "deleted" content was stored on. Either way neither of those happened. Curious how a collosal fuckups like this was completely forgotten about in less than a week just because of that Apple Clout
Apple security sucks and you're a retard if you trust a company that lied about the extremely basic ability of deleting a file.
My Fedora laptop does not have this problem.
Imagine buying a T420 from a /g/ user and then licking the keyboard. That would be so gross right?
Anti intrusion software is good. Ensuring user data is private? Horrible. Two things can be true you dramatic teenager. This is why no one likes you


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