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Do zoomers really think (((they))) can't spy on you if you use old phone?
I have one of these and good luck getting files off of it. I tried windows 10 and arch linux neither could connect long enough to transfer files from this peice of shit. Razr was garbage, maybe good as an improvised melee weapon.
i just bought a pixel 4. i'm worried i didn't go back far enough but i wanted graphene
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how would you spy on someone thru a Motorola razor?
You zoomers really don't know?
I find it really funny. these people are fucking ignorant and they are proud of that lmao

google "attacks against 3g".
>google "attacks against 3g".
As an American, I am immune to all of these attacks because all of the carriers here have turned off their 3G networks.
It's more about whether Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, McDonald's, etc. can see your location all the time. When you use a dumbphone that can't run apps more advanced than Snake, they can't.

If the NSA wants to tap your phone, they will regardless what sort of phone you use. They can track the location of even the most secure custom system you can design, so long as it connects to a cell network they can triangulate it between towers.
>It's more about whether Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, McDonald's, etc. can see your location all the time.
You zoomers are really cute, but this is hell world. Sorry to tell you, but your "dumbphone" will make things even worse for you,
What will it do other than forcefully disconnect you from social media when you're afk, while still letting you make calls and send basic texts?
>Honey, I'm hoooome
>What will it do
Open you up to 20 year old vulnerabilities exploited by 30 year old boomers.
>nooo if you want to be private and secure you have to buy a $1000 5G smartphone that can almost triangulate your almost exact position. It's got a proprietary security chip that never connects to the internet to keep you safe!
You zoomers are such qts, you're fucked though if you use these botnet phones.
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i miss her
>mfw playing worms world party against my brother during class
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Just go and buy those Japanese docomo phones. They got more modern modems that support 4G and 5G and they don't run a smart phone OS.
Why is that Terminator fucking that cupboard?
>side-talking goatse phone
Do you really need more?
I need to dial a number to call, yes.
to me it's not even about that shit...
i don't want a stimulating dopamine device to carry around with me all the time making me introverted and meek. thats npc shit.
I quite liked the iTunes version of this phone I got as a hand-me-down
>hinge breaks within 7 months
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>Display ribbon* within 15* months.
>t. z flip 4 for almost 2 years.
There is no legitimate reason for this to exist
It's small when you want it to be small. like in your pockets. and full sized when you need it to be full sized. That's the main selling point of any foldable.
I said legitimate
tech illiterate anon, stop being retarded, there are $150 phones that support 5G.
>that can almost triangulate your almost exact position
are you stupid? this is not about the phone itself, but the antennas. do you think they can't do this with 3G phones?
You can fit any smartphone you buy today in a pants pocket. A foldable isnt useful or special in this regard
>phones must be the same shape as they've been for the past 17 years
not a legitimate complaint
>we should make a car but instead of wheels we use ground salmon in a glass cube
Just because its new doesnt mean its useful. You cannot provide a useful reason.
absolutely nonsensical comparison. what would be more apt is a hatchback that can stretch out into a full SUV
>I said legitimate
No it wouldn't. Those both have clear advantages to their design. Theres no clear advantage to this kind of phone.
smaller when you want it to be small and normal-size when you want it to be normal-size
i guess though that since you don't see the value in this then nobody does?
Fuck I forgot to attach my ebussy pic
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watch The Wire nibba
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I'm still upset I could not buy picrel in 2008 because it was discontinued. I got w660i instead.
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Picrel was mine when I was about 16, I forget how much sovl phones used to have
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My ex gf had one of these ~14 years ago. One day I got a hold of it and read messages and it turned out that she was fucking older guy behind my back. She was nice piece of ass though. Now she's fat and living with cat alone.
I've been playing around with my old nokias lately and they really do kinda suck ass when compared to modern phones. They do remind me of better times and I do miss the overall cultural enviroment from when they were still relevant though. The tech sucks less now but everything surrounding it seems worse.
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Having an IM/voice account tied to one piece of hardware is annoying. No thanks.
It's not about spying. It's about increasing the friction for using time wasting crap.
the slab

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