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File: Wao wei.png (206 KB, 1161x1571)
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no it isn't. all china hate is just americans realizing they have imported the third world and white people don't want to innovate anymore.
> ching chong chang
communist pedophiles are busy today. stick to your topic of expertise: selling your own children to white sex tourists and economic espionage.
Come back when you chinks will have figured out condoms.
A white man is 1000 times better than these Chinamen. 35 is all we really need, and the rest of the people in an American company are DEI retards.
Mr. Pizza is a white man, though.
the chinks are offering pretty fucking sweet money, more than amerilards these days, really wouldn't surprise me if they headhunted some competent guys
i stayed yuropoor because helping chinks means helping socialism, but holy fuck the amerilards can't (or don't want to) compete these days (i write PTX, chink offers are 1.5-2.5x higher)
>yellow ching chong innovation
Top kek my lad
chink big tech: hardware R&D
amerimutt big tech: "da cloud," domestic spying data capture, brain rot social media, gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds
really makes you think.
there's more rich chinks travelling to usa to fuck your children then americans doing the same in china.
I'm not really that afraid. Chinks basically are slave cattle and the progress they make is mid.
if the CCP actually cared about its people, maybe I'd start to worry.
Thank you Jowi, very cool!
Writing is on the wall. He who builds roads builds prosperity.

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