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>Kills all fan-site traffic
>Kills forums
>Centralizes discussions
>Heavily censors opinions and bans controversial subreddits
>Updoot culture encourages circlejerks
>Ruins the internet
>Nothing personnel.
When will this website die out?
Centalization into tame middle of the road websites was inevitable. Forums still exist, and big sites like Reddit act as a filter to keep the stupid people out.
>>When will this website die out?
it's a public company now so just give it a few years, they'll eventually cannibalize themselves with monetization.
You forgot the latest development:
>Ruins AI
Now thanks to reddit all models are poisoned beyond repair with redditardation brainrot. LLMs will be nothing more than cheap parlor tricks now.
>>Updoot culture encourages circlejerks
What did you mean by this?
It was dying before IPO, most posts are made by bots who spread Marxist propaganda on the site. IPO is just gonna kill it faster while Dodge v. Ford Motor Company forces Reddit to milk every bit of profitability out of the platform. Personally, I can't wait until it gets bought by someone else and all the Tumblrettes who fled when Tumblr banned porn have to find somewhere else to flee that isn't the Twitter they already fled from. Maybe Musk will buy Reddit and the Elon circlejerk will return again.
Redditors use the upvote/down vote system as an agree/disagree button, and people like it when number go up, so they spew retarded shit they think will get them more upvotes, turning the site into a circlejerk. They also use it as a way to punish wrongthink (just as a community too! they don't even need the Ministry of Truth to do it.) because people really don't like it when the number is in the negatives (e. g. pride and accomplishment).
This leads to people subconsciously adopting their retarded opinions because more upvotes = more right to the average retarded Redditor, leading it to be a breeding ground for Marxism.
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>LLMs will be nothing more than cheap parlor tricks now.
My god the cultists will admit their fagshit is bad and still worship it.
>Kills forums
No it didn't you absolute fucking nigger. Forums were dead years before reddit and discord even existed.
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Twitter is far worse. It's guilty of basically all the same shit except it also come with an obnoxious culture of celebrity (and """celebrity""") dicksucking that used to a totally rancorous degree.
Everyone defends it now because Memelon returned freedom of speech to the platform (not true by the way) but the average IQ of internet users would go up far more from pogroming twitter users than from reddit.
this has literally been replaced by discord
Which is even worse. At least information on reddit can be archived
You mean the chans were replaced by discord.
the system is clearly working. nobody wants to associate with incels who talk like this lmfao. I come here to shitpost and dab on trumpets, and go to reddit when I actually want to participate in a discussion.
>Ruins AI
and that's a good thing.
all the good posters have left it for the fediverse
What is "IPO"?
im guessing initial public offer (price of shares when they first go publicly sold)
bait or not that's stupid
It's a shame. The old reddit UI is still the optimal interface for online discussion.
But yes, the site is beyond gay now. For the last few years, some Geo-subs or niche topic subs were still alright, but now even those are censored to death, or spammed so much with DNC shills it ruins the subreddit.
Niche topic subs get flooded with students and aspiring professionals who don't really know what they're talking about and get hostile.
Honestly, I'd see the site being dead within a year or two, but with the extra funding from AI, it'll probably be around longer.
how is the 4chan style with comment references not better? the reddit style encourages parallel discussions, it's a negative
Reddit is fine as it is. It's a containment zone. Imagine if all those retards abandon ship, flooding into the last remnants of the internet that isn't social media. Nobody wants that to happen.
Social media has proven yet another principle of the real world. It's that the borders are necessary. That's how to get diversity.
Shoveling everything into a centralized common culture doesn't work. It doesn't even make sense. Reddit is proof of that.
facebook actually did all that.
reddit was just fighting against facebook and they're an improvement, since everythings indexed.
man... you got me defending reddit because of your misinformed take.
