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Better microcontroller?
>Pi coW
A odd name for it. Why cow?
named after you're mom
But it's small, lightweight, doesnt have udders, and doesn't produce delicious milk. So again, why cow?
cow is god in my religion, please understandings sir
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I'm a big fan of the espressif boards.
For wifi and Bluetooth stuff.
They are cheap and use a lot less power.
You can run them for days off a single 18650
>you're mom
>you are
Is this correct sentence?
t. ESL
>bad grammers in you're post
nothing personnel kid
I've only recently started messing with it but I like my esp32
What do you (want to) use it for?
The community is building fast too. It's already pretty easy to port things across to micropython or circuitpython, and you can cross compile golang binaries etc. No need for arduino C++ sketches (which is a bit of a gatekeeper for the yoof these days).
I originally wanted to build a 2.4GHz jammer using its wifi and bluetooth module but, as expected, there's no easy way to do it.
I've put the idea in hold for a while and I'm currently planning to write a few simple game console emulators on it along with a st7789 display I bought
A jammer is less doable without proper SDR, but you could pick a target channel and transmit lots of large frames of garbage. Or you could listen in promiscuous mode and whenever you hear any client send something on any network, send a deauth to that client to boot them off the network.
my plan is (was?) to dive into the library included with the esp32 which provides the bluetooth protocol APIs and see how they send arbitrary data in specific channels, considering all the library code is compiled together with your program, you could theoretically make changes to it and add new "functionality".
but I imagine it sounds too good to be true that someone could simply do that, even if it's not exactly trivial and serves as a filter. I am expecting some kind of hardware security measures or "functions" that only work in the wifi/bluetooth constrained protocol.
I like your idea doe, I could probably implement this in the mean time. my use case is annoying relatives that think everyone in the house has to listen to the same music as them
I want to impress the hr roastie, what projects should I do with microcontrollers?
I also bought this, which has a small library that doesn't implement either bluetooth or wifi but allows you to communicate with other antennas of the same model under another limited protocol.
I'm actually putting more bets on this one than on the esp32 included radio.
You're on the same wifi network as them, right? Can't you just send crap packets to them that seem to come from the router to reset their TCP streams?
I am. would that work? I'm not too familiar with in depths of TCP/IP but I'd imagine it'd have a quite robust handling of multiple data streams coming at the same time, say like you're watching a youtube video while downloading a file and getting a message from someone. wouldn't a garbage packet with no real destination be ignored by the OS?
the course of action I have in mind with this is flooding the bluetooth channels with garbage (as I understand, it's more prone to this kind of interruption), not to "jam" or block it completely, but make their music listening choppy and inconvenient enough to make them turn it off or grow a brain and use a pair of headphones
It should work. A TCP stream is uniquely identified by source and destination IPs and ports. All of that is contained in the packet header and can be forged.
One way is to send a RST packet in the stream, which will look to the computer like some device in the path from it to the machine it was talking to had some sort of error and dropped the connection. "Connection reset by peer".
Another is to watch the sequence numbers and send it a junk packet with the next sequence number. When the real packet arrives it gets discarded as an erroneous duplicate since it already received that sequence number. For regular TCP (HTTP etc) it inserts the junk in the received data stream. For TLS/SSL (HTTPS etc) it fucks up the cryptographic stream inside it, breaking the connection.
ok, cool. I've written down that one too. though I imagine the timing you have to pull off for that is no joke. consider that we watch videos and stream music at nearly gigabit speeds, how many packets per second is that...
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>micropython or circuitpython
Disgusting. If you can’t use C++ just stick to shitting up the web with bad javascript. I don’t need retards shitting up the micro controller space.

you're looking for l2flood
run it intermittently with random time variation
very cool, seems to do what I need without also disconnecting my own bluetooth or 2.4GHz wireless devices
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I played around with my first microcontroller in about 18 years last night.
It's an ESP-WROOM-32 with a display (dubbed the "Cheap Yellow Display" - because the package only costs like $25).
Managed to hack a quick monitor together for my Victron Solar Charger (it broadcasts BLE). Took about 4hrs, a lot of it spent on just configuring Dev Env.
What should I be using instead of the Arduino IDE that's not going to rob me of time and require painful reconfiguration when I inevitably switch to a new distro of the week?
ESP is really good if you need more power and better connectivity.
Picos are really good for lower level shit. Their PIO extensions allow for a lot of crazy emulation of other interfaces or chips.
Thanks. Is there a decent UI library I can use for these displays?
I'm pretty much hoping for something that is similar to Qt's Widgets so i don't have to fucking draw everything pixel-by-pixel.
>A jammer is less doable without proper SDR
nonsense. you don't need an sdr at all if you can build your own electronics. circuits for jamming are simple.
Good circuits for jamming are not so simple.
you're asking the wrong question. all microcontrollers have their use. the real question is: is there one with a better ecosystem? AVR was the best for a long time. now it's ARM32s turn. RP2040 has a very good ecosystem so the answer to your questions is no. RP2040 is here to stay. for a very long time.
adafruit's probably
>Disgusting. If you can’t use C++
I can use C++. I can use anything.
Instead of punching down, have you tried lifting up?
Have you tried being positive?
Wu-Tang is for the children.
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got this esp board for 30$
runs lvgl fine with double buffering and both 800x480x16bit frame buffers in PSRAM.
Almost anything uses less power.
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It's good.
If you get the debug probe (or make your own), you can program/debug/reset it without needing to fuck around with holding tiny buttons while reconnecting it. I assumed this was the norm but apparently the debugging situation on other popular MCUs/boards (arduino etc) is a mess by comparison.

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