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Previous thread: >>101433174

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>ComfyUI_frontend: Modernized TS Front-end

>Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI

>DataDream: Few-shot Guided Dataset Generation

>UltraPixel: Advancing Ultra-High-Resolution Image Synthesis to New Peaks

>AccDiffusion: An Accurate Method for Higher-Resolution Image Generation

>US Senate introduces bill to setup legal framework for ethical AI development

>KineTy: Kinetic Typography Diffusion Model

>DiffStega: Towards Universal Training-Free Coverless Image Steganography with Diffusion Models

>Arbitrary-Scale Video Super-Resolution with Structural and Textural Priors


>Google's Gemini AI scans Google Drive PDFs without permission

>ComfyUI-ppm: Fixed AttentionCouple/NegPip, more CFG++ samplers, etc


>ControlNet-Union-SDXL updated, adding Inpaint and Tile

>ComfyBlog July: Versioned Releases, Beta UI, New Models


>Nvidia RTX 50 family TDPs leaked by Seasonic
>mfw Research news


>VGBench: Evaluating Large Language Models on Vector Graphics Understanding and Generation

>InVi: Object Insertion In Videos Using Off-the-Shelf Diffusion Models

>IDOL: Unified Dual-Modal Latent Diffusion for Human-Centric Joint Video-Depth Generation

>OPa-Ma: Text Guided Mamba for 360-degree Image Out-painting

>Benchmarking VLMs for Cultural Understanding

>Optical Diffusion Models for Image Generation

>MoE-DiffIR: Task-customized Diffusion Priors for Universal Compressed Image Restoration

>When Synthetic Traces Hide Real Content: Analysis of Stable Diffusion Image Laundering

>Addressing Image Hallucination in T2I Generation through Factual Image Retrieval

>Evaluating Model Bias Requires Characterizing Mistakes

>WildVidFit: Video Virtual Try-On in the Wild via Image-Based Controlled Diffusion Models

>InsertDiffusion: Identity Preserving Visualization of Objects through Training-Free Diffusion Architecture

>A Survey of Defenses against AI-generated Visual Media: Detection, Disruption, and Authentication

>Local Action-Guided Motion Diffusion Model for Text-to-Motion Generation

>How and where does CLIP process negation?

>Masked Generative Video-to-Audio Transformers with Enhanced Synchronicity

>Sora and V-JEPA Have Not Learned The Complete Real World Model - A Philosophical Analysis of Video AIs Through the Theory of Productive Imagination
no one reads this
>mfw MORE Research news

>Noise Calibration: Plug-and-play Content-Preserving Video Enhancement using Pre-trained Video Diffusion Models

>Beyond Prompt Learning: Continual Adapter for Efficient Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning

>Disrupting Diffusion-based Inpainters with Semantic Digression

>Low-Rank Interconnected Adaptation Across Layers

>LeRF: Learning Resampling Function for Adaptive and Efficient Image Interpolation

>VividDreamer: Invariant Score Distillation For Hyper-Realistic Text-to-3D Generation

>Explanation is All You Need in Distillation: Mitigating Bias and Shortcut Learning

>Layout-and-Retouch: A Dual-stage Framework for Improving Diversity in Personalized Image Generation

>TemporalStory: Enhancing Consistency in Story Visualization using Spatial-Temporal Attention

>Diminishing Stereotype Bias in Image Generation Model using Reinforcemenlent Learning Feedback

>How Stable is Stable Diffusion under Recursive InPainting (RIP)?

