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Do zoomers really not know how to pirate media?
Yes I do
They don't even know what the fuck a folder is because phones never use that shit, much less how to use a goddamn computer, something that boomer and millennial understand
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I do
t. 2006
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>installs virus because you don’t know open source video players
No you don’t
Yes I do. Stop making shit up.
>watch show free online 1080p streaming website
>click first link ending in .is
>Hey, this is our real website, make sure to not go to the .is .in .ru .tu .cy .cum websites, those are fake!
Yep, it's show watching time.
>watching jewish media
I do but a lot of them don't. Most of my friends my age come to me when they want shit pirated. I think they're just lazy and retarded though. I send them links to websites multiple times cause they never bother to remember or bookmark it.
that's how it was with limewire too. everyone knew about it but they'd need the computer dorks to tell them not to download song.mp3.exe
I'm proud of ya wee laddie
>click magnet link
this is adults-only hackerman shit to the boomer mind, like smoking a marijuana cigarette or buying a bit coin
I pirate everything
My only subscriptions are a $20/m zogGPT subscription and my amazon prime because I like the fast shipping
>t. 2005
Yeah but why is he a rat
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My inner pirate commited seppuku out of pure laziness circa 2012. I do not care anymore, nor would i ever pay for software.

gnu's coreutils, bash, ffmpeg, yt-dlp, mupdf and freedoom with chocolate doom is all i need right now.
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It''s a great balance.
It may even have an optimum, where the advertising effect of good content via piracy to normies offsets the lost income due to pirates, and results in the highest income.
The result of the most objective study ever performed on that question is likely to be a closely-guarded secret among content owners.

It's things like allowing DJs hassle-free access to high-quality samples, normies hear those songs or samples from them, and start playing them in Spotify/YouTube/SoundCloud thereby generating income, all of that probably has a more positive effect as long as the barrier to entry is high enough to keep normies out.
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Hi, Langley!
We don't have Now! here, but BRAVO is probably our penchant.
>US (2001)
>UK (1986)
>"DE" (1994)
Okay, so I'm either "modern-day Jesus" or being played to believe that.
I'll just assume it shouldn't make a difference which is, objectively, the actual reason.
>Verification not required.
I know how torrents work, i just don't know the best places to go.

I use nyaa.si for anime and The Pirate Bay for most big normie movies. Anyone know a good place for western cartoons?
there are things you can pirate that aren't jewish. like books
zoomers install emudeck on steam decks and then pirate switch games grandpa
>Even boomers can understand directories
The Zoomers are simply ngmi.
how do zoomers with W2 wages do their taxes?
This entire place is just you guys making up shit to get mad at.
They pay someone else to do it for them online. Havent you ever heard of turbotax and the like?
if only you knew how badly things are
Whichever it is, I definitely have justified reasons to be paranoid and/or schizo.
I need break.
Good night, frens (or 4chan admin gangstalkers abusing me as a lolcow, idk).
I've used Turbotax but I paid to use their tool myself, never paid someone else to do it, far more expensive
saar if only you would know if things are badly!
>took 20 years to download 19%
just download another torrent, goddamn
I can use a torrent client and public trackers just fine. Windows/Office stuff also isn't hard.
What I'm not at all familiar with is private tracker shit. I mean, a fucking cabal system that I have to learn the rules of? Really? I'm not trudging through that jungle just for some Chinese cartoons that aren't available on public trackers.
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>ctrl-f usenet
>no results
I think there's just an increasing divide between zoomers who are computer adept and zoomers who don't know what a filesystem is
no retention
no uploaders
its dead
Zoomers think piracy is just downloading movies from telegram
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You don't even need that, there's nothing of value on Youtube
Most have trouble saving files.
I am quickly approaching this life, but I cannot live without pirated books
You're better off without it. Private trackers are scum.

I used to run/pay for a seedbox suite for friends and family, with the full suite of ombi/radarr/sonarr. woke up one morning and realized nobody ever said thank you for it or offered me money, and I never used it myself. so I just cancelled it and never looked back