Adding to this, the circlejerk is intensified by them banning "wrongthinkers", which means only approved and neutral opinions stay, making people think that's what they should be posting to get the upvotes they crave.
this is a anime-tech-politics-vidya kuturmutt website the fuck kind of borders are you talking about
still doing way less damage than discord
>>It's a shame. The old reddit UI is still the optimal interface for online discussion.
the UI has always been crap, best UI is from the forums
Just remove porn, politics, and rituals/spam used mainly to bump threads. Cut off their lifelines and they won't visit. Now watch people get mad about this truth.
>they spew retarded shit they think will get them more upvotes
Sounds familiar. Really makes you think.
How is that any different than the retards farming (You) here?
"It's totally different because the thumbs up and thumbs down icons aren't present!"
Retards post whatever will get them replies easiest here. They're dumb enough to think that they're any better. They won't go to other websites because they have inflated egos which makes them think they're too good for them despite being the target audience.
>Kills all fan-site traffic
>Kills forums
>Centralizes discussions
>encourages circlejerks
>Ruins the internet
but enough about 4chan
No different than shit just being on irc back in the day.
Upvotes push comments to the top of the page and downvotes hide comments or push them to the bottom while 4chan comments are posted in chronological order, no matter what (except for the few stickies).
and yet, /g/ and most other boards are echochambers too. So updoot/gold/award system doesn't help but it's not that different in practice
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>hires Indian Hindu shitskins to be jannies
>they remove every single news link that is bad for India so they can get billions of fighting age Indian males to keep migrating
>Centralizes discussions
This is one of the biggest issues on the web and it only gets worse.
bitd there used to be 50-250 websites a normie would visit, today it has dropped to 5-25 becasue of the centralzation. Everyone should fight back more.
> When will this website die out?
When I can sign up for a forum with a single click. Sorry I'm not interested in filling out a 20 page form and verifying captchas and emails for every random forum I want to post a drive by comment on.
its only good for porn
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It also ruined 4chan
i just go there to jerkoff, i pay no attention to the posts
>nooo but tranime trannies trannies trannies you're all trannies this is a /pol/ site get with the times moot said anime was for /a/ you cant get out of your containment board TRANNY aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
When a new, even worse one, comes along.
Bots killed 4chang and geddit.Jannies can rope themselves.
People like circlejerks. Even the faggots that browse this site.
funny when google plugged reddit data on their AI google gemini instantly became retarded
WTF are you talking about you retarded nigger?
what is the viability on having bots spam reddit with racism using residential VPNs?
I thought the point was to get the most votes whilst still trolling them
Low karma will prevent you to reach any interesting community.
should have used 4chan for data, that would have been funnier
It's dying. Kids below 20 no longer use it. It's going the way of fb, shambling along like a zombie full of bots and spammers. When was the last time Reddit had any new memes or at least popularized 2nd hand memes from 4chan etc.? It has turned into sanitized corporate mouth pieces.
it's not hard to rack up karma. i make a new account every few months. post some anti-drumpf nonsense or contribute to a joke/pun chain in a default sub with no karma restrictions. after a week you'll have a few hundred karma and enough account aging to participate in most subs.
Here you can ignore the retards and reply only to posts you like if you want, on reddit all the comments on top are retards and comments you like may be buried at the bottom with negative updoot. Also here you can post anything and never have to worry about commiting a wrongthink and losing karma, which lead to more genuine discussion in general since you don't have to walk on eggshells to not trigger the hivemind/tranny mod.
The borders that keep us away from redditors.
>When will this website die out?
Probably won't. Normies don't have many other options. All altforums and altchans have been detuned from search engines.
Take a look around. Nobody here even hides being a redditor anymore. Even implying that you posted there once used to be ban worthy but now nobody cares
Never, this is what the people want.
Reddit gets the leftovers from Facebook/Instagram and 4chan gets the leftovers from Reddit.
The type of anon that also browses Reddit nowadays is not as bad as a full-blown Redditor.
Imagine what it would be like if the floodgates actually opened?

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