>MATE: Meet At The Embedding -- Connecting Images with Long Texts

>BitNet b1.58 Reloaded: State-of-the-art Performance Also on Smaller Networks

>Putting GPT-4o to the Sword: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Language, Vision, Speech, and Multimodal Proficiency

>Self-Consuming Generative Models with Curated Data Provably Optimize Human Preferences

>Augmented Neural Fine-Tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purification

>Image captioning in different languages
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I was recently considering quitting the news. I asked "does anyone read the news anymore" and a bunch of people said yes, so I persist
I do wish people would talk about interesting stuff more often though
if you weren't spamming the news you would just be spamming something else for attention anyways so why bother
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First thing I look for in the thread.
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I don’t post here too often, why does the autistic person spam the news?
What is the current opensource SOTA tool for creating faceswaps? both photos and videos
How to create a lora for generating professional headshots for cvs/linkedin ?
Just get a better camera and be less ugly
Good self head shot and use like Juggernaut and img2img to dress it up?
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
i read the news.

this is where I get the news
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behold, my masterpiece

I thought you were banned! people said there was an avatar sweep this morning. I know you get caught in those sometimes for some unknown reason

I've got the CEO of Based Inc on the phone, he wants to offer you his job
How did this guy train a Penny Arcade style Lora for Pony on 5000 images and have it come out this weak lmao:


it looks nothing like Krahulik, there's way too much of the base pony "deviantart pencil sketch" look left
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Ohhh nah, I was just up super late and passed out hahaha!
It's great to see you as always, Debo!! :]
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i come to /sdg/ almost entirely for the news posts. appreciate the comfy nodes
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It is surprisingly difficult to get a genie out of stable diffusion. Still not quite there. Need better segmentation models.
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incredibly based. always pumped to see people getting value from the news
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I think the other three people that post here got banned.
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nice, I have the place all to myself
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I went to lay down for a while haha head hurts
Also playing with Suno again haha
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The Sims: Purple Witch's Neighborhood
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Heavily modded of course hahaha
That game was hella fun, it's been yeeears since i've played it
Pony Pandora's Box style lora at epoch 7 out of 37:
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Omg that's hilarious hahaha I almost spit out my food laughing so much
Hello, Mouse anon!! Great to see you hahaha
I don't know how copypastas are turning out so well kek
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Banger Music Productions
I always get like 200hr out of a TS4 run then don't touch it again for a year+.
>I do wish people would talk about interesting stuff more often though
keep up the good work sage lord, do you have more papers my fuzzer can solve? I'm running out of theoretical test material extremely fast.
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It does industrial pretty good.
It pronounced it the way you spelled it..
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That part in the beginning where it goes "Bazooooooing!" then the instruments comes in is SO funny hahaha!!
I didn't play much TS4, I did when it came out but it didn't have alot of the stuff that TS3 had, which was super fun to me! I'm thinking about downloading TS4 now though haha that sounds kinda fun to do in the background while genning/Suno
Oh yeah, you can add music into the game! I can throw my suno songs in there hahaha!
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may your errors be minimized, regressions optimized, and llmmaaoohhnnoohohohoCs always be positive
>do you have more papers
every day
It's got a lot going for it, and it's not hard to make super pretty characters in it, for example. I liked TS3 but didn't get as many hours into it, back before TS4 I was balls deep into WoW/EQ so I missed out on 3 really.
glitchbo best *bo
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glad you like it! this series has quite a mind of its own
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i don't care what the discord fags say, you've always been OK in my book. posting old shit because, for some reason, "the many faces of a hyper-entity which lurks in the noosphere of human cognition. a jet black and ever shifting mind-spanning nexus which draws breath and energy from the twitching anger and indignation of the righteous. it has no mind, yet directs the minds of billions" doesn't seem to be working like i hoped it might
i can see some facet of it, but not the entirety of it, and even attempting to do so induces migraines of legendary intensity
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That's it, im convinced! Downloading it now hahaha! Oh! It would be fun to img2img my character too! That makes sense! MMOs take hella time! I never got into WoW, but I can see the appeal!
touching reality is, as far as i'm concerned, one of the the reckless things one can try to do. it results only in pain
Yeah it'd be great for that with the art style and flexibility. You'll want a lot of the cosmetic mods for more options but there's a metric shitton, probably more than even for Skyrim for example.

A good 50hr of my 200hr plays are spent making everyone 11/10 unicorns.

