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Internet is Dying. Everything is AI now.
What we're gonna do?
go outside fat cunt
fuck you brandon. stop giving pissrael bombs
Create your own -small & gatekept- community.
The image you've shared seems to symbolize the integration or influence of religion, specifically Christianity, with technology, as indicated by the cross symbol on a keyboard key. This could be interpreted in various ways, such as a discussion on the role of faith in the digital age or the ethical considerations of technology advancements.

Regarding your concern about the internet being dominated by AI, it's true that AI is increasingly pervasive in various aspects of online life, from content creation to customer service, search engines, and social media algorithms. This can have both positive and negative implications:
Positive Aspects:

>Efficiency and Convenience: AI can automate routine tasks, making services faster and more efficient.
>Personalization: AI algorithms can tailor content to individual preferences, enhancing user experience.
>Innovation: AI drives technological advancements and opens up new possibilities in various fields, including healthcare, education, and entertainment.

Negative Aspects:

>Privacy Concerns: Increased data collection and surveillance can lead to significant privacy issues.
>Job Displacement: Automation can lead to job losses in certain sectors.
>Misinformation: AI-generated content can sometimes spread misinformation or fake news.
>Ethical Issues: Decisions made by AI systems can sometimes be biased or unethical.

What Can Be Done?

>Promote Digital Literacy: Educate people about the benefits and risks of AI and how to navigate the digital world responsibly.
>Ethical AI Development: Encourage the development of AI technologies that adhere to ethical standards and prioritize human values.
>Regulation and Oversight: Implement regulations that protect user privacy and ensure AI systems are transparent and accountable.
>Balance Technology with Human Touch: Ensure that there is always a human element in critical decision-making processes and customer interactions.
theyve found us. oh dear.
people have forgotten how to use the internet. you don't need google. you don't need search engines. you don't need social media, and that includes 4chan
Once every place is infested with AI, the big AI tech companies will create sites where AI is not allowed. Because they don't want to train their newer AI's on a bunch of AI generated content.

People think they are fighting against AI when they ban it off of their platform, but they are really just making it easier for data scrapers to get quality human content.

So we all just need to stop making art, being helpful or typing smart stuff on the internet, and just spew brainless nonsense everywhere, and collectively contaminate all future data at the expense of human progress.

That way we kill the internet ourselves, and the AI spam bots will be left wading through a retarded cesspool of a once semi-intelligent landscape.
meme os
I'll start on a wallpaper
>Internet is Dying
Oh no, how will i read & watch the ill founded opinions of undereducated retards now
archive and data horde.

Its straight out of gits; when that kid finds a terminal left from his father. What is real? What is a cultural synthesized memory?
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return to monke
internet is gay anyway
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Internet has not changed much since the 1980's. There is just more nonsense on it. "AI" are just LarpBots with big-data shoved up their backside. And by big-data, scraped up garbage from the social media crap sites. Garbage in, garbage out. Investors are slowly catching on. Just some FOMO still going on but it will pass.
Way ahead of you, I've been doing that since the 2000s.
>4chan archives value rises

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