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IntelliJ Idea + Java seems to be the way.
A powerful IDE fine-tuned to work perfectly with a specific language.
The Java conversations on the IRC are also good and high level.
Is this where the road ends?
uhhhh i thought FP was heckin evil and not idiomatic enterprise approved?
One of the first things I try when learning a new language now, is if it has FP features
java just gets a bad rap because of its popularity, i.e. there are too many "undesirables" for the /pol/-brained masses here to give it a fair shake
the JVM is a great platform with a ton of support, look at kotlin (also created by jetbrains) for a comfy more sugar-y version of java
fuck oracle though
>inb4 SAAARS
It's all bullshit job security from veteran programmers. Nobody really picks the right language and paradigm for the job
java? more like C# for indians
>fuck oracle though
Read somewhere that they did a pretty good job maintaining Java
just hate them for their shitty business practices: price-gouging, license rug-pulling, anti-competitive lawsuits, undisclosed surveillance, etc
they did OK maintaining java but the release cycle was insane and obviously driven by marketing. Sun was a better steward overall
>undisclosed surveillance
What kind of thing did they do?
tldr amassed + resold personal data on 5 billion people. really personal shit like home addresses and purchase histories
>look at kotlin (also created by jetbrains) for a comfy more sugar-y version of java
Seems like a bad idea. Better to invest my time learning the standard language, which will catch up to some kotlin niceties anyway. Something about the normal java seems more sturdy to me.
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That's kinda messed up
I really don't understand what's the big deal with FP, from both sides. One treats it like some esoteric confusing mess, the other treats it like a fucking divine way of programming with the blessing of God. What the fuck is everyone on about? The Java Stream API is just decent. Makes code a bit nicer to read sometimes. I also don't really miss it that much when using something like Go. I don't mind either way. Why is there a decade-long shitflinging contest over such a simple set of concepts?
How do you emulate the fp 'filter' on go? I just think they're useful things to have, if a language doesn't have it then they probably don't have other useful stuff. Another thing I test is how advanced the string manipulation in the language is, if it supports interpolation. Java has STR."My name is \{name}" which is ok enough.
>Why is there a decade-long shitflinging contest over such a simple set of concepts?
wait'll you hear about tabs vs spaces
>How do you emulate the fp 'filter' on go?
https://github.com/robpike/filter from the language co-creator Rob Pike himself
if you can do it that easily on a 10 year old version of the most barebones modern language, then there's really no reason to give these features so much value. If a language comes with them fine, if not you can always do it yourself or have chatgpt do it in 3 seconds
>writes FP packages
>tells everyone not to use it
>Instead, I just use "for" loops.
>You shouldn't use it either.
This is just cope. Filter is a basic thing to expect in a modern language, it's not even hard to use or understand. I agree that for loops are more powerful but a lot of the time all you need are simple filters
What did openai mean by not providing a java library? https://platform.openai.com/docs/libraries/python-library
there was this 'big' haskell thing in the late 00s early 10s and hate for oop and for the next decade all languages tried to walk away from oop and add fp features because of it
nobody uses the library anyway just use the api endpoints
I'm thinking kotlin is not going to last very long
no doubt overall as a job-security language java is better
but specifically for android, and as a quick prototyping and scripting language on JVM, kotlin is nice
it's still growing and backed by google over its own (dart) and by meta so seems like it's getting a decent amount of traction
java will continue to rule enterprise, but kotlin is due to take over as the primary language for android native development
if android dies though, kotlin goes with it
this comment is strange, the points it's making are not even true and its narrative is frankly weird

it's true that kotlin dies with jetbrain and android, though, but like.. that's not really an issue, languages are like that all the time. Rust would have died w/o mozilla, go would die w/o google, etc...
kotlin as a multiplatform language is not just java but better. the jetbrain backing is not just hot air either; the multiplatform side is super good, compose is great, the actual/expect mechanic is very useful.
Lets talk about JavaFX
java compiles quick thats the only thing that matters to me. Then again I only make small things not big ones. Fuck gradle and co. though I will never understand that shit.
surprise surprise retard, fluent interfaces were just monadic interfaces all along. the whole distinction between objects and functions is just whether an 'object' captures its context variables in a closure or in a class. it's all the same shit.
Already hitting bugs https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8332352?attachmentSortBy=fileName
good morning sirs, I prefer eclipse

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