also there's nothing of value even to pirate nowadays
>also there's nothing of value even to pirate nowadays
Have you watched, listened, and played to everything? Rhetorical question.
I just don't care about media there's other stuff to do
im 22 and have never done any tax paperwork nor have I paid anyone to do it
ive been working full time for 4 years now
they havent done shit
Piracy nowadays is just people having le ebin sekrit clubs so they can leech of each other.
The heroes are the people that share publicly without wanting anything back for it. Accelerate, bros. Accelerate.
I feel like this lately too. I got every NES and SNES game from archive.org with no effort. don't even pirate e-books anymore cuz hoarding old books is more fun.
Step by step instructions for complete engine rebuilds
How to build a cnc controller
Instructions to make a game server
Just because you are a uncreative retard doesn't mean there is a lack of good content
Nah, I pirate. Born in 200x.
slav zoomers do its still shameful to buy shit that is free on the internet here my cousin had friends over to play play station and they bullied him for not having it chipped
tf you mean its dead, 80 percent of my shit gets downloaded from usenet
for western cartoons you better be prepared to sieve through many websites because no one gives a shit about western cartoons sadly, I've had the most luck with 1337x
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emudeck exists retard.
I'm a zoomer and I installed Arch Linux manually today, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're thinking of gen alphas, not us.
why does 4chan think they are radicals for torrenting? anybody can do it but theres nothing worth torrenting
I'm a zoomer, I torrent shit all the time for my family Jellyfin server. I don't torrent pirated games though, I prefer to either DDL those or just buy them when they're on sale on Steam. You're talking out of your ass.
>chocolate doom
>not even gzdoom
>not even bothering to search "doom wad download" to get doom 1, 2, plutonia, etc. for free from some guide to run them on Debian Wheezy
>not playing brutal doom, Moon Doom, or Russian overkill
what's wrong with you anon
I also got all the NES and SNES games from archive.org, alongside a Sega Genesis ROM set. I think I'll put them up on a Samba server so my little brothers can play them.
Not him but Chocolate Doom rocks. Playing Doom at higher framerates than what was intended makes me sick.
I'm a very early millennial and I have no idea how the hell an iphone works, so zoomers have got there I guess. Where the fuck are the files and folders?
got *me there
smart folders are a disaster. by mixing metaphors, people fail to understand where to find things, once it fallsvinto the abyss of Recent.
huh, funny name for Claude.ai
>paying for claude
>insulting a man's best friend
I wanted to check it out, but they require a phone number and I'm not giving them that.
>ITT: millennial soys confusing zoomers with Gen alpha
Fucking brainlets, zoomers are the most tech savvy generation in existence. Zoomers are well into their twenties and experienced the dawn of smartphones but also grew up with desktops like millennials.
did you set up a 70Hz mode for your monitor for that authentic 35fps experience?
>zoomers are the most tech savvy generation in existence.
Lmao delusional broccolihead
i'm 34 and the first time i tried a smartphone was when i was 14 (2004), they've been around a long time
when i was 15 i got a psp and the homebrew you could get for it was basically like what you'd use a smartphone for today (i.e. everything)
Incredibly based.
I didn't know about that. I'll have to try it now that I know I was doing it wrong the entire time.
yea, it's a bit unusual nowadays, but actually tons of dos games ran at 320x200@70Hz, 256 colour, since that was a (kind of) standard VGA mode. doom was in fact designed to run at 35fps and has a matching 35Hz tick rate
zoomers aren't millenials
I never stopped pirating. No streaming service has ever gotten a dime from me.
>2000: 80%
>2024: 99%
>2375: 99%
checks out
>there's other stuff to do
Like posting on 4chan, that never gets old, it is so much fun.
A lot of even most boomers don't understand folders, urls, copy and paste, etc. hv8v
i'm a middle millennial and i barely know how to use my phone. unless i am absolutely forced to interact with an app for some reason i'm simply not going to use it for anything other than texting my boys or calling my parents. seeing people addicted to their phones is fucking wild because i genuinely hate using mine. my parents have been trying to get my grandmother to learn how to use a cell phone just for calls and stuff and she just doesn't give a fuck and leaves it uncharged in the boot of her car and i understand where she's coming from
>she just doesn't give a fuck and leaves it uncharged in the boot of her car
mind died with what.cd
>They don't even know what the fuck a folder is because phones never use that shit
What do you mean? My phone uses folders. How does it not use folders? I mean, there are folders right there in My Files, there are folder icons, I can even create new folders...
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forgot pic
Nothing is worth pirating these days.
Does creating folders take up space on your drive?
yes, not much, but yes
Good try, jew
no one needs to use folders though, they only use the gallery which hides the filesystem completely and manages it all for the user

