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File deleted.
What is the point of a female to female USB connector?
i wonder what their perfume smelled like
Female to female can connect (and fix) male to male usb connector
So you can use two very common male-A-to-male-B/mini/micro cables to connect a host with a non-A connector to a device with a non-A connector. It avoids having to have an array of niche male-male cables.
>male-male cables
meant to type male-female but i'm too gay
>how do 3 girls have sex
Are lesbians real or are they a psyop?
notice how everyone loves lesbians bu everyone hates /g/ mods.
how come?
I had a massive crush on a girl and spent ten years watching her have four very stormy relationships with other women
if she was faking it she was doing an awfully thorough job of it
Sushi no doubt
How can you be certain she had zero sexual interest for men?
Why did the janny delete the image instead of just nuking the thread?
the mods and jannies on /g/ are a million times better than the mods/jannies on /k/ or /ck/. i make one post and 3 day sitewide ban almost every day.
Jannies were moot's worst mistake. Imagine putting your trust in someone that works for free.
what files were deleted? child pornography?
File: USB Face Fuck.jpg (35 KB, 440x512)
35 KB
To take it all in on one end and then reverse roles on the other end
File: 1721205732713.jpg (103 KB, 1080x1080)
103 KB
103 KB JPG
I prefer this image without the text
Fucking saved, thanks! My image is old and I can put the text back on with GIMP if I wanted to, but honestly this is better and Im going to add it to my shitposting folder.
File deleted
Harmless roughhousing between 3 "totally straight" friends


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