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File: rubylang.jpg (45 KB, 750x1000)
45 KB
what is /g/'s take on this wonderful lang
Didn't this die after like a month?
worse python
Syntax kinda comfy

Packagement between platforms yikes


Python tier

isnt ruby 3.3 okay in terms of speed? i believe its faster than python
>minor version update
>breaking changes in basic, core API like string methods
never again

crystal is the superior choice
>>breaking changes in basic, core API like string methods
>never again
languages can't get fast once they become slow

elaborate on this?
it was a long time ago, tbf they have probably gotten better since then
i use it all the time for various little scripts

this is ruby 1.9.1..

ruby is on 3.3 =]
I don't make RPG Maker games so I don't really see why I should care about it.
python will always be faster for dealing with a lot of numbers and data. ruby has jit in mri now, and other implementations can get really fast but it depends on what you're doing. it excels at all the shit people used to do in perl and php.
php got a lot faster after everyone started ditching it. i guess its a similar story with ruby.
other languages have had worse breakages. I've had more annoyance with crystal breaking as it stabilized. Crystal is pretty good for sure, as a mid-point between the ease of Ruby and going to something more serious with more development cost. useful typing just aint really gonna happen in ruby. The Crystal standard library is better than Rubys now too
Ruby sparks joy.
Pythonfag here, should I learn Ruby if I want to make a personal website? Is it that much better for that use case?

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