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>IM THINKING MIKU MIKU OOEE- *BEEP* Low battery. Please recharge headset.
>IM ON TOP OF THE WORLD, BECAU- *BEEP* Please recharge headeset.
>Power, off.
Mine lasts all day. Its impressive how incompetent someone would have to be not to simply plug it in at the end of the day and let it charge.
Sigh, my 350 bucks. Still all the reviews praise this abomination.
why would I want to have to remember to do that when a wire obviates the problem
has anybody found a fix for this?
>why would I want to have to remember
Ah, so that's how incompetent
i like mine but why did they make the headband so damn skinny, it gets uncomfortable pretty fast compared to my mdr-v6's that i can just wear forever
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My headphone has 70hrs battery backup
Had Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless for a day before returning them because the noise cancelation felt like it was going to make my head explode. If I turned down or turned off the noise cancelation, they sounded like run of the mill $50 headphones.
Are all headphones like this now?
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reminds me of picrel
i modded 18650s into my headphones
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scary freaky alien finger
>World is mine
Romeo and cinderella
just wait until the ANC LOUD SCREECHING NOISE starts, sony never fixed this problem
I don't mind my AKG doing a beep when battery low BUT STOP CUTTING OUT THE AUDIO! Why don't they just overlap the audio with the beep?
>dick shaped mic
>she doesn't suck it
so much potential left on the table
Better version
Yes, charge your headset.
But then, how do you do to poop without removing your headset? Are you using a cord extender or something?
why would I need to wear headphones on the crapper?
That was a common problem with older (and shitty) ANC, feeling constant pressure in your ears
I've tried Apple, Sony, Bose, and B&O headphones with ANC more recently and none of them had that sensation at all
Sennheiser 450s do the same

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