[spoiler]Lot's of black 'n purple color combos, with clothes, makeup etc[/spoiler]
and here i was trying to systematize my interaction with this hellthread. then pw comes, hahaha, and, unbidden, i sucumb to the call of the purplewitchthulu. i really wish you'd leave my brain alone. it's not fair!
all my images are shit. i wish i were dead
>hot breeze blows through the room
>It's the wall fan pulling heat off the GPU that's been at 100% for like a week
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you just like me cuz you see so much of yourself in my gens (because I'm thoroughly abusing your artists)

oh no, we're losing another one to gaming. at least make a debo character

>it results only in pain
suffering is the center of living

I'm only genning at night lately lol
>i'm stealing your artists bro
thank you.
these are the new ones
by {4$$Hilma af Klint|Wassily Kandinsky|Kazimir Malevich|Piet Mondrian|Zdzislaw Beksinski|H R Giger|Jeffery Catherine Jones}
but still, my recent images are bad. it' hurts a lot. need to trim some fat!
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this one is purple. but not witch. getting closer.

we rule the world, and we don't know why. let alone how! it's kind of weird, now that i think about it.
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is it purple hour
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tis, be; aye. doing this will anger a certain subset of the discord cabal. i can't explain it, it just will.
Purple witch cosplay as Raven please
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mm hmmm, you know what?
it's the M T F D R E
fa sho
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don't throw away your chance to climb the discord hierarchy just to post purple witches. think of your future
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LOL nice!! I'm probably gonna spend so long just going through the mods hahaha! Thanks anon! This is gonna be so fun!
LOL sorry, anon! I didn't mean to mess with your brain and stuff haha!
I'm sure they're great, anon! You should post one :]
maybe we can give you some pointers?
LOOL! I'll be multi-tasking! Hahaha i'll make a dual-colored hair/eyed demon boy just for you :]
I really like the texture of the hair!
I think so!
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i think i could convince TPTB to let you back in. it wouldn't even be that hard, desu,
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and you, who responds to me three times.. same goes for you, desu.
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I didn't get kicked. I left. I don't want to be there
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but we're comfortable in the knowledge that i will never have to make good on these promises. i suppose that's why i made them
well, we all must suit ourselves, i suppose.
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LMAO I think I know what you mean by this, but i'm gonna pretend I don't
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i mean, what could possibly go wrong? just mute catjak, and Bob's your uncle! i mean, i would never, but i wouldn't blame you, either.
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Oh wait, I was way off LOL
Are you talking about the Discord?
Ehhh I dunno about that real, I might just stay away from all of that haha
As far as he goes, i'd rather not be in the same place with him, especially since he's apparently a mod in there
Sounds like unnecessary drama and stuff haha! I'm gonna have to pass!
Besides, I don't even really use Discord in the first place haha
literally everyone but """"ran""" is kool. you're missing out
catjack has no chill, but that's ok because you can pretend he doesn't exist (by way of muting)
it will quickly be home to you
pw and debo are missing out. their loss, i supose.
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sdg is home
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Who else is there? Ugh yeah but that guy is literally nothing but negative
Muting people just means conversations going on that you can't see haha it can get confusing
I do that well enough already hahaha!

Btw! I did your proompt cause it seemed interesting haha!
This one! I just changed jet black to pitch black cause it kept making jets LOL
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Omgg this one is SO good!!
And yeah, exactly!
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why do I see so many people on civitai using that disney princess lora at 1 strength yet they never call an actual disney princess character in their prompt? Am I missing something?
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>needs more (illuminati:1.5)
you are like a little babby
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I wasn't sure if I posted that one last night or not. I liked it a lot