as for an actual file browser, iphone users dont have that anyway, and most android users have never touched it
Im a 97 zoomer, pirated since i was a kid and i will keep pirating till i die.
Fuck jew corpos, ive bought a fair share of games ive previously pirated tho.
All of my retards fri3nds are too scared to pirate
>committing crimes to consume Jewish continent-> antisemitic
That would require a computer device
I just don't care enough to pirate modern media.
they also know that there are specialized law firms out there who can find and sue you
No they can't. They run a scam where they send threatening messages to your ISP (which your ISP has to forward to you by law) and the email will sometimes include a demand for money as an out-of-court settlement. If you make the mistake of engaging with them, you are basically admitting guilt, and sometimes very rarely they'll make an example out of those cases where dumb people incriminate themselves and sue them to strike fear into the hearts of pirates; that doesn't really happen before but it used to. Mostly they make money from people getting scared and paying the fine (which there is no actual legal obligation to pay).
They don't actually know you pirated. Your router could've been hacked and someone else is engaging in bittorrent traffic on your network. They have no way of proving it, they just rely on people not knowing that and getting scared.
Peak tech literacy is Millenial/Zillenial
Then it becomes worse than even the Boomers just a few years younger. Thanks Steve Jobs!
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Depends on the generation that raised them.
I'm one of the oldest Zoomers you can get and was raised by boomers. Had to fix stuff for my boomer parents, so quickly learned.
I find its the Zoomers brought up by Millenials in front of an ipad or just very little enrichment that tend to have zero tech literacy. They never had to troubleshoot anything in their lives thanks to modern design
I'm a zennial (gen z born before 2000) raised by millennials, and I still learned tech literacy just naturally by using the internet and computers when I was 13. Computers actually required basic knowledge back then and if you had a soul then you couldn't avoid stuff like minecraft modding or playing around with tools like visual studio or debuggers, which naturally teaches tech skill. Also I can type 170 WPM because of runescape
>imaginary arguments
>born before 2000
>raised by millennials
did you parents have you as teenagers? that must be cutting it close
I never got the hype for Netflix or those other apps. I just stayed forever in the 2000s except my PC and screen got better. Seriously by the time 720p Xbox 360 was bragging about Netflix I was already on a 1440p korean panel
My mom got pregnant at 17.
so you are one of them. fuck you.
you were lucky then my guy, never thought of myself as a zennial (born 98)... Happy with zoomer, the crossing the streams thing doesn't interest me.
You can't really choose, unless you avoided the internet entirely the culture you grew up with (early-mid internet) is different from the culture "true" zoomers grew up with (tiktok, influencers & internet fully corporate).
I hate my parents so fucking much
Most boomers and millennials have actually regressed as the only thing they do on any computer now is through a web browser. How many worthless people who's entire jobs require sitting at a computer all day can't even install a printer or basic software like adobe reader without instruction.
>install a printer
Too be fair, printers are the work of the devil
yeah, I bought a printer for the first time when I moved out thinking it'd be easy because I'm teck literate. I had to install a fucking phone app, which I did, and it didn't work. I called support and they said my specific router model is incompatible with the printer. I had to instead press an obscure combination and connect to a wireless access point broadcasted from the printer itself, then connect to a web gateway, which I have to visit anytime I want to print anything. The printing heads are misaligned and I can't calibrate them because it's a feature in the app.
what the actual god damn mother fucking printer is that?
HP something. I went to best buy and specifically asked for a cheap no frills printer that simply prints, and the stupid fucking pompous blue shirted cunt sold me that
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using an android phone as a zoomer is social suicide
having an iphone won't help you get laid if you're ugly, stop coping.
whenever I am looking for something, yandex usually gives it to me for free.
why do you unemployed losers think about zoomers all day instead of looking for a job?
doesnt it bother you that you are going to die alone and unloved?
my unemployed loser arse does not pay for so called streaming "services"
let them be angry with zoomers while the real problem (jews) is being ignored

zoomers on other boards constantly talk about how they are back after a 3 day ban that's how retarded they are
I was born in 2001, and I don't know how to pay for media
From what I've seen zoomers just don't bother paying taxes
Do they still care about that green bubbles thing?
That is based.
But you do not know how to that because mom and dad are still spoon feeding you. That's a difference right there.
Braindead take.
>failed to teach them
Hate people like this. We live in a time when you can access information about pretty much anything. You don't need your dad to hold your dick and rub your ass to learn how to change the oil in your car. You can watch a video on YouTube from almost anywhere. Same with cooking, sewing, understanding file systems, managing money and pretty much any other life skill you desire to understand. This is an incredible advantage that earlier generations didn't have.
If you didn't have a relative or friend who would impart the knowledge to you, your choices were to pay for classes, if they existed in your area, or go to the library and hope they have a book on the subject and that the book was written well enough to communicate the skills clearly.
"Nobody taught me anything" is a faggy cope by lazy shitheads who spend more time looking for excuses for their shortcomings than the amount of time it would take to actually develop the skills they pretend are being hidden from them.
I don't know about most zoomers, but my cousin refuses to torrent even though I have explained it in every detail and even offered him to help him.
Zoomers definitively have some stigma against "piracy", I hope alphas will be a better gen, there has to be some reaction to the enshittification.
I only pirate music, anime and manga at this point, I don't need more with few exceptions.
For books annas-archive.
For movies yts
For manganime nyaa or mangadex
Go ask in >>>/g/ptg/
Whenever possible I avoid my phone. Even when texting someone if it can wait it will until I'm back at my desktop even if I have a phone in my pocket anyways. I fucking despise (((smart)))phones with the burning heat of a billion suns. I have no idea how people manage to waste literally their entire life away in front of a tiny screen with a fisher price OS.
Sudo apt install mpv
I live by myself, stop projecting
You have to be braindead to consume modern media, even for free.
You're in for a surprise
>I hope alphas will be a better gen
them kids can't read and covid lockdowns already fucked their critical development AI will finish the job
That's exactly why I hope there will be a reaction against current year bullshit from them, history goes in cycles.
yeah because you only download capeshit
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previous chair looks more comfy

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