some loras are trained without needing activation terms
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i am dead. oopse
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you're trapped in samsara and are doomed to be reborn. just to die again. and then reborn again. sucks to suck
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Hahaha I'll add that in now! I just did it the way you had it written down!
yeah, but I'm talking about gens that use that lora without actually having any disney princess characters in them. Like completely unrelated or original characters. I'm wondering if it affects the artsyle in any way
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oh, that sounds kinda retarded. maybe the lora isn't compatible with the models they're using and its just junk prompts. most prompts are civit are pretty junky
It's pretty easy to get really nice results with that style, or at least, used to be. I can't find one that works with pony/xl.
why are captions needed beyond the instance tokens anyway?
it's not like loras will influence weights even when the instance tokens are not called
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How to get rid of the square of different color hair around her face due to the adetailer?
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You could just inpaint it! Or upscaling sometimes fixes little issues like that
I was thinking of using gimp and just using the smudge tool, I'll look into inpainting
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No, I did not get it to generate this pose for both characters at once. That would be fucking impossible. Believe me, I tried, with latent couple and a human footstool LORA. Just not fucking happening. Latent couple never seems to work like it's supposed to for me. Hopefully at one point we get a checkpoint that's good at doing two specific characters at once in very specific poses wearing very specific outfits without mixing the poses and outfits. Said checkpoint definitely doesn't exist right now, so we need workarounds as follows.
Process was:
>generate Jashin-chan with white background
>generate Satania+couch with white background with the aid of Canny for the feet
>do a rough composite of the two with GIMP
>load the rough composite into img2img and Canny simultaneously and generate
>take the result of the above step and shoop => inpaint => shoop => inpaint => etc. until complete
This is essentially an extremely high effort shitpost intended to be posted on /a/ where there is a rivalry between the GabDrop and Jashin-chan fanbases.
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Ohh, or the clone tool if it has one! When inpainting, remember to change the proompt to be only what you need at the time! So just having (brown hair) should be enough :]
Good luck, anon!
Nice tri-winged bird
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Any time, anon! :]
LOL thanks, anon!
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Ah, crap. Noticed a small error to the left of Satania's right heel.
This is a good opportunity to demonstrate how to fix errors though. Step 1: do a quick, sloppy shoop. Doesn't have to look perfect.
>Modernized TS Front-end
>it's the same
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Step 2: inpaint over the sloppy shoop, inpaint masked only, denoising strength 0.1.
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Is this quality of transformation possible with SD? I either get funny or ugly characters if I try. What prompt/model would a professional prompter suggest?
What "quality"? They just turned up the exposure and added volumetric lighting and blur
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Absolutely, anon! You could make it even better too! The model depends on what kind of style you're going for, so that one is kinda up to you
As for the proompt, all you would want to do is describe her, (long red hair), (red dress), etc
You can img2img at low denoise, maybe .32-.44, and should get something better
Also, there is more than likely many LoRAs for Jessica Rabbit on Civitai :]
You can do way better with img2img and such
>Is this quality of transformation possible with SD?
Yes. As >>101439493 said you can do much better, actually.
>What prompt/model would a professional prompter suggest?
For model, Autismmix Confetti or Autismmix DPO is the best you'll find for anime/toon style.
If using the above mentioned models, just prompt the best you can using Danbooru tags, because Pony-based models like Autismmix have been trained on Danbooru tags.
img2img is basically magic
>You can img2img at low denoise, maybe .32-.44, and should get something better
Another option is using Canny through img2img with the Canny strength at 0.4 and this lets you jack up the denoise much higher so the style drifts further from the original as desired.
I do too, that's why I come to these threads
>I was recently considering quitting the news. I asked "does anyone read the news anymore" and a bunch of people said yes, so I persist
>I do wish people would talk about interesting stuff more often though

I look at the news and even follow some links and even read some articles.
In general news are good, but bloated.
I can only speak for me. Today I had a closer look at these because this is relevant.

>Nvidia RTX 50 family TDPs leaked by Seasonic
>ControlNet-Union-SDXL updated, adding Inpaint and Tile
>How Stable is Stable Diffusion under Recursive InPainting (RIP)?

other stuff is nice to know, but general AI news and not really specific for sdg or image generation.

>Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI
>US Senate introduces bill to setup legal framework for ethical AI development
>Google's Gemini AI scans Google Drive PDFs without permission

everything else was not interesting for me but maybe for other people
>ethical AI development
I hope SD-Skynet eats their bodies first.
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But why
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Definitely! That's a great way to go about it too :]
i got what you need
data on data on data
I don't want an ethical checkpoint, I want a capable checkpoint.
It seems the two are incompatible.
>negative prompt: none
Too lazy to type
If the U.S. gimps AI development with ethics laws, China will absolutely win the AI race because China will absolutely not give a fuck about ethics.
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it is hump day.
post camels
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fr tho some datasets are going on huggingface and i need the data myself to use in a project
it's going to be real neat, soon:tm: two more weeks:tm:
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mfw humpday
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>sign into civitai
>search results are completely broken
I made this gen because I hated the S*viets
if you mean it's not showing NSFW then just go back into your profile and re-enable all the NSFW options again
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can anyone analyze this pot for me
I am not sure yet what to make of it. Discussing about the need of legal guidelines for AI is not bad per se. But politicians deciding about ethics is like blind people picking colors.
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Good morning, anon! :]
analyze in what way
i miss schizo anon
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Oh wow didn't notice the ear until now - she hardly ever shows her ears so totally overlooked it and so did the LORA, I'm assuming because the training data lacked ears.
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Aaaaand didn't notice Jashin-chan had a nostril between her nose and mouth either haha.
Always check the nose after inpainting an anime-style face using inpaint masked only. It LOVES to fuck up the nose.
The two things inpainting like to fuck up the most re: faces is the nose and the eyelashes - it loves making previously symmetrical eyelashes non-symmetrical and it's infuriating.
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>But politicians deciding about ethics is like blind people picking colors.
Yeah, AI laws really shouldn't be written by people who do not understand or use the technology.
I understand there's a societal need for legal guidelines but I don't have to like it. I want a checkpoint that is not gimped in any fucking way whatsoever - I want as much training data put into it as possible and I want it to be able to generate whatever I ask it to.
I don't want to generate anything illegal with it. However, preventing me from generating illegal things with it will almost certainly lower the quality of anything legal I generate with it and I am unhappy with this.
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Manul! Pallas cat!
PW simply evades the ban like always
cry more, or less
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I've never evaded a ban, anon! I haven't gotten banned in a reeeeally long time either
I just get warnings here n there :]
it was actually the opposite, i had filtered out all the non-xxx result because i thought that option would include all less x'ed results
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It's kinda annoying, but better than an actual ban
Honestly I'm not around as frequently anymore for a ban to really matter to me haha so idk why they keep trying, but oh well!
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does anyone here speak danish
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>does anyone here speak danish
only danish word I know is smorrebrod
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regretting my complete lack of.. entrepreneurial spirit or ability or whatever. there is money to be had in a.i. but not for me.
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any cunt in this fucking pub owes me anything is getting fucking done
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your van and your toaster, we're taking the lot
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Good night/morning, anons! See you later on today most likely :]
Take it easy dude!
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early morning sperg gridding. as i knew beforehand tunabiscuit and tunazap are the best amongst them
ded thread
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reverting penny arcades style
I gen'd a Danish. Does that count?
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lol, a jap fanartist got caught tracing an AI artist's art
kek, you must be a special kind of retard to copy someone else's public work, people will know it sooner or later, he could've simply make his own AI art and then do the tracing instead
I'm not Japanese. Is that bad?
that too i guess?
from the few translated comments i read, the japs seem fairly mellow about. if this were western art the reaction would be venomous
the japenese are very sensitive and such mild criticism is cause for seppuku
lol, you can't find more sensitive people than the western wokies
Did you order extra ram for your GPU?
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>western wokies
No, Satan, I own you. Check my repo!
"Blade to class. *bird noises* Art."
Satania tried to generate herself, I said no.
Hi again DRAGON!
>Authentication required
Satania is triggered by my posting.
different type of sensitive, JPs will almost never directly insult you

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